Content Marketing Is About Consistency 😮‍💨

Thoughts on consistency and standing out with your business messaging.


Content marketing is about consistency.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m a Business Investor, and then one of the big things that I help businesses get into nowadays is more content marketing. Because we’re seeing such good results from it over the long run of a business.

I mean, it’s just huge, just being able to stand out.

Just that alone is such a major difference. I was having this discussion with my family over the weekend and my dad said, he said, it really is about standing out.

I would say the same thing content marketing.

If it does nothing else, it helps you to stand out from anyone that you consider competition.

It speaking of competition, I should know I wrote the book on competition, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof your business. This is a piece of content marketing.

I know some people disagree with that definition. But in my mind, this is a piece of content marketing, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, it is something that’s very useful.

It’s a book unto itself that would be useful to you, if you’re looking to overcome competitive forces in your business, you get a free copy at

I think it’s a piece of content marketing, depending on who’s defining it, though, because it’s very, it’s a very loose definition at age. Both online and offline started as an online as and offline magazine adage.

They had an article that I saw recently where they were saying that it just because it has, it has value just because it’s content, things like ebooks and certain other books are not really content marketing.

Then I thought that was kind of interesting way to find it, I looked a little deeper. And they said that content marketing is about consistency.

That’s definitely a point that I would say content marketing is less about an an actual event, or a specific tactic of the day, as it is about an overall strategy that you’re moving forward with. That you’re, it’s always available. It’s always available to people.

So a podcast, like the one you’re watching or listening to right now, a blog, a lot of these are closer to the definition of content marketing and the way that this particular writer was discussing.

I don’t have that article right in front of me, but it’s in the back of my mind. So I wanted to bring it bring the idea to your attention, that consistency is so powerful, because it builds on itself. It allows you to be seen, especially if you’re really good about getting out there with whatever your consistent messages, whatever your consistent media format is.

All those are extremely important and if you don’t have that consistent factor, it content marketing is not as powerful it does not have what I mean, by definition doesn’t have the staying power.

It doesn’t have the lift that you get over time and the compounding effect that you get off of it. So as you’re researching content marketing, definitely keep your mind wide open.

But but definitely keep in mind what your long term consistent pattern is going to be with it because that’s going to make the biggest difference for you. I have a new training that is going to be coming out soon to be a live training that you’ll be able to participate in. Stay tuned for that.

We’ll be talking about that in the next coming weeks. And that’s all I have for today. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Stories Sell Forever

Stories sell forever.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live here in Grants Pass Oregon. Coming to you from the soon to be new office and headquarters of

Today I’m going to introduce you, if you have not met my plastic hand chair. I know it looks like it’s made of concrete. That’s why I got it. I love it. I love the look of it. It is hollow. It is nothing but plastic.

There’s a story behind the hand chair.

I was living in Chico, California, going to a college there and my father came to town one day and just to come to visit me. We went out and about just kind of looking at stuff. We ended up in this antique shop and downtown Chico. We started talking to the owner and he was showing us on the outside.

He had a whole lineup of these big plastic chairs that are shaped like hands. They all looked identical except they were all made on different colored plastics. So some of them were speckled and neon colors. And this one particularly looked like it was made of concrete, which is why I liked it.

I don’t even remember how much we paid for it honestly.

My dad bought it for me, but I remember it being really expensive for the time, for a large chair shaped like a hand.

But the owner had this big long story about it and we didn’t ask for a story, or anything else. We were already interested in it. But for some reason the story stuck in my head. And the story was that this hand chair that it was, that these were the last of the molds that he had made, uh, that he had these hand chairs made out of.

He originally had these, he was the inventor of this mold and that these hand chairs and it was him and a partner had a business where they were building out these hand chairs. What they ended up doing is they ended up splitting up the partnership, and ended up getting rid of the molds.

So these were the final vinyl molded hand chairs available. He more than likely would never make any more ever again. Not only that, he was going to be closing up shop pretty soon and probably moving away.

He was pretty much done with the business and so he was looking to get rid of these hand chairs.

They were normally somewhere between double and four times the price of what we were getting at four. But this big long story all around this hand chair 20 years ago this thing was bought.

That story is still in my head.

I didn’t want to hear the story. I wasn’t interested in the story.

I still remember what the guy looked like and his story about the silly hand chair and for some reason I wasn’t interested in it. Yes, it would have caused some interest. Yes, it caused the concept that these were rare, you know, that they were tough to find.

