Content Marketing News πŸ‘ΆπŸ (Make Your Own Infant Formula)

Heard of the formula shortage? Brian talks about a terrific video from Joe Stout over at Mt. Capra.

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Content Marketing News.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I am here on the road, waiting for a pickup. I’m in Buffalo, New York airport here, I recorded something last night from the airport of lax in Los Angeles that did not turn out. The noise was just a bit too much. So here I am trying it again.

And we are this is Friday the 13th I’m recording this on and where it is also my birthday. So that’s interesting. And we’ve got let’s see, there’s a great video I want you to watch because it’s a great concept of content marketing. I’ve shown you Joe Stout before Joe Stout runs Mt. Capra, which is a, a goat dairy farm, and produces some wonderful products out there.

He has taken advantage of some news items and one of the things that he’s taken advantage of is the fact that there is a shortage of baby formula right now.

He offers a baby formula recipe that uses his products. And that is really fabulous. It’s fabulous. I know because we used it for my third son when breastfeeding wasn’t an option. And it was it worked great.

He went from being really puny to absolutely thriving. I can’t endorse Joe’s work more. But if you just look at it from a business perspective, you can take advantage of news items. I mean, this is all obviously a direct relation to what it is that he offers.

But you can do the same thing for something that isn’t so direct. Get yourself take a piece of news, use it in your content marketing, and you will get the attention I guarantee it just in a short period of time is his stuff is it appears to be going viral, at least in my community. My wife shared it and a whole bunch of her friends shared it.

So really great stuff. Good job Joe Stout.

Hey, go check out my book, Amazon. It’s the, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy and That’s all I got for today. I’ll see you a little bit later, you have a good one.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Take A Stand? 🐐🐐🐐 (Vaccine Mandates & Job Loss)

Brian talks about a recent inspiring video Joe Stout from Mt. Capra put out about helping those in need who are being forced out of jobs because of vaccine mandates.


Take a stand?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Who is this?

This is Joe stout, from Mt. Capra Farms. And he just came out with a video when I took the screenshot was four hours previous and he has almost 800 views so far and with the title United Against Tyranny on it. And what’s this all about?

Well, Joe owns a family farm that puts out goat milk and a whole bunch of products that have to do with goat milk, you get to hear my interview with him from a year or two ago, over on and Joe’s a great guy, really interesting business story, he has a really unique perspective.

Here is a video that is going to be very controversial, it’s going to get a lot of play because of it. I’m not going to jump into this and take a side right off the bat or anything, but I want you to think about it, regardless of where you stand on the vaccination issue.

So the President of the United States came out for those of you outside the country president came out yesterday, I believe, and said that what they’d like to do is have a countrywide mandate, where people we’re not going to be allowed to work for the federal government unless they’re vaccinated.

This has caused quite a stir, Joe gives his point of view on it, and is very clear about it. And it’s taking a very strong stand about how this is a tyrannical point that the President has made.

That what he’s going to do to help fight it for what he can his offer 40% off and we’ll go and watch the video, he’s offering a whole lot to people who are going to be put out of work from this or from the situation having to do with the whole COVID mess.

So go check out I want you to watch this video.

So this is a video telling you to watch a different video. Because I want you to think about how your business can use this. It’s important to know when and where to take a stand, it’s important to understand where your audience where your potential customer base stands on issues, and whether that’s in line with you.

And whether you’re okay with it not being in line. Is it worth it?

Is it something that you should do or not do?

These are questions you should have. What are the advantages of taking a stand?

You think, well, I’m going to turn so many people off, I’m going to push so many people away. Yeah. But the people that you are attracting will be more attracted to what it is that you’re selling, and more attracted to what it is that you’re offering in terms of philosophy in terms of everything that comes along with your brand.

If you take a stand, if you are willing to take a stand to be clear about it, and not worry too much about the outcome, you’ll have a positive outcome. And so that this is a really cool thing that Joe’s doing.

In fact, I don’t care if you’re on the opposite end of the spectrum, you should take a stand. Also, it’s important to get out there and say what you think and for people to be able to voice their opinions back and forth about these issues.

I think it’s a good thing and I think it’s especially good for business owners to get out there and take a stand on one thing or another.

Yes, you may have a business where it doesn’t fit and it’s okay.

If you’re not loud and proud about it. That’s alright too. But at the same end, you ought to consider it You ought to consider what things can I take a stand on.

In fact, at the end of the video, he makes a very clear testimonial for Jesus Christ, and just puts it right out there on the line. And that may not be your cup of tea. And that may turn off a whole lot of his audience.

But my guess is it’s going to increase the bond that he has with his audience with his people with his tribe. And so, go check it out.

I’d love to hear what you think about it.

Do you think it’s worth taking a stand in your business, for politics, for religion for anything else?

Leave a comment down below.

I love seeing the stuff that Joe puts out. He’s always he’s always unique. He’s always out there and saying things that other people aren’t willing to say which is always fun to see in the business world.

Hopefully, that makes sense to you.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business for more ideas. I talk about how to be controversial in the right way. Way over 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a free copy

That’s all I got for tonight. Come back tomorrow and then get out there and let the magic happen.

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