The 10th Way To Amazon-Proof Your Business 📚 (Offer Advancement)

Brian reveals the 10th way to Amazon-Proof Your Business.


The 10th way to Amazon-Proof your business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I have here in my hands my book,9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at

But this discusses only the first nine ways and I realized that there was there’s actually a 10th way that I talked about briefly in chapter five and chapter six, which you can check out, I’m not going to ruin it for you chapter five and chapter six cover an area that most businesses don’t have that they all need.

But there’s also another element to those chapters and I would make it the 10th way to Amazon-Proof your business and what is the 10th way?

The 10th way is called, Offer Advancement.

This is a funny thing because it’s not something it’s not so commonly discussed. That it is something you can go look up, I was looking for keywords to try and catch people who are looking up details about this.

And I wasn’t able to find really anything out there that is so common that people are looking it up on YouTube and Google and so forth.

I just had to kind of go back to scratch and say, Okay, well, if I were to tie this in with my original book, what would I say?

It really is offer advancement.

What does offer advancement mean?

Well, I’ll tell you what the fifth and sixth chapters are all ruined for you. I won’t get into the detail, you can read about that but the fifth and sixth ways are offering belonging and offering ongoing.

So belonging is about having a part of your business that allows the person to be a part of a community. It’s offering that belonging concept, the belonging, feeling that the most famous one of the most famous ones that I could put out there is Harley Davidson.

How you know when you’re in Harley Davidson, that’s a cult, I mean, that is belonging.

When you own a Harley, when you want to have a Harley when you walk around with Harley patches, I mean, that is something that’s very specific.

It’s a very specific type of motorcycle, nothing funky, none of the other motorcycles function quite like a Harley Davidson. It has a specific sound, it has a specific feel everything else.

So you need to offer that type of belonging and you also need to offer some form of bond going whether there’s belonging attached or not. But if you can have those two together, then you have some type of membership ongoing. Having it to where you give people the option to purchase from you on a regular basis.

It’s not rocket science but how many businesses actually do that?

I mean, very few, especially local-based businesses, if you’ve got a local or regional business chances are you don’t have an ongoing option unless it’s already kind of contained within your industry.

But you want to look way outside the box and look at the possibility of offering something on an ongoing basis. But I won’t get too far into those I want to talk about at the next level.

The next level is advancement is once a person feels like they belong once a person feels like and I don’t care if you’re offering, if you’re running a hair salon, it’s the same same thing.

If they feel like they belong, if they have the ability to pay you on an ongoing basis, then you give them the option for advancement.

And you give them more of a club feel more things that they would want more things that they would never expect from a hair salon or whatever it is that you’re working in.

This can be any business, any business can have this element. It’s really exciting because you see it every once in a while you see ongoing membership-based businesses introduced into an area you would never think of being and what they end up offering is something much greater than the commoditized product or service that you normally would relate with that business that this is my one of my favorite examples.

Because it’s it’s informative and it is but it’s functional.

And this is I’ve used this I’ve used these guys before this is a this is the mark magnetic Marketing letter that goes out.

At the end of every letter, they show the ladder of success. And the ladder of success is an advanced process that you can go through with this group.

So it starts out with, you know, read magnetic marketing as a book. And then you attended some type of fast implementation boot camp, which is a deal that they offer.

Then you have you join with the gold membership for you know, 97 bucks a month, or whatever it is.

Then you can upgrade to the diamond membership, it’s more expensive, you get more stuff out of it, then you can join a magnetic marketing, implementation coaching, much more expensive, much more back and forth and much more intensity.

Then from there, you could join a renegade Millionaire Mastermind Oh, wow, mastermind, that’s a whole nother level. And then you could join elevate their top one here.

So this is just one of the latest versions of their ladder but what options do people have, if they want to be around you more if they want to be around your business if they want to hang out more?

What other options are you giving them?

It’s not that tough to at least offer it, if you offer it, it makes even the lower end the initial offerings that you have, it makes them more valuable, and makes them look more reasonable.

Like a discount almost. It’s all relative. So this is why you want to look into offering advancement, people want to advance, they want to go to the next level, if you give them a pathway, they want to keep going down that pathway. It’s yeah, this can be taken to a level of manipulation that is unbelievable.

But it can also be used for good and as long as you’re offering something good as long as you’re offering quality to people of any sort. And it’s worth the money that they’re paying, then go for it do it.

It’s voluntary, they don’t have to but you could see this in a whole lot of other areas. When I was in the just as a quick example when I was in high school, you were in the I was in the FFA was the Future Farmers of America.

And there you could, that it was all dependent. There are different contests.

And each contest had its own levels of advancement, depending on how well you did in a particular contest.

For example, I did an extemporaneous public speaking contest and advanced to the next level that went from a sectional to a regional competition from a regional to a statewide competition and so forth.

