Don’t Forget This 🔫 (Inspiration from Gary Bencivenga)

Simple but important message Brian noticed from Gary Bencivenga about not taking yourself too seriously.


Don’t forget this.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ve got a secret for you. It’s something you never want to forget. And it’s one of those that’s it’s such a simple idea. It’s really easy to forget. But I’ll tell you what it is anyways.

First, though, I want to remind you about my book,9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s not one of these that I’m looking to sell a whole bunch of the whole point is I want to get the ideas out there and start discussions. find out whether you agree, disagree and otherwise.

So go check it out, you go get a free copy at

What is the secret that I want to pass on to you?

Well, it’s not a secret. It’s something you’ve heard before. It’s a very simple idea. This, what brought it to mind today is I was looking over some of Gary Bencivenga. That fabulous stuff that he has out there, if you type in his name into Google, and he’s got a great page, what would you call it Marketing Bullets.

Gary, if you’re not familiar with Gary, he’s a famous copywriter, marketer, he really has a large understanding and a great way to be able to describe it is a fabulous teacher describing how just everyday marketing works.

It doesn’t matter what century you’re talking about humans are humans. And there are just certain things that never go away. So he’s got some great material out there and this was just on one of his lists on that website about success tips, and so forth.

This is it, don’t take yourself too seriously. And the real problem is, is that if you achieve any type of success whatsoever in your life, it doesn’t take much it has its own where you set the bar.

You know, I was thinking about this earlier today, success really is an illusion, in a sense, because it’s, it’s an invisible bar that you’re setting to reach. And it but the best thing about success being an illusion is that failure is also an illusion because it’s an invisible bar that you’ve dropped below.

So you can move those as much as you want in order to achieve success or to overcome failure, or to completely ignore them and just see it as this is life and I’m moving, I’m going for the next thing and I’m going to try it and we’re going to see what happens.

And doesn’t matter whether I make it or not, or whether I do it in the period of time I want to or not, that’s a side note, I’m going off on a tangent here that I don’t need to be going on. But you’re going to come to a point where you feel like you’ve achieved some form of success.

At that point, it’s really easy to get all puffed up and to think, Okay, I figured it out, you know, this is I’m better than a whole lot of other people, I’ve achieved something and you have you probably have it depending on how lofty.

The goal is that you’ve been able to overcome, you probably have done a whole lot better than everyone else. But here’s the problem, we get into this trap of taking ourselves too seriously. And when you do that, when you take yourself too seriously.

You know, pride comes before the fall like that, say, and you’re just liable to make a fool of yourself.

You’re just setting yourself up to and so how do you keep from doing that?

Well, when you start finding yourself getting a little bit big-headed, you back off and just realize, man, you know, life’s short, it’s not gonna last much longer than this, we got this little piece of time to go out there and have fun, and try and make a difference in the world.

And just exist, just really enjoy ourselves and figure out what this whole thing is about.

We know it’s short. So if that’s the case, you take yourself too seriously, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

I don’t know an easier way of saying that and if you haven’t experienced the concept of taking yourself too seriously, you will. And when you get there you just go Okay, that’s what this is and just back off.

It’s not that big a deal.

Life’s short. Have fun. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

It’s a simple idea that we can go off on in a million directions, not necessary.

Now, I just wanted to leave you that. That very simple idea for tonight, and we’ll be back tomorrow.

Come on back, subscribe. Follow wherever you’re at So that you can come back and listen, watch, and let’s start a conversation about this stuff.

Do you do take yourself too seriously, leave me a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this?

You have a good night.

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The Secret of How to Sell Anything

“You can get anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want” -Zig Ziglar

“The only way to influence someone is to find out what they want, and show them how to get it.” -Dale Carnegie

“Find out what people want and help them get it!” -Harry Browne

The secret of how to sell anything.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live today. Coming to you live from Seattle’s airport here on a very long layover going from here over to Detroit. And from Detroit to Pittsburgh and from Pittsburgh. I’ll be driving out to West Virginia. Meeting out with some clients out there. That’ll be fun.

So today we’re going to be talking about the secret of how to sell anything.

If you get to watched yesterday’s video, we were discussing Gary Bencivenga’s Marketing Bullets, a specific one called marketing bullet number 29. You’ll find more of those, I think it’s at and here he talks about the secret of how to sell anything. And this is important.

Regardless, you’re going to be dealing with how to sell something and you’re eventually going to get to the point to where you’re wanting to sell more. We’re going to want to sell more to the same people.

So how do you do that?

And this simplicity of the answer. Don’t let it throw you off because there’s magic in the simplicity of this answer and you see it over and over and over again from anybody that’s done really well.

It’s selling and if you take anybody that’s made a whole lot of money, it’s because they’ve taken advantage of this secret. So what is it? Well, I’ve got three different quotes. These are directly from Gary Bencivenga article.

The first one is from Zig Ziglar. This might be one that you’ve heard before. I know I have. It says you can get anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.

All right, next one’s from Dale Carnegie directly out of how to win friends and influence people. And he says the only way to influence someone, is to findout what a person wants and show them how to get it.

