Self-Reliance Quote – by Gary Keller

Thoughts on helping others by helping yourself first.


Self Reliance quote by Gary Keller.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Tonight is going to be a quick one for you. I just wanted to put out this quote that I saw and it was probably the most simplified way I’ve seen of explaining self-reliance.

We’ve talked a lot about self-reliance. In the past year, I’ve had people that a lot of people that I’ve worked with and around that were big into the self-reliance industry.

It’s one of those things, it’s kind of near and dear to me, and something that I like talking about because it’s one of those things that I think is, is rather common sense, but not all that common among the public that most people don’t discuss it that often not quite like they did many years ago.

So here’s the quote, tell me if you think this isn’t just brain dead simple, or even overly simple, says, “The more you work on yourself and help yourself be the best you can be, the more you can help everyone around you be the best they can be.”

And that’s Gary Keller that said that.

And I saw this quote on social media, and I grabbed it and said, I’m gonna have to talk about this sometime. I think I grabbed it today. So that’s sometimes today.

So here we go. It’s one of those ideas that is just so simple, that if you can help yourself first, then you can help other people in modern-day, I think it’s explained the best. And it’s explained like this over and over and over again.

But I think it’s it’s a good analogy. It’s when you’re on the plane. And they’re giving you the rundown that they have to give you by law every time about the fact that when oxygen falls from the ceiling, you need to put it on yourself first, and then help other people to put it on them.

Like, regardless of anything else, the idea and don’t get caught up in the idea of whether the oxygen actually matters or whether it’s there just sue the US or whatever else. I know, there are a whole lot of theories as far as that goes.

But just in general, the idea that you have to kind of be somewhat stable before you can help someone else who isn’t stable, or help someone else become more stable or help someone else get up to a certain level, in order to help other people you have to have already have been helped in a sense.

And self-reliance is the idea that if no one’s going to help you, you got to help yourself. I mean, there are always options for people to help you. But in the end, you’re always going to be dependent somewhat more on yourself than on anybody else.

In most cases, obviously, there are situations where people from the day they’re born until the day they die, they’re completely 100% dependent on other people, for them to be able to have a life or to have at least a decent life that happens. But it’s not the norm, the norm is most of us.

If we don’t take care of ourselves, ain’t no one else gonna take care of us. And it probably wouldn’t be good for us if they did. But if we take care of ourselves, and then that allows us to take care of other people, either when they’re not in the right place to be able to do it for themselves.

Or they’re in a situation, like I said, where they just can’t, they just can’t do it. And so that’s always going to happen, we always need to be able to help people. But if we can figure out how to help ourselves first, it’s really, really useful.

And this is, this is why I think it’s very common within the self-improvement genre of the self-improvement industry, I guess you could call it if you want to look at it from the business perspective. It’s very common for people to be self-reliance.

It’s not that we aren’t aware that some people can’t be self-reliant. But if we can encourage more people to be self-reliant, it allows more people to come from a place where they can help other people if they have the heart to do so.

So that’s all I got for today. It’s just kind of an interesting off-topic, but it’s a Sunday when I’m recording this. So hopefully you found it helpful. That’s all I got for today. Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, get a free copy at And we’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Life Will Willingly Pay 💰💰 (My Wage, Jessie B. Rittenhouse)

Brian reads one of his favorite poems called, My Wage from Jessie B. Rittenhouse, which is brought up in one of his favorite books called, The One Thing by Jay Papasan and Gary Keller.


Life will willingly pay.

I am Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ve got one of my favorite books here. I like talk about this one a lot. It’s one that I love going back to and just flipping through and finding random quotes from, The One Thing. Jay Papasan and Gary Keller’s book, really good book.

It really helps you to focus. I mean, even some of the chapters, I won’t it completely agree with whole cloth. But it causes you to think it asks the questions and send you in a direction.

And it really is a great challenging book in the sense that it is going to challenge you no matter where you’re at in life. And that’s what I like about it.

So it’s one that I like going back to the one thing I wanted to pull out, The One Thing, for you today, though, was this poem, and you’ve probably heard it before.

