Trusted Advisor vs Trusted Authority (Pre-Sale / Post-Sale Mindset)

Ari tells us what the difference is between being a trusted advisor (post-sale) and a trusted authority (pre-sale).

Checkout Unlock The Sales Game –


Brian: There’s a difference between being a trusted adviser and trusted authority.

Can you touch on that a little bit?

Ari: Sure.

So the whole notion of trust advisor been along around for a long time and most people will classify themselves as a trusted adviser, not as salesperson.

They are the trusted advisor.

Oh yeah, I’m just like, you’re a trusted advisor to those clients who already know you.

Sure, post sale.

But you’re not a trusted advisor, someone who doesn’t know you, pre-sale.

That’s a different way of thinking.

We have to become what I call a trusted authority, which we teach to professionals how to do consultants and advisors. That’s a different way of thinking.

You have to be positioned yourself as an authority, you have to use a trust based process to engage them and enroll them because they don’t really get to know you until after the sale.

And what I teach my clients to do is…this may sound crazy right now and it’s a bit of a bomb, but we teach our clients to stop building relationships pre-sale.

That’s the worst thing you can do.

Because relationships and trust building can now become mutually exclusive.

You can build trust with someone in a deep way. Without doing the whole fake rapport thing.

Oh, hi, how’s it going?

How’s the weather?

It’s, oh, that’s great, where are you from really.

All that is 1980s fake rapport that we’re taught to do. And you know, what the other person knows is not real anyways, they don’t want to become your friend.

But here we are trying to like get to know them better have a cup of coffee, go golfing, go network, and then hopefully one day, if they like us enough, well, then they’ll buy from us.

Well, if you want to wait a long time for that, then feel free. But I’ll tell you right now, that’s just a game everyone knows.

And we have a process and a system here we’re talking about the removes all that BS relationship building, which is fake anyways, save the real stuff when they’re a client of yours.

But instead, focus strictly only on trust building.

For full conversations, go to

Follow Up 😰 vs Feedback 😀 (Ari Galper Sales Training Expert)

Ari explains why it’s important to take the pressure out of the sales call by using Feedback rather than traditional lines like Follow Up, Checking In and Touch Base.

Checkout Unlock The Sales Game –


Ari: Never again use the phrase “follow up” ever again.

Now, what’s the only industry in the world that uses the word follow up?

Brian: Sales.

Ari: Exactly sales!

You’re being instantly associated with that negative salesperson stereotype.

Hi, I’m giving you a call as a follow-up to move things were towards the sale.

Brian: Yep.

Ari: You’re killing it. Right there. It’s over.

Here you are a heart-center professional, you’re not salesy.

You’re just a nice person, but your languaging screams, Hi, I’m just checking it out.

There’s another one “checking in.”

There’s one more classic, remember the old school one, I’m giving you a call to “touch base.”

It’s so 1980s, you know, the minute you use that languaging it’s over.

Now, there’s still nice to you, they still talk to you, but they don’t tell you the truth because you’re just been tagged with that horrible stereotype.

No matter who you are, I don’t care if you’re a CEO, or a lawyer or an accountant, it’s over.

So I’m going to ask you all right now to replace that phrase with this instead. This because right from our program, I’m giving you a call to see if you have any feedback from our previous conversation.

Any feedback from our last meeting, any feedback from the proposal.

Feedback is going which direction?

It’s going backward away from the sale.

Follow-ups going where?

Towards the sale.

Remember when I said in the beginning, you have to take the pressure out of the process, do not create momentum. This is the complete opposite of the entire sales industry, which is all about moving things where forward.

I’m saying move things were reversed, that’s what creates authenticity, that creates trust because you’re not doing the behavior and process everybody in the world knows at, Hello.

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Trust-Based Selling: Never Chase Ghosts Again 👻👻

Sales expert Ari Galper talks about the power of finding the truth of where your prospect stands first, rather than spending time “chasing the sale” as most sales people have been trained to do.

Checkout Unlock The Sales Game –


Ari: Let’s say you’re having the first call with somebody over the phone, a potential client or prospect. They could believe that they’re qualified could be a good fit.

All this good, you’re looking forward to it call kind of comes to an end.

What do we typically say to somebody at the end of a call like that?

Not a trick question, but what are we trained to say to somebody, if we have someone on the hook, and they’re pretty qualified, what do we normally say to somebody and then a call like that?

Brian: Are you ready to buy?

Ari: Yeah, we say something like, let’s take us next step right you have a copy, a demo. We’re conditioned to move things in which direction?

Brian: Our way.

Ari: Right, that’s our normal trigger from our past conditioning.

Brian: Sure.

Ari: But what happens if you try and move somebody forward and they aren’t ready yet? What do you break right there at the beginning of the process with them?

Brian: You’re kind of breaking trust, right?

Ari: That’s right. That’s what happens.

So let’s reverse it. same scenario.

Calls going well, a call comes in. And rather than saying, Hey, how about, we go to our next step?

What we say instead, is this based upon our approach and our mindset, what we say is this, we say, Where do you think we should go from here? (says words slowly here)

Now, how does that change the dynamic of the moment?

