๐Ÿ‘‰ Content Marketing vs. Info Marketing ๐Ÿ‘ˆ (Evergreen Advertising)

Thoughts on content marketing and info marketing and the value of evergreen advertising.


Content Marketing versus Info marketing.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk about content marketing, shall we?

Content marketing, as it’s kind of being referred to today, once again, is one of those phrases, that is explaining something that’s always been in existence.

But today has kind of a new turn on things. So when people talk about content marketing, today, what they tend to discuss is the regular marketing that you’re putting out there specifically tends to be on the internet, people tend to refer to content marketing when it comes to your internet marketing.

And it tends to be the stuff that has substance to it, it has content, it has value one to itself, that you’re putting out there, but it also has a marketing message within it.

So one way or the other, that’s kind of how I would go about defining content marketing, just off the top of my head.

Now, info marketing is something a little bit different.

Once again, something that’s always existed, has gone by different terms, by different people. But was really I’ve heard it most often called info marketing or information marketing, by a lot of the direct response marketers that came from kind of the Dan Kennedy School of thought, and that I believe that terminology was really, I know what was at least heavily promoted, and has been used through the years from people coming from that way of thinking when it comes to marketing.

So what is information marketing, basically, is using any type of information to market.

So you have, you have information that within itself is marketing, and can be either given away or purchased. So there’s a little bit of crossover with content marketing versus info marketing, I would say that content marketing tends to be most of the free stuff that’s out there.

And in fact, it probably is easier to call it content advertising, just people aren’t talking about content advertising, they’re talking about content marketing.

But really, it’s more on the advertising side of things.

It is your YouTube page, like this one, or a podcast that you put out a lot of that stuff is all considered content marketing. And then when you start having larger items of pieces of information, seminars and courses and things of that sort, they tend to start blending into the info marketing end.

So things that have so much perceived value that they can be sold separately. Now, it doesn’t matter whether you’re with your info marketing is made up of content marketing.

So I have a book that is sold separately, and it’s all but it’s all built out of content marketing. So I put together I had nine separate videos, you could go way back in the archives and find nine separate videos all about Amazon proofing your business.

I then took the transcripts from those videos, switched them around, actually changed the order around on some of them and made them a little bit more clear add a little bit more content added an introduction and all the rest and I got a block right off of my content marketing came in info marketing book, the whole concept of repurposing, which is a huge deal.

If you don’t understand that, then you’re really missing the boat.

And if you don’t understand the power of content marketing, let alone where it can take you to info marketing, then it I don’t care if you’re selling tires, I don’t care if you’re selling haircuts, it doesn’t matter what it is that you’re trying to get people to buy, having an element of content marketing, and then eventually adding in the element of info marketing can be huge.

And everyone’s going to have different definitions of these. So I don’t need a debate or anything. I’d love to hear what you think you can leave a comment down below wherever you’re watching or listening to this.

Again, if you don’t have a place to comment, go to BrianJPombo.com, find the video, and comment there. But I’d love to hear what you think.

In general, these are vague terms. These are things that everyone’s got a slightly different definition for there is no Webster’s Hoyles definition for this type of thing.

It is what it is, but we use it as kind of a shorthand to start a conversation. And then from there take you to step after step after step.

So I work with business owners and executives and eventually with their staff if we move forward on how to develop long term content marketing, and then if they’re interested in showing them how to then go about developing info marketing Have those content marketing resources that they’ve created assets, in a sense, especially if it’s ongoing.

The whole idea is if you can create something ongoing, and if you’re building things that are so valuable that they have an evergreen background to them, that they have the ability to what we were just discussing today, me and my podcast, producer Sean E. Douglas, we were discussing about how some of our most powerful videos out there most powerful pieces of content that come back out of nowhere and start getting a whole lot of attention are the Evergreen things that aren’t just set in today’s time period.

Yeah, you can get a whole lot of views, you can get a whole lot of lessons, you get a whole lot of clicks on something that is timely, there’s a value in that.

But the Evergreen stuff is something totally different that can go on and on and on and on.

