Business Movie: The Matrix 😎

How the heck is the Matrix as business movie?


Business movie, The Matrix.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Where we discuss a lot of business ideas, we talk about principles, tactics and strategies to help you with your business.

I saw this movie years ago in the theate and today’s talk is going to be about this movie, but also about what leads me to talk about this movie.

So this is an old DVD. This is one of the original DVDs that I owned, I got a DVD player, I believe in around 2000, 2001, probably, that I received my first DVD player and this was one of the first DVDs I got.

I was so excited about it. It looked so good if you went from back in those days, you went from VHS cassettes, to DVDs, that was a huge step forward, in the visuals and everything else.

It’s just amazing what was available, both insight and sound that the DVDs brought to the world. This is my original copy.

This is my original copy of the case, the DVD disappeared years ago, I don’t know where it went, I held on to the case forever because I was hoping that the DVD would show up.

Nowadays, you could watch it through different streaming services. I think HBO is showing it right now because they are also showing the newest Matrix movie Matrix.

I believe it’s Matrix Revolutions, which I haven’t seen yet but I wouldn’t be rewatching all of these. Now, how does this apply to business?

I’m going to tell you that in a second. But first, I’m going to tell you how I came about this. It’s stupid for me to hold on to this. This thing is called the trash all it is a cover.

It has no value whatsoever. It brings nothing to my life but it’s part of an issue that I’ve had for a long time, which I refer to myself as a casual hoarder.

I don’t really hold on to things because I need to hold on to them. I’m not I’m not an over the top hoarder.

But I do hang on to things a lot longer than I should. And one of the ideas I came up with years ago, I knew if I could tell the story about the thing that I have, then I can get rid of it. And I won’t have to hold on to it anymore. It’s kind of a strange deal.

I can ever go through the process of making videos or audios about each of these things because it just seemed like it didn’t have anything to do with business or anything else.

So I’m going to try to find a way for some of these items that I get, tie it back into business and talk to you about it, and then I can toss it away. So this is going to be a sub-series.

One of the sub-series that I have is on like business movies, business books, and so forth. So while this is part of the business books sub series, this is also the first of a sub series on casual hoarding.

This is, The Matrix.

Let me talk about the movie to give you kind of a basis of this, if you haven’t seen this movie, or haven’t seen it recently, it’s worth watching or rewatching.

For one of the things, there’s a lot if you watch it with somebody younger, you’ll notice that a lot of the technology that was pretty high end at the time, and kind of playing off of the growing concept of the internet is very antiquated nowadays.

So that’s kind of a funny thing too but overall, this is a mythic journey.

The hero’s journey, from beginning to end, you could tie directly to the story of Jesus Christ or any great hero throughout time, that has a mythic nature to it.

That’s what you have right here. It’s one of those movies you can’t, you really need to watch more than once because once you realize where it’s going you, you start to see, okay, if I rewatch this, I’m going to get all the clues that they’re laying out throughout the entire movie.

That’s one of those stories, but the hero’s journey is really about all of us. It’s about any of our journeys. And a person that is building a business, like you or me is they are in the place of the hero, you are in the place of the hero.

You have to realize that you’re trying to achieve something, you’re going somewhere.

You’re on a journey.

There’s a lot of people out there that aren’t. They’re just living their lives.

They’re just surviving.

They’re just trying to get their next high, or what have you that that’s and that’s all there.

Honestly, that’s all they’ll ever be.

I hate to be so gloom about that, but it’s the truth.

There’s a lot of people that they’re not going to have much more to their lives than that and that’s fine, that’s fine for them.

For you and me, we’d have a tough time doing that. And that’s why I like adventure stories like this because it brings to the idea of destiny. It brings the idea that you have something in front of you, that you can be more than everyone else thinks you’re capable of being.

There’s all these lines and everything else placed in this to show that it also brings up the idea, you know, are you destined beyond even your own control?

You know, would you have eaten the cookie?

Otherwise, you know, are you actually making a choice?

Are you choosing between the red pill and the blue pill 0r is it something that’s beyond you?

So, a lot of I mean, so much philosophy, everything else, it’s a corny movie. The acting is not out of this world, fabulous. The lines are not the most amazing thing ever but all together, it flows.

It’s a great movie, and one that I like to go back to over and over and over again because so much of it can be tied back into our personal lives into any type of mythic storytelling.

If that’s anything that you’re studying, in terms of trying to communicate better with business, which is definitely worthwhile. And also, politics, just world politics and everything. It’s all in this movie.

But when you’re talking about control versus freedom, all those type of things. This movie’s got it all. So the original matrix, definitely one I would recommend beyond all the others. I don’t care what the new one is, like I’ve heard from some people, it’s great.

It’ll never be the original, the original Matrix.

I saw this. I mentioned I saw this in the theater, and it didn’t quite grasp me. I didn’t quite get it. It was like okay, it reminded me of one that Keanu Reeves had already done called Johnny Mnemonic.

It reminded me of that one. But it wasn’t something that I I grasped right away. And then a few years later, somebody had mentioned its ties to the real world and oh, I missed all that.

Normally I’m on top of symbolism and all this stuff that literature and movies can provide. But this is one that kind of got past me the first time after I saw it a second time I was hooked. I’ve seen about a million times I got the darn thing memorize. So holding on to this is useless. So good to be dumping that cover.