So it makes them willing participants in the process, right?

So you’re shifting the power over them now and usually, when you say to somebody, where do you think we should go from here?

They’re usually in a state of shock. They can’t believe somebody in business would actually ask them what they want to do. This is revolutionary. And you know, what’s funny is when you say to somebody, usually, they say things like, I’ve got one more question. You know, what comes out all of a sudden, the truth, and hat is your goal.

Your goal is no longer to focus on making a sale anymore. Your goal is to focus on the truth of where they stand because you don’t get that from the beginning. you chase ghosts your entire day.

Your whole pipeline is full of people who express interest, but you know, they never convert. And that’s the game we’re stuck in. Stuck in the dysfunctional, brainwashed process that we think is our reality, but we’re the ones quitting because we don’t have an exposure to realize we’re the ones causing that to happen.

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Ari Galper: Unlock The Sales Game – Part 5

Brian gives us his closing thoughts on our interview with sales expert Ari Galper

Full Convo ➡️


Ari Galper interview review.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is kind of a capper to follow up on the interview that we did with Ari Galper of Unlocking the Sales Game. We had a great interview, you can go back and watch it or listen to it.

Regardless of where you’re watching this right now just check the description for the link to that.

I wanted to talk about kind of what I got out of the interview initially. So this happened just a little over an hour ago and I want to kind of point out some things that I saw with it that I thought was interesting and might be helpful to you.

Number one, the thing that happened behind the scene that you didn’t get to see is that Ari has a very well-organized process for taking on an interview.

So he has a media kit that he sends out beforehand, which is really helpful if you’re a podcast host, and you interview people. You have conversations with people on there, that type of thing is really helpful in scrape because our is kind of high profile.

He’s one of these people that I already knew who he was long before I ever interviewed him. But having that extra piece really helped out a lot. He also had a thing in there called an interview kit that goes through the type of things that he’d like to cover.

And some of the points and he even talk to me before the thing happened before our interview, started filming. We discussed the type of things that he’d liked to have covered again, just to make sure that I caught it off of the interview kid.

This is really important if you’re the type of person that’s getting out there, and you want to stand out more, which I talked about a lot.

If you’re looking to stand out, and then you’re going to want to be interviewed, and if you’re going to be interviewed, you got to make clear what it is that you’d like to cover.

If you can, if you can go through that with the interviewer ahead of time. That’s really helpful. So that was really cool to see and that’s the thing you don’t you wouldn’t notice on your end of things.

Another thing is that already does is he creates a new language.

If you saw what he did with that interview, or got to hear what he did he because he actually points it out. He says, don’t say this anymore, don’t say “follow up” anymore, don’t say these terms anymore.

Replace it with this, try this language.

I mean, I love some of his phrasings, chasing ghosts, right?

His new questions like, would you be open to that, these are really subtle, but very important when you’re attempting to get attention when you’re looking to stand out when you’re looking to grow your crowd, and the hand that people that are interested in what you’re bringing out, and you’re looking to get your message to them, then you have to switch things up quite a bit.

Having your own language, having your own phrases that aren’t typical, that aren’t usual, that make a person stop and think.

I mean, that’s really his entire philosophy. If you think about it, his entire philosophy is to slow things down and reverse the way that people look at you. So you can learn both from what he says but also from what he does, which is really cool.

The third thing that I noticed is just that main point of communication, of how to communicate properly, he talks about it from a sales perspective.

And if you don’t consider yourself a salesperson, I understand most people don’t. But if you understand that everything is sales, everything is a sale, whether you’re a salesperson or not.

It’s all about communicating.

And so it would be helpful, I think, for you to look further into Ari’s materials, go and look some more stuff about them watch other videos that he’s put out, and so forth, check it out.

I can’t wait to check out his new book as it comes out The One-Call Sale that should be really interesting.

Communication is prime and if you can be authentic and honest, and at the same time attempt to get honesty back from the person you’re communicating with. That makes all the difference in the world.

If you got nothing else out of this interview, hopefully, you got that.

So I just was so happy to have Ari on with us. It was a great time. Be sure and go check out his website,

Ari Galper: Unlock The Sales Game – Part 4

Part 4, of our five-part interview with Ari Galper of Unlock The Sales Game.

Topics covered in this episode

  • Trusted Advisor vs. Trusted Authority
  • Fall Out of Love with Your Solution & Fall In Love With Their Problems
  • Ari’s Upcoming Project (Book/Show): The One Call Sale

Full Convo ➡️


Brain: We can go on and on Ari, I saw a clip of one of your videos, you had said that there’s a difference between being a trusted adviser and trusted authority.

Can you touch on that a little bit?

Ari: Sure.

So the whole notion of trust advisor been along around for a long time and most people will classify themselves as a trusted adviser, not as salesperson.

They are the trusted advisor.

Oh yeah, I’m just like, you’re a trusted advisor to those clients who already know you.

Sure, post sale.

But you’re not a trusted advisor, someone who doesn’t know you, presale.

That’s a different way of thinking.