They had this on on every competition that’s available through FFA. And then they had offices that you could run for, so you could run for the chapter office, which was a local high school-based office.

And then you could go from there, run for a sectional and then run from a sectional run for a regional and but so I ended up working my way up through the race, it ended up as a regional officer, and then eventually ran for state office twice back in the state of California.

But there was a field that you want to advance, you want to go to the next level, you want to be part of that next club that has all these benefits that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. And that’s merely a situation that didn’t, they weren’t asking a huge chunk of money or anything. This is just a nonprofit organization.

Think of how you can create that in your business, you create a feeling of advancement of any sort, then that helps bind them with your brand with your product or service. And it’s not a bad thing. As long as what you offer is high quality, good stuff.

That doesn’t hurt people, right?

That’s all on you but this is these are the rules that work. This is just human psychology.

Hopefully, it makes sense to you. That’s all I’ve got for tonight.

I’ll be back tomorrow, and I’ll tell you a few ways to take people to the next level, whether it’s from the very beginning, or whether it’s from one advancement on one level to another in your business.

So check that out tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Content Marketing is the Gateway Drug 💊

Why content marketing can be a smart move for any business or person trying to get their message out to to the world. Also, some added thoughts on how it plays into information marketing.


Content Marketing is the Entryway Drug.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What is content marketing the entry way drug to, and who is it the entry way drug for?

I’m going to cover all of that in today’s a little talk, but first, I wanted to remind you about the book that I have, which is the entry way drug to content marketing itself.

So if you have a business, or you’re an executive within a business, if you’re one of the decision makers, so to speak. You should be looking very heavily, I don’t care what kind of business you have, you should be looking very heavily at the concept of content marketing, and whether you’re doing it and whether you’re doing enough of it.

And whether you’re hitting all the right places and hitting specifically, your ideal clientele, your ideal customer base.

I talk all about that and the potential of all these things in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It is kind of the start, to thinking about content marketing and other ways of how to stand out in your marketplace. So that you won’t even have competition like the big guys like That’s where Amazon-Proof comes into play.

If you can be Amazon-Proof, you can be everything, right?

You don’t need competition, you can get over it by standing out by making yourself different enough and then getting out there in front of your ideal clientele and getting to know them so that they can know like and trust you.

That’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can go and grab it wherever books are sold, or you can get your own free digital copy at

So let’s talk about content marketing itself.

What is it an intro drug for?

Well, two things.

One thing it is, and it is an entry way drug for information marketing. So a lot of people that are advanced in marketing terms understand how powerful information marketing is.

And really, it’s the same thing as content marketing, except content marketing is a very quick, simple, especially the way that people are thinking about today with in terms of the internet.

It’s a very quick, simple way to go about doing it, especially if you’re doing it consistently. If you’re putting out content on a regular basis, trying to get more attention coming back to you, and your company, or your cause, or your nonprofit or what have you, your organization.

If you’re doing that regularly, you’re creating content, that content, repackaged the exact same content can be repackaged, and put out there as information marketing and information products, okay.

That’s a great deal, because one thing, it produces another income source.

Another great thing is that it’s producing another form of advertising that has immediate benefit for the people that purchase it.

Plus, it’s advertising the next step in your process, whether that be the products and services that you currently have, or more advanced products and services that you can come out with in the future.

I’m hoping you’re following all this.

So I’ll give you a great example, because it’s been this way with myself as well.

I started doing content marketing for my company on an ongoing basis. Back in 2019, when I introduced the the podcast, Off The Grid Biz, which is a audio podcast interviews with business owners in the realm of the author grid space, in other words, the self reliance space.

So anything that had to do with self reliance that teaches people or trains people or has something to do with people becoming more self reliant, not self dependent, not closed off to the rest of the world, but self reliant.

So able to be to create more, do more on your own, so that you can then go and help others right. That’s what self reliance is all about.

At least I see that the ideal term of self reliance, and then went from there and started doing these nearly daily video broadcasts, first over Facebook and then spreading out over YouTube and LinkedIn and all the other places Instagram.

And so we started doing these Brian J. Pombo Live and that’s grown and grown.

And then we added another local podcast, which is also an interview podcast, which is audio base with local business owners, local movers and shakers of all types with Grants Pass VIP in the town of Grants Pass Oregon.

So that’s where that came from. And I’ll be putting out some information about how that went about how that’s come about how that has been able to grow my business and how you could put together a local based form of content marketing.

That’s a whole nother issue, we’ll get to that eventually.

But let’s talk about Brian J. Pombo Live, I started doing these episodes, and I started realizing that just being able to come up with and this is part partially my personality, and my conation, if you will, is that I’m very good off the cuff.

That’s how I get my ideas out, I kind of have to talk them out.

And by doing that, I put together a string of…I go through series where I put together series of videos, and I put together a series of videos all about how to become more Amazon-Proof.

They went so well that I said I think I can base a book off this.

