3 Tips for Content Marketing Videos ๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ

Brian gives 3 tips for you to consider if your thinking about creating ongoing content marketing.


Three tips for content marketing videos.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to talk a little bit about content marketing videos and three things. Really, are there three steps that you ought to think about taking in the process of developing content marketing videos, let’s talk about step number one.

Step number one is defining your market.

Who are you making your videos for?

Yeah, is content marketing?

So you’re creating content for somebody to do something?

So who is who are they?

Where are they going to be?

We’re talking about videos.

So where are they watching?

Where are they watching these videos at?

All that you got to think about all the different places they’re going to watch them. You know, most people think well, YouTube. Okay, great. YouTube. Where else?

Are you going to place these videos on your website?

Are you going to place them in other places?

Are you going to put them up in other video?

Places that hold video, ones like rumble, and all these other ones that are out there.

Are you gonna create a podcast out of them?

Are you going to create playlists or are these purposefully just for fresh faces that find you on YouTube?

How do you expect them to find you?

Do you expect them to do searches?

On YouTube on Google on the other search engines?

How are they going to find these videos?

That’s the first step market who, who who?

Who are you talking to and why are they why are they?

Why could they?

Why would they possibly want to watch you and watch what you’re talking about?

The second step. Second step simple.

Once you know who then you got to know what you want people to do, it’s the message step. So what is your message in the video, what are you telling people to do?

What do you want them walking away with when they’re done watching your videos?

And you’re probably going to have more than one what, right?

It all depends on how often you’re doing them. I recommend doing them consistently. Thereby, building up momentum and everything else and really giving yourself presence online.

But I’m not in your shoes, you have to ask yourself, what is the message of our videos?

What is the end game, what do we want them to do?

What are we going to be telling them to do?

That’s the message. So we got the market? The Who? The media, which is the what? What’s the third step?

Third step is media.

What form of media is this going to take?

I started asking some of those questions early on, but they’re best suited right here.

How are people going to find you?

Where and how are people going to view you?

You got to answer the first two questions to really get to that question.

Really, I messed up by talking about it too early but you really have to get you got to figure out who you’re talking about and what you’re wanting to do. And then you’ll know where to find them.

How to talk to them?

Are they are you going to have an email course or an email blast or anything that’s sending out that sending these videos out?

That’s another way for people to find them. It doesn’t necessarily you don’t necessarily need to follow what you think is, is the best line of how everyone else is doing it’s probably isn’t going to work that way.

It probably is something special just for you and your company. Know what you want to get out of it. Know who you’re talking to know what you want them to do, and know where you expect to find them.

You may have to change media up once in a while. It’s more of a tactic. And it’s going to switch up and media change. You know, at one time, YouTube wasn’t the big dog on the block. And now it is but there are also competitors.

There are also other places, there’s every form of social media has places for video. So you should be looking at that.

Should we be uploading our video to LinkedIn and Facebook and Twitter and all these other places, Instagram, heck, it just goes on and on. That’s media.

Don’t focus too much on media until you’ve really answered who and what you’re wanting them to do, who they are. What you wanted to do.

Those are the first three major steps when you’re talking about content marketing videos. It’s really the first steps in everything but there’s a chance that a lot of you are finding this because you’re looking to do more content marketing videos and want to know how to go about doing it.

If you’d like more of a broad base on how to really get sink your teeth into marketing check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. That’s all I have for tonight.

You’re welcome to subscribe, follow or whatever where wherever you’re hearing or watching this because I’m all over the place and be sure to do that come back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Content Marketing is the Gateway Drug ๐Ÿ’Š

Why content marketing can be a smart move for any business or person trying to get their message out to to the world. Also, some added thoughts on how it plays into information marketing.


Content Marketing is the Entryway Drug.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What is content marketing the entry way drug to, and who is it the entry way drug for?

I’m going to cover all of that in today’s a little talk, but first, I wanted to remind you about the book that I have, which is the entry way drug to content marketing itself.

So if you have a business, or you’re an executive within a business, if you’re one of the decision makers, so to speak. You should be looking very heavily, I don’t care what kind of business you have, you should be looking very heavily at the concept of content marketing, and whether you’re doing it and whether you’re doing enough of it.

And whether you’re hitting all the right places and hitting specifically, your ideal clientele, your ideal customer base.

I talk all about that and the potential of all these things in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It is kind of the start, to thinking about content marketing and other ways of how to stand out in your marketplace. So that you won’t even have competition like the big guys like Amazon.com. That’s where Amazon-Proof comes into play.

