Content Marketing Costumes πŸ‘” (Image Branding)

Brian talks about a segment on “image branding” from Clint Arthur’s book, 21 Performance Secrets of Donald Trump.


Content Marketing costumes.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to tell you about something that I was reminded of when I was going back and looking through a book that I had upon my shelf.

I mentioned this one before 21 performance secrets of Donald Trump by Clint Arthur, known as the, you know, celebrity entrepreneur and talking about, he likes to take famous people and kind of break down how they’ve been able to make themselves known and make themselves famous, and hold themselves out as a celebrity.

He wrote this while Donald Trump was running in 2016. So he plays a lot of back and forth with Donald Trump’s whole career versus how he was running for office.

It’s a very interesting profile, whether you like Donald Trump or not, it’s regardless if you understand the principles of how he was able to come out of nowhere, not completely nowhere, everyone knew who he was, but how he had come out of nowhere politically speaking, run for president.

It’s pretty incredible and you have to learn something about how that occurred. This is a good nonpolitical book about that. There was a chapter in here where he discusses costumes.

How Donald Trump had a very specific style costume that he wore when he was doing the apprentice TV shows and was putting himself out there on a regular basis. He had you know, dark navy suit, he had the starched white shirt, and the real flashy, sometimes neon-colored tie, and very shiny and, and just something to get attention.

That was kind of his brand for a very long time. And then when he ran for president, the one thing you saw that changed a lot was the tie is that the tie was made more conservative, you’d see up a striped or a very, very toned down color, colored tie.

He is the persona in that sense, gotten toned down quite a bit. It may not have been from him personally, it was probably from campaign handlers and other people.

But the fact that it happened, you can see that you’re talking to different markets for different reasons. And you have a different costume, in a sense. And it’s always a costume of some sort. Even the clothes that I wear here are not, they’re not overly thought out but they do.

I am very careful to not wear certain things. I want to appeal to certain types of people and at the same time, I don’t show up here in a suit most of the time, like many people who do what I do as a business investor or do something similar in that in that vein, I tried to keep things pretty low key, and that’s kind of my costume, so to speak.

Here’s another person that I love to I love to watch her stuff.

She’s got great material out there on social media, especially on YouTube. This is Dr. BOZ Annette Bosworth.

She is an MD, one of her big claims to fame as she promotes a ketogenic diet and goes through details of that from a doctor’s perspective.

So she’s got some great material, but she how she presents herself is very, very, very key at being a doctor is no small part of what it is that she’s projecting.

So she’s wearing a lab coat a lot of times I mean, if you just go through and look at the screenshots on her YouTube, she’s wearing a lab coat. And oftentimes if it with that, or when she’s not a lab coat, she’ll have a stethoscope around, you know, hanging around her neck. That’s, that can’t be accidental.

This isn’t just something happenstance that just happens to be wearing this. When she does her videos. She does it to project the idea if nothing else, to at least encourage people subconsciously to realize this is a doctor.

This is how people view doctors that this is how they dress and they’ve got a stethoscope. This is very important. Marketing is very important with image branding, and you’re not lying to people.

By dressing a certain way, you’re being very clear.

In fact, you’re communicating what you want to communicate, you’re holding yourself in the way that you want to be seen. And that’s very important about standing out is understanding your costume and understanding different types of costumes for different occasions, so to speak.

What you wear matters because it projects who you are and that also goes along with how you wear your hair how you wear your makeup.

If you wear makeup, how you wear your jewelry, If you have jewelry, and all the rest of it, so all these things have to be taken into consideration. Really appreciate Clint Arthur’s work out there, you can always go check his stuff out, go check out Dr. BOZ, and so forth. That’s all I have for today.

Go grab my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you want some that we’re talking kind of strategies for content marketing, but if you want to talk strategies for your overall business, which includes some points about content marketing, go check out, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you want to get a free copy, you can download it off my website, All one word,

That’s all I have for today. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Trump’s Truth vs. Elon’s Twitter πŸ₯Š

A look at current events going on with Trump and Elon’s social platforms.


