Pricing Strategy: The Smart Way 🐂 (Dan Kennedy’s Price Strategy)

Brian talks about Dan Kennedy’s list of 9 ways people fail at pricing in business from his Price Strategy book.


Pricing strategy, the smart way.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk about pricing strategy, shall we?

Because every business, if you’re selling stuff, you got to price things. If you’re pricing things it’s based on something.

Now there, I’m setting aside all the businesses that have very strict rules on how to price things. I understand if you’re in those industries, there are certain things it’s legal you’ve got to follow.

There are ways around, those are all the things that everyone is stuck in. But I’m not gonna get into the details, because that goes a little bit deeper. We’re not going to hit on that right now.

What I want to hit on is the general idea of pricing strategy, or my favorite books on this, and I’ll give you a review of it sometimes the no BS Price Strategy. This is by Dan Kennedy and Jason Maher’s.

Excellent book on this, like I said, I’ll go into more depth on this book in the future. And I’ve talked about it in the past, it’s excellent, it’s my favorite book on pricing strategy.

So when you’re sitting down and you are either pricing things for the first time, or you’re reconsidering your prices, and saying, you know, maybe I can go a little higher, or maybe my stuff isn’t cheap enough, you got to think about these types of things.

And my one of my favorite things in this book is right off the bat chapter one first page in the book, which is technically page three, but it’s the first page of the first chapter.

This is by Dan Kennedy in the chapter titled price and fee failures. Okay, there’s many ways to fail at price strategy. Here’s a short list.

So there’s nine things I want you to think about this. And whether you’re doing these things or not the first one right off the bat, number one, pricing by textbook formulas, industry norms, or other standard means.

Is that how you came up with your prices?

That’s a very common way that many people come up with their prices.

Number two, excess concern about competitors lower prices.

Once again, this is something that people fall into over and over again, I talk about this in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you’re consumed with competition, go get this book. It’s a short book.

This is a thicker book, this is a thin book, it’s a tiny little book that I wrote, you can get a free copy at

But I’ll continue with Dan Kennedy, the number three, this is these are the ways to fail at pricing, attracting customers who buy by price.

So if their main focus is price, when they’re deciding whether to buy from you or not, that might be a huge mistake for you.

Not always, but it can be a huge mistake.

Number four, predetermine belief system about what they’ll pay. Do you think you know what they’ll pay without having actual proof without having tested the limits on how much or how little they’re willing to pay for something?

That’s a big one.

Number five, permitting apples to apples comparisons. If you’re comparing things, apples to apples, and there’s a specific, there’s a specificity to that, and we’ll talk about that in the future. But that’s a real danger.

Number six, insufficient different differentiation.

Have you not made clear how different you are from perceived competition from perceived other options, for the same solution, whatever the solution is that you’re providing?

Number seven, not offering premium price options.

Okay, not having the option for premium price. I’m not saying you don’t have lower price things. But do you not also offer a premium price?

That can be a huge, huge problem.

Number eight ignorance or stupidity about business math.

That’s something we talked about a lot here. Math is really one of the main things in business math is just the concept of, do you know how to increase numbers just by switching around how you look at things. That’s pricing in a nutshell.

Number nine poor self esteem, business esteem or feelings of not deserving more.

So do you have something deep down that’s keeping you from raising prices because of something personal. Because you think that your business shouldn’t make that much or you shouldn’t make that much that once again, these are this just a shortlist.

These are nine things that he talks about right off the bat in this book, and goes into more depth later on in the book. But I mean that just talking about textbook formulas, many people would buy, I know I did, I bought this looking for a formula on how to do price strategy.

He doesn’t offer that he offers a way of thinking about it differently. And this book actually changed my entire perspective on business and took me in a direction.

More of the Dan Kennedy’s of the world, and the Jay Abraham’s and all these people that discuss business more in terms of very clear black and white principles, and also using direct response marketing, which is huge difference.

If you haven’t looked into these types of things, you should look deeper. Start with my book, check this out.

I also give you other places to go. I think I also mentioned this book in this book, because it’s been such a huge impact on my life, looking at pricing differently can dramatically change your business, just that one idea of changing your prices without changing anything else can change everything for you.

Hopefully, all that makes sense to you. We’ll go into more detail in the future. But that’s just a little taste for tonight.

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Offer Bigger

Thoughts on charging higher prices and the impact of Dan Kennedy’s book NOBS Price Strategy, had on Brian years ago.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Offer Bigger.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I just I had to somehow give you the idea of offering bigger I needed a screenshot so I just grabbed these, I don’t know were, silly. I know.

Hey, let’s talk about offering bigger and your business though.