If you can be Amazon-Proof, you can be everything, right?

You don’t need competition, you can get over it by standing out by making yourself different enough and then getting out there in front of your ideal clientele and getting to know them so that they can know like and trust you.

That’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can go and grab it wherever books are sold, or you can get your own free digital copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

So let’s talk about content marketing itself.

What is it an intro drug for?

Well, two things.

One thing it is, and it is an entry way drug for information marketing. So a lot of people that are advanced in marketing terms understand how powerful information marketing is.

And really, it’s the same thing as content marketing, except content marketing is a very quick, simple, especially the way that people are thinking about today with in terms of the internet.

It’s a very quick, simple way to go about doing it, especially if you’re doing it consistently. If you’re putting out content on a regular basis, trying to get more attention coming back to you, and your company, or your cause, or your nonprofit or what have you, your organization.

If you’re doing that regularly, you’re creating content, that content, repackaged the exact same content can be repackaged, and put out there as information marketing and information products, okay.

That’s a great deal, because one thing, it produces another income source.

Another great thing is that it’s producing another form of advertising that has immediate benefit for the people that purchase it.

Plus, it’s advertising the next step in your process, whether that be the products and services that you currently have, or more advanced products and services that you can come out with in the future.

I’m hoping you’re following all this.

So I’ll give you a great example, because it’s been this way with myself as well.

I started doing content marketing for my company on an ongoing basis. Back in 2019, when I introduced the the podcast, Off The Grid Biz, which is a audio podcast interviews with business owners in the realm of the author grid space, in other words, the self reliance space.

So anything that had to do with self reliance that teaches people or trains people or has something to do with people becoming more self reliant, not self dependent, not closed off to the rest of the world, but self reliant.

So able to be to create more, do more on your own, so that you can then go and help others right. That’s what self reliance is all about.

At least I see that the ideal term of self reliance, and then went from there and started doing these nearly daily video broadcasts, first over Facebook and then spreading out over YouTube and LinkedIn and all the other places Instagram.

And so we started doing these Brian J. Pombo Live and that’s grown and grown.

And then we added another local podcast, which is also an interview podcast, which is audio base with local business owners, local movers and shakers of all types with Grants Pass VIP in the town of Grants Pass Oregon.

So that’s where that came from. And I’ll be putting out some information about how that went about how that’s come about how that has been able to grow my business and how you could put together a local based form of content marketing.

That’s a whole nother issue, we’ll get to that eventually.

But let’s talk about Brian J. Pombo Live, I started doing these episodes, and I started realizing that just being able to come up with and this is part partially my personality, and my conation, if you will, is that I’m very good off the cuff.

That’s how I get my ideas out, I kind of have to talk them out.

And by doing that, I put together a string ofโ€ฆI go through series where I put together series of videos, and I put together a series of videos all about how to become more Amazon-Proof.

They went so well that I said I think I can base a book off this.

So I took the transcripts from these live talks, just a string of episodes, I took those and they became the skeleton for my book. And I added pieces here and there.

I add pictures and and citations and everything else.

But that’s what it was, it became a book, that’s where this book came from.

So I created an information product off of my content marketing, which then becomes content marketing of its own. And information marketing and information products are content marketing. So it kind of feeds in on itself.

So you can create larger and larger things. You create courses, you can create, whether they be a video course an audio course, a course that you read through, or all the above, you add in checklists.

You add in things that allow people to get things done in your content marketing can become information marketing, which can become another income source to your business.

Which in turn makes your business stronger because it builds this coalition of people that are more and more interested in what you’re talking about.

Pretty soon you add a subscription or membership level to your business, which we talk about in, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Then you’ve got a monster business that’s so far beyond where you might possibly be right now, when it comes to just having products or services, you can build on it and make this much more bigger thing with relatively low overhead.

So it says a lot of exciting stuff when it comes to content marketing.

Who is it an entryway drug for?

It’s an entryway drug for people that want to that are interested in the concept of getting their point out there getting their ideas out there, creating hordes of people that are interested in what they’re selling, or in the ideas that they’re selling, or the concepts that they’re trying to get out there.

That’s what this is all about.

It’s all about standing out.

It’s all about getting to be known and achieving what you want to achieve for your own life, which is where kind of it all starts and then stems off from there.

So we’re going to be doing more and more and more deeper dives into ways that you can implement content marketing in your business.

Stay tuned here, follow like, subscribe, wherever you’re at.

Just make sure to connect out with me at BrianJPombo.com, and we’ll be sure and put these out on a daily basis. Come on back, I’d love to hear more from you.

