Give Your Content More Oomph! 💪🤠 (Speak With Confidence & Authority)

Thoughts on speaking with confidence and authority when you communicate your message as an expert.


Give your content more Oomph!

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I got a quick tip for you, if you’re doing content on a regular basis, this is something I learned a while ago, and it is something that I did not do naturally. It’s one of those things I’ve had to watch myself on that, while there’s a part of me that did do it naturally. And there’s a part of me that always tried to shy away from it, because it always got me into trouble.

How do I put this…because I didn’t really word it out before I came on here. So I’m gonna try and put this in the best terms that I can.

You have to have an air of absoluteness when you’re speaking, let me explain what that means.

You have to have so much confidence in what you’re talking about, that you have to it has to be just me just saying it has to be, I’m telling you, it has to be that type of thing where it is absolute, where you’re confident, where you’re saying, this is how it’s done.

And if you’re doing it in another way, you’re doing it wrong, you have to have that power of conviction, even if it’s something that that you are not absolutely convicted of, okay.

You have to at least start the conversation with an absolute statement, so that people feel secure, listening to you and hearing what you have to say, even if you pull it back.

You’ll see if you watch my videos, one of the most common things I do is I’ll start with an absolute statement and then I’ll kind of tone it down as we move along.

Like we were talking about a couple of nights ago about the Hegelian dialectic, if you say something that has a little bit of bite to it, that has a little bit of a conflict, that adds a little bit of spice, then you kind of hook people you bring him in.

Then from there, you can start tearing that apart and going into the details as to exactly what it is that you mean. But having the power of absolute clarity, and absolute distinction in what you’re saying.

It adds something to it, it gives you the context of being an authority, which is what this type of person people want to listen to, if you’re a thought leader, in a sense, thought leader, you know, if you are a person that wants other people to listen to them for whatever it is that you’re talking about.

You kind of have to have that at some level, you have to have this absolutism. I don’t know of another way of saying it, I know there’s a better way, and I’ll come up with it later and we’ll do another video about it.

But really, you have to have enough confidence in what you’re saying that it has kind of a black and white feel to it, at least initially.

You can always pare it down and nuance that as you go along and get into detail and explain exactly what you’re meaning.

But you have it has to be, it has to have the feel of the 10 commandments, if you will, is thou shall not, okay, that’s how it has to be.

When you have that type of energy, and you have that type of confidence, people want to listen, if you come at it too soft.

On the other hand, you come at it too soft. And you go, you know, I kind of think this, I kind of think that and I don’t know yet, what do you think, you know, make your own decision, which I probably do a bit too much of that.

I’m just being honest, though. And I tried to even do that with enough level of confidence that it inspires a little bit of well, commitment to listening, which is what I need in order to convey my message and it’s the same thing that you need.

If you want people to listen to you and take you seriously, then you have to have that confidence. The confidence comes through when your language and you have to be very careful to be extremely confident in what it is that you’re saying especially when you’re first attempting to get attention.

Hopefully, that makes sense.

Hey, we will be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, go get a copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at

We’ll be back tomorrow, you have a great night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.