In fact, I’m pretty sure I heard it before reading this book, but I know it’s in this book. So I could always come back to it. It’s one of my favorites is by Jessie B. Rittenhouse. It’s an older poem, I believe she died in 48, or something like that.

So I don’t remember where that when the poem is from, I didn’t look it up. But previous to that, in 1948. And here it is, real quick.

“I bargained with life for a penny, and life would pay no more. However, I begged at evening, when I counted my scanty score for life is just an employer, he gives you what you ask. But once you have set the wages, why you must bear the task. I worked for a menials hire, only to learn dismayed, that any wage I had asked of life, life would have willingly paid.”

It’s a very simple concept. But it’s the idea that you need to what?

Well, initially, I would say that, it comes down to the thing, Larry Winget, it says, “life is your life is your own damn fault.”


And so there’s a certain amount of responsibility that falls on all of us, especially after we’re adults. And we get, like I said, there’s lots of fault to be placed all around. And you can say, a whole bunch of things is anybody else’s fault. But in the end, it’s your responsibility, your life is your responsibility.

And really, it’s up to you to kind of define where you go next and what you expect from it.

The expectation is what makes the biggest difference. And if you expect great things, great things have a greater tendency to happen than if you don’t expect great things.

You kind of have to define a lot of these things. Things are always going to happen that are out of your control. And they’re always going to come out of nowhere, and both good things and bad things.

But if you expect great things to happen, oftentimes things will get better.

It’s a strange thing, and I think it’s tied to faith in some way.

But you have to expect great things and that that’s what this is, this is basically any wage, that you ask why life will willingly pay, I believe that to be true.

I believe if you it’s not just about this isn’t a money thing. This is about what you get out of life, the experiences you get out of life, the meaning you get out of life.

If you ask for more, you’ll get more, you know, the old knock on the door shall be opened all that, you know, simple concept, simple, ideal idea, and a very, what I think is a beautiful poem that just hits on the simplicity.

So I’m just gonna leave it at that for tonight. If you haven’t had a chance to grab my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can still get a free copy.

If you’re watching this within a reasonable point of time of when it was recorded. Go check out you get a free copy of my book, or you can go buy it wherever books are sold.

Other than that, you have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

A Super Shortcut to Getting What You Want

Value of being focused and not being pulled in a bunch of directions to set yourself up for growth in business.


A super shortcut to getting what you want.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is an idea that I talk about a lot. And I like to put a finer point when the times come, you know. Earlier today, I was speaking with a group of people that are politically active here locally.

There’s a million things that a person can react to, regardless of which side of the aisle you’re on, or how you view politics. There’s always things demanding a reaction, right?

There’s always someone from your opposite thoughts that are putting things out there to get a reaction to get you fired up, and overreacted, what they’re doing it all sides do it.

But the real thing is to catch yourself from getting caught up with it. And the way I help people, whether they’re business owners, or whether they’re politicians or political activists or whoever if you really want to know how to how to get to what you want as quickly as possible, first you got to define it.

Your ideal has to be defined your the visible ideal in terms of what would I really like to happen that I can I can realistically see happening, or even unrealistically see happening, but you believe that it can happen?

What is that one thing that you can you can see happening eventually?

So putting that out there and then looking at, you know, how soon do you want to get there?

You know, what would be really good, in-terms of you getting there to that ideal?

What point do you want to get there?

If you don’t have that, yet, you’re always going to be stuck in reaction mode, you’re always going to be reacting to the other side. And if you’re building a business, you’re reacting to everything around you.

If you’re working in politics, you’re reacting to the other side, guaranteed, and reacting to all the day’s news and so forth. It’ll never work, you’ll never be able to get what you want. Because you’re you’re spending too much time reacting to everything else that’s occurring.

But if you know what you want, if it’s well defined, and you have an idea of when of how soon you’d like to get there, then the next thing is, what can I do right now to fix it?

What can I do right now to take one more step in that direction, a positive step, regardless of everything else that’s going on. And that’s why I love this book, the one thing, because the one thing, it all pulls you back to focusing on doing one thing at a time.