And leave your questions and comments and we’ll we’ll get to you. I love answering things. I love having people we’re gonna have more and more people on the show.

We’ve already had a couple of interviews that we’re going to be slowly putting out there. And we’re going to have more as time goes on.

As we get better at doing the video editing process. We just got through a couple major hurdles today.

So I’m really excited about where those things are going. So you’ll have some great stuff to go over real soon. I will see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

Content Marketing, Beyond Your Own Content

Some thoughts on relationships and positive impacts that can happen in your business from content marketing.


Content Marketing, beyond your own content.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

But today we’re going to talk more about content marketing. And specifically, I had a conversation with someone that’s been putting out quite a bit of content marketing himself.

I’m going to show that interview as we go along here.

It’s a, it’s one of a growing series of interviews that I’m going to be putting out here, right here on Brian J. Pombo Live, so you’ll be able to watch and listen to it depending on where you’re getting this at.

So the cool thing is, is that he got a hold of me asking me if I’d like to have him as a guest, and he’s a pretty high profile guests, especially in the field that he works in. So that was pretty interesting.

It was one of those, it was probably the second high profile person that got in touch with me, there’s people who are authors and speakers, and very well known within their industries.

That’s really cool and it’s something you got to keep your eyes on. It’s that one. Yeah, you can go out and make your own content and get out there and start promoting it, and start getting known within your circles and beyond.

But to is taking advantage of other people’s platforms, okay. Other people are producing content, other people are producing content, looking for other people to join them in that content.

Because you end up sharing friends and followers, you end up sharing looks and likes. And you show up in searches that you wouldn’t have shown up in before.

I mean, it’s very much an I scratch your back, you scratch mind type of deal just by showing up on somebody’s show, or by having somebody show up on your show.

So whatever type of content marketing you’re doing, look at branching out beyond just your own platform. That’s a major deal.

We’ve talked about this in the past, I’m going to talk more about how to go about doing that.

How to do things that make it more appealing to other people both as i can tell you specifically because I’ve had more guests on my podcast than I have been a guest on other podcasts so I can tell you what works for me as a host, and how you can become a guest on here or one of my other podcasts. So stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook. com.

We’re going to be back here tomorrow with more tips and tricks. We’re talking about principles, strategies and tactics to help you explode your business. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Content Marketing Mastery ๐ŸŽ“

Thoughts on lessons learned in content and info marketing from the late Roy Masters.


Content Marketing Mastery.

I am Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is a picture of a fellow who just passed away this last week, somebody who I got to know because I got to work with him a little bit early on. In the early days of BrianJPombo.com I got to meet this guy named Roy Masters.

And Roy Masters is a very controversial figure. Especially out here in Grants Pass Oregon.

So he was when he first came to town, he was running a very large church. It was a church made up of basically followers that had began listening to him over the radio.

He was somebody who I got to work with directly and see how content marketing works on a very large scale.

So I’m not going to talk about his views. I’m not going to talk about any of the controversial things about this guy, you can go and look that stuff up yourself. But his ability to create content was pretty amazing.

And I’m going to tell you about three different three different things that he was a master at when it came to content marketing.

Okay, first off, he began in radio back in the 60s, and start started very early did not really know what he was doing, and ended up getting into a situation where he was, in a sense, purchasing radio time.

And because of that, he could basically say whatever he wanted, and so he would have these, these he would do, basically whatever he wanted with his show, it ended up becoming an advice based show where people would call in with their issues, and he’d give them advice.

But it could go in any direction he can cover politics could cover anything he wanted, which oftentimes would get him into hot water.

This was very early on long before talk radio was considered a major deal. And, you know, the conservative talk radio and all that wasn’t in existence when he first started out.

But he was very early on one of these people that was a pioneer he got out there and just just got in there and did it and was very early on even during a time period when infomercials, infomercials were illegal.

He was able to skirt around that being that his his dealt more with religious and, and more, one on one nonprofit help. So because he was able to do that he was able to purchase time on the radio and was able to basically give an infomercial and to be able to sell his books and so on so forth.

Which brings me that so the first one is really his ability to be able to go in early and take advantage of opportunities that other people weren’t taken advantage of in media.

And you got to keep your eyes open, because things are always changing. Laws are always changing and new mediums are opening up all the time, new forms of social media.

I mean, if you just talk online, there’s new formats always being opened up. Right now when we’re recording this in 2021. There’s a clubhouse is one that I’ve been hearing a whole lot about this is I believe it’s only on the iPhone, the Apple iPhone, but it is an app where you can go on, nothing is recorded.

