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Brian talks about the news of Elon wanting to make people with blue checks to subscribe to keep their status.


Elon Musk vs. Mickey Mouse ðŸĨŠ

Elon continues to get press for trolling other big companies.

Link to Article –


Elon Musk versus Mickey Mouse.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live.

Today we’re discussing this article that came out, I’ve got a link to it in the description, you can go check it out, has to do with Elon Musk making some comments on Twitter and elsewhere over time, but more recently about Mickey Mouse and about Disney losing their rights to Mickey Mouse.

So what’s the story all about?

So a little bit of background. When it comes to certain intellectual property, there are these rules that have been set in place, many of them very, very old, intellectual property going all the way back to the founding of the country, and the Constitution itself.

And for many, many years, it was considered that 56 was the number of years that something could stay under the format of intellectual property, this particular type of copyright that Mickey Mouse has set under, over the years that’s been extended.

There have been special laws passed to be able to extend that especially in terms of that now, not specifically to Mickey but definitely lobbied by the Disney Corporation for Mickey all the way up to what it currently is, is 95 years.

And they no doubt are trying to get it extended even further, in some way to be able to keep their not just mascot not just character, but their company symbol.

Logo really, that their logo was something different.

But if you’re talking about Mickey Mouse as a character, and them having full control over that character, then they’re going to do everything they can to hold on to that. But if that doesn’t happen in because Mickey Mouse was born in 1928.

In 2024, he will be of age to be let out in the public domain, meaning anyone can use Mickey anything at any time without any fear of lawsuit.

Elon Musk was opining the fact that this is just fine, that the laws had been extended way beyond what they were meant to be.

So forth when it comes to intellectual property.

I tend to agree with him in general, I don’t think it’s hurting anybody that certain intellectual property is held this long, but at the same sense, it’s not necessary.

It certainly isn’t necessary, Walt’s been dead since 1966, I believe, or 65. And it’s been a long time.

It’s necessary for everybody to keep profiting off of everything that he’s done. They, they’ve come up with new stuff, and they’ll continue to come up with new stuff, this isn’t gonna slow them down much.

In fact, it might actually, here’s the funny thing about this.

Everyone wants to hold on to these type of rights and it’s very important early on, when you’re trying to promote a character or an idea that you have those rights of property rights of intellectual property are very important to a burgeoning a young burgeoning business.

But when you get to the point to where you’re already successful, it’s really in my mind more profitable for you to let people own what you have to put it out there and let them do whatever they will with it.

Because it only promote you more, you know that everybody has the power to create Mickey Mouse cartoons?

Yes, you’re gonna have some horrible stuff out there. Yes, you’re gonna have people mocking it. But people are already doing that with it. And it’s only it’s only the most fragrant ones that are being sued by the company.

Everyone else is already doing this. He’s already a character that’s far beyond what anyone could possibly what Walt could have even possibly imagined when he created them in 28.

So there’s things to keep in mind is that intellectual property is a very interesting concept. It’s funny how it’s been stretched out to the enth degree.

I don’t think it’s all bad.

I don’t think anyone’s rights are being trampled by them having this power at the same sense. It’s not necessary.

I think they can I tend to agree with Elon Musk on this one. I think I think they should be able to let it go and be able to move forward.

What do you think I’d love to hear your thoughts? I

haven’t heard anybody say Really defending the Disney Corporation on this. So I’d love to hear about that. Leave a comment wherever you’re watching this.

It’s all I have for tonight, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. I’m a Business Investor.

So I come at everything from a little bit of a different angle when it comes to running businesses, growing businesses, starting them into them, selling them and buying them.

This is kind of my field of expertise and the way I look at things, but I’d love to hear what you think.

Go you get a free copy of my book at

And we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Trump’s Truth vs. Elon’s Twitter ðŸĨŠ

A look at current events going on with Trump and Elon’s social platforms.


Trump’s Truth versus Musk’s Twitter.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m using this time to really explain something that isn’t being explained that clearly and at least it’s not being heard by a lot of people who keep asking me what the heck is going on. So let’s talk about it a little bit.

This is a little bit of reflection on the news but I’ll find some way to turn it around into advice for you also in your business.

So I’m a Business investor and so that’s a lot of what I do is talk about how you can work this in your business.

I use this podcast, my book and everything else within, as a way to be able to con connect with business owners, either successful business owners who are looking for partners, or people who are looking to go into business.