The third one is from Harry Brown. He had an unpublished book, which you can buy the ebook.

I believe you can get it on I know I have it. I believe it’s called The Secret On How to Sell Anything to Anyone.

Something of that sort. And he said that the, this is the main thing. Find out what people want and help them get it. That’s Harry Brown. Uh, you may know Harry Brown, he ran for president twice million ticket and had somebody, I think he had probably the highest votes of any other, any libertarian presidential candidate of all times. A very interesting guy, old salesman, a, he’s no longer around. He died in Oh six, I think. But each of those quotes say the same thing. You find enough help enough people get what they want. You’ll get what you want, find out what they want, help them how to get it.

It’s the secret to selling anything. And now oftentimes we start out with a product or a service. We have something that we think people need what they want and show how that connects back to your product and service.

Most problems that I find when I’m dealing with clients. I’m sitting down with a new business owner that’s having difficulty really breaching into a new market or being able to go deeper into his current market. It all comes back to the fact that he doesn’t, he or she doesn’t truly know, really know, what their end client or customer wants.

What made you ask to be communicating with them?

You’d have to be communicating with them so much that you’re able to catch what they really want beneath the surface of what they say they really want because what they say they want may not actually be what it is. Oftentimes it’s beneath that is what they really want, but you got to get there some way.

You have to start that conversation. You have to dig a little deeper. You have to get to know your customer inside and out.

That’s the secret on how to sell anything.

If you’d like to know how you can apply this to you, the link is in the description. is an eight and a half minute video there. It’ll tell you a little bit more about what the dream business transformation is all about and how you can get it for free by filling out the application.

Go to especially if you are a business owner or an executive that’s an a self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant.

If you’d like to find out more about me or get to watch more of my videos, be sure and subscribe, like follow wherever you’re watching this.

We’re on a whole bunch of different social media and you can also check me out at so we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

2 Things You Need To Grow Your Successful Business

Two things you need to grow your successful business.

Back to and Brian J. Pombo Live, which is brought to you by Go if you’re a business owner or executive that in a self-reliance based business, meaning that you sell products and services to people to help them become more self reliant.

If you think that applies to you, go to go check out the video that we have there. It’s completely free and you can see if you qualify for a fee.

Welcome back. We are here in Grants Pass Oregon and today we’re going to be talking about the two things you need to grow your successful business beyond where it currently is. Take it to the entirely new next level and these two things don’t come from me.

They come from a guy named Gary Bencivenga. He is a famous world famous copywriter, he’s made a living at writing really good advertising copy, really amazing, sold millions and millions of millions worth of products through the years.

I believe he’s, for the most part, retired now, but you could still find a lot of his material out there.

One of the things he put out years ago was something called marketing bullets. And these are a number of articles that he wrote about specific marketing principles. And one of them we’re talking about today is bullet number 29. You can find them, they’re all for free out there or over on and I recommend reading everything that Gary Bencivenga has put out through the years. It’s amazing stuff. Really good.

It all applies back to sales, but sales applies to anything have you do with business, which is why we’re talking about it here.

Two things he mentions in this, in this specific article, this bullet number 29, and the two things we’re going to be talking about today is the two things that he sees are necessary for success of all copywriters.

In reality, it’s necessary for success in anybody that’s growing a business.

And even if you’ve had a successful business up until now, chances are if you’re not able to go any further, there’s these two things. One of these two things is getting in your way or both. And we’re going to just go touch on them real quick today.

Tomorrow I want to talk about the rest of his article, which we’ll get more into that tomorrow.

But first I want to go over these two things.

The first thing you have to have, which is the first thing everyone always focuses on is the mastery of your craft.

So whatever it is that you’re attempting to get out there to sell more of, maybe it’s a service, maybe it’s a product. Either way, if you’re looking again at out there, you’ve got to really be a master of whatever it is you’re trying to get out there.

You have to really know what you’re doing, what you’re providing for the end customer and really know it as well as possible. And that’s something that really never ends.

You’re always going to be learning more and more and more on how to go about doing that. That’s the first main thing.

We almost always focus on that.

But the second thing that oftentimes is missing are the list of complete success principles. Not meaning that you need to have the list, you need to have a strong mastery and grasp of success principles.

And if you’re ever in a position where you feel like your growth is being stifled, it’s very simply because you aren’t paying close enough attention to one of those success principles.

It could be time management, it could be personal discipline, it could be all these different things that you hear talked about individually. But you have to have a really strong knowledge and a growing relationship with those success principles.

You’ve got to know them better and better. You may not have emphasized each piece of those things into your business. Even if you’re not good at any one of them, you need to at least know that there, know about them, know that they’re necessary, and be able to identify it in somebody else. Someone else’s grasp of one of those principles so that your business can continue growing.

These are very big, broad concepts that we’re talking about today, but we’re going to go into a little bit more detailed tomorrow when we discussed the rest of that article. Bullet number 29 of barriers. His name is because it’s late here in Oregon.

Gary Bencivenga’s marketing bullets, great stuff.

Like I said, you could always check those out. Also, go to That’s all it for tonight. We’ll see you back here tomorrow. You have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.