Not only that, you can build products that can go on and on and on and on.

And continue to encourage people to go the next step in your process to becoming a lifelong customer or client or what have you. I hope all that made sense. If it doesn’t, make sure and check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you don’t want to buy one you can buy it wherever books are sold Amazon, Barnes and Noble. But you can also go to AmazonProofBook.com, AmazonProofBook.com, get a free copy, just go sign up over there.

I’m going to be back here tomorrow night. We do this on a nightly daily basis, so come on back then.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Content Marketing is the Gateway Drug ๐Ÿ’Š

Why content marketing can be a smart move for any business or person trying to get their message out to to the world. Also, some added thoughts on how it plays into information marketing.


Content Marketing is the Entryway Drug.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What is content marketing the entry way drug to, and who is it the entry way drug for?

I’m going to cover all of that in today’s a little talk, but first, I wanted to remind you about the book that I have, which is the entry way drug to content marketing itself.

So if you have a business, or you’re an executive within a business, if you’re one of the decision makers, so to speak. You should be looking very heavily, I don’t care what kind of business you have, you should be looking very heavily at the concept of content marketing, and whether you’re doing it and whether you’re doing enough of it.

And whether you’re hitting all the right places and hitting specifically, your ideal clientele, your ideal customer base.

I talk all about that and the potential of all these things in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It is kind of the start, to thinking about content marketing and other ways of how to stand out in your marketplace. So that you won’t even have competition like the big guys like Amazon.com. That’s where Amazon-Proof comes into play.

If you can be Amazon-Proof, you can be everything, right?

You don’t need competition, you can get over it by standing out by making yourself different enough and then getting out there in front of your ideal clientele and getting to know them so that they can know like and trust you.

That’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can go and grab it wherever books are sold, or you can get your own free digital copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

So let’s talk about content marketing itself.

What is it an intro drug for?

Well, two things.

One thing it is, and it is an entry way drug for information marketing. So a lot of people that are advanced in marketing terms understand how powerful information marketing is.

And really, it’s the same thing as content marketing, except content marketing is a very quick, simple, especially the way that people are thinking about today with in terms of the internet.

It’s a very quick, simple way to go about doing it, especially if you’re doing it consistently. If you’re putting out content on a regular basis, trying to get more attention coming back to you, and your company, or your cause, or your nonprofit or what have you, your organization.

If you’re doing that regularly, you’re creating content, that content, repackaged the exact same content can be repackaged, and put out there as information marketing and information products, okay.

That’s a great deal, because one thing, it produces another income source.

Another great thing is that it’s producing another form of advertising that has immediate benefit for the people that purchase it.

Plus, it’s advertising the next step in your process, whether that be the products and services that you currently have, or more advanced products and services that you can come out with in the future.

I’m hoping you’re following all this.

So I’ll give you a great example, because it’s been this way with myself as well.

I started doing content marketing for my company on an ongoing basis. Back in 2019, when I introduced the the podcast, Off The Grid Biz, which is a audio podcast interviews with business owners in the realm of the author grid space, in other words, the self reliance space.

So anything that had to do with self reliance that teaches people or trains people or has something to do with people becoming more self reliant, not self dependent, not closed off to the rest of the world, but self reliant.

So able to be to create more, do more on your own, so that you can then go and help others right. That’s what self reliance is all about.

At least I see that the ideal term of self reliance, and then went from there and started doing these nearly daily video broadcasts, first over Facebook and then spreading out over YouTube and LinkedIn and all the other places Instagram.

And so we started doing these Brian J. Pombo Live and that’s grown and grown.

And then we added another local podcast, which is also an interview podcast, which is audio base with local business owners, local movers and shakers of all types with Grants Pass VIP in the town of Grants Pass Oregon.

So that’s where that came from. And I’ll be putting out some information about how that went about how that’s come about how that has been able to grow my business and how you could put together a local based form of content marketing.

That’s a whole nother issue, we’ll get to that eventually.

