1 Social Media Post πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (Family In Ukraine Update)

Brian shares how one Facebook post has helped make a huge difference for his wife’s family that is fleeing from Kyiv.


1 social media post.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I wanted to discuss this is a story I’ve been telling a lot of my other friends. And so I figured I’d tell all my online friends. I glad you could come.

We’ve had the situation, right now this is, depending on when you’re watching or listening to this, this is in March, early March of 2022. We’ve been going through this situation of Russia invading Ukraine.

If you haven’t heard my wife was originally from Ukraine, she came over as a teenager with her mother, and to the United States ended up becoming a citizen here.

Her aunt, uncle, grandmother, and cousin are still back in Ukraine. They were in a situation where they were stuck in the capital city. And we’re looking to get out as soon as the invasion was occurring, but really didn’t know where to go, what to do, how to do it.

So my wife went and posted on Facebook, and basically said, Hey, does anybody know anyone in the surrounding countries that might be able to help out if we’re able to get them across the border.

We had people reach out all over the place, everybody. I mean, people we hadn’t talked to in years and other people. People that knew people that knew people.

People sent email addresses and phone numbers.

It really overwhelmed my wife, who’s good at logistics, by the way. So she kind of took it on herself to help them find somebody. We found a handful of different people so far.

So once they were able to get to Moldova, we had someone there to be able to pick them up and drive them to that capital city.

They’re there right now waiting to go to Germany.

they have somebody also, who was going to drive them all that distance and help get them to a safe area. What’s amazing is it took that, you know, besides the human element, and all the craziness and the politics and all the rest.

It took one single organic post on Facebook, we didn’t have advertising behind it.

We were discussing, if you look at it from a marketing perspective, she was discussing a an event that everyone knows about, that everyone’s thinking about, and just gave people a very clear-cut, call to action.

Because of that, it was easy for people who already had that connection to offer it up. I mean, people went out of their way. It’s not that it wasn’t difficult for them to be able to call people up and say hey, are you willing to house people?

Do you know anyone that’s housing anyone?

Do you know anyone who can drive?

It’s not that that wasn’t the case. That was the case that was amazing, incredible what they’ve done. We’ll post on my personal page, you know, eventually, all the different people that reached out and helped out. We appreciate it more than you can ever know.

But what it’s the connections, the thin threads that we have with all the people that we’ve known throughout our life, that becomes power.

That’s the power of social media.

It’s not unto itself, anything all that powerful, except that so many people have already gathered in these places.

But it’s powerful because of the human connection that exists outside of it. And it translates into how we have a connection that we wouldn’t have had 20, 30 years ago would not have had that type of ability to mobilize people in such a short period of time. Incredible, incredible thing.

You can just about write a book about all the things we’ve been through through the last couple of weeks, working with her family and other people. So just a quick idea for you for tonight. We’ll be back tomorrow.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll see you have a good one get out there and let the magic happen.

The Beginning of Feedstories (Bob Regnerus of Feedstories Interview)

Bob talks about how a visit to Facebook / Instagram headquarters led to an instant business idea that helped to launching Feedstories.


Brian: You touched briefly on Feedstories.

Why don’t you tell us a little more about what that is how it came about?

Bob: So that’s interesting, that period between like 2010 and 2013, I was doing a lot of things to kind of find my way again, after you kind of lose an agency, you know, I was just kind of freelancing.

I hosted a radio show for a number of years doing kind of what you and I are doing right now, which is great, got to meet a lot of new people help other people, write books.

But 2013, I got heavily involved in Facebook.

Facebook started to become a media that advertisers could take seriously. I got my first five clients, and one of them just went into the stratosphere.

It was a clothing brand. In fact, it was a headband company, and it just took off.

One of the best things I did with that client early on was I said, got a headband. It’s, you know, it’s a $15 headband, I said, anyone can knock this off.

I said, but they can’t knock off your story.

I said, we’re going to build your whole advertising and your whole kind of foundation based on your story. And your story is what’s going to sell headbands, and I was right.

I was really glad was right, but I knew kind of internally that would be that way. This business called Bolder Brand Headband, they won Shopify retailer of the Year in 2014, driven by Facebook sales, like 99% of their sales came from Facebook.

Facebook recognized that and said, Hey, Bob, we’re having this meeting with some other big brands want you to come in, we’re going to kind of brainstorm I had a chance over a number of years to meet with Facebook.

But in 2016, in particular, I went to this meeting and all they talked about was video, Facebook said we’re a video company now Instagram, which’s is owned by Facebook says we’re a video company now.

And I’m like, Okay, this is my like, I’m looking ahead toward the future. And I went outside of the meeting was in the sidewalk outside of Facebook headquarters in Austin, Texas.

