Humor Keeps Us Human 🤣

Why humor and being around others is important, especially during the holidays.


Humor keeps us human.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Coming to you from a darkened car.

This is, this is our new van, I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it, we purchased it a little while ago a few weeks ago. And I’m coming to you from the road. I’m actually out at my father’s house for Thanksgiving visiting family in California, bringing everybody along with me, my wife, and three kids, having a really good time.

Just got through playing a game with my dad and two sisters. And he’s just laughing really, really hard and reminding me how good humor is for humans.

If you’re a human look into it, okay, if you don’t get together with people and laugh really hard on a monthly basis, maybe every other month that most at that I mean, at least I should say, then you’re missing out on something, it does something to the insides.

I know there are studies and everything else that say this or that about what humor does for you. I don’t know how many of those I believe but I know that after I go through a few sessions of laughing really hard at silly stuff.

And I’m not saying being heavily in you know, heavily intoxicated or anything like that, I mean, just regular straight gun humor, with good friends having a good time, that that can’t hurt you. If you’re doing it every once in a while. I think that’s I think it opens up something on the inside. That’s a good thing.

This is just a random thought and during the holidays, if you’re not around people, find some people to get around, find some friends, ask if you can come over and just get around some people and have a good time. It’s good for you. It won’t hurt.

I think it makes us more human, as it is.

We talk a lot here about business concepts but everything in business comes back to you as a person. You know, whether you’re the business owner, whether you’re an executive or somebody in charge, which is a lot of the what my message who my messages are designed for.

Even then it always comes back to keeping your head on straight, being a good person, finding other good people to work with.

And part of that is also having a balanced life across the board. If that’s all possible. I know the word balanced is very, it’s kind of it’s a Power Word right now that kind of throws people off a trigger word I should say.

But that’s all I got for tonight.

Tomorrow maybe from the car also because we’ve got a full house full of people and by the time I’m able to break away and make a video, everybody sleeping so I got to get away from everybody in order to do it. So we’ll see you tomorrow night.

You have a good one and before we get back together, get out there and let the magic happen.

Gratitude Beyond One Day 🦃

Some thoughts on Thanksgiving and actually being thankful for what you have, beyond just celebrating a holiday.


Gratitude beyond one day. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today is Thanksgiving, this is when I’m recording this, right. So we have a big day. And we actually had a family deal to where the family decided that we were going to risk getting together. In order to have Thanksgiving, we did it in a very safe way and everything else.

But it despite COVID of 2020, that there was very much a very large, get together. In doing so we had basically all the same feelings that you always end up with when you’re around a lot of family. And it’s really easy to be grateful.

When you’re around really great people for a period of time the kids get to run around and just get to the cells to the point to where they’re exhausted from all of the exposure to other people, people that they don’t see for most of the year, in. So it’s really easy to sit back and be grateful during this time.

But, I think the real importance of Thanksgiving is to realize that that you need to be thankful, beyond Thanksgiving, that you shouldn’t just get caught up in the holidays and know about feelings and everything that come with holidays.

But really see if you can carry that on beyond the holidays, can you be thankful when time stopped necessarily the best 2020 is a pretty crazy year, a whole bunch of stuff happening and a lot of it would not be considered good by a lot of people.

So you know, I think that’s pretty, pretty legitimate to be able to say that’s a tough, tough time to come up with things you’re thankful for. But you got to, you got to look a little bit bigger, and beyond and look at all the fabulous things that you have going in your life, regardless of where you are on Earth.

If you’re still breathing, if you’re still living, you’ve got something to be thankful for at least one thing, and that one thing becomes a million things when you look at it from the right perspective. So just keep that in mind.

We’re going to continue our series on headlines starting again tomorrow.

But I just wanted to take this time out, even though you’re probably seeing this beyond Thanksgiving, even more important that you’re seeing it beyond thanksgiving to have take some time out to really think of what you’re grateful for.