So that’s the whole point of

In fact, while I’m at it might as well talk about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. This is specifically for business owners and executives that are looking to make themselves competition-proof.

Okay, this isn’t going to work for everybody but if you are in that kind of position, and you’re looking to beat out the bad guys, even if the big guys in your industry are as big as, that sort of hints Amazon-Proof.

So I’ve got to you go purchase this book. It’s inexpensive, it’s a quick read and it’s a you could also just download it for free at Amazon proof Amazon proof

Let’s talk about Trump. Let’s talk about Musk, sorry about what’s going on here. So, got a little bit more information today on what exactly is happening.

Although it was kind of clear early on what happened. Now, we all know that Elon Musk went and purchased Twitter, that purchase is still going through all of the rigmarole of the official stuff. But in terms of the two parties, agreeing to him purchasing, that’s all happening now.

They’re waiting for all the regulations and stuff to go through. But as that’s happening, everyone is a huge portion of people that were put off by Twitter, or jumping back into Twitter.

This is kind of driving Twitter’s stock prices up and everything else that just the idea of having something new and different there is bringing excitement to a place that didn’t have a whole lot of excitement.

Up until now over the last couple of years, they’ve been kind of floundering and losing kind of ground in terms of their, their their power in the marketplace, regardless of where you stand on the politics and everything of Twitter.

That’s the business end of things. So we all a lot of us already know that’s occurring. But the largest person to get kicked off of Twitter largest well known and I say largest in terms of how well known they are, would be the illustrious Donald Trump, while still president was removed from Twitter during the same day, week, I can’t remember it was a very short period of time when he was kicked off multiple platforms across the board.

And so Twitter was one of the big ones because Trump used it so often. So with that happening, after being out of office, he went out and began his own social media platform, which is still trying to get up and going cold truth social.

Here’s the problem with truth social right now truth social, they had, they had kind of a limited availability a waiting list to be able to get in, they were still kind of doing beta testing for a while that kind of opened that up, at least from what I can see.

Because I have gone in there and signed up just to be able to see what’s going on when you’re reporting on social media, you got to be able to do these type of things. So I am over on truth, social as Brian J. Pombo is, once again, this isn’t a political statement or anything having to do with politics.

I like to be on the inside and be able to see what’s going on with these different businesses to be able to talk about them, especially when it comes to social media and content marketing.

You got to look at everything regardless of political implications.

You know, I stuck with Twitter, after a whole lot of the political stuff going down there.

I’ve stuck with Facebook and a lot of these things that have become controversial. And now I’m going into this one which is also very controversial, but I just want to clear the air on that one.

So what’s happening there?

What’s happening is they’re only avail audible at least currently, they’re only available on an Apple Store.

That means Apple mobile products are the only ones able to get true social right now, through social has a very similar platform to Twitter, it has a it has a few more options, it looks like it has a few, a few things that helped balance it out a little bit in terms of keeping robots off of it, and so forth.

But besides that, it’s very similar, very similar to Twitter in terms of a social media platform. Now, you also have that one of the issues with it, though, it not only is it not available on Android, it’s also not available as a desktop platform.

So you can’t just go to their website as you can with Twitter, and Facebook, and so forth, which all started as desktop platforms previous to mobile.

You can access those, you can’t access truth on your laptop, or your computer, or your desktop computer or anything of that sort. So that cuts out a whole bunch of of viable audiences and so forth. It’s not that they aren’t going there.

But right now, they’re not there. And this, it’s not that there is a lack of funding, but it appears that there are they are banking on funding from a going public.

So they’re looking at taking this thing public, they already have an sp PAC setup. And, and it’s only a matter of time before that gets announced.

They will be going public, this will create the cash in influx that they probably were already counting on, to be able to grow, to be able to grow that company. So because of this, okay, if you didn’t know that part of it, a lot of people are freaked out. But Trump says he’s not going back to Twitter.

And he acts as though it has to do with the fact that they did him so wrong. Really, in reality, it would be really tough for him to go back to Twitter, when he’s trying to get his own social media off the ground, and wanting to give them at least this one chance at exclusivity.

Because currently, I’m not aware of anyone else on there that is well known. That is only on there. But he is only on there for right now. So you’ve got that going. And that is the situation between musk and Trump, Twitter, and Truth.

We will see where it lands will truth actually be able to get gain enough ground to where it can sustain itself in the long run, especially going public this early.