But there are there are verbal conversations going back and forth with everybody. And people host kind of little radio shows. It’s something that did not exist much earlier. But now it is. And now it’s a thing and it may morph into another thing.

And people are taking advantage of it and they’re making money off of it and making relationships and everything else. Here’s the second thing that Roy would do. Roy created content in mass.

I mean, he pumped out contentโ€ฆso he died at 93, during a period of time when I was doing some work for him, he had and this was as as a contractor for BrianJPombo.om I run into a lot of colorful characters in this line of work you can imagine.

And what he had was he had a radio show that was on five days a week, three hours a day, pumping out new material now each each of those hours were for sale through his nonprofit organization which is called, The Foundation Of Human Understanding.

And so people could purchase each individual hour.

They did it would purchase CDs or cassette tapes of this and have it delivered to them or downloaded off of their website. And so you had that then he had a, what he called a Sunday conversations.

Every Sunday for probably two to three hours, every Sunday, was putting out a very large talk, which would take up one to two CDs worth or a download online.

He’d be putting that out for purchase to be able to raise money for his nonprofit, in addition to that, took a lot of those talks, ended up having them transcribed and created articles out of them created books out of them, pamphlets.

Very early on in his career had pamphlets that he handed out, he started out earlier in the LA area during a time where there was a lot of introspection and people interested in different thoughts and ideas.

And so he had pamphlets that people would be able to pass out about his ideas. So he he really did grab a whole lot of attention because of his ability to create mass content. He was just a content machine.

There’s something anybody can learn from that if you’re able to put out more content and be able to use it, there’s the third thing he did was he was able to use it in all different areas.

Like I mentioned, briefly created books, out of his talks, he then would have large seminars, sometimes three day long seminars, and then go all day, eight hours a day, sometimes for these great big long seminars and he used that content elsewhere.

With online, the ability to be able to send things in an instant, that gives you the ability to put things up for sale, relatively simply like we talked about yesterday, information marketing is huge.

It’s the tail end of content marketing, content marketing is getting your content out there in order to get attention. Information marketing is one step further.

It’s having people purchase the information so that they can have it and it becomes content marketing in a whole different style.

So Roy was really something else he there’s I’ve got a million stories of conversations and situations that I I ran into with him. And it’s it he’s really one of those one of those people that you only meet once in a lifetime.

But I want to take this opportunity to tie it in with our conversation on content marketing, and hopefully you got something out of that. You could check out I will I have one book.

Roy had quite a few books, but I’ve only got the one so far, 9 Ways to Amazon-Poof Your Business. You can go get a free copy of my book at AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

I’m Doing Content Marketing, Now What? ๐Ÿค”

Thoughts on repurposing your content marketing.


Doing content marketing, now what?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’ve been talking about content marketing, about putting out content out into the ether, and seeing what sticks seeing what comes back.

Most of the time we’re going to be talking about how to do that online, you can do it really anywhere, any form of advertising can be content. A lot of times they, in the old days, these home advertorials, which were ad for advertising, that were also kind of had a editorial feel to them in a newspaper or a magazine.

This over and over and over again, where you start reading something, you start looking at something, then you realize, wait a second, this is an advertisement, it’s you know, and you get pulled into it.

So that’s where infomercials came from, you know, the advertisements that were done on TV late at night, so forth and you see it that line melds a whole lot online.

Because there’s really nobody regulating it, there’s really nobody paying that close attention while there are regulators but it’s not a big deal.

So that’s all content marketing, though, because you could get quality information from something that could be an ad, or it could be seen as an ad or has a small element of it.

That’s advertising or marketing.

We’ve talked about content marketing. And if you’re out there, if you’re doing it on a regular basis online is simple, because you got all these platforms that are free to publish.

It doesn’t take that much more money to pay for advertising to get it out to a larger crowd, and to get to a specific crowd. So all these things are possible with content marketing, advertising is a big piece. But I want to talk about something else a little bit different.

Today, I want to talk about information marketing. Because if you are putting out content on a regular basis, you’re creating content on a regular basis. And that content has a value unto itself. Yeah, it’s available for free online.

But that doesn’t mean it can’t be sold. There’s a lot of people that are doing podcasts and everything else putting out free content out there.

And then taking and repurposing it. Let’s say you have an audio podcast that goes out tons of audio podcasts, sell their transcripts in book format, or note book format, where they’re it’s just it’s nothing more than the written words of the words that you can get for free online.

