The Importance Of Learning, Doing, and Teaching 👩‍🏫

Finding balance in personal continuous improvement.


Content Marketing For Personal Development? 🤗

How can content marketing help your overall skills?


Content marketing for personal development?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo. Live.

We talk a lot about content marketing and how you can use it to increase your business, to increase your exposure, to build your personal celebrity, and so forth.

I want to discuss why you do content marketing for you. Because there’s a big reason why you go about doing that.

First, I wanted to mention my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you want to really build a strategy around content marketing. Content marketing is a great strategy unto itself and there’s all these great tactics that go along with it.

But if you want some real principle based, broader strategies, so the reason why you would do content marketing, this is a great place to start, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

How to make your business, you know, completely bulletproof from the big guys, whoever the big guys are in your industry. Many industries are being attacked, in a sense by, that it’s important that you pay attention to that type of thing.

So go check out my book, go get yourself a copy, you can also get a free digital copy at

Let’s talk about personal development, and how doing content marketing can help you with that.

Now, if you can take your ideas, the things that are tied to your business, if you can bend your mind and then say, Why would this matter to somebody else?

Why would this matter to my ideal customer?

Why would this matter to an audience out there, if you can start doing that, that in its in and of itself is personal development.

Just that element of it, to be able to think backwards to you know, walk a mile in the other person’s moccasins type of idea. If you can see things from someone else’s point of view, that’s a huge piece of overall marketing.

Content Marketing allows you to do that on a daily basis, if you’re doing it daily, it allows you to do it on a regular basis, though, if you’re doing it right.

Content marketing has to be regular, it has to be consistent, it has to go and go and go and go for it to function properly.

If you’re doing a lot of online content marketing, that’s a great way to keep your head in the game. And to see things from your customers perspective or from your ideal customer or your potential customers perspective, your prospective client, your prospective parishioner your perspective.

Whatever you’re looking for whoever you’re looking to connect with, the important thing is to see, you already know things from your perspective.

What you have to do is see things from their perspective, and translate what you’re thinking backwards to feed to them in a way that they can start wrapping their minds around, and a way that they can get to know you.

So you putting yourself out there, and placing your ideas out there, and organizing your thoughts and organs and organizing, you know what it is that you offer, you know, just putting it out there and explaining it.

This is personal development, this will make you a better salesperson, this will make you a better leader within your organization, especially if you are a leader if you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive, if you’re one of the people in charge, this is really, really helpful.

I want to thank my friend, Joe, that is running a company out there.

He started doing this on a pretty regular basis and he mentioned this on today or yesterday’s episode that he put out there a little bit of content marketing that he’s doing within the people who he’s already working with.

See, content marketing isn’t just for new people that you haven’t met yet.

It isn’t necessarily to bring in customers it can be, but it’s also for your current customer base, or whoever it is that your training or whoever it is that you’re inspiring.

That all matters and I appreciate Joe and what he what he’s said about that and inspire me to let you know what I think about this and how we can help you in your business.

So hopefully that makes sense.

If you’d like to find out more about content marketing, you’ll want to check out the other videos and audios I have out there.

You could subscribe to my podcast wherever you subscribe to podcasts called, Brian J. Pombo Live.

You can also Check out my other videos either on YouTube or over at

You can check out all of our blogs going back we’re almost to 1000 episodes. Can you believe that 1000 episodes nearly nightly.

We have been coming on here. It’s been quite a ride and I can tack it tell you. It’s been a lot of personal development and it continues to be a lot of personal development, learning a whole lot and hopefully passing on a little bit of what I learned.

Which is why I bring up so many of the books I read the movies, I watch the TV shows, I see and how it ties back to success in your life and your business.

You have a great night we’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The Necessity To Know Thyself 🧠

Thoughts on knowing your strengths and weaknesses personally and in business development.


The necessity to know thyself.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

One of the most common things that I see over and over again, with clients and friends. And people that are in a conundrum is, most people just don’t know themselves well enough.

Let me get a little more specific as we get going here. Because I found that people lose track, because they don’t really know what they want.

They don’t really know where they’re going, and they don’t really know the end result that they want to get from doing that.

You can’t always know the end result, you can’t always know exactly what you want or where you’re supposed to be. But you might have a clue.

You might know, if you have a clue of where you’re going, start moving there, start going there, go in that direction, and see if it fits or not see if it feels right, you got to get moving and trying things out.

You got to get out and taste life a bit. And oftentimes in business, we think that we can’t be adventurous, I’m telling you, you have to be you have to push the envelope, you have to take things to the next level to see if it’s really the direction you want to go.

And you may want to make just little corrections along the way. But eventually you’re going to go start going into direction, where every next next step, as you’re moving forward, it seems more and more correct, it seems more and more right?

There just there gets to be a sense on the inside that you’re that this is this is going the right way that I’m going the right direction, this is where I’m supposed to be.

It’s on the inside that you just feel it. You know, if deep down, there’s something you can’t deny.

If you’re not there yet, yeah gotta keep digging, you got to keep trying different places as much as possible. And it doesn’t mean it’s not going to be uncomfortable.

The best places I’ve ever been are the most uncomfortable places.

And when I get over each next discomfort, it seems like I’m going better and better and better, and I’m getting to a better place.

So it’s really easy to get caught up with a goal.

Don’t get caught up with the goal. But doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have one, start with one, start moving in a particular direction with your life, with your business with everything else, and get to know where you’re going.