What does that mean?

Well, it’s a one of the chapters in my book. Nine ways Amazon-Proof Your Business. Which you could get over it, You get a free copy. And if you want to buy it, you could also go buy it off of

And offer bigger is what I call the seventh way to Amazon proof your business. It has to do with really taking whatever you’re offering and adding more to it making it large enough so that you can basically raise your prices. Your prices more than likely, in most cases are too low. They just are.

They’re too low in most cases. Now in some cases, you can be the low price leader. But there’s not really a good in between, there’s no second place for the lowest price.

So if you can be the lowest price and you can make a deal there, and really be the top leader out there with the lowest price, great do it. In many cases, we’re always going to be priced out by Walmart by Amazon. com by all these other people.

And so why, what what’s the second best thing the second best thing isn’t the second lowest price that is the second best thing.

The second best thing is the highest price honestly, it’s going beyond the mentality of Hey, I want the cheapest, you know, they’re all the same. I just want the cheapest thing possible you you got to go to the other end of the spectrum and think that in every case where you have the lowest price, you also have the highest priced item somewhere. Or the highest seen item, the one that is considered so much more and that’s just not coming to products access to services.

Also, there’s always going to be one that is higher above that is seen as the crown jewel of whatever it is dog food or whatever it is that you that you have out there.

So what is that for you?

What would it take for you to raise your prices for you to be the Primo one out there for you to be high end? What would it take?

And that’s a huge thought and this that this is a different way of thinking. In most cases, most of us all try to get as cheap as possible and everything else. But really value comes from being seen as valuable. And part of that is having a high price.

But also you want to have enough value perceived value what you prefer. Finding that you can afford to raise your prices, not not that you won’t lose customers, you will lose customers. But you can oftentimes raise your price to a point to where it doesn’t matter that you’re losing customers because you’re getting so much per unit.

This is that some of the concepts that was brought out by this book, I know I showed you this one before, this is Dan Kennedy’s, NOBS Price Strategy book, also written with Jason Mars. He’s got he’s got some great points in this also, they they take turns writing chapters in this book. And this was my introduction to a whole different way of thinking.

Really what you would call the no response style, marketing and, and, excuse me note, I said no response. I meant the direct response style marketing. It’s oftentimes called direct marketing.

And that’s what the world Dan Kennedy comes from I’d heard about this guy for years someone had recommended this in 2011 I got this was in Christmas of 2011. I got used to get Barnes and Noble gift cards and I get them from a number of people, these Barnes and Noble gift cards and so I go to the local Barnes and Noble.

And I go through and look for all the ones that I’ve been wanting to get.

I had a couple business books that I was looking to get. This was one of them. That was recommended it was sitting on the shelf. So I went grabbed it with a pile of other books for my gift certificates.

It sat there for a good month before I touched it on good two months before I even just barely cracked it open. I knew I wanted to read it. But it was one of those things where I’ll get to it when I get to it well, in February 1 trip to Hawaii. Okay, got to go to the Big Island of Hawaii. On that trip, it was in the winter.

And so it tends to rain a little bit more during that time of year. We were rained out a lot of times, although we were right that we had a great big swimming pool and everything to be in it was a great trip.

But I spent a lot of time reading this book I had already I just started it beforehand. And while I was there in Hawaii, I was overtaken by the concepts of this book. The simplicity of understanding the process, that all prices are relative, that all value is relative completely subjective to any individual person.

And the fact that we say well that’s priced too high or that’s priced too low, yes, for you.

But that doesn’t mean it’s priced too high or too low for somebody else. It’s all completely subjective. And so a higher price should be something that you should look into.

There’s a lot of other concepts that are brought in here. I was wondering how to at the time, I was going more into generalized marketing and was looking at I don’t even know how to price this stuff. So I got this book on price strategy.

I thought it was going to tell me how to price things. really all it did was basically say that price is completely subjective and price it how as high as you possibly can to end as long as you’re adding the value that goes along with it as long as the people believe they’re getting the value that that you’re promising. That’s all that matters.

And in the end, that’s really all that matters.

So I want you to offer bigger, I want you to think about offering bigger, that’s one of the ways out of the nine way stay Amazon proof your business. If you’d like to find out more about that way. And about the other eight ways to Amazon proof your business go to get your own Free Copy.

You can also want to get your own free copy find out how you can get a extremely discounted hard copy and the audio book version coming up real soon, that’ll be available and you have the chance to be able to get it at a very low price along with a couple other great goodies.

You have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Why You Need to Write A Book

Brian talks about the purpose of a book and how it can help your credibility and beyond.

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