How To Grow Your Business During The Holidays

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How to grow your business during the holidays.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live and we are back at the headquarters for

And I love traveling, so we got to travel if you haven’t been paying attention, we’ve been traveling down south to visit family during the holidays, and it’s one of the things I love traveling, I really like to get out of the house, I love to get out of town.

But I also love coming back home, it was definitely one of those situations where we were very happy to be home. And it’s great being here. It’s great seeing loved ones during the holidays, but it’s also great being home.

And it reminded me getting back into business mode…you can see a little bit of a glare here. Some crazy things sometimes happen when I when I don’t clean the lens properly, hopefully you could deal with the ball, just see if we can do that just clean the lens there. That helps No, of course not. Of course, it doesn’t help why these things happen. Whenever I’m out of my element and things don’t work out quite right, I’m going to try something else, we’re going to try to rub that lens with something else to help clear it up.

There we go, that helps out a little bit, little less glare going on there, you can see a little bit of reflection from the light back there. But that’s I think that’s more natural.

Now, this actually goes into the topic because it’s really tough going in and out of the holiday season, especially if you are one of the people that are going in and out of it. If you’ve got a big family, if you’ve got a bunch of activities that happen COVID or no COVID that occurred during the season, then you’re likely to get things you’re likely to get, you know, just big obstacles placed in your way, when you’re building your business.

It’s just a natural phenomenon.

If you if it’s not happening to you, it’s happening to the people you’re trying to get ahold of and the people you’re trying to connect with. So here’s what I always recommend to people when you’re trying if your job is to build connections, if you building businesses, building connections, whether new partners, new vendors, new, whatever.

What new customers, if you’re looking to get out there and need to meet more people and connect with the people you already know, then the best thing you could do during the holidays is just take a deep breath and realize that everybody tends to be in a little bit of a limbo situation until after the new years, until a good week or so after the New Year’s or quite oftentimes.

So what I use it for I use this time a year for is just a chance to touch base with people. Now if you have something that you celebrate you wish people happy Merry Christmas or whatever. If you if you want to be more agnostic or PC about it, you could say Happy Holidays, I still think that that’s smiled upon by a lot of people and you’re not going to offend anybody saying Happy Holidays, I don’t think so.

Put it out there, just wish people Merry Christmas wish people happy holidays, wish people happy Hanukkah and all the rest. Just put it out there.

And just send them a message, leave them a text, leave them a Facebook message, live them or whatever, just put it out there touch base with people and remind them that you exist. And let them know, hey, we got to talk, I’m going to give you a call sometime after the New Year, or I will give you a call whenever.

But let them know that you’re thinking of them. And that you’re you just want to say hi you don’t need to bring business up to be doing business business is nothing more than people working together. And for in order for people to work together, there has to be connection. In order for there to be a connection, someone has to make the first step or make the next step or keep the connection going. It’s on you. It’s on you.

You can still be building business without officially building business without officially getting an order or what have you. You could still be building business. Just by making connections, keeping connections keeping connected with people just put yourself out there. People are already in their own frame of mind.

They’re going every which way that quick little connection that you make, send an another email out send it in another piece of social media directly connecting with people is the is my favorite calling people up. send them a text message just saying hey, hope everything’s going good for you. Let’s Let’s reconnect some time.

That’s big. That’s huge. Just do it. If you want to, especially if you if you’re in business mode and nobody else’s. Then you you have to be able to give people space all at the same time allowing yourself to be able to continue building hold That makes sense or it’s helpful to you in any shape, matter or form.

If you like strategies that you would use all throughout the year, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at I’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

More New Years Resolutions for You?

More new year’s resolutions for you?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we are discussing more new year’s resolutions here, getting real close to New Year’s Eve and eventually new year’s here for the year 2020. And the last two episodes we were discussing specific resolutions that you can do, especially regarding your business.

The first one would be to design a goal for a year long for your business. Have a very specific measurable goal.

The second thing we talked about was talking about picking a new form of media to get out of your marketing in or to communicate with your customers with.

And the third one would be the type of marketing I want you to try out this year. If you haven’t yet, I want you to try content marketing now.

I have a bunch of videos on this.

You’d go to and check out the other videos we have on this, but go and look up anything on content marketing and the basic concept of content marketing is not just about marketing to people who don’t know you yet.

It’s marketing also to the people that know you.

It’s marketing to current customers, but putting out along with your marketing instead of saying, just buy this, buy that, talk about something of value for them.

Give them a little piece of value along with the marketing.

