Part 1: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories

Our seven-part interview with Bob Regnerus of Feedstories begins.

Topics covered in this episode

  • What led Bob to become a digital marketing and paid advertising expert
  • The THREE POWERFUL THINGS Bob’s done in his career to help him thrive in business, and attract clients
  • How Victor Cheng encouraged Bob to write his first book, Big Ticket Ecommerce
  • What are the main advantages of writing a book?
  • Finding Your SUPERPOWER

Full Convo ➡️


Brian: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories, part one.

This is a series of conversation that we had with Bob Regnerus.

You’re really going to enjoy it, you can watch all the other parts of it over at

And you can see everything else that I’m offering my book, you can have me as a guest on your podcast if you’re interested on being a pet guest on this podcast or the other ones we provide. Or if you’d like to have me as a speaker at your event, go check all of that out over at

Now, here’s the show.

Brian (Intro to show): Coach Bob Regnerus is the co-founder of Feedstories, a digital marketing expert and the author of five books, including, The Fourth Edition of The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising.

Bob, welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Bob: It is so good to be with you, Brian. Looking forward to a lively conversation today.

Brian: Yeah, good deal.

So I like to jump into these things without a whole lot of research in general. But the issue is, is that I already knew who you were, because I’d seen you around. I knew that you had co-authored this book. And I’d seen your name around probably for years, because I think we have ran in similar circles.

Bob: Yeah, that’s probably likely.

Brian: Yeah, just tell me…we’ll get into the details as far as where you’re at right now, eventually. But tell me how did you end up where you are?

Bob: Yeah, well, I guess I took a little bit of an indirect approach to being an entrepreneur. I was a programmer by trade, I went to college, you know, studied computer science, studied business, I had a dual degree.

And I ended up working for a large corporation out of college doing programming on mainframe computers, that’s the computers that take up a whole room.

Did that worked at a couple different corporate jobs, and I met a guy at one of my gigs who was there on contract. And like, I was an employee, he was on a contract, I thought that was interesting. He kind of made his own hours.

And he was making, you know, I mean, he wasn’t getting benefits from the company but it felt like he was making more money than me doing kind of what he was doing.

So I became friends with him and eventually, I went on my own with him and was doing some contract work. I worked for TransUnion, the big credit bureau. That was about 1998, I really got the bug for the internet.

Obviously 1998 we’re going back a few years, internet wasn’t what it is today. Right?

But I was a coder.

I actually developed my first e-commerce website, I built a shopping cart for a business from scratch. By the way, there’s still a client today, there’s still a client. So it’s pretty awesome.

But we launched that thing in 98 and it was pretty funny. The business owner who I’m friends with is like, this is great, you know, we’re getting orders, like the middle of the night, you know, when we’re closed, it was a big deal.

He’s like, how do we get more people to the site?

I said, oh, that’s not a big deal, I know exactly how to do that. And of course I had no idea how to do that.

So that’s where I dove into the World of internet marketing and direct marketing.

Discovered Dan Kennedy and Perry Marshall and all those things. I really became a student of marketing.

And I shifted from being a technology person to a marketing person, just kind of felt really comfortable for me, it felt like the next step. And I felt like I could provide more value to the marketplace.

So I think was a pretty good decision.

I’ve done a lot of training and, you know, work with clients over the years. But yeah, I mean, I’ve been in the business now 20 to 23 years, written some books and helped 1,000s of people. So it’s pretty cool.

I really love the paid marketing, like paid search. I got really good at Google and then Facebook was just the perfect media for me, because I really love telling stories. We can dive into that a little bit. But I’ve been doing Facebook advertising and coaching for people now since 2013.

Have some really great successes over the years.

So I love the predictability of paid advertising, like put in $1 and make five, make 10 you know, whatever the case may be. Never really got into SEO, we never understood it, was too frustrating.

I like the predictability of paid advertising.

That’s what’s been paying the bills and what people have been paying me for over the last two decades and really proud to keep rockin on and teaching people all the cool stuff that I learned.

Brian: Wow, that’s fabulous.

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