So I took the transcripts from these live talks, just a string of episodes, I took those and they became the skeleton for my book. And I added pieces here and there.

I add pictures and and citations and everything else.

But that’s what it was, it became a book, that’s where this book came from.

So I created an information product off of my content marketing, which then becomes content marketing of its own. And information marketing and information products are content marketing. So it kind of feeds in on itself.

So you can create larger and larger things. You create courses, you can create, whether they be a video course an audio course, a course that you read through, or all the above, you add in checklists.

You add in things that allow people to get things done in your content marketing can become information marketing, which can become another income source to your business.

Which in turn makes your business stronger because it builds this coalition of people that are more and more interested in what you’re talking about.

Pretty soon you add a subscription or membership level to your business, which we talk about in, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Then you’ve got a monster business that’s so far beyond where you might possibly be right now, when it comes to just having products or services, you can build on it and make this much more bigger thing with relatively low overhead.

So it says a lot of exciting stuff when it comes to content marketing.

Who is it an entryway drug for?

It’s an entryway drug for people that want to that are interested in the concept of getting their point out there getting their ideas out there, creating hordes of people that are interested in what they’re selling, or in the ideas that they’re selling, or the concepts that they’re trying to get out there.

That’s what this is all about.

It’s all about standing out.

It’s all about getting to be known and achieving what you want to achieve for your own life, which is where kind of it all starts and then stems off from there.

So we’re going to be doing more and more and more deeper dives into ways that you can implement content marketing in your business.

Stay tuned here, follow like, subscribe, wherever you’re at.

Just make sure to connect out with me at, and we’ll be sure and put these out on a daily basis. Come on back, I’d love to hear more from you.

And leave your questions and comments and we’ll we’ll get to you. I love answering things. I love having people we’re gonna have more and more people on the show.

We’ve already had a couple of interviews that we’re going to be slowly putting out there. And we’re going to have more as time goes on.

As we get better at doing the video editing process. We just got through a couple major hurdles today.

So I’m really excited about where those things are going. So you’ll have some great stuff to go over real soon. I will see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

Scary Pricing Strategies 🧟‍♂️💲

Some thoughts on raising your prices, from chapter seven of Brian’s new book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Scary pricing strategies.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to talk about a specific chapter from my book. And I’m gonna give you a little drawing on the dollar store whiteboard here.

That one of the chapters in my book, I believe, is chapter nine. Let me just double check that. No, excuse me, chapter seven, is the seventh way of Amazon proofing your business.

That’s what I call offer bigger.

And what offer bigger is all about is really, it’s a pricing strategy. It’s to offer enough quality to your customers, your clientele, whatever, you offer enough quality, that to necessitate raising your prices. Really, that’s what it comes down to.

There’s a great book, let me see I just had it here. Here is, I’ve mentioned before aboutabout Dan Kennedy’s NOBS Pricing Strategy. That’s a fabulous book him and Jason Marrs wrote that it’s a really excellent one, it was an early primer that I read that really got me into this way of thinking.

And this is another good one, this is an old, older older one. But if you could find an old copy of this, this is a good one. This is how to sell at prices higher than your competitors. Really good one.

And you can see it’s all about competition. That was what was why I was drawn toward this one. And it’s a, it’s a good one. It’s got lots of good good facts and figures, but really brings it all down to a mathematical level.

And it’s funny because most of us don’t sit down actually think this out, we say well, if I raise my prices, I’m going to have fewer customers.

And that couldn’t be the case, it isn’t always the case.

Quite often, I’ve seen my chair a little bit here, quite often I’ve seen it where it’s the opposite, where a person will go about raising the prices significantly, and end up with more customers, even for things that are regularly that are bought on a regular basis.

So let’s say you have a service, you know, some type of service or subscription and just for the sake of argument, let’s say they’re spending 100 bucks, hundred bucks a month, on on your service, right?

Let’s say you were to take and let’s say you’ve got I mean, we’ll make the math as easy as possible here. Let’s say you’ve got I mean, just for the sake of argument, let’s just say 1000 customers, you got 1000 customers 1000 bucks a month, right?

So you’ve got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. You’ve got…what was that, 100,000 coming in?

Yeah, of course, hundred thousand. You got 100,000 bucks coming in.

Don’t you love my writing here this is what makes this fun.

Okay, trying to figure out what I’m actually writing down. I’m not a doctor, believe it or not just play one on TV, we’ve got let’s say you doubled it.

You doubled it to 200 bucks a month, right?

What you’re charging, you completely double it, you just straight down the line, you tell everybody Hey, it’s going up. It’s going up next month, just due to COVID.

That’s what everyone’s blaming everything on nowadays. COVID. So due to COVID.

And everything we’ve had, we’ve had to raise our prices, we’re gonna be offering much more quality, that’s the best thing is if you can tie it to showing that they’re getting more value for the same price. That’s extremely helpful.