Have a form of content, have it be somewhat entertaining and useful to people. If you do that and you do that consistently throughout this next year, you’ll be very happy with the results. I guarantee it.

It will change your perspective. If nothing else, it will change your perspective of how you communicate with your customers and with your prospective customers.

So hopefully that’s helpful for you.

That’s a third, a third resolution. Maybe we’ll come up with another one for tomorrow. Hmm. I wonder if we will… We’re back here every day. Come on back.

If you happen to be in the self-reliance field, meaning you have a business, you own a business, or you’re an executive in a self-reliance based business, go to

Go and check that out while it’s still available.

And let me see…..also, if you want to find out anymore about me, like I said, you’d go to if you’d like to communicate with me or be able to find out how I might be able to help your business.

I’m a business strategist. This is what I do.

Go to and click on the link that makes the most sense to you or just watch or listen to some of my videos and audios.

Hey, you have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Another New Years Resolution for You?

Another new year’s resolution for you.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re coming to you live from Clovis, California. Quite a distance from Tracy, where we were last night, but this is a few hours south. This is in the Central Valley right next to Fresno.

For those of you who may know a little bit about California, and we are out here today visiting the in-laws for the holidays. So every time I’m out here, or most of the time what I’ll do is I’ll get the wifi password from my mother-in-law and I forgot to do that before she went to bed.

So because of that, we ended up with a situation where I had to get out on the road and find a good signal because for some reason in the middle of town, I couldn’t get a good signal on my phone.

So here we are, we’re in the middle of a parking lot bringing to you another thrilling addition of Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re talking about new year’s resolutions.

Yesterday, I gave you a suggestion on a great new year’s resolution to use in terms of your business. I’m not a huge fan of resolutions. They’re a little bit silly to me, especially New Year’s based ones.

But if you’re going to do it anyways, you might as well do something that’s going to be profitable for you.

So here’s a secondary one on top of setting a really clear annual goal for you and your company. Here’s a second one for you to do.

Introduce a new form of marketing into what you’re doing now.

Make sure it’s based on who you’re trying to reach. Like we always talk about the one the major things you got to think about in terms of marketing or communicating with either your current clientele or future clientele, future customers.

You’ve got to think about who they are and what they’re watching and what they’re paying attention to and what they’re reading and all the areas that media can reach them.

You’ve gotta make sure you’re reaching them on the media that matters most to them.

So if you’re trying to reach, the retired crowd, you may not find a whole lot of them on Snapchat or Instagram on the same end. You might whole lot more on Facebook. It depends.

It really depends on specifically who you’re looking for and where you need to be looking for them.

But there’s places people are everywhere. What you have to do is know who you’re going after. If you know that what you already should and you should pay closer attention to that.

But once you know who you’re going after, find out another place where you can hit them up.

If you have never used video marketing via YouTube. I’m not talking about hard stuff, I’m talking about easy stuff. I’m talking about organic marketing.

Maybe you don’t have to pay for it, pay for the production it and put it out there for free. You know, get your material out there in a new spot that you’ve never had it before. And I don’t mean just online.

If there’s a way for you to have somebody waving, assigned to bring them to your location. If you have a location based business, then do it.

Try one new thing this year. Introduce a new form at least one new form of marketing and try it out for a year or at least to the point to where you have definitive results.

Even if the results are negative, that’s one less thing you don’t have to worry about. If you find out this sign waving does not work for my business, great.

Mark it off your list and don’t go back to it. Now focus on the next thing but find out that idea quickly so it’s just one more resolution tomorrow I’ve got another one for you. I got another one.

If those two don’t work for you or if you’re looking to really spice up your year, we got another one tomorrow.

Come on back then.

If you happen to be a business owner and you’re looking for somebody to work with, with some of these long term planning ideas and business concepts and really looking to take your business from where it’s at to a real high ideal. If you have a strong concept of where you want to take your business to, then I suggest you get in touch with somebody who can help you do that.

Partner up with someone if you’d like. If you think that I might be that person, go to go and check that out.

Watch some of my other videos.

See if you see, if you think we click, if we do, then see what you can do about getting a hold of me.

If you have, it will be in the self-reliance field though.

Meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self-reliant. Then make sure and go to there’s a video there. Watch it. Let me know what you think and it is made specifically for you.

It’s a chance for us to be able to work together at least for one session, and I offer it for free for people in the self-reliance field and if you apply and you meet all the criteria, then you can get a free session with me and be able to walk away with a Dream Business Transformation.

Go check it out. Also, that link is in the description tomorrow night or tomorrow, during the day sometime hopefully. Get ahold of you sooner.