But let’s talk about Brian J. Pombo Live, I started doing these episodes, and I started realizing that just being able to come up with and this is part partially my personality, and my conation, if you will, is that I’m very good off the cuff.

That’s how I get my ideas out, I kind of have to talk them out.

And by doing that, I put together a string ofโ€ฆI go through series where I put together series of videos, and I put together a series of videos all about how to become more Amazon-Proof.

They went so well that I said I think I can base a book off this.

So I took the transcripts from these live talks, just a string of episodes, I took those and they became the skeleton for my book. And I added pieces here and there.

I add pictures and and citations and everything else.

But that’s what it was, it became a book, that’s where this book came from.

So I created an information product off of my content marketing, which then becomes content marketing of its own. And information marketing and information products are content marketing. So it kind of feeds in on itself.

So you can create larger and larger things. You create courses, you can create, whether they be a video course an audio course, a course that you read through, or all the above, you add in checklists.

You add in things that allow people to get things done in your content marketing can become information marketing, which can become another income source to your business.

Which in turn makes your business stronger because it builds this coalition of people that are more and more interested in what you’re talking about.

Pretty soon you add a subscription or membership level to your business, which we talk about in, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Then you’ve got a monster business that’s so far beyond where you might possibly be right now, when it comes to just having products or services, you can build on it and make this much more bigger thing with relatively low overhead.

So it says a lot of exciting stuff when it comes to content marketing.

Who is it an entryway drug for?

It’s an entryway drug for people that want to that are interested in the concept of getting their point out there getting their ideas out there, creating hordes of people that are interested in what they’re selling, or in the ideas that they’re selling, or the concepts that they’re trying to get out there.

That’s what this is all about.

It’s all about standing out.

It’s all about getting to be known and achieving what you want to achieve for your own life, which is where kind of it all starts and then stems off from there.

So we’re going to be doing more and more and more deeper dives into ways that you can implement content marketing in your business.

Stay tuned here, follow like, subscribe, wherever you’re at.

Just make sure to connect out with me at BrianJPombo.com, and we’ll be sure and put these out on a daily basis. Come on back, I’d love to hear more from you.

And leave your questions and comments and we’ll we’ll get to you. I love answering things. I love having people we’re gonna have more and more people on the show.

We’ve already had a couple of interviews that we’re going to be slowly putting out there. And we’re going to have more as time goes on.

As we get better at doing the video editing process. We just got through a couple major hurdles today.

So I’m really excited about where those things are going. So you’ll have some great stuff to go over real soon. I will see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

Another Clue You Might Be Ready for Information Marketing

The value of information marketing and knowing when it’s time to test it out for your company.


Another clue you might be ready for information marketing.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to talk about information marketing, because it’s a whole lot of what it is that I work with my clients on. And it’s a whole lot of what I do.

So it’s one of those things that I just see more and more and more needed. With most businesses, especially businesses that already have a lot of traffic, a lot of deal flow happening, a lot of people that you’re getting in front of already. You’re getting in front of ideal clients to begin with, if you’re in that type of position where you’re already in the mix.

The next big step, and I’ll tell you why this came up the next big steps information marketing.

Let’s get into that in a second. The reason why this came up because I was working with a client of mine, and she was discussing that, well, she wasn’t discussing, we were in a webinar with a bunch of potential customers.

A lot of people that she is known people who have been customers in the past along with people who are potential customers, and people at all different levels. The one thing we were getting back was a whole lot of questions, very common questions, the type of questions that take you in a whole different direction.

You can tell they are applying to try and see if they can do some of the work that her and her company does themselves. They’re seeing if they can plug in some of these ideas if they could milk her for ideas and be able to move forward.

Now if you’re in a position where you’re doing a heavy service, or you’re doing something of an expert level, for people, the instant reaction is to be offended, and say, why don’t you just pay me to do it, you know, and to kind of have that kind of attitude about it.

Or say, hey, you could try it yourself but you’re going to fail type of thing. You have to look in a slightly different direction, if you’re getting a lot of questions like that.