And that’s I go through that in my book.

By the way, if you want a free copy of, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, go to That’s, you think I’d be able to read it right off the screen, because I’ve got it there for you to see.

But you can read it there.

If you’re watching this on video. If you’re listening to this, it’s free copy of my book.

Now, let’s go back to our example. You raise your prices, you double your prices across the board. Let’s just say this decimate you. Let’s say half of your people fall off, you know net net amount meaning you’ve got new people signing up every month.

But let’s say, overall that cut your cut everything in half. Oh my gosh. You got 500 instead of 1000 subscribers paying 100 paying now $200 a month.

So what’s that bring it to, right?

You haven’t lost anything, right?

If you’re if you’re pretty decent at math, you realize you’ve lost nothing. But you’ve gained something here. And you so yeah, but you’ve lost you’ve lost half your customer base. How could you be gaining anything?

No, you’ve lost you’ve gained something because you have 500 more loyal customers and you’ve dropped your lease. Loyal customers, those are also the ones that give you the most amount of headache, then they have the most amount of compliance, you’ll see it immediately. I’m not saying you should go out and double your prices right away, this is just an example.

The point is, is that things have to, things have to change drastically for it not to be worthwhile to raise your prices. And all you have to do is change your focus from that point on once you have, I mean, honestly, a smaller customer base also allows you to narrow your focus on your marketing, because that’s going to give you more of an idea.

Okay, who are the people that dropped off?

Who could not afford or did not see themselves as being able to value that this, what you’re providing them at the hundred dollar point?

How many of them were not able to do that?

And how can we differentiate between doing our marketing early on so you can narrow your marketing focus, use the same amount that you’ve been spending on marketing, but put it more towards the ideal marketplace, that that alone can be huge to what you’re doing.

Because now you’re bringing in people that are closer to the type of person you’re looking for. Like I said, I’m not saying you need to raise your prices by doubling them. But I’m not saying you shouldn’t either.

Maybe you need to triple your prices, maybe you need to offer just a step up for people who want to take it you allow them to stay where they’re at. Or if they want something that’s worth twice as much, or 10 times as much more, here’s all the value you’re going to get by doing that. And allow people to self select, to be able to move out of that frame.

Either way, I found over and over and over again, with clients, you’re usually under charging across the board, you’re under charging. And when you’re under charging, you’re undervaluing what you’re providing automatically.

And if you’re undervaluing it, your customer, your end user is going to undervalue it too, they will not see it as valuable.

Whereas if it hurts a little I heard someone say this once, that if you’re not getting a little bit of a…..if you’re not getting somebody with a little bit of pain in their voice, when they hear you give them the price, you’re probably priced too low.

And this is a weird way of thinking I understand. But there’s a relativity thing to this. And it’s very much about math, it’s very much about being reality based, which I talk a lot about, it’s one of the third pillars, excuse me, reality grounded, is the third pillars and that we practice.

So this is something you got to challenge yourself on if you if you’re new to this, and this is kind of bending your noodle a little bit, go check out Dan Kennedy’s book, and go get a copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. That’ll be a good primer.

I’ve also got some good recommendations on other things that you can get into, to kind of challenge yourself, challenge yourself. If you don’t believe me, challenge it.

Do some of the numbers on your own, see how many people would have to drop off for you to lose money by doubling your prices by tripling your prices.

These are quick ways to be able to up your profit. So main reason why I’m able to go in and help business owners double and triple their profits. So if you’d like me to be able to help you with that, start with my book. I only work with people that have been through some my materials for they understand where I’m coming from.

So I’m not wasting my time. I’m not wasting your time.

So start with my book, go check that out. There’s some opportunities there to be able to talk with me one on one. And we’ll be back here tomorrow plug in.

We’ll meet again and go through these things. We do this every night. So come on back and we’ll talk again. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

1 Tip About Publishing Your Book 📚

It’s time to get nervous. It’s to get worried. It’s time to freakout and doubt yourself on a host of different things. 😱🤯

Yup, it’s time to write a book. ☠️

Brian shares one of his many tips on lessons learned while going through the process of publishing his first book.

P.S. – Get over the freaking out, you’ll get through it and be all the better for it. 😇

Checkout IngramSpark Today If You Are Looking To Publish a Book ➡️


One tip about publishing your book.

I am Brian pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I got the hardbound versions of my book finally delivered. This took quite a while, okay.

This is one tip I want to be able to pass on to you and a couple different ways of talking about it. So I just wrote my brand new book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, which you can get a free copy at

If you want a physical copy, you go through the free copy process, and it will give you a chance to be able to purchase a physical copy for less expensive than on Amazon. But if you want to get one right away quickly, in the most efficient manner, go to they print them right there, I believe, because everyone I know that bought them off of Amazon got them before I did from the publisher themselves.

So who was the publisher, I went with a company called, will have a link down in the description. And overall was a it was a, it was a relatively simple process.