Tomorrow during the day, we are going to be discussing the next new year’s resolution that you should be thinking about. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Your New Years Resolution?

Your New Year’s Resolution?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I wanted to ask you, now that we’re past Christmas a bit, what’s your new year’s resolution?

Do you have one?

Do you ever have new year’s resolutions?

I know they’re kind of silly to begin with. Well, why does one specific date mark a difference at all for how you should behave or act or think about your future. I get it, but when it comes to business, sometimes it’s good to have some mile markers in place to have an idea of where you’re at and where you’d like to be by a certain period of time.

A mark in a year is pretty good option. If there’s one resolution I could recommend if you’ve never had one or don’t know what you would have when it comes to business, it’s a simple one.

The simple thing is pick a number that you want to be at this time next year, you could say it’s revenue. You’d say it’s profits. You could say it’s number of customers.

Pick a number that’s big enough that you’d be able to look back over the past year and say, yeah, I put in some good hard work and we hit that number, we did something, we accomplished something and I could see where to go from here.

If you go and do that, you’ll be happy with the results and using the first of the year as kind of a setting point or allow you to also remember where you’re going from here and what the point is and where you started, at which point you started to the end game.

So just a quick notion, and it’s funny, it’s such a simple concept that how few actually do it. You know, how many of us actually have a number that we say, okay, by this time next year we’re going to be here.

Think about that, consider it.

Tomorrow I’m going to have another resolution for you to kind of think about. Another thing that you might want to add to your list.

But the meantime, if you are a business owner or an executive that’s the self-reliance field, I’m going to recommend you go check out There’s a quick little video there.

Love to get your input on it. talks all about the Dream Business Transformation. You can find that link in the description.

You click and go directly to it.

Hey, we’ll see you tomorrow. We’re back here every day. Have a good one. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Holidays & Unpredictable Predictability

Holidays & Unpredictable Predictability.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. I have talked with you quite quietly because of the whole house asleep, but I wanted to remind you about the holidays and how these can be pretty unpredictable, but you can’t predict that they’re going to be unpredictable based on the time of year, based on previous experience.

These are things that you can schedule for unpredictability. So I knew I wasn’t going to get a full on heavy duty video out tonight.

But I knew I could give you a small snippet and this is the small snippet. It’s all on predicting on unpredictability. If you know you’re going to have the kids along for a business trip or any type of trip, if you know that any of these type of things are going to happen that are unpredictable, holidays are going to come and go.

You can see them coming on the calendar.

Always try and predict those unpredictable times.

Like tonight, one of my kids was not sleeping well, but kids always act crazy during the holidays, you know, with all the sugar and everything else.

These types of things happen. So be ready for it. Always be ready.

Go check out Come on back tomorrow we’ll have another talk, maybe something a little bit more deep, a little more meaningful, and we’re back here every day. One way or the other. Brian J. Pombo Live. Have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Did Black Friday Earn You Bank?

Did Black Friday or a new bank?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to talk a little bit about Black Friday.

Did you know that the Christmas season, the Christmas shopping season has been considered to start on the Friday after Thanksgiving?

Since 1952 was the earliest time that they heard people referring to this era as being the beginning of the Christmas season and the term Black Friday has gone back to 1961, 1961 is the earliest they’ve been able to find people refer to it as that. So this has been around a while.

The whole concept of Black Friday.

The question is, are you making money off that?

And if not, why not?

And if so, why would you want to?

Well, this comes back to the concept of holidays and doing holiday marketing.

So when you’re making any form of reference whatsoever to a holiday that’s existing to something that’s happening the day of, you’re entering the conversation in your customer’s mind.

So you’re, you’re allowing yourself to talk about something that they’re already thinking about in some way or fashion. Whether they agree or disagree with it or not, it doesn’t matter. They’re thinking about it.

It’s there, it’s being discussed. It’s in the social ethos. It’s out there in the ether.

And so that’s what Black Friday is whether you like it or not.

Most of us know a lot of people that think that it’s over overwhelming. It’s outrageous. It’s crazy.

Who would ever go and do something like that.

There’s a lot of people that do not as many as they make it out to look like when you’re watching the evening news, seeing people trample themselves and everything, but it’s still there.

The pressure’s there to get a good sale on the day after Thanksgiving. So you might as well give it a shot.

You might as well offer something. I don’t care if you go out and double your prices on Black Friday.

Don’t ignore it.

Don’t ignore these things that are out there that people are already thinking about.