But if you consolidate it in a certain way, it creates a new value.

I held this up in the very beginning, because this is a book by Gary Halbert, he put this out. This is called How to Make Maximum Money in Minimum Time. You can go and find a copy of this somewhere online.

And the brilliant thing about this book for one thing, if you don’t know anything about Gary Halbert was an amazing copywriter, amazing sales person in print.

And so just reading his words, give you this incredible feel for the type of writer he was and how he sucks you in and can get to a point in a very different type of way. And it’s something to study just on its own.

But if you just look at what he did, this all came just about each piece of this except for the very beginning and the very end, he kind of introduces it. And then he kind of concludes it at the end with new material.

But everything else in between are articles out of a newsletter, which he previously sold to customers, before people would get on a monthly newsletter and be able to get those in the mail and so forth, and then eventually online via email.

That’s all these are all these are articles out of his newsletters repurpose, put in a book and sold as a book.

Does the information have less value?

No, it has more value in a lot of cases, because it’s perceived value because I have an ebook form. I am getting a different value out of it than I would a newsletter. I perceive it differently and your customers will too.

The fact that you just have information products about these topics that you’re talking about on a daily or weekly basis, or what have you be a content marketing that’s valuable.

You can take these things, you’ve determined the books, you could turn them into audio packs, you could turn them into downloadables you could take things off of the free end and put it on the paid end. And even if that isn’t your main source of income, that’s not the point.

The fact that you have this information that you have out there that it’s available. It brings the value of everything else that you’re doing and promoting up whether anyone purchases it or not just you having it there gives you high authority gives you more of a background, more depth, and the ability for people to find out more about you.

Whether they do or they don’t, they respect you more. They look at you quite a bit differently. I hope I hope that makes sense to you. We’ll talk more about this as time goes on.

Because information marketing is a powerful powerful tool and content marketing, just just simple daily or weekly content marketing can create you information products very easily.

My entire book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business is nothing more than a consolidation of my daily videos all on this topic. And then took those, reworder them a little bit to fit the book style, and added a little bit more information here and there.

Other than that, that’s what this book is made up of. You can find and I mentioned it in the very beginning of the book, you can find all this information online. If you want to go search out the videos, you can go watch the videos, but that’s not the point.

The point is it has a value unto itself in book form and it’s another example of how to do this by the way you can get your own free copy at AmazonProofBook.com that’s all I got for today. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Content Marketing Examples ๐Ÿ‘‡

Some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when getting started in content marketing.


Content Marketing Examples.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’ve been having a conversation over the last handful of videos that we put out about content marketing, right. And we’ve talked about kind of what it is, what it isn’t, how you can go about developing and from nothing, especially if you have a business if you have something that you’re looking to promote.

You can go back and watch those videos. In fact, we’ll have a playlist available for you to be able to check that out over on the YouTube page, or you can go type in content marketing into the search bar at BrianJPombo.com.

But I want to give you some examples and these are not direct examples, I want you to find your own examples of content marketing.

I’m going to tell you where to look, and where not to look. But first, let me remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. This is my own form of content marketing, both this video and this book.

It’s another form of content, it’s not the electronic content that you’re used to. But you can get it electronically, like you get a free copy of this book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you go to AmazonProofBook.com.

AmazonProofBook.com for your very own free copy of, 9 Ways Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Now, let’s talk about examples of content marketing that you could follow. First, let’s start with ones you should not follow. I would recommend initially, steer clear away from people in your industry, people that are very similar to your industry or people you’d consider competitors, or people that you think you would be watching similar type of deals.

Stay away from those people don’t watch them right now. put them aside for a bit.

There’s a reason why.

If you start watching them early on, you will intentionally or unintentionally start copying those people, you’ll start playing along with the same things, maybe trying out the same deals, you can’t help it, you’re gonna you’re only going to go toward what you understand.

And you will naturally gravitate toward doing either the same format, or the same tone of voice or the same overall presentation. It looks bad, it comes off wrong, eventually you can work your way out of it.

But there’s no reason to do that right off the bat, I’d recommend staying against that. For example, I have a friend that’s running for political office.

One thing I would highly recommend him not to do is watch other people that are doing political, political office, people running for office that are doing vlogging of any sort.

Don’t do that.

That’s the wrong spot to look especially people running in similar positions.

That’s so the worst thing you could possibly do is look that I mean, it’s like going after the person that you’re running against and watching their videos. Don’t do that not right off the bat, not until you’ve adapted your own thing.

Now, where should you look?