Trump’s Truth versus Musk’s Twitter.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m using this time to really explain something that isn’t being explained that clearly and at least it’s not being heard by a lot of people who keep asking me what the heck is going on. So let’s talk about it a little bit.

This is a little bit of reflection on the news but I’ll find some way to turn it around into advice for you also in your business.

So I’m a Business investor and so that’s a lot of what I do is talk about how you can work this in your business.

I use this podcast, my book and everything else within, as a way to be able to con connect with business owners, either successful business owners who are looking for partners, or people who are looking to go into business.

So that’s the whole point of

In fact, while I’m at it might as well talk about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. This is specifically for business owners and executives that are looking to make themselves competition-proof.

Okay, this isn’t going to work for everybody but if you are in that kind of position, and you’re looking to beat out the bad guys, even if the big guys in your industry are as big as, that sort of hints Amazon-Proof.

So I’ve got to you go purchase this book. It’s inexpensive, it’s a quick read and it’s a you could also just download it for free at Amazon proof Amazon proof

Let’s talk about Trump. Let’s talk about Musk, sorry about what’s going on here. So, got a little bit more information today on what exactly is happening.

Although it was kind of clear early on what happened. Now, we all know that Elon Musk went and purchased Twitter, that purchase is still going through all of the rigmarole of the official stuff. But in terms of the two parties, agreeing to him purchasing, that’s all happening now.

They’re waiting for all the regulations and stuff to go through. But as that’s happening, everyone is a huge portion of people that were put off by Twitter, or jumping back into Twitter.

This is kind of driving Twitter’s stock prices up and everything else that just the idea of having something new and different there is bringing excitement to a place that didn’t have a whole lot of excitement.

Up until now over the last couple of years, they’ve been kind of floundering and losing kind of ground in terms of their, their their power in the marketplace, regardless of where you stand on the politics and everything of Twitter.

That’s the business end of things. So we all a lot of us already know that’s occurring. But the largest person to get kicked off of Twitter largest well known and I say largest in terms of how well known they are, would be the illustrious Donald Trump, while still president was removed from Twitter during the same day, week, I can’t remember it was a very short period of time when he was kicked off multiple platforms across the board.

And so Twitter was one of the big ones because Trump used it so often. So with that happening, after being out of office, he went out and began his own social media platform, which is still trying to get up and going cold truth social.

Here’s the problem with truth social right now truth social, they had, they had kind of a limited availability a waiting list to be able to get in, they were still kind of doing beta testing for a while that kind of opened that up, at least from what I can see.

Because I have gone in there and signed up just to be able to see what’s going on when you’re reporting on social media, you got to be able to do these type of things. So I am over on truth, social as Brian J. Pombo is, once again, this isn’t a political statement or anything having to do with politics.

I like to be on the inside and be able to see what’s going on with these different businesses to be able to talk about them, especially when it comes to social media and content marketing.

You got to look at everything regardless of political implications.

You know, I stuck with Twitter, after a whole lot of the political stuff going down there.

I’ve stuck with Facebook and a lot of these things that have become controversial. And now I’m going into this one which is also very controversial, but I just want to clear the air on that one.

So what’s happening there?

What’s happening is they’re only avail audible at least currently, they’re only available on an Apple Store.

That means Apple mobile products are the only ones able to get true social right now, through social has a very similar platform to Twitter, it has a it has a few more options, it looks like it has a few, a few things that helped balance it out a little bit in terms of keeping robots off of it, and so forth.

But besides that, it’s very similar, very similar to Twitter in terms of a social media platform. Now, you also have that one of the issues with it, though, it not only is it not available on Android, it’s also not available as a desktop platform.

So you can’t just go to their website as you can with Twitter, and Facebook, and so forth, which all started as desktop platforms previous to mobile.

You can access those, you can’t access truth on your laptop, or your computer, or your desktop computer or anything of that sort. So that cuts out a whole bunch of of viable audiences and so forth. It’s not that they aren’t going there.

But right now, they’re not there. And this, it’s not that there is a lack of funding, but it appears that there are they are banking on funding from a going public.

