Business Hero’s Journey 📚 (Tell Your Story)

Brian touches on various books and examples to help get you mind going to discover you companies “Hero’s Journey.”

Books Mentioned today

The Hero’s Journey – by Joseph Campbell

Expert Secrets, by Russell Brunson

Building a Story Brand – by Donald Miller


The business hero’s journey.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to talk a little bit about the hero’s journey and how it applies to business.

What is the hero’s journey, the hero’s journey is a concept that was really made popular by a guy named Joseph Campbell.

He wrote a handful of books, including one called, The Hero’s Journey. And you find out more about that you can also watch the old PBS interview that Bill Moyers did with him, which is an interview slash documentary, because, they show a whole bunch of the things that he’s talking about as he’s talking about them.

What Joseph Campbell talks about, is that in all mythology, regardless of what country it comes from, regardless of what culture or how long ago it was, every form of mythology eventually goes back to a very simple structure, and a number of different stereotypes that that end up coming out.

But its goal goes to a story structure, he calls the hero’s journey, which is all about a hero starting along a process, having guides to help him beginning in one spot and ending up in a better spot, and going through all this conflict in order to get there and meeting up with all these interesting characters along the way.

And that every myth out there, and I know I’m not doing it justice, just by explaining it, but if you understand the hero’s journey, that’s the simplest way to understand it is through the original Star Wars trilogy, with Luke Skywalker going through the hero’s journey.

That’s a great way to do it and it’s one that he used over and over again, and that what’s funny is that the Star Wars story was based on Joseph Campbell’s ideas, and how and applying it to a space opera.

And so how does that apply back to business, though?

Well, there’s been a lot of people a lot smarter than me that have already taken these ideas and apply them back to business. And if you understand that, when it comes to human psychology, and it comes to ideas that are kind of ingrained and built into our brain somewhere, that it doesn’t, it really doesn’t matter.

Whether it’s art or anything else, it comes back into business, because business is about psychology, it’s about explaining something to a human, and you got to go through the brain material to get there.

Then one of the best ways to do it is via story, especially if the hero is the person who you’re talking to the potential customer or the potential client.

One of the I’ve got two really good sources for this that I’m going to recommend. And I’ve recommended these before, this is expert secrets by Russell Brunson.

The entire book is basically about the hero’s journey, and something that he calls the Epiphany Bridge, which is the point at which the hero was going through and has an epiphany, and then decides to do something in a different way.

He talks about he actually got lots of little stick drawings here where he shows that hero going from one point and going through conflict and eventually ending up there in desire and that all business can be explained this way.

In some way you’re providing a product or service to somebody and you are having them go through a process to where they end up at their desire.

That’s the reason why they’re purchasing it is an in-desire benefit. So that’s it. Russell has a great way of doing it.

It gets very intense, a little complicated. It’s one of these things, this is almost like a textbook that I love to go back to I’ve mentioned before having references, books, a lot of Brunson stuff, or like reference books because he puts so much into it, that it’s not easily unpacked on the first reading.

And something to go back to a lot of how-tos in there. And a lot of depth behind the How To principles. It’s principle-based how to so its good stuff.

Another one I’ve mentioned before, Building a StoryBrand. This is Donald Miller’s book.

This is a great one because this whole thing he really pulls it back and simplifies it. Also something I’d consider a textbook but he finds a way to really make it easily digestible. This is a good book, I’ve got the whole flipping book is highlighted. I mean, it really is. I go back through this all the time for ideas.

But also, it’s a good audiobook, the way he reads it. It’s one of those that when the author’s reading it, you’re actually getting something off of it from the author.

And it’s a clean one. It’s a nice good solid read and he kind of proves the point via the book because he uses so many story examples.

The whole idea is using you’re using a story to build your brand, putting your customer in the place of the hero, and taking them through the process of the hero’s journey.

It could certainly be overcomplicated. But if you could find a way to simplify this within your marketing, to begin with, you can always add more over time.

But if you can show that transformation, no process of a person having a lack, and then looking elsewhere, not able to find it. But finally coming across your product or service and having that fulfill something for them and be able to draw the picture of where they’re at in the end. That’s ideal.

You can’t get much better than that. There’s a lot of great people out there talking about this nowadays. And it’s one of those subjects I never get tired of because it’s not something I at least for myself, it’s not something that I consider to be instantly intuitive.

It’s something when I hear it, I go, Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, but it’s not something I do naturally.

It’s something you got I think you got to build over time. I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong.

What do you think about the hero’s journey, and how have you been able to use it in your business?

Obviously, we all kind of see ourselves as a hero in a sense, especially if you’re an entrepreneur, if you own a business or businesses, you may see yourself in that view.

But what you gotta realize is everyone else tends to see themselves that way.

Also, whether they consider themselves a hero or not. They certainly see themselves on a journey and you can help them out in that.

It’s just about trying to unlock the way to describe that to them.

Hopefully, that’s helpful to you. If you’re looking for ways to be able to then take that story and get it out there to the public and stand out in your industry.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Amazon-Proof is all about being competition-proof, even from someone as big as

You can go and purchase a hardback copy or you can get a free one over at my website

We’ll be back here tomorrow night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.