If you’re not looking there, everywhere else, would you look everywhere else. But specifically, I want you to look in those areas that entertained you look at that. And maybe you’re not a person that watches a whole lot of YouTube, for example, or a LinkedIn or wherever you are going to be doing your content marketing. Maybe you’re not the type of person that takes in that type of material.

But I want you to start I want you to start looking for things that are interesting to you. Something not directly related to what you’re doing, if at all possible. So outside your industry to an extent but things that entertain you.

So for example, I’m just gonna give a random example. And I brought a lot of these up in the past and you can watch older videos and and see different examples of content marketing that I brought up.

But here’s someone that isn’t a direct content marketer. He is a YouTuber, his name is on YouTube. He’s called “The Carpetbagger”, okay, his name is Jacob. And he does these videos on a regular basis over on YouTube and has made a living out of that and he’s actually done so well, gotten so many views.

His main thing is traveling to specific types of locations. He goes to theme parks, and he likes to go to roadside attractions and things of that sort. Just interesting little items.

And he just goes through and just kind of experiences them and as you get to know him, you’re experienced in it with a friend who is someone that you feel like you know, and there’s something to be taken from that.

Now I haven’t modeled the my stuff after what Jacob has put together. But it’s you can get a feel for what works and what doesn’t work for what you like and what you don’t like.

The more places you take that from you can consolidate it all together into what you’re looking to do here. There’s a great book on that, as I’m thinking about it, I did not plan on doing this right.

Let’s see if I can find it. Here it is. Steal like an artist.

I mentioned this early on one of my favorite little books and it’s a quick read, very quick read. You can see lots of pictures, steal like an artist.

It looks like it’s not a serious book, it looks like the type of books that you use to buy from a gift shop or something like that. But this is this got some heavy stuff in it.

The whole process he talks about is how to be able to take all the things that you enjoy all the people that you can appreciate for their value, and be able to include what they do in your work, how you you mix them all together, and you create something that’s brand new.

And he says that everybody’s always done this, then even even the people we consider geniuses have adapted other things that they were interested in, tied them all together and created a new product. Very, very interesting. Austin Kleon, awesome book, all about how to interact, integrate the pieces of your life to create your own form of art.

Now, I’m not saying you’re creating art for art’s sake, you might, we’re talking content marketing, we’re talking, you want to get a concept out there, you want people to do something?

Well, part of that is entertaining people. Part of that is getting people to stick and pay attention to what you’re talking about.

So you got to start paying attention to what sticks for you, to what catches your attention to what keeps your attention. And you got to start questioning, okay, why is that?

How does this work?

Why is this person so good?

Why is this person irritate me?

Can I adapt that for me?

And can my company be able to do the same thing. These are all different ways. These are how you take your examples that you can then model yourself in your content after it doesn’t matter.

I’ve mentioned videos, I’ve mentioned books, it doesn’t need to be that it can be a blog, it can be a podcast, it doesn’t matter what you’re talking about. But you are going to model it after something, whether you know it or not.

The thing is, if you know that then you have to start choosing what you’re going to model it after.

Surround yourself with the things you like and you’ll create a product that you like.

Hopefully that makes sense.

We’re going to be back here tomorrow night. Join us again, you have a great night and in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Content Marketing Implementation ๐Ÿ“š

Brian talks about books that helped him implement his daily content marketing in his business.

Books talked about today.

Jeff Olson’s – The Slight Edge

Darren Hardy’s – The Compound Effect

Stephen Guise – Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results


Content Marketing implementation.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk about implementation of content marketing, because we’ve been talking a little bit about content marketing, what is it, what’s it take to do it, how do you want to line it all up?

How do you kind of define your goals with content marketing?

And now we’re going to talk about implementation, because it really is one of the toughest things that when it really gets down to it is, for one thing, you got to have somebody on your team, hopefully, it’s you.

But if not, you’re going to want to run that person through this concept of of implementing, because they have to commit to a really good solid period of time, before you see any results.

That’s what content marketing is all about.

Even if you’re running paid ads, and running your content through that either way, you’re really going to want to give it some time, for it to catch on. And for it to do what you want it to do. It all depends on really what you expect out of it.

If your expectations are low, then it doesn’t matter how long you do it. But if there if you’ve got very specific metrics to go by, in terms of you’re looking to have this type of relationship or this type of thing come back to you, then you’re going to want to run it for a while to really achieve that, because you can do it.

