Persistence and The Founder

Let’s what’s talk about persistence and The Founder. Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon, where once again we’re going to have a nice little chat that we call Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is the third in an installment all about the movie, The Founder, about Ray Crock. This is the actual Ray Kroc, a picture of him, not Michael Keaton who did an excellent job in the film, but film took a very negative slant on Ray Crock.

And I wanted to be able to bring out some concepts out of the film that I think were kind of put in there, tongue in cheek, but I think it’s good stuff in there. So in the film they show this guy who’s very desperate, the salesman who’s trying to break out and who’s listening to, basically self-development records, something similar to Earl Nightingale, something of that sort. I believe it’s a made up record that he was listening to.

I don’t think it was a real, it was an actual one, but it was built off of and what was being said is the type of things that you would hear of self improvement recordings of the day.

One of the areas where I think he’s shaving or something while he’s listening to this and it’s this quote on persistence and I just wanted to read it to you because I think it’s a good quote. And they have it in there during a little montage and they do it a couple of times during the movie. First time he’s just kind of listening to it in the background. Second time he’s added it to a speech that he’s giving, kind of showing that this guy likes to steal things from other people type of thing.

And it’s kind of the theme of the movie. But I want you to actually listen to the quote because it’s based off of a Calvin Coolidge quote, which is also really good. But I’m going to read this quote from the movie.

It says, Persistence. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent won’t, nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius won’t ,unrewarded genius is practically a cliche. Education won’t. The world is full of educated fools.

Persistence and Determination alone are all powerful.

Show that you don’t have to be defeated by anything, that you can have. Peace of mind, improved health and a never ceasing flow of energy. If you attempt each and every day to achieve these things, the results will make themselves obvious to you.

While it may sound like a magical notion, it is in you to create your own future.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind or as Ralph Waldo Emerson, “declared a man is what he thinks about all day long.”

There’s a lot of great stuff in there.

The one area I want to point to is persistence and how that relates back to the life of Ray Kroc. Ray Kroc was in his fifties by the time he actually got around to getting involved with the McDonald brothers and taking their franchising and putting it into, you know, high gear I guess you could say. And because of that, that’s what made him a legend in business.

It’s just that one situation when a lot of people would have felt like they were washed up or felt like there was no way to be able to do anything from that point forward. He kept going.

It’s all about persistence.

If you don’t have that attitude in place, you’re going to have a tough time getting over the next hurdle.

So if you’re in a spot, if you’re a business owner, I’m sure you’ve already have some success. You’ve reached a point to where you’ve done well. But if you’re looking to go a little bit further, if you’re a business owner or an executive that’s in the self-reliance field, you’re someone that I’d like to talk to. Go to the link is in the description and there’s a video there I’d like you to watch. Go Watch it.

It’s eight and a half minutes long. It’s not that long. Watch it. Tell me what you think, see if it fits you. And if it does, fill out the application and we’ll maybe get a chance to talk. If it doesn’t and if you don’t like the video, leave a comment, let me know.

I’d love to hear what you think. That’s That’s it for today. Nice quick and simple one. All on persistence. And this will end our story on The Founder.

I’ll go back and make references to this movie again because I think this movie has a lot of little gems hidden in it, whether the producers meant to have him in there or not, it has a lot of lessons about business in it. So onto the next thing tomorrow, I’m going to be a complete surprise, but we’ll see you then. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Are You Open to Looking at Your Business Differently?

Are you open to looking at your business differently? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. You can see the orange color right back here behind the tree.

This is Brian J. Pombo Live and today we are gonna re-talk about, is that a word re-talk? We are going to re-bring up the topic of The Founder, that movie that came out a couple of years ago with Michael Keaton as Ray Crock, the innovator behind the current day McDonald’s restaurants.

Are you open to changing your business? And that’s a pretty heavy question.

If you happen to be a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you have product services, a storyline that overall encourages people to become more self reliant, you’re someone I like to talk to. Go to At there’s a quick little video there, eight and a half minutes.

Watch it. Let me know what you think. If you feel like it applies to you, then fill out that quick little application right under their name underneath and we’ll set up a time to be able to talk to each other. Normally I charge $600 and above for consultations, but this one’s completely free on the house because I want to find out more about you and what you do.

