Positive Personality Profiles, by Robert Rohm 📖

2nd night in a row talking about personality profiles of people from Robert Rohm’s classic, Positive Personality Profiles.


Positive Personality Profiles, by Robert Rohm.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is the second video in a series that I’m doing on the top three books that I’ve come across dealing with the four personalities and the theory behind four personality types.

But basically a four personality quadrant, if you will.

The first one I talked about was Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer. And the only reason I mentioned that one is because it was the original book that I came in contact with, I knew a lot of people that they consider that their Bible when it came to understanding the four personalities.

This was another gentleman that that has added a whole level and is probably probably one of the leading experts out there relating to the DISC model of that referring to each personality trait as a D, I, S or C and go into the detail over what those are and what those are not.

And this is, this is one of those books that is it’s almost like a textbook.

Now Robert Rohm’s an interesting fellow, you can find out a whole lot about him just by doing a search.

He also comes at it from a from a Christian perspective, similar to Florence Littauer. So he uses a lot of analogies and references, back to the Bible, and so on, so forth.

So it is one of those things that you have to realize that going into it.

Robert Rohm is an amazing speaker, I think he is the best I’ve seen at giving live presentations, he has a basic presentation that I’ve seen him do both in person and on video a number of times, and it is one of the best.

It’s one of those that I like to show people who are just learning about the personalities, I will either show them a video or I have an audio version of the of the speech also. And he is entertaining.

He covers the whole gambit, he talks about how he came across it. In book format, this is almost more like a textbook.

I mean, he takes you from beginning to end, he covers this side of it that side of it, it’s not for me personally, it’s not the easiest read. But it is the most informative across the board and one that I go back to over and over again, when I’m looking to find out something specific about you know what personality.

We may be more interested in this or that what which which one, you know, gives off this versus that and so on so forth.

Very interesting book. Any I recommend any of Robert Rohm’s materials, he has a large, large assortment of materials, he does speech and he’s done speeches for a million and has been a consultant for a million corporations.

Definitely somebody that’s worth looking into and reading his material. And he had a way of simplifying it even more succinctly, the fourth let our dead.

So that’s why this is definitely one of my top books, when it comes to personalities. Now, if you’d, if you’d like to get a copy of one of those videos, I actually have a link for a copy.

So if I still have it at the time, you’re watching this and you’re wanting or listening to this and you’re wanting it, I’m going to flash my email address across the screen.

And if you’re listening to this, you’ll have to go to my Youtube or to one of the videos at BrianJPombo.com I should say, and find my email address.

I don’t like to say it out loud or put it out there. Because I don’t want the spam robots picking it up. But if you’d like a copy of that, send me an email with the subject line Rome, and you spell that R O H M, subject line Rohm. That’s doc for Dr. Robert Rohm.

And if you send that to me, I will send you a link. And so that’s all I’ve got for today. Tomorrow. I’m going to mention the third and possibly my most favorite book when it comes to personality theory.

So we’ll get back to that tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.