This is really opposite from or on face value. It’s opposite from the way a lot of people teach. So one of the things that Dan Kennedy who I’ve spoken about before, who’s a marketing, guru, and expert out there, he has spoken about how you really want massive action, you want multiple things happening all at the same time. And that’s absolutely true.

But to get yourself out of the gutter, and to get yourself focused on moving forward, sometimes you have to start with one thing at a time. Once you get one thing going and you have it systemized you have it, you have someone else working on it, or you have it automated via software or whatever.

Once you have one thing taken care of where it can run on its own, then you work on the next thing and the next thing and the next thing, but it does have to start with one thing. And there’s this focusing question. And of course, I don’t have it pulled up right in front of me.

So I’m going to flip through this book while I’m talking to you so that I can hopefully find it quickly. I love just the way that it’s worded in here, which is the focusing question all about which comes straight from the one thing Okay, page 102. We’re gonna run to page one or two real quick here.

So I can read this to you because this is what it’s all about. And I’ve had this memorized in the past, but it really comes down to this one question you could ask yourself, what’s the one thing I can do?

Such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary. Can read that back to you because it’s important. What’s the one thing I can do that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary. Now, this works at perfectly with a long term goal.

Once again, it doesn’t matter where you’re at or what you’re trying to achieve. It doesn’t matter if it’s polluted. Call, it doesn’t matter if it’s a family goal, it doesn’t matter if it’s a goal for your personal lifestyle or for your business.

If you’ve got this goal, and you know about how soon you want to get it, then the next question is, what can I do right now to start moving in that direction, and you start thinking offensively and less defensively, when you’re reacting to everybody, you’re on defense, you can’t win.

Because it’s constant, there will always be somebody putting offense on you, putting out targets to distract you, it’s it’s part of life, you can’t get away from that. And it’s never gonna slow down enough for you to catch your breath.

You have to start going out, you have to be on offense, you have to move forward, and happens one simple step at a time, which is why I love this book. I love the concept because it brings everything down into focus.

And eventually you get to the point to where you have enough things running in that direction, that you can layer it and create massive action that Dan Kennedy talks about, which is absolutely necessary in the long run.

In the short run, get your focus straight, get moving in a positive direction, and then you start piling on as time goes on. Hopefully that’s helpful to you. If you’d like more long term strategies to be able to help you out.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get your own free copy, you can go get a copy off that’s fine. I make a little few bucks off of that or you can completely go around that.

Just get a digital copy over at my website, AmazonProofBook. com. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. Come on back, we’ll have another talk about either a strategy, a principle or a tactic that can help you with your business. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Self Discipline is Fake

So Discipline is Fake.

Hi folks, this is Brian J. Pombo. Welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re here in Grants Pass Oregon, but we’re not in the Orange Office. As you can see by the color back here, this is going to be the new office, which is yet to be named.

You can possibly hear the echo, a little bit of reverb from the fact that it’s extremely empty, nothing on the walls, nothing on the floors. Still a lot that needs to be filled in. It’s just me in a chair in an empty room.

Today we’re going to be talking a little bit about self-discipline and another little excerpt from this book, the one thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan.

Awesome book. Go and get it today. Just going to read a quick quote out of it, and this has to do with self-discipline and kind of the myth behind self-discipline, and this is something I definitely seen about myself.

I’m wondering if you see the same thing, you don’t need to be a disciplined person to be successful. In fact, you can become successful with less discipline than you think.

For one simple reason, success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right.

Success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right and I love this.

Next that this next excerpt says, the trick to success is to choose the right habit and bring just enough discipline to establish it. That is it.

That’s all the discipline you need. As this habit becomes part of your life, you’ll start looking like a disciplined person, but you won’t be one.

What you will be is someone who has something regularly working for you because you regularly worked on it. You’ll be a person who use selected discipline to become, to build a powerful habit.

