Speaking Can Build Your Business ðŸŽĪ (Public Speaking)

Brian talks about the value he got from a recent speaking engagement he had out on the East Coast.


Speaking can build your business.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I gave a speech over the weekend, a small speech, a short speech, but it was one relating to my book, 9 Ways Amazon-proof your business, relaying it back to a group of business owners and their style of building business.

So that was, that was a lot of fun and I got a lot of great feedback on it. Actually sold some books, so that was fun. That which wasn’t even my intention to go and sell books, but I had some that were available for those that wanted them and so I was happy to do that.

Plus, if you happen to be watching this, and you bought one of those books, and you would like to give me any type of feedback afterward, good or bad or otherwise, I would love to hear it.

I will be happy to provide you with another free gift. I don’t know what that will be right off the bat. But I have a handful of things you may be interested in.

So get back to me go you could always go to my website, Brian J pombo.com. And if you’re interested in getting a free copy of my book you’re welcome to grab this to anybody watching, you get a digital copy, digital free digital copy, if you just want to read it, go check out AmazonProofBook.com.

So the book is all about how big competition is proof and so I gave a talk about it. And I got a lot out of that talk personally. Because every time you can verbalize more about what it is that you do, or verbalize more the thoughts that connect with what you do the ideas, the concepts, you can learn more about it then every bit than everyone else can.

It allows you to become more confident in what it is that you’re talking about. It allows you to be challenged a little more because you’re putting ideas out there. So you’re likely to get feedback that isn’t necessarily positive. And that’s okay.

But your look, you got to look for that type of thing. Doing any form of public speaking whatsoever cannot hurt your business, it can only help.

Not that you’re necessarily looking for a direct transaction right off the bat. But you might be that’s a different story. If you’re doing public speaking specifically, to sell something, that’s a different story.

What I’m saying is doing if you’re doing nothing but free public speaking, if you’re doing that, and getting a chance to talk about what it is that you do, this is a form of content marketing, it really is you’re giving people something that they can use right off the bat, while at the same time introducing them to you your ways of doing things your business, your cause your charity, your church, or whatever it is that you’re trying to get out there.

The main idea is if you can practice talking in front of people, one on one, either on a stage or in person, you know, one to many, or one to one, it doesn’t matter.

Even doing videos like this, if you have a chance to talk out your ideas to talk out your product, your service, and everything that surrounds it, and all the issues connected to that, from the perspective of who it is that you’re talking to.

That’s key. That’s very important.

If you can talk to them from their perspective, or from what you presume their perspective to be, then you can’t lose doing that you’ll get better and better and better. I was having a discussion with my friend Diana, earlier tonight.

We were talking about she was discussing wanting to become a better speaker. And then we were kind of throwing back ideas, things that we’ve heard things that we’ve known from other people, and how that could help.

And one of the things is just to get out and start doing that this is one of the principles of Toastmasters International, that’s a group of people that get together and practice speaking and practice discussing the concepts around public speaking.

It’s very, very interesting. It’s something I’ve always been interested in doing.

And if anyone out there is a big fan of Toastmasters, I’d love to talk with you and come on here and tell us your experiences. But talking about what it is that you do talking about your business, in public to other people. You can’t get enough of that practice. It’s only going to make everything better. It’s going to make your ideas better.

Whether the people listening actually hear you or not just you going through those motions is going to be is going to build you and what it is that you do. I’m hoping, I know I’m kind of just kind of keep saying the same thing over and over again here. But really, that’s what I do every night.

I say the same thing over and over in different ways, I bring up different examples to try and point to you ways of standing out.

Content marketing is one of those that you can use, that doesn’t require a stage. It doesn’t require anything else. But just talking out your ideas. This is so important to both getting attention and getting better at communicating, which is what it’s all about. In the end, you got to communicate your message to a whole lot of people.

You got to say the right things in the right way, in order for you for them to be able to follow you and for you to be able to have a following of what we would call a customer base or client base or whatever it is that you’re looking to produce.

So that’s all I have for tonight.

Hopefully, that’s helpful.

We’ll be back tomorrow. And in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Content Marketing from Niagara Falls

Coming to you form Niagara Falls!


Content Marketing famous places.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo. Live I’m here at Niagara Falls with my friend Tyler Libby.

Just amazing places are some of those places you hear about your entire life isn’t the first time I’ve ever been here. Some people, you know, you take it for granted if you grow up around it, but it’s amazing stuff and video and photographs don’t do it justice.