That maybe quite possibly we were getting a good deal. All that you can say one way or the other could have been useful to us. Over time you’ll notice, you could see these things, just not anywhere. You could probably get one extremely cheap, they’re probably manufactured in mass in China nowadays, but at the time that guy had a story.

I don’t know whether the story was true, but it got stuck in my head.

It still sells me on this thing. I’m still happy I have it. I’ve stuck with it long-term. I find it comfortable, even though it’s just made out of plastic. But the story sticks.

You got to think about what the story is behind your product or service.

Whatever you’re trying to get out there, make sure there’s a story attached to it or multiple stories. If you want to follow up more on this concept, one of the best books out there that I’ve seen on this so far, I’ve got a load of books that I haven’t even read yet that I know that I know talk about this. But this latest one I got an audio book on and it’s called Story Selling, it’s by Nick Nanton.

There may also be another author with it. I apologize for not bringing it up right away because I haven’t been looking at a physical book.

I’ve been listening to it being read and it’s only being read by one narrator. So I know Nick Nanton was the one on the commercial that sold the audio book that I bought.

The whole book is all about how to use stories in business, in your advertising, in your marketing, in your ability to sell what you have going and how example after example, after example throughout history, how stories have been able to sell things.

I mean if you think about all the way from Jesus to just about any major character person throughout time that has stood out, told stories to get their point across. There’s a reason why is it unlocked something in the brain and allows people to be able to attach onto an idea or concept.

So keep in mind the story, don’t forget about it. Tomorrow I’m going to be on the road in the air.

Who knows where you’ll find me and what we’ll be talking about. I think I’ll be telling you a little bit about a piece of mail that I received and how it can help you to with your marketing and advertising.

So we’ll talk about that tomorrow. Y’all get out there, let the magic happen. Don’t forget about the link is in the description. If you are a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, go to dream Biz link is in the description. Go and check it out. Let me know what you think.

You all have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

One Story Can Instill Trust

One Story Can Instill Trust.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon and another episode of Brian J. Pombo Live. Every day we bring you a new tip, idea, perspective, ways to think and act in your business strategies. Hopefully that’ll be helpful to you somewhere along the line.

Today we’re going to talk about stories.

Again, we talked about them yesterday, how stories can change the message of your business, how you can use them in your marketing and advertising. I’m going to relate with you a story that was related to me years ago and I’ve heard it a couple times since from somebody that’s in the direct marketing field.

He had this story that he likes to tell at the end after discussing a business opportunity with somebody. At the very end, he’ll tell this story and supposedly it’s a true story yet honestly, I heard it from one of the people that was involved in it. So I believe it to be true.

And how it went was he was driving along one time with somebody else and the guys said, hey, you gotta make sure you put your seatbelts on. And he said, well, I don’t know, we’re not going that far. I don’t wear seatbelts that often.

And he said, no, no, no seatbelts saved me and my wife’s life. He said, oh, really? Tell me about it. So then this guy tells him the story. He says, listen, my wife and I, at one time, we never wore seatbelts. And one time we were going out and all of a sudden she said, we’ve got to put our seatbelts on. And so I listened to her, I said, because it seemed right. It was just weird because we never wore a seatbelt. So we put our seatbelts on and sure enough, within a few minutes later down the road, we get hit and the car flips over, totals the car.

And what ends up happening is we’re left there and fine. We were fine, a few scratches here and there, and they told us that if we wouldn’t have been wearing seatbelts, we would have been dead. So he says, from that point on, I always wear my seatbelt because seatbelt saved my life.

And my friend says to him, you know, it’s a very good story, but seatbelts did not save your life. He says, no, did you just hear me? I just told you the whole thing. Seatbelts totally saved my life. They said, it happened.

Everything else, I am certain the seatbelt saved our life. And he said, it was not the seatbelt that saved your life. It was that little voice on the inside of you and your wife that told you to put the seatbelt on that saved your life.

How my friend use this as he would say. Now if you put yourself in the same perspective, if you’re looking at this opportunity, there’s going to be a small voice that says yay or nay and you got to listen to that voice one way or the other.

Either you move ahead with us or not, but you’ve got to make sure you listen to that small voice. Now just take it from the perspective regardless of whether the story was true or whether the story within the story was true or whether this person was even well-meaning to bring up this story. While he’s in the process of talking to someone about a business opportunity.