This is all about habit building and if you understand that it’s not about being perfect in everything that you do, but finding the right thing to do and then building a habit out of it, have it repetitive enough on a daily basis if at all possible, like we talk about over and over again with daily content like this, which I’m just barely squeaking in just before the midnight hour so that we can make it for this day of our daily videos, which were in the hundreds right now of consecutive daily videos.

Thank you for so much for joining me. Go back and watch some of the others. Listen to some of the others.

Tell me what you think. I’d love to get some more comments and more feedback. I always love feedback, positive or negative.

If you are a business owner or an executive of a self-reliance based business, maybe you have services or products that help people to become more self-reliant. You’re someone I’d like to talk to. Go to the link is in the description, If you go there, you’ll see a quick video, eight and a half minutes of me discussing the dream business transformation.

If you think you qualify for it, make sure and fill out the application on that page. It’s a very simple, straight-forward page. Once again, let me know what you think. Tomorrow, we are going to be in an entirely different state.

Right now I’m sitting in Southern Oregon, but we’re going to be in one of the others. It is neither Hawaii or Alaska. It’s in the 48 one of the 48 consecutive states. I’m giving more clues every video and it is in, well, let’s just say it’s two hours difference from here. We’ll see it tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.

How/What Should I Track?

How should I track? What should I track? Is tracking right for me? These are the questions you might have if you’re watching today. Welcome, I’m Brian Pombo. this is the Orange Office, We’re in Grants Pass, Oregon. And this is Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re talking about tracking and how tracking can completely change your life, if you do it right.

We’re going to talk about how to apply it to your business. And this is in reference to yesterday’s video that we did where we discussed whether you, whether you’re faking yourself out or not because the 11th commandment is thy shall not fake thyself out.

So we’re talking today about one of the main lessons that I got out of this book, of the one thing that this book has a million lessons in it, but I’m just gonna cover some of the basics today.

We’re covering the concept really of goal setting, but I don’t like seeing it as that because that’s more of the means as far as it. And not as much the end. What we’re going to do is focus on the end and we’re going to talk about tracking a little bit here.

How do you go about tracking? How do you know what you should be tracking so that you know you’re not faking yourself out? Okay, so there’s a, there’s a reference. This comes to a page one 50 this figure 24 in the hardback book of the one thing by Gary Keller and it’s goal setting to the now. This is your first step. If you really have no idea what you should be focusing on. If you don’t know what the one thing is that you should be focusing on, we’re going to be talking about that more about tomorrow.

This is a good exercise on how to get there and you’ll want to start out with a great big someday goal, meaning eventually, this is where I’d like to be in my own personal life.

This is how much money I’d like to make. This is the type of place I’d like to live in and just design the perfect, the ideal lifestyle as far as you can see it.

This is way far in the future. This could be beyond 10 years.

Some day, this is where I like to be and this is BHAG. That stands for big hairy audacious goal that comes from Jim Collins who wrote a good to great, I believe that was from his book, Built to Last where he talks about BHAG’s and having a big hairy audacious goal.

You may also hear it referred to as as the dream is the big dream that you have. What is that Someday goal for you? Outline that as best you can, and what it’s going to take in your current position with your current business. What is it going to take to get there?

This should be something very personal and then you take it from there and you start breaking it down into an amount of years. So let’s say we have you go from there to attend year goal.

And you outlined that. What is your 10 year goal in the next 10 years? 10 years from today or 10 years from the beginning of next month or what have you, where do you see yourself at? How much money are you going to be making, how big is your business?

Try and define it as best as possible. And then from there, and this once again, deceptively simple, but the fact that you haven’t done it yet is telling you why you don’t know what you should be tracking or not.

We’re going to get more into how to go about tracking, but we’re just talking about what you should be tracking.

So from a 10 year goal, you want to go to a five year goal and from a five year goal you go to a two year goal and then a one year goal and we’ll just bring it up here so you can see a little better all the way to like a six month goal. Where are you going to be in six months? What’s Your Business gonna look like?

How many new customers are you going to have or whatever your metric is that you use to measure success in your business, where are you going to be in six months?

Then from there, break that down into where are you going to be in three months.