I’m doing content marketing that’s associated with a famous place we could put Niagara Falls right in the title there, Sean, and people will be able to see it.

But I’m talking about it from a business perspective is if you’re doing content marketing on a regular basis, you want to include celebrities, you want to include celebrity places, famous places, you want to include all those things because it draws the eye and stops people they’ll stop just to look at it for that reason.

But hopefully, the people who need to will connect with you. That’s all I got for today.

Go check out my, book 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a Free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Solo Trip ✈ïļ

Brian is business trip bound.


Solo trip.

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today’s show is going to be really super quick.

First off, I want to remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

I mentioned I think yesterday that I’m going to be giving a talk on my book over in Cleveland, Ohio, speaking with a number of business owners there, and a lot and some business partners, some people I’m really rather fond of.

So this will be a fun, a fun event. But it’s gonna be a while I’ve got I’ve got some really funny flights that take me kind of all over the place and leave me in the airport for quite a long time.

So it’ll be an interesting trip. Get a good look for those of you watching on video. Get a good look at the background here.

You won’t see it for a few days, I’ll probably be coming to you from a few different airports. Possibly a hotel, you know, whatever interesting areas I can, I can pop in and that may even hit up Niagara Falls.

I’ll be interesting because I’ll be in the I’m actually flying into Buffalo and meeting someone there. And I’m going to be flying back out of buffalo not far from Niagara Falls. So I may go check that out.

So maybe I’ll bring you along for that trip. Other than that, that is all I have for tonight. I’m super tired. Still not done packing. And I have to leave pretty early tomorrow.

So I better get back to it. You have a good one we’ll be back tomorrow is that you know, a lot of times I talk about most of the time I try to focus my podcasts around you and around what you might be thinking or things that might be able to help you based on things that I’m going through. today.

I don’t have a good tip or anything else. This was just an update on where I’m at and where we’re going next. So for what it’s worth, type of episode, we’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Scheduling In Chaotic Times ðŸĪŠ

Putting a wrap on Brian’s trip to Sam’s Town in Las Vegas.


Scheduling in chaotic times.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to talk a little bit about the scheduling process and how scheduling does not need to take place 24/7. But for certain items, when things are the most chaotic, that’s when you need the scheduling the most.

It doesn’t mean you need to organize everything and keep everything under control, it just means certain things need to keep going or have their space to them. I’ll give you a great example.

I apologize, first off for my voice, had a long weekend in Las Vegas, Nevada. And it was very dry, a little bit more dry than I’m used to for this time of year.

Just between staying up late and talking with all my friends, business associates, it was really a lot of fun had a great time, there was more activity in terms of actual work to get done there than I expected.

Normally, I always have a period before bed that I’m able to kind of sneak off and do a video for you, well, we were able to get power one.

But the rest of the time, I wasn’t able to do any, because I was either so exhausted, I mean to the point where I could not keep my eyes open, or so certainly wouldn’t be able to provide any value for you.

Or there just wasn’t enough time, there were some nights where I wasn’t sleeping hardly at all. So it was just one of those things that’s to be expected.

As things grow with any type of business, you have to expect a little bit of chaos. And so for next time, I will definitely pre-schedule when I’m going to do these and make sure I have enough energy to be able to reach you on the regularity that you’re used to.

So and that’s for all of you that are watching this relatively recent, this was recorded in late January 2021, excuse me 2022.

If you’re watching this anytime, way off in the future, just ignore that part. But understand the principle.

The principle is, if you’ve got a scenario, where there are certain things that you don’t want to miss, have it scheduled, and have not just a reminder necessarily on your phone, if you’re anything like me, those are really easy to ignore, because you end up getting really good at putting reminders on then you have too many reminders, and then you just start ignoring them.

But if you can make it to where you have people that remind you actual people that you know, an assistant, anybody at all that you can help keep your schedule in order. Or at least remind you when those important things are do to get done. And make sure they get done.

That’s really important.

Especially if you’re dealing in a territory that is new for you if you’re in a new area. If you’re working with new people, it’s really easy to lose track and lose the good habits that you built up. Hopefully, that’s helpful to you.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free digital copy at AmazonProofBook.com. AmazonProofBook.com.

It’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Sam’s Town Hotel Casino Las Vegas ðŸĻ

Day one of Brian’s business trip out in Las Vegas.