Going through it the first time was a little confusing, I did not know what I was doing. I did not have anyone on board. So that’s one tip you could take away from this, I have somebody that knows what they’re doing when you’re doing something new, or, you know, pay somebody to help you out with the process.

This was one of those things where I wanted to kind of do it the rough way, so that I really understood it from all the way through the first time. And I’m happy I did it that way. But it didn’t take longer.

And it did it I have hit stumbling blocks along the way. The one major thing I’ll tell you about in a second here.

The first thing that I ran into though, and I’m hoping this was only because of the current world situation that we’re in, is that they said after I had gone through the process and ordered my books, I ordered 10 copies of these to be delivered to me.

And they said okay, it’s gonna take, it’s gonna take a while, it’s gonna take a while because COVID has us back backed up. So everything, every problem with every company out there right now is being blamed on on COVID-19 and all the surrounding issues.

Not that it isn’t true.

It just, it’s one of those things you get tired of after a while, because it’s like everybody, every single thing that could possibly go wrong. Well, it’s COVID’s fault, you know what, it’s gonna take longer while you’re on hold, because COVID, you know, so it’s just one of those things you just got to deal with.

Hopefully, if you go and do this, it won’t be during the pandemic, or what have you, the world won’t be riding around with the terror on fire. But if you do, just be ready for it, because they can do that type of thing.

So they said that it was going to be a good three weeks or something before before it got delivered. Turns out it was a lot longer than that. Okay, I don’t know what it ended up being. But you can go back and see when I got the video when I got the the deal published.

While this has been this has been well over a month. So these just showed up today. So it was a month and three days is how long it took for me to get it probably about 35 days, from the point at which I ordered it to when I actually received the box with the things and people were ordering them off of Amazon and getting them within a couple days physical copies.

So I knew that that wasn’t the best way to go about doing it.

But it was the best price.

And it was one of those situations where I had to see what I ended up getting from the publisher. And it’s good and bad.

In general, most of the ones that came through turned out okay, and then I got a couple that were a little problematic.

This one here, you can’t really tell by looking at the cover, the front cover looks okay. If you look closer, you can tell that it’s a little off. There’s a straight line here and it’s a little bit crooked and it starts becoming more more that way as you look along.

This is where the spine it’s supposed to be on the spine that what like my name, but the title kind of falls over under the edge and then the back is just a total total mess up. It’s it’s crooked and everything else.

So I’m going to try to send this one back and I’ve got a couple like that this was probably the worst one out of all of them. Many of them are just kind of just off center.

And that could be my fault or their fault but this one’s completely their fault because it’s completely jacked and it’s not like the other ones. The inside of the book looks great.

I had I really had a lot of fun going through the the publishing process and it looks like a professional real book.

How about that? Who would have thought right?

And when you see it for yourself the first time going through the process yourself. It’s incredible think okay, I took this from beginning to end.

And now I’ve got a book just like the other books on my shelf. It’s like a book.

It’s an actual book that this is how books happen. Not not all the time. But you could make books happen for yourself, and you shouldn’t be scared of just the little crazy things that can go wrong one, the one major tip is just be ready for the unexpected when you’re dealing with a new way of doing it.

So if you’re going with a new publisher, if you’re going with a self publishing mode, if you’re going with any type of printer, just be ready for the unexpected. And if you can work with somebody that’s worked with that publisher with that printer, with that situation, so that they they’re on top of it.

Great thing about IngramSpark, they put it into all the different places.

So he got on Amazon, Barnes and Noble everything immediately. I mean, really, it took it took 24 hours for it to show up just about everywhere. And anywhere that books are being sold online.

That’s a legitimate bookstore, including many foreign foreign bookstores that I didn’t know existed online, have my book in them.

And so when if you go and you type in the name, you know, 9 Ways Amazon-Proof Your Business in quotes into Google, you’ll see all these different stores that you can find them in, and that was all remote control.

I didn’t have to do any of that they handled all that. So it’s a great service IngramSpark.

I’m a little disappointed with the print job just because I got a couple funky ones. Other than that, very interesting. I’m going to see, I’ll let you know how it ends up going.

So I’m going to ask them if I can get these ones replaced. Because it’s not a doesn’t look good to send one of these off to a client or potential client. When it’s got a goofy cover like that. I don’t know. Maybe these will be…these will be a special collector’s edition. Who knows We’ll see.

If you’d like to be able to know how to really take your business how to stand out in your industry and make every competitor irrelevant. That’s the subtitle. Then go and grab my book, 9 Ways Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Like I said free free book at We’ll be back here tomorrow night.

We’re back here every night talking about ways that you can improve your business in ways of principles, strategies and tactics. Have a good one. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Worst Part of Writing Your First Book

So you want to write a book.