And then you break that down into one month and then this is, this is where it gets tricky. It gets tricky here. I’m got to break the month down into weeks. Where are you going to be in the next week?

And there’s no hard set way of how to do this.

You could break it into from six months to five months to four months. It’s all in how you decided to do it, but break it into weeks. So by the end of next week or whenever you’re designed to start tracking, where are you? Where do you need to be?

Where do you need to be to be in line with your someday goal or your 10 year goal? It doesn’t matter where this big goal is, but you have the concept of a big goal in a certain period of time and then you start breaking it down. This is just simple division math.

You start dividing it down all the way down to the week and then you come down to from the week, what is each day? What does each day, what does that call for you? Does it mean new customers?

Does it need me new clients? Does it need new accounts open does that, it all depends on your specific business, but what does that mean for you on a daily basis? Maybe it means maybe you just need a new customer every month. Maybe that’s your style of business. All you need is a new customer once a month and that will set you on track for your 10 year goal.

If that’s the case, then then your goal per day isn’t going to be get a new customer. Your goal per day is okay, how many phone calls, how many whatever connection point is, where does it start? You’ve got to break it all the way back down. So maybe out of a hundred phone calls you get one customer.

If you know it’s gonna take a month, you’ve got to divide up a hundred phone calls over 30 days and then you’ll know every day how many phone calls you have to make, that type of thing.

You break it down to the most basic action and then you start tracking how many, let’s say it’s phone calls that you have to do, let’s say, or letters that you have to send out or emails, whatever. Let’s say phone calls. Just for the sake of simplicity.

How many phone calls do I have to do today? And Are you, are you watching? I bet you haven’t been watching it up til now. That’s, I bet you didn’t know how many it was going to take to get to your big hairy audacious goal to get to the big thing or at least something measurable like a 10 year goal.

You didn’t know how much it was up till now so you weren’t tracking it. And if you aren’t tracking and it’s never going to get there, you say these things can happen by accident. They can happen if you hire somebody else, but someone along the way is going to have to be tracking progress.

What you, what you measure. Oftentimes they’ll say what you measure is what grows. Honestly, what you measure goes in the direction you want it to go. So if you’re measuring your weight and you want your weight to go down, it’s gonna start naturally going down.

If you’re just measuring it, if you’re weighing yourself daily, you will lose weight guaranteed. It’s not going to happen every day, but you will start losing weight without any other changes. If you just start tracking it, it’ll happen.

It’s all about just paying attention. It’s all about awareness. It’s all about just watching it over and over again. Your way to do it will become more and more clear just because you’re paying attention to that metric is boring stuff, but you do it once and then you build the habit of tracking on a daily basis, on a weekly basis, on a monthly basis.

Everything will improve. For you guaranteed. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Leave a comment wherever you’re watching this.

Also, if you happen to be a business owner in the self-reliance field or an executive, if you happen to be one of the big people in charge at your company and you sell products or services to people to help them become more self reliant, you’re somebody I’d like to talk to.

Go to you’ll see a video. They’re very similar to this one where I’m standing in front of a whiteboard. It is eight and a half minutes long. Go and watch it if you find it interesting, go and fill out the application now. All it is is it’s for a dream business transformation where you and I will get a chance to talk. Hi Joe.

Will we have some people, people watching and be sure and show up. Tomorrow we’re going to talk about another concept out of this book. The one thing. Actually tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the main concept. A very simple sentence out of this book that could quite possibly change your life. We’ll see you tomorrow. You have a great night.

Thou Shalt Not Fake Thyself Out: Yea or Nay?

Thou shall not fake thyself out, Yay or Nay? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in lovely Grants Pass Oregon for once again, a thrilling episode of Brian J. Pombo Live. Welcome, today we’re going to talk about a concept oftentimes referred to as the 11th commandment, which is thy shall not fake thy self out.

What’s it mean and how does it relate back to yesterday’s topic of fake it till you make it? Well, as I said, the only way to really fake it until you make it is to basically put yourself in a situation that you don’t feel comfortable in, that you don’t feel is even you, so that you can become the person that you think you’re supposed to be.