Set all that aside as if as if none of that mattered and just look at it strategically.

What is happening psychologically with a person when they hear a story like that from somebody?

For one thing, it’s an engaging story.

It’s one of those that kind of sticks with you. If you’ve listened to it and I said it correctly, it’ll probably stick with you for awhile. It was one of those that always stuck with me because I had heard it years ago and every once a while it’ll pop back up.

Not only in my mind but I’ll hear other people bring it up. It’s one of just one of those that has a stickiness to it. There’s just something innate, whether it be an innate truth or something about it that just makes you want to pay attention to it.

So it has that going for it. It also has the fact that it puts you back on yourself to make a decision versus any type of trickery on the, if a person was selling something or anything like that, trying to push you one way or the other and decision.

It puts you back on yourself to make the decision that automatically makes the person that’s talking about the process, almost like a third person and not an unengaged partner in a sense.

And it leaves you feeling okay about the whole matter that you can go one way or the other and that’s okay.

Whereas if a person’s too salesy and too pushy to try and get you in, sometimes you recoil at that and you want to go the opposite direction.

Or if a person is extremely, you know, kind of a jerk about it, like they don’t even want you to purchase it, then you’re kind of weirded out by that too.

But if a person’s kind of just solid in how they say, hey you can take it or leave it, but look on the inside for it, that innate truth. When you put something like that on your side via a story, all of a sudden that gives great power.

There’s a power behind that because you’re relating with the goodness of the story, whether you’re good or meaning right or not.

Using a good story like that can help relate the right message and put a person in the right frame of mind and give a person kind of the good feelings associated that you would want them associated with you if you’re going to have any type of long-term relationship or if you’re going to sell them on something or anything of that sort.

So this is the value of a powerful story, a powerful story like that I could take and pull that out in any time and use it to fit a certain scenario.

Listen to stories and pay attention to the ones that hit you.

The little parables, the quick little jokes, the little things like this that had meaning, which ones stick with you and which ones don’t and why and how would you go about using that as a way to communicate your message to your audience.

So that’s just one concept. That’s one little idea. One little example of how to use a story to be able to touch people and to be able to make that connection so that you can reach them via the market, whatever you’re wanting them to do.

It’s a great way to be able to break the ice, if nothing else.

Tomorrow I’m going to tell you the story of this chair. This chair is shaped like a hand. You can’t see it that well right now, but tomorrow we’ll look a little closer at it.

I’ve got a story behind this and why after 20 years I still own a large plastic chair shape like a hand.

We’ll talk about that tomorrow. Hopefully it’ll be helpful to you just like today and we will see you then get out there and let the magic happen.

Number 1 Thing Everyone Forgets in Advertising

I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon. We are currently not in the Orange Office. We are in the new studio office out of the new headquarters for

It’s all about the WHO. Who are you trying to reach?

Second, we want to talk about the message.

What do you want them to do?

What are you trying to get them to do?

What are you trying to get across to them?

What are you encouraging them to do?

That’s what the message is all about and that’s what we’re going to talk about today. What’s the number one thing that people forget when they are discussing the message, when they’re putting their message out there? The number one thing they forget when it comes to advertising is they forget to make an offer.

They forget to make a very clear offer. We’ve discussed this before here at Brian J. Pombo Live, but we have to make very clear, you must have an offer, not just any offer, but I’ve always liked the term irresistible offer.

You have to have something that is so irresistible to that target market, whoever they may be. If you’ve got a very clear idea of who you’re trying to reach, the next step is to offer them something that’s a no brainer.

That’s so simple. It’s why wouldn’t they go work for it? That’s the whole idea. It’s gotta be a nice, easy first step for them to be able to take them along your process. It may be something for free. You see this a lot online that people offer something for free and there’s a reason it’s to get that first initial step going.

Once you got that initial step going, you can go further beyond that afterwards, but you’ve got to start somewhere. You have to have that initial irresistible offer in your advertising and your marketing.

Whatever you’re putting out there, it’s gotta be simple.

We’ve got Joe watching here. I know Joe, he’s the owner of a wine company and they will go out and give samples of wine. Well, what’s easier than taking a sample of wine? It’s just there. It’s a WHO’s going to say no unless you don’t like wine and you’re not the market.

