The First Step To Avoiding Stupid Mistakes In Your Business ✈️

People do some crazy things.


The first step to avoiding stupid mistakes in your business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, I want to let you know first back in Grants Pass Oregon. Live tonight, and happy to be back at home.

Second thing is, is it’s one of those things where I was just looking through the news that I came across this clip and just automatically hit me this idea of what this lady had gone through, she’s running out on the tarmac of an airport to catch the plane that left without her okay, this is horribly stupid thing to do.

Don’t do that. I don’t know what the big story or bomb was behind this or what the background was?

Or what type of chemicals were running through her system at the time but we’ve all done stupid things.

It just reminded me of just some of these things you think back on in your business?

And you’re like, what were we thinking when we did that?

You know, where were we going?

What did we think was going to happen?

I mean, that’s the real question that always goes through my mind is, what did I think was gonna happen?

And the same question I have for partners, people I end up partnering with where we start looking back over what they’ve done.

So what were you hoping to accomplish with that move?

Where were you going with that?

Most of the time, most of us don’t have a good answer for that. We realized that during that period of time, we weren’t thinking of the outcome, we were just moving, we were excited about something, or moving in a particular direction, and not really thinking about the big picture.

This is very common, and I’ll prove it to you the best, the best thing you can do is sit down with either your employees if you’re on your own, anybody that you happen to work with.

If you’re truly on your own, you need to sit down and just be real with yourself and say over this past year as we start. So this is 2021 December, we’re looking at the new year coming up here.

We’re also where you are in the year when you’re listening or watching this. Ask yourself over the last 12 months.

What have I done that was truly stupid and what was I thinking about at the time when I did it, you have to acknowledge these things, you’ve got to put them up in your face so that you can learn from them as best you can.

That everyone else, especially if you’re working in a team environment, everyone else needs to learn from it too. The best way to do this to bring up your issues.

Then from there, hopefully other people can bring up theirs in some way or see it secretly see what they’ve done wrong. So it’s a great time for reflection.

Any time is a great time for reflection. But especially this time of year, it gives us a little bit of space, a little bit of leeway to do that sort of thing. But you want to step back on a regular basis and look at what you’ve done.

Whether it was a good call or not. How you can prevent bad things from happening in the future or just missteps. I wouldn’t say bad things. I don’t want to label anything. Because all the bad things all the mistakes lead to good things as we move along in our businesses. So hopefully that’s helpful to you.

It’s a simple, these are simple concepts.

These are not you know, it shouldn’t explode your brain to think about these types of things. But these little tiny things make a big difference in long term health of your business. I got nine other things that can they can really make a difference in your business.

I wrote a whole book about it, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get you can go purchase a copy off of or anywhere else you can type it into Google and see all the different places you can find it or you can get a free copy at my website, go to

It takes you to a page on that has a special deal and a special deal is free. It’s a free copy of the book that you can get. You can download it immediately. Go check it out. That’s all I got for tonight.

You have a good one. We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.