When Planning Won’t Help 😶

Thoughts on “early testing times” when attempting to find your way in worklife.


When planning won’t help.

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo. Live.

I was having a talk today with my friend Patrick and we were he was discussing some things going on in his life and discussing. And he had mentioned that a lot of the strategies and planning and this type of thing we talk about here on this show doesn’t really apply.

It’s funny, I haven’t talked about it for a while but I can get really bogged down in the details when it comes to the conversations we have here and how to go about getting what you want, planning things and everything else.

In reality, I’m a very unorganized person.

And I have gotten slowly started to get good at the things that I’ve always been worse at, if that makes any sense.

In fact, a whole lot of my business direction has been in the areas that I was horrible at to begin with. Those tended to be the areas that I wanted to learn more about. Because I was drawn to those areas, including the areas of marketing, areas of just the ideas of business structure, and business strategy, and planning, and all that stuff.

These are all areas that are not natural to me and, in fact, earlier today, I was watching a talk by some gentlemen that are real pros at Search Engine Optimization.

I remember, I actually started out in my own business, in the area of search engine optimization that was really the beginning of this tour that took me into marketing, you could watch one of my videos, or podcasts out there about the five excruciating Steps to Becoming a Business Strategist.

And that was before I was referring to myself even as an investor.

So this was this long journey, and I could have easily stuck with…not easily, I could have stuck with search engine optimization. But I was drawn in a different direction in a more broader direction and the specificity of that while I understand it, I never stuck with it. Really got to the details deeper than where I currently was at where I was at that time.

So I moved on, and got more and more involved in the areas that were not natural to me.

Because of that I ended up in this area of investing that I never thought I’d ever end up in. But it’s been this, it’s been this very unique flow.

I’m at a point now, where I, I finally, finally, to be perfectly honest, finally I am I understand more about what I’m doing and where I’m going than ever before.

Now, there will always be surprises. No doubt next year, I’m going to be in a totally different place than I can ever imagine myself right now.

But it took a whole lot of experimenting and trying things in different directions and thinking, well, maybe I’ll go this way.

And maybe I’ll go that way and trying things out and experimenting really fast, but not really long in any particular area.

When you don’t focus long in any particular area, you don’t necessarily have successes that everyone else sees.

In my mind, even the failures are success and that’s tough because everyone else sees it as failures.

I don’t see myself as being a failure up until now. But I see, I see a little success here and a little success there.

Then I see this point in my life where all these different things are inter intermingling and coming together and pointing a very particular direction. It wasn’t that clear the whole way through and what you have to understand is that’s okay.

The problem is when you think that you really know where you’re going, but you haven’t really asked yourself the question of where you’re going, if that makes sense. If you know that, that you’re looking that you’re testing and trying things out, that’s a great place to be in.

As long as you know you’re there. If you think you’re trying to get somewhere else, but you haven’t fully defined it, then you’re always going to feel disappointed.

You’re always going to feel let down you’re always going to feel like you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing or not succeeding or anything of that sort.

This is a mind-trip thing that we all fall into at one point or another.

There are periods of time when you have to be left alone to experiment when you have to be left alone to throw things around.

Try this and try that and let things go where they will and really since where you’re meant to be in life, if that makes sense.

It’s taken, it’s taken a while for me to get to the point at where I am right now, let alone, I don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring or the next year, but really excited about where I am right now.

And every once in a while, I’ll find somebody, the people who I can help out the most are the people who really have a clear idea about where they’re going. But they don’t know quite how to get there.

They don’t know quite how to organize their thoughts and organize these ideas in order to develop the next step and the next step.

That’s really where my strategy, experience marketing experience where I’ve been able to help people be able to move forward.

I spend a lot of time talking directly to those people, and bringing up the questions that make the most amount of difference to them. But I understand I have a broader audience than my ideal partner, and business partner, because that’s what I’m looking for, as business partners.

If you feel like you’re that ideal business partner, reach out to me go over to BrianJPombo.com.

If not, hopefully, some of this other stuff, you got to let it go in one ear and out the other, right. And some of the stuff you sell, that’s kind of interesting. Or maybe I want to check out that book he’s talking about, or maybe I want to watch that movie he’s talking about or what have you. And that’s what it’s there for.

It’s a smorgasbord, right. And hopefully, it’s helpful to you in any way possible.

That’s what my book is all about, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business and give you a very broad range of different directions you can go and different pieces that you can go and attach to your business.

Or you can build it along with your business as you’re building your business up from nothing if that’s where you’re at right now.

So hopefully that’s helpful to you. It’s just an idea that of the night that I’d like to thank my friend Patrick for bringing it up because it’s not something that I say clearly enough, often enough, and I don’t know if I’ve said it clearly enough tonight, but there it is for you.