So they’re out in grocery stores, in other places, offering people a taste of their wine to dry and get them hooked to get them to try to buy a bottle. It’s that irresistible offer.

How easy can you make it for your target market to take that first step?

That’s what the message, it’s a very interesting thing that most people go and watch a bunch of commercials. Go and watch a commercial on Youtube. Go and watch a commercial on TV. Go and listen to a commercial on the radio.

How many of them are making an offer or saying, if you do this, we’ll do that. If you give us this much money, we’ll give you this thing over here. Most of the time they’re not even making an offer. They’re just telling you about the brand name. They’re telling you about something that they are doing. They’re just putting it out there.

There’s no clear offer.

Now, big companies can get away with doing this and they do all the time because they’re already out there. They’re already known. They’re just reminding you that they exist and they can afford to waste a whole lot of money.

If your a smaller end company, if you’re anywhere under $50 million a year, you got to pay attention to your advertising. You’ve got to pay very close attention to what you’re putting out there and you want to make it all work for you.

There’s no reason to be spending money and spending time and effort on advertising if it’s not working for you. Gotta have an offer. Got to have that irresistible offer.

That message has to be clear and it has to match your market. Whoever you’re going after the WHO. This is why we go and figure out the WHO first, whoever that is.

Talk directly to them. Don’t just say what you think about your product or service. Don’t just go over features.

Discuss the end benefit to this person.

What is their end benefit?

What are they going to walk away with?

What is the feeling they’re going to have after using your product, after using your service?

What do they walk away with?

What is the true in benefit?

What is the emotional satisfaction that they’re getting off of it?

These are important things to be able to get a person to take the next step. Think really hard about your message.

Your message is the what?

What do I want them to do?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a business, doesn’t matter if you’re an organization. We’re all trying to get other people to do the things we want them to do and if you pay attention to this process tomorrow, we’re going to go over how these two things then decide the media.

Then it tells you where and when you need to be delivering this message to your particular market. We’re going to go over that tomorrow. If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance space, meaning you have products and services that encourage people to become more self-reliant, you’re someone I’d like to talk to.

Go to the link is in the description. Go and check it out. There’s a quick video there. I love to hear what you think. Go and check it out. That’s an offer. It’s just a simple one that’s completely free.

Even when I’m offering on that page is completely free to you if you qualify, so go check it out.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about media. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Getting Seen In Mr. Big’s Limo

Excellent. Excellent. Excellent.

Hey, getting seen in Mr Bigs Limo.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass, Oregon on this nice Sunday evening.

Tonight I’m going to take you back a ways. If you’ve ever seen the movie Wayne’s World from 1992, the original Mike Myers, Dana Carvey classic.

There’s a scene toward the end of the movie and they are trying to get attention for Wayne’s girlfriend, Cassandra. So she’s a singer. She has a band. They’re trying to get attention from this record producer. His name’s Frankie Sharp of Sharp Records, trying to get his attention.

This is one person they’re trying to get the focus of, they just happened to know roundabouts, where his limo is going to be and they happen to know that his limo has a satellite TV in it. At the time, that was how the affluent got to watch anything is through satellite TV.

So what they do is they hatch this big elaborate plan to be able to basically hack into his TV and put their program right in front of him as he’s being driven in his limo so that they could put this message, they could put Cassandra and her band singing a song right in front of them to get his attention. To hopefully lead to a record deal or what have you.

Why am I bringing this up?

A huge mindset thing for business owners is a lack of focus and specific lack of focus that almost every business owner I come in contact with is a lack of focus on an ideal market.

I’m not saying that your market isn’t more than your ideal person, but you need to have an ideal person to shoot for in order to really garner attention from the rest of the market.

When I’m saying market, I’m talking people.

I’m talking customers, potential customers, potential clients. That’s what we’re talking about here.

Now, if by the end of this you relate with what I’m saying and you can see yourself in it or you can see that I know what I’m talking about and you’d like to talk with me a little bit deeper about how it relates back to your business.

Let’s just say you’re in my ideal market, which is a business owner or executive that’s in the self-reliance field, meaning you sell products or services or have a story that encourages people to become more self reliant than you’re the type of person that I’d like to talk to.

This is just my ideal client for right now.

Go to if you fit those qualifications. Now, most of the people, 99.9% of the people watching this don’t fit that.

But if you do fit that and you relate with what I’m talking about, go there and go check out the free video I’ve got there.