The real thing, you got to give people time, to relate with the personality to relate with the message to relate with the brand, everything that you’re bringing out there, you got to give it time. And honestly, you ought to make it a major piece of what you’re doing of ongoing marketing, you gotta commit to it, I’ve been doing these shows, were over 700.

Now, just about daily, every once a while we’ll miss a day. But for the most part, it’s been daily and we’ve been doing it over two years now. And it’s just go go go go go.

Well, almost two years or whatever, I don’t even I’ve lost track of time you do the math.

So we’re doing really good with it. I’ve really enjoyed it.

There’s a whole bunch of things that you don’t realize until after you’ve been going for a while. But it all comes from committing to it.

And I am not the I don’t know about you, maybe you’re the type of person, this is what you got to determine on your own, you got to determine whoever is going to be the one doing it, or the team that is doing it.

They have to you have got to have somebody on board, that’s going to make sure it gets done. Because until it becomes a habit, it’s going to take time to do that there’s got to be someone on top of it that can make sure it gets done. If you don’t have someone like that.

Then I’m going to talk about how you go about dealing with it. Because honestly, 90% of you out there are like me, you’re not the type of person that does the same thing. Day after day after day after day, you got to switch it up, you got to try something new, you’re you’re impatient, you’re tension, you’ve got an attention deficit and everything else.

So let’s talk about how to go about doing it, this is the best way I have found of doing it, I’m going to give you three resources, three resources that have changed my life, in terms of how I see everything that I do, but especially when it comes down to getting something done that I know is going to take a good chunk of time, have a good six months, year, two years, three years, five years, 10 years.

If I want to build something into my lifestyle, this is how I go about doing it. So yes, we’re talking about content marketing, but we’re also talking about how to trick yourself into doing what you know you’re supposed to be doing. And I am the worse at this type of thing. Honestly, I can’t, I have the toughest time being consistent on anything.

And so I have to build a team around me to help me out with that. But I also have to do these steps. And I’ll talk about that in a second. By the way, I just noticed I’m looking at the camera, and I’m catching a view of how I look.

I probably my eyes are all bloodshot, because it looks like I’ve been smoking all day. In essence, i have i’ve been outside. And it’s one of these days in Oregon called a burn day.

So it’s a day where it’s wet enough outside and the heat is low enough that everybody’s out burning their piles of waste, including myself, so we were out in the country, so waste meaning, you know, downed trees and and and you know, natural waste. So you put it in a big pile and you burn it and you pay attention to it.

So I’ve been out in the smoke all day. That’s why I looked this way. It’s a Sunday. This is what we do here on the show. So let’s talk about what these three resources are first one, the slight edge, this was the one that really set my whole life on. On this track of understanding habits. I’ve read a whole bunch of books on habits.

This was the first one that really spoke to me as to how you go about doing this and why, and the physics behind it and everything else. This is one of the first edition copies, I got this.

Actually, this not sure if this was my actual copy or someone, someone else because I bought it off of a couple other people. Because I loved it so much I like like passing it on to other people. 2005.

When this one came out, there’s been other additions that have come out since I’ve got a slightly thicker edition that has extra stuff from the later ones. Great book, slight edge, this is a great, it’s an easy read, it’s a quick read, and it really hones in on the point.

Now if you want to go a little bit deeper into it and read something that’s probably even better written was a compound effect by Darren Hardy. I don’t have my copy right here.

But compound effect by Darren Hardy is a great book that covers a lot of the same material, and covers that from a different angle, and will really get you going.

Now, if you want to say okay, that’s all fine and good. But I can’t quite get a handle on this. There’s one that goes directly into how to apply it into your life. It’s a simple book.

It’s one of those that you don’t you don’t think you want to think it was such a simple title, and a simple little cover that it would do what it needs to do. But this book is amazing. It’s the simplest book out of all of these. In fact, you go straight to it, if you just want to get down to the meat, Mini Habits.

That’s many as a miniature, Mini Habits, by Stephen Guise, I think I’m saying his name correctly. Mini habits by Stephen Guise, check out that book.

That tells you specifically how to go about putting these things into place. And it’s all about starting small, and just a little bit every single day, which is what I’ve done here, I put these out on a regular basis, I’ve made it to where it kind of duplicates itself.

I’ve got our producer, Sean Douglas, who helps out, put sending all this stuff out all over the internet and uploads it and sends it all over all over the place on a daily basis.

You got to have a team of people, if you don’t have the focus to be able to do it, do the pieces you can do and outsource the rest as best as you can. It wouldn’t happen otherwise, for me I can I can speak for that, for sure.

