Untapped Genius 🧠

Interesting look at reconnecting with old friends and finding value for business relations.

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Untapped genius.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I was having a phone call with an old friend today. Not an old person, it’s just a friend that I haven’t spoken to in years, honestly. And we’re just catching up. And it’s amazing how I’m really surrounded by brilliant people.

I always forget that there’s just a phone call away there just a text message or a connection on social media. This was sparked by the fact that I’m starting once again, to kind of reach out to old peeps to people who I haven’t spoken to in a long time just to reconnect in social media, social media, I think gives us the false impression that we’re keeping in touch with people.

In some cases, it’s true. In some cases, you’re seeing their family, they’re seeing your family, you’re commenting on each other’s things, I think that’s keeping in touch to an extent.

But most of the people who you’re friends with on Facebook, or you’re connected with on LinkedIn, or you’re following on Instagram, most of them you’re not seeing hardly any of their stuff, because of how the algorithms run.

They don’t show you everybody, none of the social networks do by my knowledge. And it’s a shame that there’s so many people, they get lost in the rubble.

I wanted to do this, I’ve done this every couple years, I’ll go back to it. And I’m so happy when I do is I just write a list of all the people who I haven’t talked to for quite a while, people who may be I want to, I want to be in business with or people that I want to just talk to and people who I’ve communicated with in the past and just want to find out what they’re where they’re at what they’re doing.

There’s a lot of people nowadays that are shirking many forms of social social media, they’re not doing any of that stuff. And what they do do they do on a very limited basis.

These are people in younger ages to assistant just, this isn’t just people 70s and older.

There’s a lot of people that have nothing to do with social media or do it very little. And here’s why I bring this up. Here’s what it has to do with you.

If you’re thinking that you need help in your business, if you’re thinking that you need to be able to have either either people that you could depend on and talk to, and have just a friendly ear, someone that you could just gab with a little bit.

Think about all the people that you’ve lost contact with, and find a way to reach out to them find a way to track them down social media is a great way to at least start the conversation.

But I try and get it over to phone or a zoom call, you know the something with video.

I tried to do that. And I’m so happy when I do because it puts me back in the frame of mind of what they’re looking for out of life.

So if I come across something I can help them out. And at the same time, if I find that they’re looking for something that corresponds with what I’m doing, I can help them out.

But also, if I come across something where I need help, and I know they have a background, then I could take advantage of that too.

I mean, that’s what being friends and associates are all about this is it’s not just we’re friends just because we met somewhere. And that’s I mean, that’s nice. But it’s also Hey, if we can help each other out somewhere down the road, why not?

You’re surrounded by untapped genius. It’s all around you.

There’s the there’s the people that you know your neighbors and people around you and people that you work next to that you’ve never reached out naturally said hi to do it.

Ask some questions, get to know people stretch out just a little bit. Most of us are not all that comfortable with doing that. If you are great, do more of it. But spend more time most people that are comfortable with it.

They tend to be easily distracted to the next person, spend some time with people and get to know who they are, what they’re about where they’re going in life. And you never know when something like that can can wind up being an amazing serendipity.

I think it’s the word in your life. So hopefully that’s helpful to you. It’s kind of a random thought. But if you’re if you happen to watch these and we haven’t talked for a long time, reach out to me because you can wait for me to get a hold of you but I got a long list and I take my time I only call you know just a person or two a day.

So reach out to me. I’d love to talk with you and do the same for yourself.

I think you’ll see you’ll be amazed at what you what you dig up. You have a great night. Hey, check out my book. Oh, it’s not up. There it is right here my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Go check it out you get a free copy of AmazonProofBook.com it’s great if you own a business. If you’re looking to take it to the next level, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Connect Enough? 📞

COVID-19 is going on, but Brian reminds us it’s an important time to connect with others in business and in life.

Also, a recommendation for Keith Farrazzi and Tahl Raz book Never Eat Alone, as a good one for the power of relationships and connecting.

Sign up for a Strategy Session Today➡️ BrianJPombo.com/Amazon

Strategic Checklist: Part 6

Turns out relationships matter! 😲

Listen in as Brian shares his thoughts on relationship reliance and how connections can make or break your business.

Sign up for a Strategy Session Today➡️ BrianJPombo.com/Amazon