Is Offline Content Marketing Possible? 📰 (GKIC NO B.S. Marketing Letter / JoCo Eagle)

Brian shares some of his paid and free newsletters he’s gotten over the years to show examples of offline content marketing.


Is offline content marketing possible?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I want to talk about content, I mean, we talk a lot about content marketing here.

It’s kind of the growing term, to refer to a lot of the things that I teach companies how to do. And so I wanted to kind of bend your mind a little bit and think more about the broad sense of what content marketing is all about.

Can you do something that’s mainly referred to just on the digital end of things, right?

Can you do that offline?

Well, of course you can, it all started offline.

Content Marketing has always been around, what is content marketing?

Content marketing, is having some type of content that provides value unto itself. And then on top of that is a marketing message.

So a whole lot of what you’re watching on YouTube is content marketing, guaranteed one way or the other, they’re trying to sell something, they may not be selling to you directly. They may be getting paid by YouTube.

But in general, it’s content marketing for somebody, since everything’s content marketing, even if you think it’s just entertainment.

But here’s a great example.

What I’m holding here is one of the first newsletters, paper newsletters that I received, from what is called the NOBS Marketing Letter. This is what I received, what at the time was called GKIC, now is the NOBS Inner Circle, and this is from April of 2012.

When I first came in contact, this was really the first time I had really thought about direct response marketing being a separate thing.

I’ve always known about it to some extent, because I’ve experienced it in different advertising and everything else out there. But when I read one of Dan Kennedy’s books in January of 2012, January and February of 2012, it changed my life.

And in a very short period of time, I became an acolyte, I guess you would say, and subscribed to his newsletter, became part of the club.

Now in this newsletter, you can see it’s good size, I mean, you pay for this, you get you got 24 pages back in that day. It’s very simple. It wasn’t very flashy back then, and it’s got an article by him.

It’s got advertising.

Well, here’s that table of contents.

It’s got some more little smaller articles directly from Dan Kennedy. Examples of advertising where he discusses kind of the principles marketing principles that are shown throughout.

He has ads for here’s that here’s an ad for one of his books, but it’s built into the content. So it’s content, it’s useful stuff, and you can see the highlighting and everything is all done by me.

It’s all useful, fabulous information.

But at the same time, it’s selling you other things.

Here’s another article by another guy as Dave Dee, who was working with them at the time, and a whole article by him. So he’s got other people writing articles.

There’s one by Doc Nielsen, here’s one by Rich Schefren one of these people still out there quite a lot, Alex Mandossian.

So you had a whole lot of other people writing articles Lee Milteer, fabulous stuff.

Whoa, here’s one by Ryan Deiss. Those of you who are familiar with him from Digital Marketer, boy, Yannick Silver, all these so many of these names still very present out there, Dr. Charlie Martin.

And so one thing after another, all fabulous content at the same time, I mean, at the very end page, here’s all the different things that you can purchase the value ladder that you can build your way up within the gcic system. Ways that you can go further and further by paying more money on a monthly basis, right?

I mean, that’s what it’s all about.

If you’ve got any type of club like that, you have to allow people to pay more if they want more.

And of course, another article on the back I mean, value on top of value on top of value for people.

For someone that isn’t interested in this. This is as good as toilet paper, right?

For someone who is interested. It’s like gold, I still have it. I don’t throw it away.

It’s valuable to me. It’s useful to me, not to everybody, but for me, it was worth what I paid for it and more.

It’s not just about newsletters, newsletters are fabulous, you could do newsletters on a monthly basis on a quarterly basis.

That’s a way of physically getting out information still to this day print still works.

You have to know your market, you have to know if they be up for it. And you have to have information that makes that makes a solid point by being in print, right?

Here’s another one newspaper.

This is not an average newspaper.

This is a, this is one that goes every door, direct mail. So it hits every door within a particular area. I’ve talked about this guy before. Richard Emmons created the Josephine County Eagle, fabulous little piece that goes out monthly.

What’s it have, it’s got advertising in it. And it has just local political information and stuff, both from politicians and editorials.

It’s still content marketing of some form, in a different way than we’re used to. Yeah, it’s got a newspaper, it looks like the old style newspaper, what we’re all familiar with, or most people are.

And for at the same end, it’s coming in through the mailbox, it’s coming in a different way.

You can do this in the same way that you would do on a newsletter, a book, I’ve got a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

What do I do with this most often I mail it to people, quite often, sometimes I’ll give it to them physically. But more often than not, I mail it to people, and it’s content marketing, to offline market, the whole thing is full of a great a huge amount of value to you.

In terms of if it’s the type of thing you’re looking for, if you’re a business owner, or executive, and you’re looking for ways to make your business, basically competition proof by standing out, by showing yourself as being completely different from the competition.

This is the book for you, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at, so you get a digital version.

You can also buy a physical version there after you after you’ve gone past the free digital version. Or you can go to and get one still content marketing I have offers in there for people to go the next step and find out more about the other tools that I offer businesses.

Content Marketing is virtually could be virtually anything at the same end. Digital allows us to do it for free.

Social media allows us to do it for free, not completely free, still takes time, if you’re really going to are going to want a lot of eyeballs and you really want to hit a specific crowd that you don’t already have access to. It’s going to take money.

It’s going to take a little bit of advertising here and there.

But there’s ways to get to people, there are hungry crowds out there that want what you have one way or the other.

If you’re already selling a product or service, you need to be using content marketing, to get your message out there more and more often, it’s going to be worth your time and effort.