I was having a conversation with a friend earlier today, kind of a friend slash client and he was going in one direction. And then all of a sudden, completely pivoted and started going in a different direction. That’s cool.

Keep going keep going till you figure out some sense of direction.

It’s not like it’s always going to be that way. It’s not like you’re always going to go in that one direction.

But from what I’ve seen, most people have like a meaning to their life. And they when they when you start finding what you’re really after it just it clicks, you got to keep looking for that.

Don’t stop, don’t get stuck moving in a direction just because you’ve always gone in that direction, switch it up, try some things on the side, try some different avenues, find what makes your heart sing, and you’re going to be in the right place.

It’s going to also be tied in with something difficult, I’ve almost always found that to be true, there’s going to be some discomfort associated, there’s going to be a growing process.

If you’re going the right way and doing what you need to do, there’s going to be some pleasure to the end game, but then in the short run, it’s going to be tough.

There’s can be some pain associated.

So hopefully that makes sense to you. This is this is much more of a large base principle, but it really comes down to knowing you and paying real close attention to the signals on the inside telling you, you know, I always relate it back to a traffic light, you know, either get a red light, a yellow light or a green light. And you either go, okay, that’s definitely not where I need to go.

That I’ll be I keep going this way cautiously and then then you get a green light every once a while you’ll get a green light versus like put the pedal to the metal move forward. You can’t lose movement in this direction.

They always change and doesn’t mean you’re going to be going straight down the street, you’re going to have to make some turns here and there. But the only way is forward. So if that’s something you needed today, you got it.

If you’re looking for something beyond the principle and want to get into some deeper strategies that you can use in your business or your cause, or your nonprofit or your organization, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s not just about business, it’s not just about defeating Amazon as a competitor.

It’s about defeating all forms of competition in your mind, and really developing long term strategies to achieve what you’re wanting out of life.

Hopefully, that makes sense.

We’ll be back here tomorrow, in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Put Off Fixing You?

That’s the question today.

Do you put off fixing you?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by Coming to you from Grants Pass Oregon.

If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and you are really looking to take your business to another level and not quite sure how to do it, you’re where you’re at but you want to take it to the next level and you want somebody to be able to talk around your ideas, go to Link is in the description.

There’s a video there you can watch to see if the dream biz chat would work for you. Now today we’re going to talk about putting off fixing yourself. I think a lot of us procrastinate on that we’re like, “Oh, I’ll deal with that later.”

But a specific thing in general that I came across today with an associate of mine and it’s a grudge. If you have a grudge with somebody, if you’ve got a pent up resentment towards someone, especially if you need to work with this person long-term, you’ve got to get it off your plate, you’ve got to get it out of the way.

So a friend of mine came to me and was telling me about this grudge that he had with somebody and he wanted to talk about it a little bit and I said, well in the end you need to talk with that person. You need to get over it.

You either need to find a way to drop it yourself or you’ve got to confront it with that person and tell them what’s going on and either find a way around it or get out of the situation where you have to work with this person.

You got to make sure that you’ve got something good going. He wanted to put it off.

He said, “Yeah, you know, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.”

And I said, well, if you’re telling me all these other things that came about because of it, because one thing leads to another, leads to another to where you can’t stand being in the same room with a person, where you can’t stand listening to them talk, it get to the point where they can……. I know men specifically get to the point where they could have so much rage towards somebody they feel like punching them in the face and it’s not healthy.

These are things you’ve got to get over.

It’s necessary sometimes to have to go so far in one direction that you realize you’ve got to stop and go, okay, wait a second. What’s going on?

This comes back to a point that I like to go back to over and over again about being a reality grounded.

It’s important to be reality grounded. Whenever you find, “the ground of your being” form of emotional earthquake, you have to keep in mind that something’s wrong.

You got to fix it and you’ve got to fix it as soon as you can. As soon as you are able to see that something’s wrong, take advantage of that inspiration and fix it.

Don’t let it go. You let it go. It will only faster. It will only get worse. It will morph into something else and most of the time if you’ve got a problem with somebody, it’s going to come about….even if that person passes away before you’re able to solve it, it’ll come up in the next version of that person.

A look alike person, someone that smells alike, someone that has the same attitude or the same personality and it will just get worse and worse and worse through time.

That’s why most psychologists and everything, they say that most of our problems with people, when we really have an instinctual issue with somebody right off the bat, it comes back to issues with your parents because you didn’t solve the issue with your parents.

You end up running into, you think about the parent that you got.

You get along with the worst or got along with the worst, and you’ll notice that if you never solved your issues with them, you end up meeting your parent and person after person, after person. Usually you end up marrying that person.

It comes up over and over and over again.

It’s the nature of trauma.

I don’t want to get too deep into this, but this is important for your business. If we’re having a good, serious business talk. Good serious business deals and working with people.

Especially a business that gives you any form of passive income or any type of stability, keep that in mind when you’re running across a person that you just can’t stand, get over it or be direct with them and get it out of the way. Get that concept out of the way.

Don’t just bury it on the inside. Get over your resentments of people and you’ll find life will become a whole lot more easier and your business will become more of a blessing to your life.

Hopefully that’s helpful.

If you like to talk with me about some of these issues as far as what you’re dealing with in your business, go to If you’re in the self-reliance field, go to and sign up for a free dream business transformation.

If you qualify, go fill out the application.

So you have a great day. Tomorrow we’re going to talk about some more stuff. Come on back. We’re here every day so get out there and let the magic happen in your life.