Is that is a smart business move?

One way or the other, they’re getting news on it, okay, which is what Trump is always after, it’s what Musk has always been really good at, is creating buzz, creating news, having a little bit of back and forth, there might be a little bit of feuding back and forth, which is great. It’s great for them in terms of getting attention, and being able to get people choosing sides and so on so forth. It’s very interesting to say almost as if, almost as if it were planned.

Now I don’t think it was planned but it has that has almost has that feel to it, you have two people that that aren’t completely against each other, that are kind of supporting two different companies in a very high profile way. S

o we’ll see where it goes. It’s lots of fun to watch but you can realize that there’s really no such thing as bad as, as bad publicity. If Trump hasn’t proved that I don’t know, when you’re when you get that much attention.

Even if it’s animosity, it’s all helpful to your overall brand. Because you bring the people who like you closer to you, and you drive away the people who don’t like you. And even in that sense, the people who don’t like you tend to stick to you also just to see what’s what happens next.

There’s tons of stories about that, but we’ll get into that another time.

Hopefully this was helpful to you that just learned a little bit about what’s going on and seeing how, how does this apply to your business?

Can you see how I’d love to hear your story?

Leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Musk Invades Twitter 🕊ïļ

Brian talks about Elon Musk’s involvement in Twitter.


Musk invades Twitter.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Elon Musk has moved forward in his pursuit of acquiring Twitter, looking at kind of a hostile takeover of the company, especially since he first purchased made a large purchase of 9% of the company’s stocks, and then was looking to get on the board and then wasn’t going to be joining the board.

Then the head of this poison pill option that was put up by the current board of Twitter, and Musk now assembling a team supposedly to fully take over the company.

It’s pretty crazy, but I’m not going to talk about the ins and outs of the politics, I’m not gonna take a side one way or the other one I do want to do is focus on whether this helps Elon Musk’s brand?

Does he have anything to lose from this?

And I am going to venture to say that he doesn’t while Twitter may have something to lose, because they are in a sense, doing a lot of things that can be harmful to their company.

If that, you know the poison pill basically sets the company up for a new suicide if Musk were to take over but so so you could definitely say that there are issues there with Twitter.

That’s not what I’m concerned about. I’m concerned about Elon Musk, as the head of some major brands, you know, SpaceX, and Tesla and everything else that he’s working on.

He has made a habit of doing this year after year after year is putting himself out there in public and making a making noise about something saying something controversial about something.

In the same way that Donald Trump would use it. For really his entire career, be able to use the ability for the free press, it appears that Elon Musk can do the same thing.

So even if Elon Musk didn’t do anything with Twitter, other than just play with it a little bit here and there. Even if he did nothing of any significance with that company. The fact that he’s out there doing this and making noise and attempting it appearing like he’s attempted to do it puts him out there as a person to either love or hate as a person to take sides on.

As we’ve discussed before, if you do that, if you put yourself out there in a way that is can be controversial, where you’re doing things that are remarkable meaning people are remarking one way or the other people are talking about you, then there’s really no way to lose as long as you continue on with it, as long as you do not back off from it.

As long as you continue to have something that the public get an offering that the public can partake in, you will get more and more attention.

And that attention, even though it’s negative to a certain part of the population to the other part of the population, it’s positive, and becomes more positive, the more negative it is to one side.

Regardless of politics, when a person goes about doing this, in a sense, oftentimes called trolling, you know when it comes to getting the other person’s goat to getting attention to making a lot of noise.

Almost to the point of being a provocateur provoking a reaction from the other side, when a person does this, regardless of their political band, regardless of their nationality, regardless of anything that gender or anything else. It when a person does this, they get attention, and they move forward.

They have the ability to do more with that attention. Because if you can gain attention if you can, if you can be out there and stand out.

There’s really no way to lose in the business world or in the current world of getting being able to do what you want to do.

I mean, I don’t care if you’re even in business, if you have a nonprofit, if you have if you’re running for political office, I mean it doesn’t matter if you’re wanting to make a change in the world, it requires people to know who you are.

For people to know who you are, sometimes you got to do things that are a little outrageous, a little crazy.

Once again, I’m not defending Elon Musk, or his position on Twitter, all I’m doing is pointing out the glaringly obvious something that you should be able to take from that, and be able to use it in your own way.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you need to go out publicly, or on a national international basis, and make a lot of noise.