You don’t have to put in your email address, anything like that. Just watch the video. It’s eight and a half minutes long and that’ll tell you whether you’d like to take the next step and actually talk with me.

Once again, that doesn’t cost anything either. You just have to fill out the application, see if you qualify beyond that.

So go check out the link is also in the description, regardless of whether you’re listening to this or watching it, wherever you’re at, you can find that link.

So back to the Mr. Big analogy, okay. It’s all about focusing. Even if it comes down to one person, that’s your ideal. Now, if it’s one person, chances are you will be able to get your message in front of that person.

I don’t care how famous they are, I don’t care how guarded they are, I don’t care if they’re the president of the United States. If you’ve got one person or a hundred people that are your ideal client or customer, then you need to focus on them.

Everything around your marketing should revolve around that.

Here’s what I mean.

You got your market right. That’s your who. And if you’ve watched my videos, especially some of the earlier ones, we go through this and I’m going to go through it again because I need to make this perfectly clear for you.

Hopefully you’ll learn from it and be able to do something with it.

Who is your ideal market?

Who is the person?

And you could have demographics. You could say, well, they’re going to be somewhere around this age. They’re going to be this or that gender or both, but they’re going to be of this financial standing.

They’re going to have this in mind. They’re going to have gone through this pattern. They’re going to have done this, done that. Define the ideal.

Here’s why, it’s not just for that. It’s for everything else that you do. This is a foundational point for your business.

If you are not focusing on this, you’re going to be making the wrong guesses on everything else.

Because after you focus in on the market and it doesn’t have to be right.

It just needs to be something. It needs to get you started. You need to get out there and start talking to your ideal person, finding that person, trying to get a conversation going with them.

Once you have your ideal market that allows you to create a clear message, oh look at that our computer went on, go off computer. You’re not supposed to be on for this video.

Message. The message is WHAT?

What do you want to tell them? What do they need to know from you? What are you trying to sell them? What are you trying to encourage them to do? It’s very difficult to answer this message if you don’t know the market. If you don’t know the who, it’s very difficult to know the right words to use when discussing the what with them, when putting it out there.

And then once you know these two things, once you’ve defined that to some sense, these things can always change. You’re not stuck in it. Don’t get so concrete and held on, “oh, what if I make the wrong decision?”.

Start just start this process, but start with the market. Start with the WHO. Go on to the WHAT, then that will help define media, which is the WHERE and WHEN and HOW you’re going to get in touch with somebody. Really the where and when.

Most people start with the media and they go the other direction or they’ll start with the message and then go to media and that you’re lucky if they ever get to market.

But if market is defining your message and if those two things are helping you define your media, because if you know who you’re looking for, you’re going to know more about where to spend advertising dollars or not spend advertising dollars.

Where to put out free media like this right here. Where to go after them. Are they reading magazines? Are they reading any type of periodicals, you know what I’m saying?

Are they reading any physical things that are out there? Are they going to specific websites? Are they even online? I mean are they actively online and where are they at?

What social media do they use, if any? If you don’t know who, it’s really tough to answer this, but most of us start here and we get caught up with, “oh my gosh, Facebook ads are cheap right now. Oh my gosh, everyone’s on Instagram right now. I need to get out.”.

And we get caught up and in love with a media source.

We get the salesman coming through the door saying, you got to be in the yellow pages. You gotta be over here. You gotta do this. You gotta do that. Well, they’ve already chosen their media. They want you to choose the media first.

If you focus on the who, you focus on Mr. Big, all you gotta do is find out what you want them to know and where are they? And if you need to zoom into the back of their limo to get your message directly to them, do it.

But this is a mindset thing. When you switch your mindset on this and you focus on the right things, the other questions that all surround your business get clearer and clearer and clearer.

Hopefully that was useful to you today. Tomorrow we’re going to be dealing with another mindset issue. I’m not going to tell you what it is because I don’t know what it is yet, but a list of ones that I’m going to go through and pick out the one that I think fits best based on how people are reacting to today’s video.

We’ve been getting some great reactions lately from all the other videos. Once again, if you’re interested, go to if you feel like you fit the scenario that I was talking about earlier, go rewatch this.

Get this in your mind, write it down. Actually take some notes for who your market is, your message, what your message is and where your media should be based on that. Okay, you have a great night.

Now get out there and let the magic happen.