That’s the type of field that you’re in or they’re the type of questions that don’t have anything to do with what you’re doing. That’s also another thing that can really clue you into the fact that you need information marketing.

Here’s why, if someone’s asking you for all those things chances are, if they don’t get it from you, they’re going to get it from somebody else.

In the long run what matters most is your relationship with them over time. It’s not how much money you’re making off of them today or how much money you made off of them up till now.

It’s how much money you’re going to be making off of them over a lifetime. If you’re just talking dollars and cents, that’s what it comes down to and the way you increase that is you increase trust.

The way you increase trust, is by increasing the amount of time that you have with them, and the amount of expertise that they view you as having. A big piece of doing that is having information marketing.

So you know one of the initial pieces, I don’t have a huge information marketing offering from BrianJPombo.com quite yet, we’ve got a lot of plans in the future that we’re going to be developing.

We have a whole lot of stuff that you can get out there information that I’m putting out there for free, and to kind of flood the market and get get the word out.

All the different podcasts that I have that you could find at BrianJPombo.com/Podcasts. And my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

This is a form of information marketing. It’s very specific, it’s a book, it’s not going to appeal to everybody. But it’s there, you can get your own free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

But you can do the same thing by creating audio conversations, and any type of video, audio or written course, you can have put together relatively simply and turn that into an information product.

You can have that information product sitting on your website for sale, it can be digital, that’s the best thing nowadays.

It can be digital and people are so appreciative of getting something quick and digital, you can have a physical component and be able to outsource it to where it gets printed and sent off and you never have to worry about it or touch it just like I do with this book.

In places like amazon.com where they print it on demand. They send it and I get my cut and the publisher gets their cut and so on so forth. All that’s possible.

Whether you’re dealing with physical, physical items, a thumb drive with with digital items on it, there’s there’s a place for fear cool things.

But you don’t need to start that you can start on the digital end and do really, really well.

Just putting the thing together and put it on your website, even if nobody ever buys it. The fact that when someone asks a question, you say, that’s a great point. We’ve got this course on our website that’s all about that it fills that out.

We got 50 different doodads on there that cover your exact question. So if you’re wanting an answer to that right away, just go on the website, go type this into the search bar, and you’ll it’ll take you right there. You could buy it for 200 bucks, whatever it is, you know.

The best thing about information, you could price it however you want, however much you think is is reasonable and not even reasonable. However much you think that people that would get the right attention for you.

You don’t want to overprice it to the point to where people think you’re a nutcase. But at the same time, you don’t we certainly don’t want to underprice it. If you have something on there for a decent high end price.

It doesn’t matter if anybody ever buys it. Because the fact that you went through the effort of putting together a course about that topic, they know you know what you’re talking about.

Because why else would you offer especially if you have it, there’s all the all the marketing around it adds to the value, whether they purchase it or not, or whether they come to you for consulting or whatever it is that you offer.

I’m not sure if all that makes sense. There’s, there’s so many levels to information marketing, but you can use it. If you’re if this sounds familiar to you, if this is a familiar situation to what you’re dealing with.

If you’re wondering whether your company really could use information marketing, and whether it would be actually useful to you and your your customers or potential customers.

Go go and leave a comment down below or going message me over on my website, BrianJPombo.com.

I’d love to hear from you about your specific situation. If you don’t mind. We’ll talk about it right here. If you want, we’ll plug we’ll plug your thing or we’ll do it anonymously.

But I’d love to hear more about your business, reach out to me.

That’s all I got for tonight. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, just get out there and let the magic happen.

Selling Info + Your Business


Selling info + your business.

I am Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This right here is a picture of Michael Senoff. Michael Senoff is a dear friend of mine and he doesn’t even know who I am and here’s why. He’s had a website called, Hard To Find Seminars for probably close to 20 years now.

This website’s been out there. It has a whole lot of free information out there that can teach you about business sales, marketing.

He’s gone out and interviewed some of the smartest people out there at the same time. He’s learned a whole lot, has put into play a whole lot and has become an expert unto himself and he imparts his wisdom out into the world.