If you’re doing it right.

And we talk about that here and I’m going to be offering more opportunities on how to learn how to do this.

How to train somebody to do it on your staff. So stay tuned or to check out more start with my book. Start from there, it will take you the next step, step by step.

It’s a short book, like I said, free copy

You have a great night, we’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How to Fight The Big Boys | Josephine County Eagle 🦅

Thoughts on a new local paper to the Grants Pass, Oregon area named, the Josephine County Eagle!

For more ➡️


How to fight the big boys.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What does it mean how to fight the big boys?

Why would I even be talking about this?

Well, it really comes down to right now we’re in a really crazy time of transition. And you can see it all around you. There are situations to where people are flexing their muscles, and they’re doing it through their organizations, through their companies, through the government, everything else.

And there gets to be a point at which it feels as though there’s monopolies in certain sectors. So social media, there are certain big people on the block with social media. And they kind of run the show.

It’s really tough to work around them because they become big, because they were first because they were best, because they provided people what they wanted, and no one else was able to compete with them.

They were able to get a foothold on the regulations and so forth. That helped keep the small guys small, and everything else. This happens, no matter what industry you’re in, it eventually happens everywhere.

Everyone always freaks out as if it’s the first time in history this has ever happened. This happens. Every time in every industry that touches most people’s lives.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking big oil, or big tech, or big media or big anything, there’s always going to be a handful of those that rise to the top, they get better at it than everybody else.

That crush the competition every chance they get and make it extremely difficult for new people to enter the market. So want to pull this back to something very local going on hearing Grants Pass Oregon, which is where I’m filming this from. And we have a situation ever since I started visiting.

Grants Pass probably was close to 20 years ago when I first started visiting. And I had some friends in the area and everyone would be complain about the local newspaper.

There’s one local newspaper that that covers Grants Pass specifically. And everyone would always complain about how they were this they were that. So well, why hasn’t anyone else risen up and donate that?

Well, it’s so difficult.

They have that they have the name and they’ve been around for so long. And it takes money to start a newspaper and you have to have influence and all the other things that go along with trying to beat out the big boy.

The one that’s in charge the one that’s that’s been around the longest. And I have heard these complaints from right to left, center aisle, everybody.

It’s not just a philosophical issue. It and because it actually the paper has gone through a number of different editors and so forth in these throughout these years.

No matter what there’s always been heavy duty complaints about the fact that this newspaper is really has a monopoly on local news in terms of news, you know, typical that, you know, the average newspapers, they aren’t lasting, they’re all going online, and so on, so forth.

So the fact that this one’s even lasted this long is amazing. But it also goes to the fact that we have a very mature population in terms of age, and so forth. So you still have a lot of people getting a physical newspaper delivered to their home in the same way they always had.

Now they have the Online Edition and everything. But that does seem to be a huge bulk of what’s still going on. And people still expect all those things that they got from newspapers 20 4080 years in, in the past.

So it still has a huge amount of ability to promote or not promote one agenda or another. And so a lot of people have talked for years about buying the newspaper about building up a new one about having an online version that that beats it out, and so on so forth.

Nothing’s really gotten close enough to really make a dent, and then just resell that now there’s been a few people. There’s been a local paper and I don’t have it right here that has been going directly to homes now it and it goes to everybody.

It goes through Every Door Direct Mail, I believe, which is a program by the post office which allows you to send it out to everybody. And it’s called the sneak preview and it’s done. It’s done very well.

But it’s it tends to not spend too much time on the political end of things, which is what a lot of people are interested in and interested in challenging and it hasn’t really taken a whole lot of positions that are contrary to the local paper.

Well, a handful of people and I’m hoping to be able to interview the editor. And in publishing staff of this one that just came out Josephine County Eagle.

So these guys just started sending it, this was a secret. I heard the editor speaking about this, that his daughter called him up and said, does this have something to do with you?

It was so secretive, his own family did not even know about the fact that this was going out. And this is a it’s on newsprint, but he got sent to every door. And I believe throughout the entire county, and they’re looking to challenge the status quo.

Now, why is this? Why is this important? Why does it matter to you?

It matters to you because they didn’t just go into the newspaper business the same way the current newspaper is set up, which is already having struggles at any local newspapers going to have struggles, difficulty to stay up, get their head above water.

So they they did it a different way. They have a smaller paper, they have it going to every door, they went directly and got people to advertise in it.

It’s fully paid for by advertising.

There’s no subscription fees, it least as of yet. And I believe they have an online edition at that as well.

And they at least have a website set up. I haven’t looked in all the details.

They’ve gone at it slightly differently, but at the same time, are putting themselves somewhat in competition, but making themselves completely different at the same time.

This can be done, I don’t care if you’re talking social media, I don’t care if you’re talking big media, I don’t I don’t care who the competition is, you can defeat them.

If you don’t play by their rules. You have to go around the rules, you have to bend it to make it work for you.

Competition is always possible in the end. But it doesn’t mean that you’re going to be you’re going to look and sound and feel exactly like the competitor. You have to go around the competition by being making them irrelevant in a lot of ways.

This is what these guys are attempting to do. I know that and I’m looking forward to having that conversation. You could find out more about that by watching and listening to our show Grants Pass VIP over at Grants

It’s a local podcasts that I have. But if you want to know how to really do this for your business and be able to make competition completely irrelevant.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free digital copy over at We’ll be back tomorrow night with a tip that either has to do with a principle a strategy or tactic that can help you explode your business. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.