Now, those are the three books. Hopefully that makes sense to you. Get out and learn how to do these things. If you don’t already know how to implement habits, find out how you can do it.

I guarantee you if I could do it, you can do it. guaranteed that while you’re at it, if you haven’t gotten a copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy over at AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll be back here tomorrow, maybe talking more about content marketing, go and watch my other material out on content marketing. It’s it’s a big piece of the puzzle.

Because everything a whole lot of what we’re doing now comes back to content marketing. That’s how you go about standing out and that’s what I do on the stand out artist and I’m going to help you do the same thing in your business.

Once again, AmazonProofBook.com we’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Content Marketing Plan ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป

Thoughts on when is the right time to implement your content marketing in your business and the importance of consistency.


Content Marketing Plan.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is a series on content marketing that we’re doing. First we were talking about what content marketing is, if you don’t know, and you need to start from the beginning, go watch that one, that was two days ago.

Yesterday, we did content marketing strategy, where we kind of looked at the overall marketing strategy. And that’s really the first major steps you got to know you got to know kind of what content marketing is why you would want to even do it.

And then you’ll want to sit down and really define your marketing overall, and see where the content marketing is going to go and what it’s going to do and what the function is and who it’s going to reach, okay. We talked about that yesterday.

Now let’s talk about how we actually plan out the attack, how do we actually do that?

How do we know what the right answers are to all those questions and whether it makes sense or not?

There’s two different ways you can handle this.

One, if you are really a mover, if you’re a person that likes to implement things right away and just get things moving and make mistakes as quickly as possible, then do that, just do it, just jump in there and start implementing just start moving and seeing where things go.

Be okay with it flopping. be okay with it not doing what you expect it to do or wanted to do or what have you.

Number two, there’s another way of handling that and that is if you’re the type of person that wants to do this right?

As soon as possible. And don’t want anything, any loose ends hanging out there on the internet, which is okay, I mean either way is fine.

It all depends on your comfort level. Now, if you’re that type of person, that you want a little bit more assurance that you’re going to do this in the right way you don’t want your brand name or anything else getting out there that isn’t fully thought out completely, then I’m going to suggest that you talk to somebody, find somebody that has done the type of content marketing that you’re doing.

Or you could talk to a content marketing expert, someone that has some background that has worked with other people in doing content marketing, I can’t give you someone right off the top my head that would be able to do that oh, other than me, okay.

You could talk to me and you’re welcome to get ahold of me go to BrianJPombo.com and click on I want to grow my business. Let me know that that’s specifically what we’re talking about and we’ll set up a time to be able to talk with each other now.

And there’s also other contact forms on that site that you can, you could find to get a hold of me. So find a way to get in touch with me.

I’d love to be able to talk with you about your company’s content marketing.

Now beyond that, that is the next step.

The next step is planning out implementation.

It’s going through those first steps we talked about, and then setting up okay, how soon are we going to do this and how long are we doing it for?

There’s a couple tips I want to throw out there right away.

One is that you’re going to want to know that you’re doing it long enough that you can actually get what you want out of it.

I mean, are you going to be able to tell I mean, if you’re only planning to do it for a couple of weeks, are you gonna be able to tell when a couple weeks whether you’ve achieved what you wanted to achieve.

So that’s something you really got to think about. Beyond that, the sooner you can get started, the better.

But you are going to want to spend some time getting where you want to get at the same time. You can track a whole lot of this, it all depends on your expectations are your expectations realistic or not?

Once again, you got to talk to somebody that has some experience, or somebody that just has the knowledge and the experience like myself.

So get out there and start digging in and start doing it. I know this wasn’t a super detailed explanation. But this is kind of the next major step and everyone’s going to handle their implementation a little bit differently.

Now, if you’re starting from scratch, especially if you’re a solopreneur. if maybe you don’t have funding and everything to be able to really do this big, but you want to be consistent.

Consistency is huge.

Then I’m going to talk about that tomorrow, we’re going to talk about the implementation process and how to stick with it. How are you going to put something move in movement that will keep going because the consistency is so huge.

I talk a lot about consistency.

I’ve got a whole chapter on it in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

This would also be helpful to you for content marketing, talk about it throughout and The principles in it have everything to do with content marketing, because it’s all about standing out.

How do you stand out and as your company stand out as all your brands stand out. That’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You go buy a copy wherever books are sold, but you can also go to AmazonProofBook.com to get your very own free copy right now. Okay. That’s all I got for today. You have a great night.

We’ll be back here tomorrow with more content marketing strategy. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.