You have a great night wherever you’re at. We’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Holidays & Unpredictable Predictability


Holidays & Unpredictable Predictability.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. I have talked with you quite quietly because of the whole house asleep, but I wanted to remind you about the holidays and how these can be pretty unpredictable, but you can’t predict that they’re going to be unpredictable based on the time of year, based on previous experience.

These are things that you can schedule for unpredictability. So I knew I wasn’t going to get a full on heavy duty video out tonight.

But I knew I could give you a small snippet and this is the small snippet. It’s all on predicting on unpredictability. If you know you’re going to have the kids along for a business trip or any type of trip, if you know that any of these type of things are going to happen that are unpredictable, holidays are going to come and go.

You can see them coming on the calendar.

Always try and predict those unpredictable times.

Like tonight, one of my kids was not sleeping well, but kids always act crazy during the holidays, you know, with all the sugar and everything else.

These types of things happen. So be ready for it. Always be ready.

Go check out DreamBizChat.com. Come on back tomorrow we’ll have another talk, maybe something a little bit more deep, a little more meaningful, and we’re back here every day. One way or the other. Brian J. Pombo Live. Have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Planning or Intuition?


Planning or Intuition, which is better?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to be talking about the difference between planning and using your gut, your intuition coming to you from Grants Pass Oregon. Sorry for the shaky camera work. I don’t have a tripod with me at the moment.

We’re in the process of moving, going through all this crazy stuff. It’s still got a couple more days of that left and so you can see the bags under my eyes and everything and of course I dropped something that I wanted to show you.

Let me show you what I dropped…DreamBizChat.com.

For those of you who aren’t aware, these videos are brought to you by DreamBizChat.com. You can go to DreamBizChat.com by typing it into your favorite browser or by clicking on the link in the description below.

It’s pretty self explanatory, has to do with the dream business transformation. If you’d like to take your business from where it’s at to where you want it to be, to where it’s really that dream business for you and you’re gonna want to check out DreamBizChat.com.

So let’s talk planning versus intuition.

A lot of people, this is an issue that always comes up eventually with people that I work with because as entrepreneurs, as business owners, as anybody that likes to really take charge of their life, it’s in our nature to trust our instincts and to really try and follow our intuition and I don’t think that’s a bad thing, but at the same time people think, well they’ll think that it’s completely antithetical.

It’s completely opposite from strategy, which if you take strategy and you look at all the synonyms that go along with it, it comes down to planning.

Strategy is just developing a plan in its most basic form, but is that all there is to it is it has to be either be a plan or intuition or can it be both? It can be both. It has to be both.

If you do nothing but just make plans, you’re going to be horribly disappointed in the long run and your plans aren’t going to come out right and you won’t have the right plans. If you’re not really taking heed of your own personal intuition.

At the same time, if you are running purely off intuition, it’s very difficult to get a business up and running. It’s very difficult to keep it going. It’s very difficult to systemize because there are parts of a business that need to be automated. There are parts of a business that need to run like a machine which has no intuition.

I don’t care what anyone says about artificial intelligence and where it’s going. It will never have the intuition that human beings have. We don’t know how to bestow that upon an inanimate object. We can’t even do it with animals. We’re not going to be able to do it with robots, with a computers. That’s my personal opinion.

Intuition’s a magical thing and it needs to, in terms of whether you should be focused on planning or intuition, it needs to be both, but one precedes the other. So intuition proceeds planning, good planning happens when you’re paying very close attention to that small still voice on the inside kind of given you the go ahead of which direction you need to be going.

You can put it together, all the plans in the world, they’re not going to go anywhere good if you aren’t listening to the right side of, of your mind, the right side that that’s, that’s kind of beyond us.

You know, that we don’t even, we don’t even really understand it completely great book on this Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. It’s a really interesting book.

If you’re, if you’re, especially if you’re more, on the intellectual side and you have a tough time fathoming what intuition’s all about. It kind of looks at some of the science behind the intuition, which also saves complete opposite of how we think of what intuition is.

But intuition definitely exists. And to ignore it or to put it down is a great disservice. But at the same time to completely ignore planning and understand the point of having strategy in your business will keep your business from growing. And I’ve worked with a lot of people through the years that have done this, that have trusted intuition solely and not realize that planning is there to do the bidding of intuition.

And as long as it doesn’t go the other way around, you’re in safe hands and things will go, things will go well for you. The best businesses tend to work that way. As soon as you take out one of those elements, either the planning or the intuition, you take those out, then you start getting into trouble.

So just a simple concept, simple idea. If you’d like to talk more about this in terms of how it affects you personally and your business life, go to BrianJPombo.com or if you’re in the self-reliance field, you’re definitely gonna want to check out DreamBizChat.com.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about more of these ethereal concepts, but there are things that directly relate back to your business. So come on back tomorrow. We’ll talk about then in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.