Well listen in as Brian gives you a few tips, fresh off of publishing his first book 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


The worst part of writing your first book.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I’d like to welcome you back to the headquarters for Brian J Pombo. We’ve done a lot of these in a lot of different places over the last year and a half or so that we’ve been doing these videos. One was the orange office, who’s my previous office that I used to use quite a bit, don’t use that as much anymore.

I have another office in town that I that I use on occasion one of my clients offices another one of my clients offices is also nearby.

We’ve done ones out of there, we’ve done a lot from outside here and they’re either here out on the property on the ranch, or somewhere else wherever I happen to be for for the day.

But this is the most easiest place to make be able to come back here when you’re doing it day after day after day, and you want something consistent and you want to be you want everyone to be able to hear you and everything else. I just I’d like to keep it simple.

So that’s why we’re here.

A little bit of a background. I just recently came out with a book you can if you’re watching this video and not listening to it, you’ll see the address down below. If you are listening to this, that address is

And what it is, is that’s a page you go to and get a free copy of my book. Now you can go and look for it on or Barnes and Noble or the Apple Store or anywhere else and you get yourself a digital copy or a hardback copy.

You can go and purchase that but if you want a free digital copy, go to

Why am I talking about this?

I’m talking about it because I wanted to go through kind of some examples of what I would consider the worst part of writing your first book. And I think for most people, the worst part of writing their first book comes with the actual writing of it, getting yourself to sit down and write something.

And for most people, they’re not natural writers. Some people are some people have a knack for it. Not that you’re a natural good writer, but you have a propensity, a an enjoyment for sitting down and typing something out or scribbling something out on paper. And that’s great. That’s great.

If you have that, you should keep doing it over and over and over. You should do it on daily basis.

Just write yourself silly.

For me, that was a very difficult process. And so I knew I would, it would take me a very long time if I’m going to sit there and write it because it all goes back to school training, of wanting to get it just right, and not wanting to have to go over and reedited the new all this other stuff.

So what I learned how to do from other people that have done it, is I said, well either I’ve got to do it auto And be able to talk about my book, Dean Jackson talks about this about talking out your book, he offers a actually a service called 90 minute book where he helps you to build a book within 90 minutes.

There’s a lot of people out there offering that when I started doing these vlogs on a daily basis, the Brian J Pombo Live Podcast.

When we started doing these, I found that hey, if I strong enough of these together, and I stuck to one topic ahead of time, I could probably get a book somewhere out of that.

So that’s what I did.

I had a I had a series called the 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Which is the name of the book. And we had a series on that i h day I did a different way. And each of those separate videos became the basis for a chapter.

So all we did was we took those we made up we took them and had them transcribed. I had a lot of help from a lot of people. The main one was Sean Douglas producer of the podcasts all the podcasts I put out.

Sean is the main man behind the scenes taking care of it, you could read his descriptions of all of these shows that go out. And so very talented person and he’s he helped me transcribe everything and kind of do a rough edit on it and then I go through and just kind of make it readable.

So change things to make them make sense.

Anywhere that I misspoke or whatever else I switched that to make it work I added in pieces where necessary, but I already had the backbone in place that’s really easy for me to do is go in and edit something after it’s already been done.

I have a tough time doing it scratch, you know, whether it’s me or working on somebody else’s stuff. So went out, did all that all that was relatively easy. It’s just main thing was just making enough time to do it and making it a priority.

That was a little difficult because all of my life is crazy. I’ve got a million projects going on and they given time so it had to become a priority. So once we made it a private already, that part got done the toughest thing, all from that point on is just the fact that it’s my first book. And I didn’t really know what I was doing.

I wasn’t quite sure if what I was doing was the right way of doing it or not. And so there’s all that hesitation involved. I wasn’t quite sure all the I didn’t even know all the steps. I kind of had to guess at the steps based on what I had heard before and what I had read and what you could read online.

And so I went with IngramSpark,, to publish it.

I didn’t completely understand what they needed. So I needed to take it step by step. And during that process, I found out that they had a bug in their new system to where certain things weren’t working, right. And so I was trying to communicate back with the four with them. This was all during COVID.

So they had extremely, extremely long wait times to get back to me. And finally worked out all that stuff, focus on it, that every time I’m taking off Have something I move on to something else.

While I’m waiting for something over here, I go over here and spin this plate around. And so it’s takes a long time to get through all that it’s if it’s your first time through that doubt is always there.

It’s not heavy doubt it’s just a consistent, is this really… am I doing it right? Is this what I’m supposed to be doing is this? I don’t know, you know?

And so that’s always there.

After I’ve gone through it one time, I’m completely positive, I can do it 20 more times, no problem. But going through it that first time. That’s the worst part of writing your first book is just not knowing the next step in the process.

I suggest getting somebody to work with you see, I I enjoy kind of being in that frame because it gets me to have a deeper understanding of what’s going on.

Even if I would do it differently with somebody else or and helping somebody else. I at least have an idea of the process and all the gist that I was looking for the minimal way to get it done.