So go to the link is in the description, depending on where you’re at, that might be a live link or not, but it’s

Now back to The Founder. The concept of being open has to do with Dream Biz Chat as far as where you’re at. But it, there’s also a bigger question that comes up in this movie and it’s regardless of whether you consider Ray Crock the hero or the villain in the story.

That’s irregardless no doubt. Ray Crock took a business that was already successful and made it hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times more successful with the method that he took it through. Now partially on accident, partially on just a little bit of extra vision that the McDonald brothers didn’t initially had.

He saw that there was an opportunity to franchise it beyond where it had already gone. I believe they had a handful of, I’ve met maybe up to eight or so restaurants already. And he saw that it could be taken a lot further. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t be in every town in America. And so he saw a vision. They didn’t see that vision. They weren’t open to that vision.

Eventually he had everything wrapped up for good or for bad for through honest politics or not. He had everything wrapped up where he owned the land underneath each of those McDonald’s restaurants.

And to this day, the McDonald’s corporation still owns the land and that’s where a majority of their value and wealth comes from, not from the selling of the hamburger.

So he had a vision, he had people around him that were able to take his vision even further. Most of the things that we think about when we think about McDonald’s, the Big Mac, the Egg Mcmuffin, some of the best sandwiches there.

If you could call it food, if the best stuff there were invented by other people. They had nothing to do with Ray Crock. All he did is he knew the things that needed to happen and got ideas from other people or what have you and then executed it.

The McDonald brothers, Maurice and Richard, I believe it was, they did not see the vision. If they would have seen the vision, they would have sat quietly and waited for the big checks to start rolling in.

Instead they took a buyout. They took an early buyout. They were bitter over it all afterwards because they thought they were kind of tricked into selling out, but they sold out and took the money and went with it.

The million dollars or whatever, a piece that they got for their end of McDonald’s, which at that time was a lot more money than it is now, but they did not see the long-term passive income vision of Ray Crock.

The question is, if somebody came to you and suggested taking your business in a slightly different direction, not changing it, but adjusting it to have a different vision, adjusting it to focus in a different area, would you have enough vision, enough clarity of mind to see that what they’re saying is possible?

Just because you didn’t come up with it. Is that threatening to you? Do you think that there might possibly be a different thing that could be done to your business that would completely change it?

I know for a fact that my business is always added to when I’m surrounded by the right people. So the people who I’m always trying to surround myself with, they encourage the good thoughts out of me, but also I attempt to sit back and really take in their ideas for my business.

Now, most of the time I disagree with them because I don’t think they get the idea of what my vision is and I think you’re the same way. I would bet you’re the same way if you’ve already have a successful business. It doesn’t mean it can’t be successful. On a whole other level and you have to ask yourself whether that’s something you want or whether that’s something you’d be willing to stick around for.

Or if you would rather just sell your business off, take the money and run and let someone else make billions off of it in the long run.

Something to consider. It’s something you seriously should consider and think about gold. Go back and watch that movie if you haven’t seen it yet. And if you have re-watch it, The Founder it’s a very good movie.

Like I said, not all the facts are completely correct in it, but if you can get some of the principles out of it I think, I think you’ll find it’s pretty good. I tomorrow I’ve got one more. I got one more principle. I mean I can go on forever for that movie because it’s got so many little nuggets but there’s another principle I really want to point out in there that I think will add to our discussion if you’d like to continue this discussion and see how it applies to your business.

Go to otherwise, we will see you here tomorrow. So get out there. Let the magic happen.

Your Business: Convenient or Authentic?

Is your business more convenient or authentic? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. It’s been a very nice sunny Sunday here in Grants Pass.

I wanted to talk a little bit about convenience versus authenticity and neither one is necessarily the right way.

But it is something you have to think about to yourself as far as which side your business leans more towards because it’s going to define who you’re going to attract to your business.

And this really goes back to the movie The Founder. Have you seen this movie yet?

The Founder, with Michael Keaton came out a couple of years ago. It’s a all about Ray Crock. Not the inventor of McDonald’s, but the propagator of McDonald’s.

He made McDonald’s a worldwide name, by really taking franchising that had already begun under the McDonald brothers. But he expanded it way beyond their wildest dreams. And so we’re going to talk about that in a second.

But first I just wanted to let you know that if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning that you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant, maybe you even have a business story that encourages self reliance and it’s all wrapped up around your product and service.