Whole bunch of this stuff is free. It’s not in a normal blog format or anything of that sort, but what it is is he has pieces of it put out there.

Some of them are full interviews, some of them are just part of interviews.

And he says, hey, if you’d like to hear the rest, go and purchase this product that has this many hours worth of my interviews, or an old seminar from this person or that person.

That’s where his whole website came from. It’s just these interviews and most of them, their the most simplest interviews in the world. They may have a commercial spliced in there or two for his website, but other than that, it’s just plain and simple interview over the phone.

He had this little digital recorder that could plug into a phone. It’s not the greatest quality sound in the world, but you can hear what’s being said. Plus, he has transcripts of all of his conversations that he’s had.

These are amazing conversations that he’s had with some amazing people throughout the years.

I mean, hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of recordings available on that website, both free and to pay for. I’ve bought many of his, I continue to buy many of his products that he has out there, their digital products. They’re just sitting there.

He has created this thing that kind of runs on its own where he has all these things available and things you’re talking 600 thousands of dollars worth of individual products that you can purchase on a whole range of different issues.

Most of them are business related.

So I think I saw some health related stuff on there.

Why is it called hard to find seminars?

Well, it’s because when he first started out, he was selling old seminars, you know, things on tape and CD that, people had bought and then they were reselling.

He was reselling all this stuff on eBay.

And so his original website was hard to find seminars.

As time went on, he started creating his own products. They’re not all seminars.

They aren’t all hard to find, but they are this huge trove of information.

Why am I talking about Michael Senoff?

What’s it have to do with you?

Well for one thing, this is my love letter. Thank you Michael, for all the work that you’ve done through the years and creating this fabulous business for yourself.

Those of you who are watching this, I want you to keep in mind what this could be for you. Any business can have information tacked onto it. You can always have some form of information that you’re selling on the side, regardless of what the business.

If you’ve been in your business for any amount of time and have any amount of knowledge about it, you are an expert in comparison to most people on whatever the topic is that you deal with on a regular basis.

Having that ability, you have the ability to then put your concepts, put your ideas, put your answers to frequently asked questions onto paper, on audio recording, on the video recording.

And like we said, it’s all about content marketing, but you don’t only need to use content for marketing. You could use content and sell it unto itself for people that are out there looking for that type of content.

You could train people on how to build a business similar to what you’ve built.

Most of the people watching this or a lot of the people that I’ve met that I’m reaching out to, business owners, executives, people that run the company.

If you’ve got that background, you definitely have the ability to create information and it’s a great side business.

Look into Michael’s stuff and see how simple and straight forward his process is, but at the same time has such quality information, quality entertainment and just overall insights into the world.

It’s great stuff. It’s very inspiring.

Anybody can go out there and do what he’s done. Not only that, a lot of his stuff focuses in on the simplicity of how simple it is to go out and make a business on your own.

He has courses on how to use Craigslist and how to use all these different things, that ink that everyone has available to them.

If you’re ever feel like you’re in a rut and you’re not really making it ahead, if you’re still trying to break out in business, look into Michael Senoff’s work.

It’s really good stuff.

So hopefully you found this helpful look into providing information for others. We’ll talk about more about this in the future and how this can benefit you and your business.

Anytime you can tack on side pieces of business onto your business, it makes your core business stronger and it makes everything more secure and gives you the, at that allure, that overall aura to your customers of being something bigger than just your average blank.

However, most people would refer to your industry, to your business if you’re just an average blank.

If you’re just another cookie cutter watch, I’m gonna call it out there.

If what you’re providing is a product is just the typical thing that you can find on Amazon.com or on anyone of your competitors sites. You’re not standing out enough.

You’re not being different enough.

You need to provide more information.

Hopefully you found this helpful. If you have and you’re in the self-reliance field, go to DreamBizChat.com meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant.

You’re someone I’d love to talk with, and we could have a free conversation over on DreamBizChat.com link is in the description.

You can click on that anytime.

Like I said, hope you found this helpful. Come on back tomorrow. We’re back here every day on Brian J. Pombo Live. Have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.