Trust-Based Selling: Never Chase Ghosts Again 👻👻

Sales expert Ari Galper talks about the power of finding the truth of where your prospect stands first, rather than spending time “chasing the sale” as most sales people have been trained to do.

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Ari: Let’s say you’re having the first call with somebody over the phone, a potential client or prospect. They could believe that they’re qualified could be a good fit.

All this good, you’re looking forward to it call kind of comes to an end.

What do we typically say to somebody at the end of a call like that?

Not a trick question, but what are we trained to say to somebody, if we have someone on the hook, and they’re pretty qualified, what do we normally say to somebody and then a call like that?

Brian: Are you ready to buy?

Ari: Yeah, we say something like, let’s take us next step right you have a copy, a demo. We’re conditioned to move things in which direction?

Brian: Our way.

Ari: Right, that’s our normal trigger from our past conditioning.

Brian: Sure.

Ari: But what happens if you try and move somebody forward and they aren’t ready yet? What do you break right there at the beginning of the process with them?

Brian: You’re kind of breaking trust, right?

Ari: That’s right. That’s what happens.

So let’s reverse it. same scenario.

Calls going well, a call comes in. And rather than saying, Hey, how about, we go to our next step?

What we say instead, is this based upon our approach and our mindset, what we say is this, we say, Where do you think we should go from here? (says words slowly here)

Now, how does that change the dynamic of the moment?

So it makes them willing participants in the process, right?

So you’re shifting the power over them now and usually, when you say to somebody, where do you think we should go from here?

They’re usually in a state of shock. They can’t believe somebody in business would actually ask them what they want to do. This is revolutionary. And you know, what’s funny is when you say to somebody, usually, they say things like, I’ve got one more question. You know, what comes out all of a sudden, the truth, and hat is your goal.

Your goal is no longer to focus on making a sale anymore. Your goal is to focus on the truth of where they stand because you don’t get that from the beginning. you chase ghosts your entire day.

Your whole pipeline is full of people who express interest, but you know, they never convert. And that’s the game we’re stuck in. Stuck in the dysfunctional, brainwashed process that we think is our reality, but we’re the ones quitting because we don’t have an exposure to realize we’re the ones causing that to happen.

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