Sometimes you can do the same thing on a very local level, especially if that’s where you’re looking to get attention at wherever you’re looking to or miss.

Sometimes it’s in a specific industry. So everyone else may not hear the noise, but people within your industry hear the noise.

So it’s dependent on the audience you’re going after. But the same things are true no matter what, if you can do something outrageous. If you can do something provoking, thought-provoking or just provoking in general, you are going to do what you need to do to, you’re going to succeed, you’re going to succeed.

Let me just say it that way.

I talk quite a bit about this in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. One of the ways to be somebody, and you want to go check out that book, and this is what I’ve been talking about here.

But I go through some details here. I use some examples. I didn’t use Elon Musk, but he’s a great example of somebody who is out there being somebody whether it’s purposeful or not. It’s certainly to his overall long-term benefit to be out there doing this. So interesting times we live in. Hopefully, that’s helpful.

Go get a free copy of my book at and I’ll be back here tomorrow night with some more conversation. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Digital vs Analog Marketing 🧑‍🚀 (Mark de Grasse article at Digital Marketer)

Brian gives Cream City Marketing a shoutout for reposting a terrific article from Mark de Grasse of Digital Marketer all about current day marketing.

article ➡ïļ


Digital versus analog marketing.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, and I keep having these weird things show up in the camera, I don’t notice until I start recording. I’ve got a cardboard box here that is trying to get in on my podcast, and if you can’t do that, I’m sorry.

So let’s talk about digital versus analog marketing, okay?

This conversation always goes on every time there’s a new technology, every time there’s a different way of referring to marketing, we try and act like it’s somewhat different just because it’s being delivered in a slightly different way than where it was before.

Really, it’s always been the same thing and a great example of this, there’s a link that I’m putting in the description, and you could check it out wherever you’re watching this, you can check it out here or check it out on one of the over a is going to be the easiest place to check it and go and look this up.

This is an article from Digital Marketer by Mark de Grasse.

It’s called, It’s Just Marketing, You Can Stop Using the Word Digital Now.

And I want to give a shout-out to the folks over at Cream City Marketing for posting a link to this.

So this was actually an article that came out last month. But I missed and so having them pointed out to me, I thought that that was pretty good. The whole point of the article it uses Elan musk as an example. So Elon Musk of SpaceX, I’m not sure if you realize it or heard this or not. But he got the NASA contract for building the new lunar lander. And he beat out Well, not specifically, but Jeff Bezos, his company Blue Origin was also putting in for it.

One or two others were also putting in for it Ilan was able to get past them. The writer of this article is basically saying that everything that he did was very modern, and not typical marketing that most people would consider offline or all these big, giant, outrageous marketing things that were very intentional and very direct.

That’s why Elon was able to get it. And he said this is going to be the trend from here on out. Also the fact that because digital has become so huge, especially because of the COVID crisis, because digital has completely taken over our lives, we really can’t say that it has any comparison to the analog world, which I agree and I disagree with at the same time.

I think that it’s true, for the most part, but that even makes analog anything that is nondigital, anything that is not online, it makes it 10 times more powerful, because fewer people are using it. And if you can direct those pieces in just the right way along with the digital aspect.

That’s all that’s full-on marketing, it does, it really doesn’t matter. The delivery device, the delivery device is just whatever the best way is of reaching your market with the right message.

That’s all that it is and that all we’re talking about is a media delivery device.

But he makes a really good point about all the different pieces that have come together just over the last handful of years, the last 2030 years, and how things have changed.

So it’s a good article worth looking into. Once again, thanks to the folks at Cream City Marketing for posting that.

And that’s all I’ve got for tonight, you just got to remember when it comes to digital versus analog, it doesn’t matter. What matters is reaching your audience with your message. That’s what marketing is all about. So keep that in mind, don’t get hung up on the details. It’s all marketing. And he’s saying this from the Digital Marketer company, which Ryan Deiss and the guys there have always made a point that marketing is marketing. Digital Marketing is just a concept.

You got to get beyond those concepts and realize what you’re really trying to do in the long run. What you’re trying to do is reach out and touch somebody you’re trying to get a Message to Garcia, you’re trying to just get the piece out to somebody and get them to act.

That’s the whole point. Keep that in mind. Don’t complicate things. Hey, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get a free copy of

I’ll be back tomorrow In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.