And try to keep that going year round. Try and keep that thought pattern. Because if you’ve noticed, I don’t know that maybe it’s just me. But the times that I’ve had the greatest amount of growth, were the times that I was very secure in where I was, and where I had been up till that point and being happy with where I am not satisfied, but happy with where I am.

And okay with the fact that if it all ended tomorrow, I I’d be okay with that, you know, I’d be I’d be thankful. And if you can, if you can adapt that I think your whole life will be better. And there’s no way that can’t equal more success in your life. There’s no way that you can’t take that idea and be able to grow it from there. Because we talk a lot about business success on these videos.

So that’s really if you want to take it to the next level. Start with being grateful with where you’re at. Just a little point, something that people bring up every year. I like to bring it up, hopefully a couple times beyond just this time of year, but it’s a it’s on everyone’s mind. So I can’t I can’t ignore it.

Hey, you have a great night. If you’re looking for a way to be able to expand things to take your Take, take what you’re grateful about and go beyond that and really focus on the positivity side of your business.

I’m going to recommend my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a free copy at We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Self-Reliance & Thanksgiving 🦃

Self-reliance and Thanksgiving.

I am Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you on Thanksgiving night, 2019.

Today I want to talk about a topic that kind of surrounds Thanksgiving and how it ties back to your business. So Thanksgiving if you think about is really the ultimate self-reliance story. And if you know enough about the story, it’s really two times.

A lot of times we refer to the 1621 feast that they had that lasted three days and the 50 or so survivors of the Mayflower.

Out of a hundred or so that came over only about 50 or so survived after starving and dying of numerous diseases. About 90 Native Americans that were also there, in actually reading the accounts of this day of Thanksgiving that we oftentimes refer to as Thanksgiving.

It was not a joyful time.

It was pure survival.

I mean, they didn’t really have an abundance of food.

Nothing really turned out the way they wanted.

They hadn’t really created as much corn as they had hoped. They hadn’t created as much food as they were hoping for. They were dependent on the Native Americans to bring all the necessary food to be able to really have a good, uh, good feast.

It lasted three days because everyone was taking advantage of it. After that they were starving again.

They were really at a point famine.

It really isn’t what is proposed through a lot of our holiday traditions. Most of the time when the people of that colony were referring to this great feast of Thanksgiving, they were actually referring to 1623, which was years later after they kinda got their act together, switched around their government structure and everything to make sure that everybody, was basically benefiting themselves as much as possible.

And that everyone was responsible for becoming self-reliant was a huge piece of their change around in government structure.

It changed everything and it made it to where they had an abundance of food on many levels and that really what they refer to as Thanksgiving.

Most of the time you could go back and look at the history of this and look at William Bradford’s recordings of this and all the other people that were writing at the time. It’s very, very interesting history and it has to do with self reliance and it has to do a feast or famine.

A lot of times in our own businesses we get in a situation where we’re not surviving .Or we’re just barely surviving.

We’re at a point of famine and it’s at that point that you need to really pull back and take a look at what you’re doing and really focus on the things that matter most in your business and mainly increasing sales.

And that’s a huge piece.

If you’ve had periods of feast though, you know what it takes to do that.

The whole thing is how do you grow off it?

It’s actually tougher to grow off of feast than off of famine because you’re not quite sure what else to do to succeed even more.

At least when you’re starving, you know where to go from there.

But oftentimes, the people that I’ve found that have some of the toughest times are the people that have already been successful and don’t know where to go from there.

So if you’d love to talk about it, go check out

Go and check out that video and tell me what you think and think of it would help you in your business. And I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving.

This was just a quick message tonight.

Hey, in the meantime, come on back again where I do this every single day right here, Brian J. Pombo Live.

Whether you’re listening to this via podcast or watching the videos, you’re always welcome to come back.

We do this daily.

So see you next time, have a great night.

Get out there and let the magic happen.