They’re already talking about go out there and acknowledge that it exists and by doing that you’ll get a person to stop and pay attention to you and say, okay, what are they saying about Black Friday?

What are they offering?

Because it’s instantaneous.

If it’s an email or anything else, this is a way to get people to open it up, to pay attention to your marketing, to pay attention to any form of content that you’re putting out there.

The fact that I’m referencing Black Friday on Black Friday is going to get more people watching this than would have otherwise. It’s just the fact of matter and it’s something that you can use yourself.

It’s not just about Black Friday though.

It’s any holiday when you’re talking about any form of holiday, anything that is going through a person’s mind, it gives you a chance to be able to talk about it.

You’re making them stop a split second longer than they would have otherwise. Listen to what you have to say, and hopefully it’ll lead to a sale at some point, somewhere down the line, or at least you get someone listening to you for a little bit, which will eventually lead to a sale beyond that.

Hopefully it is helpful to you if you’d like to know how to take advantage of some of these trends that have been in existence forever and only has to do is just understanding the psychology of your customer. Then go to

If you’re in the self reliance field and you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go to the link is in the description.

Hey we’re back here every single day, so come on back tomorrow and we’ll have another little thought for you.

Hopefully that will help you grow your business a little faster, a little quicker, a little bigger.

Hey, you have a great night. Get out there. Let the magic happen.

Don’t Forget What Day It Is

Don’t forget what day it is.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon. I’m sure you’ve heard about it all day. If you’re watching this today, or if you were paying attention on social media at any time during the last 24 to 48 hours really, because people talk about it all week long.

And that’s the anniversary of 9/11 September 11th, 2001 today. I am not just going to talk about 9/11 itself. I want you to never forget what day it is, especially if you’re doing in. And I’m going to, I’m going to do it. I’m going to use this opportunity to tie it back into business. So if that bothers you, leave now.

I think we’re all aware of what 9/11 was. And if not, I suggest you go and look it up. Go look up some video, find out what it was all about.

There’s a lot of people talking about the details, but it’s important that you realize that it’s on everybody else’s mind. So if you’re out putting together any type of content for your market and you’re doing anything that’s timely is important for you to be able to take note of what the day is.

For example, today’s 9/11 everyone’s in that frame of mind. They’re gonna have been reminded via social media and every other format out there, then evening news, everything.

We’re going to be talking about 9/11, they’re going to be talking about the anniversary of the Twin Towers going down the Pentagon getting bombed and the plane going down. That was meant to hit another target.

People were going to be talking about it. You could try to ignore it, but you’re ignoring what’s already going on inside of your viewers mind, of your customer’s mind, of your reader’s mind, whoever you’re talking to at whatever time period.

You got to keep in mind what the day is, what is going on. Because if you ignore that and you come out with something goofy on 9/11 people won’t necessarily get angry at you, but your missing a major point.

You’re missing a chance to be able to connect whenever you’re putting out timely things, especially if you’re doing it on a regular basis. Pay attention to what holiday it is. Pay attention to what’s going on in the world. Pay attention to the conversation that’s already going on in their mind.

It’s a simple concept, but maybe you won’t be surprised how often it’s completely broken. If you scroll through your Facebook feed, if you scroll through anything that’s, uh, anything that you’re looking at right now in terms of social media or online media, how often do you see an advertisement or someone who’s trying to get you to buy something or anything of that sort?

Someone who’s trying to get your attention, who’s ignoring what’s going on right now? What’s going on in a person’s mind? Have you ever, have you ever watched television during Christmas, maybe Christmas Day, and you see something that pops up where they don’t recognize the fact that it’s Christmas and it’s kind of off putting on the day of, you know.

Especially if you’ve been celebrating it and you’re doing all these things and you sit down and it just, they treat it like it’s just another day and they’re missing the point. They’re missing where you’re at, they won’t connect with you. Keep that in mind. Always trying to connect with the people you’re trying to reach. What’s the point of doing it otherwise if you can’t do that.

So hopefully you’ve had some nice solemn thoughts today about the circumstances all surrounding the jarring, controversial, outrageous situation that happened 18 years ago.

On this day. It’s, it’s important to think about maybe, maybe one of these days I’ll get a little deeper on the subject. Maybe one of these years we’ll get a little deeper onto it and how it, how it affects your psychology.

But in the meantime, it’s just a simple point. Always remember what day it is when you’re reaching out to talk to people. You have a great night. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking more about the a three, three concepts of marketing and how you can apply it to what you’re doing right now, and I bet you’re breaking some of the rules.

We’ll talk about that tomorrow. Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.