I called Brandon, who’s my business partner for Feedstores. Brian is a creative guy, he’s a copywriter, he’s a video graphic guy.

I said, we really need to be prepared for this because Facebook and Instagram are changing who they are, and video is going to be like the thing that they are emphasizing the most.

And so we started that company, literally a conversation over the phone, came into the same city kind of put this thing together and started feed stories in late 2016.

That’s how Feedstories was formed.

It was literally what I heard Facebook and Instagram telling me that they were going to prioritize. And so if I’m going to continue to be a really good Facebook advertiser, I need to have really good video creative.

And why not create a company that produces the creative that I know is going to work in the Facebook ad. That’s how that company was born and we’re going strong here in 2021, so far.

What Offer Have You Made On Facebook Today?

Are you making offers on platforms that your ideal prospects hangout on?


What offer have you made on Facebook today?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Why such a specific question?

The question is specific because I wanted a specific answer. In most cases, I’m willing to bet that you didn’t make an offer on Facebook today.

Why do I pick out Facebook?

Facebook’s just one example. You’ve got all the different social media platforms out there. Chances are your market, the people you’re trying to sell your products services, your vision to they’re on Facebook, chances are they are they really are.

Because if there’s enough age groups there, then there’s enough of all of them there.

And you can find out who they are pretty simply by going through their ad platform. Even if you don’t buy any ads, you can do a search and find out what type of people reside on Facebook and chances are they’re there.

This isn’t a pitch for Facebook, I’m saying what ever. The platform is I’m using Facebook as an example. But you’ve got all these platforms out there that you can be offering commercials for free out there.

This is without sending a advertising out you just throwing it out there. Even if there’s not a whole lot of focus as to who’s actually seeing it and everything else.

Did you make an offer on Facebook today?

And you say, well, Brian, did you make an offer on Facebook tonight?

Why did I do it every day. Very rarely do I have a video that’s right here where I am not making an offer. In every podcast that I put out. Every audio podcast I put out not just for Brian J. Pombo Live that you’re either watching or listening to right now.

But my other two podcasts that are currently up, Grants Pass VIP and The Off The Grid Biz Podcast, both of those have advertisements on every one, I’m making at least one offer per podcast. And those are up 24/7 on each of their networks.

Along with being posted over on Facebook along with being posted on all the other major social media companies and a lot of minor ones.

With a lot of the emerging ones, we’re always testing them out and putting things out there.

And with great thanks and help from the person that makes it all happen, which is my podcast producer Sean E Douglas, an amazing person.

But this is all about making the offer the simplest concept, it’s just making that initial connection and offering something for something else.

All I’m offering right now is a free book, a free book with that free book. See, I’ll tell you how this works. I offer this free book it’s my, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

In fact, chapter six is all about making the offer, right?

So you can get this book, you can get a digital copy for free at AmazonProofBook.com.

Now how does that help me it is an offer is not an offer for money. It’s an offer for an email address, you go you give me your email address, and I will give you a chance to do well I’ll give you the book.

And I’ll give you a chance for a couple other things. When I get I’m also going to make you an offer. After after you get the digital version, I’m going to make you an offer for a physical version, along with the physical version is going to come an audio version, which is coming out very soon.

So we’ve got an audio version, we got a physical version all for i think it’s for $20 right now. Not only that, I’ll plug you in and off and give you a free give you a free strategy session, which is which currently is going on the website for 627, I believe is what we charge for an initial strategy session.

You’re getting all that for $20. But if nothing else, you walk away with a free digital copy of my book. So what’s that do?

It’s an offer, it’s something, is it the best offer in the world? No.

Are we reaching all the people that we should be reaching? No, absolutely not.

If I was buying more advertising and everything else, I’d be reaching a lot more people and reaching the people that I need to go after. That’s another story.

The question is, are you making an offer more often?

That’s what needs to happen. It doesn’t need to be on Facebook, but it needs to be somewhere and needs to be consistent.

I don’t care if you take the same video and post it every single day. I do a different video and then take that off audio and post it to podcast.

I do that on a daily basis, along with my semi monthly or whatever other podcasts that go out, along with everything else that I put out there.

But you should be offering more often is the only way that you’re going to start the relationship with people is by giving them a chance to be able to move in your direction. If they’re not moving in your direction.

They’re moving away from you. Guaranteed. It’s just not going to happen. There’s too much distraction, right?

Too much distraction, people are just pulled away in a million different directions. You got to let them come towards you. They’ve got to start that process.

That’s how you engage with people. That’s how you create a community. That’s what it’s all about. That’s how you create long term business is through relationships.

So I talked about being relationship Reliant. That’s all I got for tonight. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. So subscribe, follow, do whatever you need to do wherever you’re at. And in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.