We have to become what I call a trusted authority, which we teach to professionals how to do consultants and advisors. That’s a different way of thinking.

You have to be positioned yourself as an authority, you have to use a trust based process to engage them and enroll them because they don’t really get to know you until after the sale.

And what I teach my clients to do is…this may sound crazy right now and it’s a bit of a bomb, but we teach our clients to stop building relationships pre-sale.

That’s the worst thing you can do.

Because relationships and trust building can now become mutually exclusive.

You can build trust with someone in a deep way. Without doing the whole fake rapport thing.

Oh, hi, how’s it going?

How’s the weather?

It’s, oh, that’s great, where are you from really.

All that is 1980s fake rapport that we’re taught to do. And you know, what the other person knows is not real anyways, they don’t want to become your friend.

But here we are trying to like get to know them better have a cup of coffee, go golfing, go network, and then hopefully one day, if they like us enough, well, then they’ll buy from us.

Well, if you want to wait a long time for that, then feel free. But I’ll tell you right now, that’s just a game everyone knows.

And we have a process and a system here we’re talking about the removes all that BS relationship building, which is fake anyways, save the real stuff when they’re a client of yours.

But instead, focus strictly only on trust building.

There’s a metaphor we use around here, you know, you become the doctor, they’re the patient.

Doctors don’t become your friend, doctors, I got a new bumper sticker coming out for the back of your car, you know, the bumper is just gonna say that doctors don’t do coffee. Doctors don’t do LinkedIn. Doctors don’t do networking.

Doctors have a system and a process to diagnose and solve a problem and get paid for it before it’s even solved, which is genius.

I’ve taken that concept applied it here. And this is a radical shift.

Let me tell you right now, if you’ve spent your whole career in the old way, this won’t be easy for you. Because you’ve been brainwashed the old way of doing anything, you got to be deprogrammed out of that.

And you got to be open minded to upskill yourself to the modern age.

Otherwise, we’re gonna be going through a lot of pain chasing ghosts, playing the numbers game, and wondering why you’re not very successful, or hitting your potential.

If you don’t align yourself with how the market is now, which is wanting someone they can trust. Not here’s the funny thing about this, too, is that the world’s become so commoditized that your potential clients can’t determine and discern whether your solution is best for them.

They’re not qualified, they’re not living in your world.

See, all they really ask themselves the entire time is not is this solution, right, for me?

He’s asking the entire time, do I trust him, do I trust him, do I trust him?

They don’t really care about how you solve their problem.

Does a patient really care about what chemicals go into medicine that solves their problem, they don’t care. They’re like, okay, whatever you say, Doc.

And here we are all here’s what we do. We brought these services, they don’t care about your solution. I tell my clients fall out of love with your solution, and fall in love with their problems.

Brian: So good, fall in love with their problems. That’s awesome.

There’s been so much here, and I’ve heard you, I’ve heard you speak before. I’ve heard other interviews with you already. And I got a lot out of it just today, just being able to sit here again with you.

And then my mind’s already going in a bunch of different directions.

Is there anything I haven’t asked you that you’d like to answer?

Ari: Well, I will mention I’m working on a new book right now, and a new Internet TV show.

And the book shows them they called, The One Call Sale.

And I have invented a way to compress a sale cycle to one conversation. I don’t mean cold calling, I mean, a scheduled call with somebody assuming they’re qualified.

If you follow my system, you should be able to have a 100% conversion rate.

Brian: Excellent.

Ari: Every single person you speak with, if you follow this model. That I do have now and I teach it’s going to go in my new book, which should just be a bomb and the whole industry.

You should be able to convert them into a yes or no at the end of the call, without pressure, without chasing, without pitching, without awkwardness, through a deep trust process where they feel comfortable enough telling you the truth where they stand.

And maybe we can do that on another interview if you want when that comes out.

Brian: Yeah, absolutely, love to have you back on and talk about that. That’s fabulous.

And you said there’s a show that’s gonna go along with it?

Ari: Yeah, I’m working on a new show right now called, The One Call Sale, with Ari Galper.

And it’s going to be me doing consultations with potential clients who apply to be on the show, and I literally do sales therapy with them, right. Kind of unpack and unravel all their ghosts in their mind to help in transition to the new way of thinking.

And that’ll be as part of the segment of the show. You can watch on YouTube weekly.

And then there’s gonna be some stuff in there it’s gonna blow your mind.

Brian: Wow, can’t wait. It’s really cool stuff already.

How can people find out more about you and, Unlocking The Game?

Ari: Best place to go is like it sounds

As intro course they’re, putting yourself out there all the time.

Probably if you’re serious about putting this up to get a result. Reach out to us for a free consultation that we have on the website in the corner there.

Don’t be afraid you won’t be hearing a sales pitch from us. Don’t worry about that.

You’re going actually going to have to ask us if you want more. We preach what we teach. So experience what it’s like to talk to someone who you can get help from without being sold, see what that feels like.

Brian: That’s great.

There’s so many different levels here and I’d love to have you back on to dig into it some more. Ari Galper, thanks so much for being on Brian J. Pombo Live.

Ari: You’re welcome. Thanks, Brian.

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