Dean Jackson’s Focus Finder 🧐 (I Love Marketing Podcast)

Brian mentions an I Love Marketing Podcast Episode in which Dean Jackson talks about being a focus finder.

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Dean Jackson’s focus finder.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

Dean Jackson is a very popular very, very smart marketer, and has put out loads of podcasts, both as a host and as a guest I’ve heard on podcasts before.

He’s a really interesting guy.

I’ve talked about his different ideas here previously, one of his ideas that I haven’t touched on is mainly because I haven’t taken full advantage of this yet. But I wanted to pass it along because I know it’s been helpful to other people.

I’m looking to try it out myself but I’d like to hear what your thoughts are on it if you’ve had a chance to try his focus finder technique. If you’re wanting to know more about what this is, it’s, it’s the concept that we’re always distracted, that we’re being pulled in a million different directions, by our email, by the Internet, by the thoughts in our head, all these different things that are constantly pulling at us, keeping us from staying focused.

Now, some people have a natural ability to be able to zoom in or they built up the skill. Depending on how you look at it, they’re able to zoom in and fully concentrate on one thing at a time.

In fact, they have some people have the inability to be distracted, and they sometimes get too focused on certain things that are popping Podcast Producer, Sean Douglas is an amazing focuser he can just zoom in on something and just drill down and look at something from a million different directions. He’s amazing at that.

On the other hand, I’ve always struggled with the ability to focus, even the desire to focus is not there as much. And so it’s one of those things that it is it is something that even getting myself down to try this focus finding technique.

It’s been difficult, but it is something that I’m looking into, and I’m gonna look to put in more effort into doing something like this. I’m not going to go through all the steps of it because he has an excellent podcast of a speech he gave I believe this was a speech he gave live. And it’s really, really good.

I want you to go listen to it. It’s really short. I’ve got a link in the description.

If you’re watching this on Instagram or someplace that you can’t see the link, go to and check out this post in the media section. You can go directly over to it. It’s, The Focus Finder.

This was on the I love marketing podcast that Dean Jackson has been hosting with Joe Polish for years and years. So go check that out. Love to hear what you think on the focus finder and we’ll talk to you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Dean Jackson’s VCR Formula 👍

To findout more about Dean Jackson’s VCR Formula, follow the link below.

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Dean Jackson’s VCR formula.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I wanted to talk a little bit about Dean Jackson, who’s a bit of a marketing genius, you can hear a lot of his podcasts out there. I love marketing, welcome to Cloudlandia.

All this other stuff out there is great stuff, Deanism is an amazing person to get to know and to find out more about. So be sure and look into him because he’s got some great ideas.

This is one of them and the reason why I’m bringing up this idea is that it came back to me in my own voice with different words.

It’s only because I had already heard it. So I had written down oh, well, there’s really only three things that you need to be able to be successful in business to be able to move forward in business.

I kind of wrote down the kind of what was in my mind, these three things.

Then I went back and yesterday we were talking about this honey situation, you go back and watch or listen to that. And it reminded me of these three things. And I said, Well, we’re really that’s really tied to the VCR thing.

So I went back and I looked the VCR thing is identical, I came up with the same thing with different words and the words that Dean came up with are even better.

So VCR stands for three separate words.

Okay, and this is a formula, you got to find out what you you got to look at it in terms of what you bring to the table, and what you need from somebody else.

Now, sometimes you’ve got a wide enough spectrum of coordination, I should say that you can do this all on your own. This is why you see some people able to start good sized businesses and do it completely on their own.

Most of us aren’t so lucky and most of us have a difficult time with that. And we were so good at one area, and not good at all. There are others.

So V is for vision.

C is for capabilities.

And R is for reach.

How explain this. So in no matter what type of business venture you’re talking about, there’s always a vision person, the vision person is the one that has an idea of where you’re going.

At least some it may be completely vague, but they have some idea of what you’re trying to accomplish, what you’re trying to put together to sell in the marketplace or what have you. That’s the vision person.

Now, entrepreneurs tend to be tend to lead toward the vision side of things, the people who we call entrepreneurs, or the business owner, that’s, that tends to be the area that they at least have some idea of see is for capabilities capabilities, is the actual ability to do what needs to get done to be able to make to get the thing out to the market to get the product or service out there and done and functioning.

Providing and never all the things that go along with whatever your widget is. And I’m not talking product or service. When I say widget, it’s anything.

That’s what capabilities are. And a lot of us don’t have that many capabilities, we have a lack of capability.

You need to find somebody who has that capability and the quicker you could do that. Rather than having to build up the capability yourself, you can do it yourself.

But if you can find somebody that already has the capability, you can take that shortcut, and get further the final thing is our reach reaches, how are you going to reach the final audience.

My understanding of it is reaching the final audience. So you think, you know marketing and so forth. There’s a whole lot of shortcuts to this too.

So you could if you knew somebody that already had the reach, they already have a YouTube channel that’s got millions of people following it. They already have a podcast, they already have an email list, what have you.

Some people already have that reach, and you can go through to them and team up with them. Even if you are only a vision person and you have someone else who has the capability. You find somebody with the reach. Now you’ve made it.

These are the three things necessary to be able to move forward with this. They may not just be one person, each of these slots, it may take 10 people to be able to accomplish or 100 people to accomplish any of these things.

But when you think about it, it’s really a magic formula because it takes up it takes away the need for you to have to be them all.

The bit the best thing that happened to me in businesses when I realized that I can’t do it all and keep my sanity.

Me personally I tend to be much more on the vision side of things less so on the capability depending on what it is we’re dealing with, and usually less so on the reach depending on what it is that we’re dealing with.

But if you can put all those pieces together, I’ve got a project I’m working on right now where somebody really has a whole, they have to have a big piece of the vision.

They have some of the capability and I actually have a piece of the capability and they have but they definitely have the reach.

Because even if you don’t know anybody that has these things, well who does?

Well, Google and Facebook and and the company that owns the the billboard, I can’t think of the word billboards, I mean any type of media out there that you can purchase, a person that the newspaper. Anything that can be purchased media, what we call advertising, any type of advertising is reach.

All you’re doing is you’re exchanging money for that rate for that reach to that audience to that end user.

That’s VCR there’s it’s a very magical formula because it simplifies something that can be overly the top complicated.

If you look at each of the little details that go on with every single business. But if you could step back, every business comes back to that formula. It’s a brilliant thing. Thank you so much Dean Jackson for coming out with it. I can’t take any credit.

All these ideas i i hear at some point and the nice steel and then I twisted around and sometimes I don’t even know I did it. And that’s why I could never be a comedian because I end up using everybody’s jokes, and not know that I was using their joke.

So go check that out VCR formula. There’s a podcast I’m gonna put a link in the description. You go listen to it from I love marketing, an episode where they discuss the VCR formula. Very interesting.

Both Dean Jackson and Joe Polish talking on there. That’s all I got for today. We’ll be back here tomorrow.

Hey, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you really want to just completely dominate your industry dominate your marketplace. This is the book for you. This is where there’s a good starting block.

This is where you can sit down and really make some long-term strategies. Great for the new year.

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a Free copy at That’s all I got you have a good night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

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