So they’re looking at taking this thing public, they already have an sp PAC setup. And, and it’s only a matter of time before that gets announced.

They will be going public, this will create the cash in influx that they probably were already counting on, to be able to grow, to be able to grow that company. So because of this, okay, if you didn’t know that part of it, a lot of people are freaked out. But Trump says he’s not going back to Twitter.

And he acts as though it has to do with the fact that they did him so wrong. Really, in reality, it would be really tough for him to go back to Twitter, when he’s trying to get his own social media off the ground, and wanting to give them at least this one chance at exclusivity.

Because currently, I’m not aware of anyone else on there that is well known. That is only on there. But he is only on there for right now. So you’ve got that going. And that is the situation between musk and Trump, Twitter, and Truth.

We will see where it lands will truth actually be able to get gain enough ground to where it can sustain itself in the long run, especially going public this early.

Is that is a smart business move?

One way or the other, they’re getting news on it, okay, which is what Trump is always after, it’s what Musk has always been really good at, is creating buzz, creating news, having a little bit of back and forth, there might be a little bit of feuding back and forth, which is great. It’s great for them in terms of getting attention, and being able to get people choosing sides and so on so forth. It’s very interesting to say almost as if, almost as if it were planned.

Now I don’t think it was planned but it has that has almost has that feel to it, you have two people that that aren’t completely against each other, that are kind of supporting two different companies in a very high profile way. S

o we’ll see where it goes. It’s lots of fun to watch but you can realize that there’s really no such thing as bad as, as bad publicity. If Trump hasn’t proved that I don’t know, when you’re when you get that much attention.

Even if it’s animosity, it’s all helpful to your overall brand. Because you bring the people who like you closer to you, and you drive away the people who don’t like you. And even in that sense, the people who don’t like you tend to stick to you also just to see what’s what happens next.

There’s tons of stories about that, but we’ll get into that another time.

Hopefully this was helpful to you that just learned a little bit about what’s going on and seeing how, how does this apply to your business?

Can you see how I’d love to hear your story?

Leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Provoking Reaction 😈🐰 (Donald Trump’s Superpower)

How Provoking a reaction in others ties back to the Hegelian Dialectic and why (love him or hate him) Donald Trump is so darn good at it.


Provoking reaction.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I have two of my friends here, this is the devil and this is the monster from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. They’re just helping me put together a little thumbnail, what we call a thumbnail for YouTube.

Thank you, guys.

They’re helping me put together a thumbnail for YouTube. What’s a thumbnail is is that picture that shows up, we use it on YouTube and a couple of other places, is the picture that shows up that kind of gets somebody to click on the picture, click on the video.

Often I’ll pose in the very beginning, in order to invoke a reaction.

And the whole idea is to get somebody to click over it same thing is true of a lot of the titles that I use, it’s in order to get somebody to click on it. It’s oftentimes, regardless of all my hard work, it’s the ones that I would never in a million years think would cause the most stir, that really do get the most amount of reaction, which is interesting.

This concept of reaction is present throughout all of humanity, and it’s present throughout. If it’s present throughout humanity and all of psychology, then it’s certainly present within marketing.

That’s what you got to understand if you understand people, if you understand even the most basic concepts of behavioral psychology, then you’re understanding a huge piece of business.

If you’re understanding business, you’re understanding marketing, because marketing is the speaking of people. And if you understand sales, then you understand a huge piece of marketing because all of sales, it was especially one-on-one sales, you’re dealing with human psychology, and all these things all tie back together.

So the reaction is a very common thing. It’s used throughout.

In fact, if you think about it, when it comes to sales, oftentimes some of the trickiest weirdest, meanest things that salespeople do are to invoke a reaction in the person that’s looking to purchase. And if they can do that, they know that they’ve got a little bit of a tie coming back.

This all goes back to the Hegelian Dialectic that we spoke about last month.

I’ve got that little drawing that I did for you, where it’s thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

So the thesis is the provoking concept, the provoking idea, that provoking sentence, the antithesis of action, it could be an action, also.