If that’s the case, I want to implore you to go to

At you can watch a quick video. It’s eight and a half minutes. It’s me telling you all about the dream business transformation and what takes part there. Now normally I charge a $600 or more for a strategy session of this type, but if you happen to fit within those parameters and you apply, you fill out the application and you qualify. Then we’d be happy to provide you a dream business transformation for absolutely free.

And the whole reason behind this is because I’m looking to find more business owners and executives in the self-reliance field and learning more about the industry and more about you and what makes you tick. Hopefully I can bring some value to you in a very short period of time. Go check that out.

So we’re going to talk about the founder. So the whole storyline is not necessarily, directly factual.

I relate this movie back to a lot of other business owner movies. If you’ve ever seen The Social Network, once again, not a super factual movie, but told a story.

Another one Wolf of Wall Street, even though that the author wrote the book and was involved with the movie, a lot of the facts weren’t really dead on throughout the movie. But if you can get the overall storyline, if you can get the benefits behind the storyline, it doesn’t matter how true it is.

It’s more about the principles that are contained. And I think all of those movies are very similar to The Founder.

It’s one of those that where you see a person who’s really desperate in the very beginning and kind of go through a transformation and you could tell that the people that made the movie are trying to paint him in a certain light and they’re trying to paint the McDonald brothers in another certain light.

I don’t know how true that is. It’s not important. What’s important is, are the principles of business contained within the movie.

One of the things that they show is really a period of time that has, we’ve gone past now we’re actually in a post convenient society in a sense when it comes to business. So you take it back, it’s around 1954, 1955 when….well Ray Crock opened his first McDonald’s in 1955. The whole storyline, and this isn’t ruining anything, but the whole storyline is he comes across the McDonald brothers who have this amazing system that they’ve built to be able to produce really fast food and fast food was not as common then hardly at all.

It was not as common then as it was now. It is now. And they had a focus on quality, a focus on consistency and a focus on system that allowed their stores to pretty much eventually be ran by teenagers full time.

Which was an amazing feat if you actually look at what they were able to do at that time that nowadays McDonald’s isn’t necessarily known for quality, but at that time they were, they were known for a very quality, consistent, inexpensive meal that you could have a very quickly.

It didn’t have the drive through at that point, but they had a drive up area where you can go up to the window and there’d be lines of people waiting to get a McDonald’s burger.

So it’s worth seeing the movie because they go through a lot of the process. And I believe a lot of that’s factual and it’s pretty interesting to see the brilliance behind the convenience of McDonald’s and how that led to the fast food, the fast food movement, and really the fast food nation.

Our entire culture has been shaped by this convenience by making things easier on us. And I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I think it’s great that things have been made easier and easier for people.

The problem is sometimes they will get too far and you end up making people fat, lazy, all the other things that we associate, the negatives that we associate with a fast food nation with this idea that we have to have everything quick. We have to have it now. It’s gotta be right there in your face. And we’re still in that era to an extent.

But there’s been a backlash.

I saw it pretty often over, going to the Mother Earth News Fair, which I had spoken of a couple of weeks ago. Went to the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon and they really demonize that whole culture. A lot of the speakers, it was a constant thing where they talked about, you know, you have everybody go into McDonald’s and doing this and doing that.

So they’ve had a backlash to convenience and the backlash is what I’d call authenticity. They are looking for authentic things. They’re looking for authentic foods.

So you have people running to organic or you know, any of the buzz words that you know of that are associated with authentic. Authentic, All Natural, you know, weather all these things are true or not.

People are running to authenticity versus convenience.

It doesn’t happen across the board in a lot of places. We’re seeing things becoming more and more convenient. look at, look at all the ways that we’re able to get things delivered to us on a regular basis now as quickly as possible.

You got to step back and take a look at your business. Are you playing more toward the authentic side of things or toward the convenience side of things?

I don’t think either one’s wrong. I’m just wanting to be very clear. I’m not taking a position here, but you have to realize these trends and how they play out. People are not necessarily for the most convenient option anymore.

Oftentimes they’ll pay a lot more for something that may take more to do and may may not be as easy to get, but it has that authentic quality and people go for things.

Yeah, hi Joe, How’s it going? Joe says, they aren’t so quick anymore. It’s true everything starts out super convenient and it doesn’t necessarily stay there. Well, that’s all I got for today. Don’t forget to go to, oh no, it’s upside down. go and check that out and tomorrow we are going to be talking more about a lesson from The Founder. The movie, The Founder, and see you then. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.