That’s an odd way of putting it, but go back and watch that episode. What I want to talk about today is thy shall not fake thyself out.

And this is such a huge concept because most of the business owners that I run into, and I mean this goes beyond just business owners. This is a human situation.

We always find a way of faking ourselves out. In other words, we can convince ourselves that we’re doing more than we actually are.

It’s the most common thing that we’re more productive than we actually are. That we’re accomplishing something that we really are not. And it’s because we put so much effort and hard work and thought behind whatever it is that we’re, we’re working on that we think we’ve done something when really we haven’t, and I’m just as guilty as anybody else.

This is why if you’re wanting to accomplish more with what you have, if you’re looking to do more with the time that you have and what you have available to you, you can. And it really takes first a little bit of self discipline, a little bit of tracking and a knowledge of self deception and being able to catch yourself when you’re doing something wrong.

It’s very difficult to do on your own.

That’s why it’s good to have coaches or consultants or partners or somebody next to you that can pin you down on things when you’re not. When you’re fooling yourself, you’re faking yourself out. You’re deceiving yourself. One of my favorite ways, and I’m going to talk about it just briefly, is tracking. Having something.

You’ve got to track your progress.

You have to have something that you do on a daily basis that can be tracked and then you track that on a daily basis. Daily. I mean you could say weekly basis, but honestly you need a daily thing. You need something daily that you’re doing that is progressing your business, that is progressing your vision, whatever it is you’re looking to do, have a number that can be broken down to a daily thing. Now you’re saying, “well, what should I be tracking?”

There’s so many different metrics in my business, so many different things. I could be looking at that. I’m going to recommend this book and over the next couple of days I’m going to pick out three different areas in this book that have been so helpful to me, but this book is just full of great stuff.

It’s called The One Thing. It’s by Gary Keller.

You need to read this book or go get the audio book. It’s a pretty good audio book too. I think I originally heard it via audio book. I went and got a physical copy because there’s so many good quotes, so many good diagrams that you obviously you can’t see via an audio book. So it’s having a physical copy is great. They’ve got this out in paper back to, it’s been out for awhile. This is like, I think it’s like from 2013, 2016 something like that.

The main concept of the book is to focus on one thing at a time. And I know overly simplifying a very complicated concept, but seriously, the main thing that’s holding you back from tracking is you aren’t focusing on one, doing one thing at a time, getting one thing done a day at a time, or at least to the point to where it becomes a habit.

So we’re going to talk about how to go about tracking what you should be choosing as a tracking factor.

I can’t stand tracking. I can’t stand being held down.

I think it’s the main thing that stops entrepreneurs from doing it is we just don’t like being held in. We don’t like being put in a cage. We don’t like having homework. We don’t like having deadlines. But it’s something that you need to do until you have something that becomes a habit, that you know needs to be a habit.

And if you’re not going to do it, you’ve got to make sure someone in your organization is doing it and they’ve gotta be held to a tracking. But these things have to be done. And someone’s gotta do it. So tomorrow we’re going to talk about what should you be tracking? How do you identify that without me being right there next to you? How would I go about identifying it? We’re going to go through that process tomorrow.

If this is something that interests you, becoming a more efficient personally, but also being able to look back at your entire business and look at how do we, how do we really make it do what it needs to do so that we can go from point a where you’re at to point B, which is where you want to be. How do we go through that process and really becoming what you know your business is capable of being, which is what I like to refer to as your dream business.

If you’re a business owner or an executive of a business that’s in the self-reliance field, which is an area that I work in, meaning you have products or services that help people to become more self-reliant, go to dreamed is this is, this is my special effects.

I could just have it pop up on the screen, but that would be, that would take up too much time and be to probably be way too easy. I’d rather just hold up this cue card or you can click on the link in the description it you’ll see an eight and a half minute video.

Watch it, watch a few minutes of it, see if it jives with you. If it does fill out the application, you may just be one of the people that can get a free conversation with me, which is a 600 plus dollar value.

So tomorrow, like I said, we’re going to be talking about tracking. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.