Just wanted to get and there’s a lot of great stuff out there. We’ll talk more about it as as time goes on. I’m sorry, I’m in my junky t shirt today and everything are just taking it easy tonight is going to be New Year’s Eve tomorrow, which will be the final day for the leg lamp.

Then we’re opening up 2022 and regardless of when you’re watching this, I hope you have a great day go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Get a Free copy at And we’ll be back tomorrow. You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

A Glitch In The Matrix?

A glitch in the matrix?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Every day we come to you with little tips and tricks of the trade, hopefully to help you and your business to grow. So today we’re in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Tomorrow I’ll be flying back home. And today, I’m spending the night at a nice cozy little hotel room.

And I wanted to talk a little bit about a glitch in the matrix.

This is a concept that stems from the movie the matrix. If you haven’t seen the movie, the matrix, what are you doing with your life?

I’d go and watch the movie, the matrix. You’ve got to watch it at least once. Some people, may watch it more than once to get the gist of it, to realize that it’s, you know, it’s an analogy for other things and you can tie it to so many different things.

One of the things that happens in this movie, I’m not gonna go through the whole plot. For those of you who haven’t seen it, go and watch it. But one of the things is they’re inside this simulation called the matrix and he sees a cat walk by twice in a row and he says, well, Deja Vu.

And they said, what? What’d you say?

He said, Deja Vu. I just saw that cat walked by twice in a row. And they said, Oh no, that’s a glitch in the matrix, if the matrix was a computer program or what have you.

That’s the concept behind it is that whenever something happens that is, a concept of deja Vu is something, something feels like it happens twice.

But the way I see it is whenever something happens in life that comes up as kind of like serendipity, that it comes up out of nowhere complete accident, there’s almost always a reason behind it.

There’s always something that’s actually happening behind the scenes that you may not realize or there’s something really cool about to happen. So, I mean, one of the most famous examples, if you’ve ever heard anybody that was alive during September 11 2001 and they were supposed to get on one of the airplanes that crashed or they were supposed to be in one of the buildings that it crashed into and just some little mishap kept them from being there.

These are, these are these type of things. You can’t explain them, but if you’re anything like me, you, you believe that things happen for a reason.

The term serendipity is kind of, it’s corny because it says that the definition has to do with chance. But the way I see serendipity is it’s the good things that occur from not just chance, but from something a little deeper.

So this happened to me. The whole reason why I’m bringing this up is that I was not meant to…..well….it depends on how you look at it. But the plan was not to be in this spot right now. The plan at this time, was to be up in the air going from one airport to another on my way home tonight, little did I know, I misread the itinerary as this big long story about how the itinerary service that I bought my tickets through, must be British or something and they switch around the numbers for the date.

And so where the month goes, if you’re in America, where the month would normally go, the date was and where the day would normally go. The month was, and so I wasn’t paying attention to the month. The Monday would have been October. I mean it would’ve been November 10th from the way it read.

But I was just looking at the 10th. So I saw the 10th, and that’s Thursday, so I’m leaving on Thursday.

I’ll know it was actually, I was leaving on the 11th, which is Friday, which is tomorrow, which meant that I got there 24 hours early and I was deeply confused as to why there was nowhere to leave my bags.

The airline wasn’t even open.

So that’s a whole other story, but it put off a chain of events. I tried to get it switched, wasn’t able to get it switched. Everything else. I would set off a whole chain of events where I ended up staying later.

It ended up making the ability for me to be able to talk to people.

I wouldn’t have talked too. Wouldn’t be able to have conversations with people back at home. I wouldn’t have been able to have conversations with and so this whole chain of events that would not have happened had I actually gone according to plan and I would have gone on an airplane or I would have noticed the proper date and left at the proper time.

And really stayed another night back where I was back in West Virginia.

All that to say everything happens for a reason and whenever a huge mix up like that happens in my life, I keep my eyes open for reasons why it may have happened. Now maybe I’m completely diluting myself. Maybe life has nothing but a random joke of nature and there is no reason behind anything.

But for some reason there always seems to be something really cool that occurs whenever I encounter a glitch in the matrix.

The next time you encounter a glitch in the matrix, keep your eyes open. If you see life the way I do a little bit. You look for these little quirks in life and you’re looking for somebody to be able to communicate with.

Sometimes it’s just good to have a friend to just bounce ideas off of. In terms of business, my specific expertise is in business growth strategy. All forms of business strategy but specifically in the areas of growth is where I specify.

So you’re looking to grow your business, take it from where it is to where you want it to be and, just need some help and diagramming that out.

That’s what I’m good at.

Go to and if you happen to be in the self-reliance field, I mean you got products or services that help people to become more self reliant.

You can go to the link is in the description. there’s a quick little video there that describes what it is.

It’s called the dream business transformation.

Normally I charge $600 and above, but if you happen to be in that field and you happen to meet all the other qualifications, you may get to be able to get it for free.

Go to fill out the application tomorrow we’ll do something else. So I’ll hopefully be able to talk to you either before I’m in the air or in between some.

I’ve got a whole bunch of stops tomorrow that we gotta make. So in that process I’ll be talking with you. We’ll see what we talk about. For some reason, I get very philosophical when I’m out of town and have a little bit of extra time to myself.

I see things a little bit differently. Hope you do too. We’ll see you tomorrow. Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.