And I think I found a pretty good way if you’re ever needing help on something like this, reach out to me, go to and reach out.

And I’d be happy to happy to work with you.

If it seem like work out for both of us, I’d be happy to help you through this process, but find somebody that’s done it before.

And you might be able to avoid going through the worst part of writing your first book. Hopefully that’s helpful to you go check out my book that’ll help you out also in the process, Amazon proof we’ll be back tomorrow.

We’re back here every day. I’m a business strategist, I help kind of unload these ideas of the principles, strategies and tactics that help you move forward and really explode your business.

If that’s what you’re looking to do. So, subscribe, follow and go check out back. Show’s over at We’ll see you next time. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do One Tiny Little Thing

A story on the value of little things people do that make a difference.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Do one tiny little thing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live.

I wanted to i, a story came up in my head because of a conversation I was having on Facebook. And it was a teacher that I had in high school and it wasn’t actually a teacher that I had directly. I don’t think I had a specific class with her. She may have substituted for me once. But when I was in the Future Farmers of America FFA. You have teachers that work as advisors for you, as you go off at a distance, you’ll go out to on field trips and so forth and go to competitions.

And you have certain advisors well, in the agricultural department. We had four different advisors, I believe at the time and she was one of the advisors so I knew her. I knew her on that level and had ran for state office in the FFA, first year, which was when I was when I was a senior in high school.

I ran for this position and what it is, it’s an all year position. That what they do is they get at that time it was six kids, six seniors that just graduate, they take you and they basically send you all around the state of California.

When I was living in California, they send you all around the state to be basically ambassadors for the FFA program, and do all types of things. But you’re working for them full time. 24 seven, and it was a dream job.

I just, I couldn’t believe being able to do it. And I had spoken with other state officers and so forth and I knew that this was something I really wanted to do well, I went through the process did not make it through to the final round. You go through an interview process and all this other stuff.

Well, I was a little I was a little bummed. I figured I could probably run the year later because they allow you to run twice. But at that time, I was a little bummed, well, Miss Giaccamozzie at the time gave that was her name at the time, gave me this book, all the places you’ll go. If you’ve never read this one, this is just classic Dr. Seuss, right? But it’s also basically the idea of, hey, you got your whole future in front of you.

And it’s a common one to give people when they graduate and so forth.

And she had this great, personal inscription on the inside just for me. And it’s one of these things that I’ve never, never walked away from. I’ve always had this I always look at it a couple times a year. And it’s just one of those cool things.

Well, she had mentioned online she had she had posted an old picture of when she was a teacher, and it was around the time that I was going to school. And I said, Well, I can’t imagine You ever do anything decent she was talking about how she she thinks she had made an impact. I said, I don’t think you’d ever make it made an impact with the oh, look what I found.

I posted and everybody else starts and I got that book too. I got that book too. So she had she had given it away to certain students through the years. And it was it was just something very small, that ripples out through time. It’s one of the things that, not always, it’s one of those things that I’ve attempted to do is make small impacts with people where I could you hope that it’s, it’s memorable, but I don’t need to be remembered I need for the lesson to be remembered for the for whatever I’m trying to pass on. I hope that that goes along with them to the next person and so on so forth.

Another situation that happened today. I work with many different business owners and I work with people that are I’m associated with and we don’t necessarily have anything going on together one on one. But I still work with them. And because it it all, it all helps out in the end, right?

Well, someone that I do work with that we have, we have basically a strategic partnership going.

He got help from another friend of mine, who had really not a whole lot to gain from the situation at all. But he went out of his way to chat with my friend online.

And that was really cool things, the little thing, and I don’t know if it’ll mean as much to him as it meant to me. But it’s one of those little things that I know this guy doesn’t have all the time in the world.

But he took time out for something that’s not going to bring him a whole lot of profit to make somebody stay. And he ended up making at least two peoples day because he made his day and he made my day.

Okay, so that’s cool.

It’s the little things, it’s the little tiny pieces of time that you carve out for people. It’s the little tiny gifts, the little tiny mementos that you pass along to people that make the biggest difference.

It doesn’t matter whether they’re co workers, whether they’re your employees, whether they’re your customers. If you can find a way to pass on little tiny things off to people, you make the biggest difference.

Hopefully, this is helpful to you. I don’t know if it is it was something that was on my mind. And just thought I’d pass it along.

Think about the things that have happened to your life, the little small things that have had such a huge impact. We’ll be back tomorrow. Hey, if, if you’d like to find out more about how to really make your business explode, go check out my new book nine ways to Amazon Proof Your Business.

It’s at We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Be Everywhere

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Be everywhere.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I want to talk a little bit about the ninth way to Amazon proof your business. Now that’s nine out of the whole Nine Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, which is what my book is based on, you get a free copy of my book over at

But let’s talk about the ninth way. Let’s talk about being everywhere.