Sam’s Town Hotel and Casino Las Vegas.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is an unusual type of episode you can hear in the background if you’re not watching. There’s a huge waterfall over here, we’ll go take a look at that in a moment.

If you’re wanting to see this and all you can do is hear it, be sure and go to BrianJPombo.com, and you can watch the video that goes along with this.

Now, I’m going to flip this around. Like I said, this is going to be an unusual video.

Now flip this around to show you what I see.

The current software I’m using doesn’t allow me to flip it while I’m in the middle. And I’m not gonna sit and edit all this around. So I’m gonna flip, I’m going to physically flip my phone around to show you this is giant for one thing that you’ll see.

I’m not sure how well you can see there’s a lot of greenery in here, fake and otherwise, but look at this giant waterfall structure, giant rock thing going, Oh, I don’t know, probably four storeys high.

You look a little higher, you can see the entire entire hotel goes all the way around. And it’s a giant atrium. Pretty cool. Lots of fun.

This is a neat, neat feature. I haven’t seen this before. And trying to figure out how to get my mask off of my headphones here.

This is I know this is thrilling to watch, I want to tell you a little bit about something I experienced here, which was rather different.

They’ve got these animatronic animals that are making sounds that you constantly so if you hear an owl, or a if you hear an owl or a bear, or a lion, mountain lion, start making noise at us.

That’s what you’re hearing is animatronic animals, and they’ve got, you know, fake insects through the speakers and everything else.

It’s kind of reminiscent if you’ve ever been if you’ve ever been into a sorry for the horrible camera.

Like if you’ve ever been into a Bass Pro Shop, it’s kind of like that.

And so it’s it’s really a neat place to go to I’m here for a conference for a convention, and having a lot of fun.

Just so far not nothing official has started. And I’ve gotten to see a lot of people that I know, that are having a really good time. But here’s the experience that I came across the side, Sam’s Town seems like a really cool place, it’s very clean.

If you’re looking for a place to visit when you’re in Las Vegas, this is off of the strip. So it’s interesting.

But the thing about this place is when we got here, there was only one person working the front desk.

This is of course an issue of the horrible situation we’re going through now in early 2022, to where we have a real lack of workers, people willing to work, or people willing to pay enough to get workers.

You have the people that are working have during the toughest time, the lady that I got to meet who’s working her name’s Cindy, she is very good with dealing with a very stressful situation.

Because we had a long line had to wait in line a long time just to get checked into our rooms. And it’s just not fair.

I don’t know whose fault it is but it’s a serious situation that you’ve got to deal with. And you have to be ready for it.

If you’re in a heavy service based business, you have to be ready for the blowback that’s going to come from it.

Nowadays, people posting videos like this and I’m not going to tear down the establishment or anything for having this circumstance. But it’s a reality and it’s something you got to be ready for both as a consumer and a business owner.

So hopefully, you found that somewhat interesting and get out there and start experiencing some cool places like this.

There’s places like this all over the country, let alone the world.

You gotta get out there and document that show other people get other people interested in moving, the more we move and get around and start talking to people the better.

So hopefully you found this helpful or interesting or otherwise, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

I have a friend here who’s going to have me sign the book he brought his copy along from all the way across the country which is pretty cool I’ll see you tomorrow in the meantime get out there and let the magic happen.

Get Out In The Air and On The Road ✈ïļðŸš—

Brian gets set for a business trip out to Las Vegas.


Get out in the air and on the road.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today’s a quick one.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I’m going to be out and about the next video or podcast, we’re going to be coming to you from probably either Salt Lake City, where I’m going to I’m going for a layover, but distant final destinations in Las Vegas.

So I’ll talk to you from one of those two places tomorrow night.

But the big thing, the big news right now is that things are finally opening up and it looks like it’s going to be for a relatively decent period of time.

The general consensus is that things are moving forward and getting back to active and in-person and so forth. So I’m going to a business conference. I just encourage you to do the same thing.

Get out there. Get out on the road.

I know it’s winter right time and right now, if you’re in the northern hemisphere, it’s winter.

So it might be a little bit tougher depending on where you’re at but the best thing is to get out there get moving, get the blood rushing, it won’t be long before winters in the rearview mirror behind us and we can move on. So keep going.

Things are looking good.

I know in my life, there are a million things that are happening right now that are really exciting. I hope it’s happening for you too. But you sometimes you got to go out there and get it. That’s all I got for tonight. Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get your own free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll see you tomorrow night. Get out there and let the magic happen.