What does that mean?

If you’re doing all the other pieces, right?

Being everywhere, is really the final step. It’s the idea and there’s really no end to it either, I think because it’s impossible to be everywhere. But it’s not impossible. Be everywhere, with your ideal client, with your ideal customer, with your ideal follower or patient or whatever. whoever you’re looking for, you can be everywhere for them.

The best example of this is the idea of, you know, basic ads that follow you, right?

Which they oftentimes call retargeting ads.

So you have, you’ll go, you’ll watch a video on YouTube, or you’ll you’ll show up at a webpage, it doesn’t matter whether you add anything else in there, there’s this little situation to where they put a little pixel on your phone or your computer, they put a little tiny pixel on there, which is a little, tiny, invisible picture that they put on your computer so that everywhere you go, that has ads that plays toward that pixel, they know ah, we need to show them this type of ad.

And if they’re paying for that type of advertising, this is why you go one place once and you start seeing it everywhere and start showing up on all these websites. You’re seeing it just everywhere, is because they bought the pixel ad which is available both through Facebook through Google.

And you pretty much through those advertisers, you can place those things anywhere online for you to kinda fall into. And then you get shown that person over and over and over again. Now, if you happen to end up on an email list or something like that, you get retargeted, over and over and over again.

So they never go away. They’re always showing up everywhere, especially the stuff that they want you to buy is showing up everywhere. That’s part of being everywhere. It’s just not letting people forget who you are, what you’re selling, what you’re offering, that you exist, because it’s really easy to do.

It’s incredibly easy to forget, because there’s too much coming in all the time into our heads, that it’s the person that’s going to put themselves out there not just the person but the company that puts themselves out there the most often in the most unique ways possible.

Those little ones that make it back in 2012. I bought a course over here it’s called magnetic marketing at that time was called magnetic marketing for the new economy.

And it’s an old course. It’s been redone a million times. I know it’s the current version is different than the one that I have. But the one that I got that there’s a lot of very clear ideas and that this is put out by at that time is called GKICC, which is the the Glaser-Kennedy inner inner circle. Right now, I believe they’re called the NOBS inner circle, something of that sort. Same group, all started by Dan Kennedy.

Dan Kennedy mentions in this course he talks about what if you could park the Goodyear Blimp right in front of someone’s house that happens to need new tires?

You know, what if you just follow them to work and everything else? What if you could just make it to where the person never forget you. When it comes time when when they need you, you’re there, in your unforgettable they have to they cannot forget that you exist.

What if that were possible? It’s possible now.

It’s possible but it’s not the easiest thing in the world. You have to know very clearly who your ideal customer is. And more than that, you got to know who they aren’t.

Okay, I go through a couple other examples online people that you can look at that do this really well, and you’ll be able to glean other examples from it. If you go and check out my book, nine ways to Amazon proof your business. There’s the plug, there it is. Go check it out

That’s the ninth way. There are eight other ways to Amazon proof your business to make it completely competition proof even if your competition is one of the big boys like you can overcome it.

Go check out my book. You get a free copy. You will also get the chance of having an extremely discounted copy of the hardback version and get a copy also of the audio book when it’s available, delivered straight to you. There’s a whole bunch of other deals over there

Hey, I’ll be back tomorrow. We’re back here every day, subscribe, follow, do whatever you are, you can do wherever you’re at so that you never miss a single episode. And we’ll get back to you later. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Be Somebody 😎

The power of personal branding and some thoughts on the book, Celebrity Branding You.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Be Somebody.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

A lot of the talks that we have here have a lot to do with celebrity branding and content management in order to achieve that. When the best books out there on this is celebrity branding you by Nick Nanton and also J.W. Dicks and Lindsey Dicks and Greg Rollett.

Okay, these guys are a team of people. I got to see them speak speak live years back in Orlando, Florida.

It’s really good stuff. It’s kind of their bread and butter is showing you how to become a celebrity in a sense and doesn’t mean celebrity on the grand scale but celebrity within your industry celebrity within your niche.

Very important thing to do.

It doesn’t mean celebrity isn’t everybody knows who you are and everything but being somebody has some identity that people can relate with. It’s a major, major factor to overcoming competition.

And if you’re looking to overcome competition or make sure that you never have any competition, then I’m going to highly suggest you go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get it at

This is the I believe it’s the fourth way, I don’t know off the top of my head. Yes, fourth way.

The fourth way in the book, which is the fourth chapter where I cover this. I also cover another book that’s really important for you to check out on this topic, though there’s I mean, there’s lots of great books out there about it.

But these are two of my favorites that have to do with celebrity branding and how to make yourself stand out which is really the magic that will be make you Amazon proof. It’ll make it to where nobody can stop you even if your competition is

So go get a free copy of the book or you could check it out wherever books are sold, especially is even selling it. You can buy a hard bound copy or a Kindle version over there. So at

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.