The antithesis is the opposing reaction, specifically emotional, it’s an emotional reaction to the initial concept. And then there becomes a synthesis, which is innocence it’s the original concept coming back in a different form and winning in the end.

Even those who reacted have to give in to it because they spent all their energy fighting it and now they’re stuck to it.

It’s a very strange, psychological process that we talked about in that other video, but, you have to understand the reaction. If you can get your mind around the reaction, then you could get your mind around how everything works, the initial reaction doesn’t have to be a huge emotional thing.

Once again, these things can be used for the forces of good or for evil, but it is present within all human interaction both on the macro-level and on the micro-level.

So whether it’s a taunting situation on the schoolyard grounds, or whether we’re talking about a back and forth fight for power next to the water cooler at work. Or if we’re talking about nation against nation, it’s the same thing.

One side is attempting to provoke a reaction. If they get a strong enough emotional reaction, they win. It’s just guaranteed they will win unless they’re getting each side to react back and forth.

And we’ve talked about all the politicians that have this amazing power, one of the most obvious and most recent examples, love them or hate him is Donald Trump.

Whether he knows he’s doing it or not, he is able to provoke a reaction in the people who are opposed to him at any given time on any different level.

So originally in the primary of 2016, he was able to provoke a reaction from the conservative wing of the party. Later on, he was able to provoke a reaction from the most liberal people in the United States, same concept, exact same game happening.

The person who reacts the least emotionally wins, the person who can keep from reacting wins.

But the person that’s provoking is always on offense to use a sports term, they’re on offense, the other side’s on defense. And the person on defense, the only way they can get back on the offense is to not react to the provoking.

But I’m not gonna go too deep on that, okay, you just have to understand that the reaction process, it happens in the man-woman relationship, it happens everywhere.

That reaction, if you know that it’s there, you can keep from it affecting you, while at the same time you can use it to both defeat enemies, and to garner support.

Sometimes you have to use things that provoke to get attention in marketing and in business. And I’m going to show a couple of different examples in the next handful of videos.

Specifically, I’m going to delve deep into sports. And the next video, in fact, we’re going to talk about trash talking.

Now this all came about from a conversation that I was having with my friend Brad and he brought up this one little example and it blew up in my mind to three different videos.

So tomorrow we’re going to be talking about trash talking to the third video, we’re going to complete it with the original idea that Brad gave me which I know you’re going to get a kick out of.

So stay tuned, come back tomorrow.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you really want to overcome competition where they’re standing.

This is a book of strategies that you can use and it will never get old.

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a free copy at

You have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

What Can Trump Teach You About Video Marketing?

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump knows how to get attention.

Hear Brian’s thoughts on Clint Arthur’s Book, 21 Performance Secrets of Donald Trump.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➑️


What can Trump teach you about video marketing?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to reverse things back a little bit. Right now as I’m recording this, we’re dealing with the final 24 hours of the Trump presidency, whether you love them hate them doesn’t matter.

You have to acknowledge that what we’ve just been through has been historical.

I mean, just the fact that this guy was able to come out of nowhere, not complete nowhere, he was well known, but able to come out of outside of politics. In general, he’s been running for offices for years and years and years. But in general, coming outside of the general political realm, and getting the nomination of one of the two major parties, and then succeeding into getting elected as President of the United States, is a pretty amazing feat.

Now, I bought this book, this is a book by Clint Arthur. And if you aren’t familiar with Clint, he’s a great guy for learning about how to become a authority, celebrity authority, a celebrity entrepreneur, as he puts it.

And all of his books are great, a lot of his he’s got a lot of great material out there, you can go and look him up, Clint Arthur, he wrote this book, and I bought this before, Donald Trump was actually president.

This is the 21 performance secrets of Donald Trump. And it’s worth getting, it’s worth taking a look at. And I wanted to point out number two.

Now this has a lot to do with video marketing, it has a lot to do with a very specific area of video marketing, which is television marketing.

So actual broadcast television, actual television that’s out there, still being put mainly through TVs, screens, as opposed to just online is still very useful. It’s something that Clint Arthur really promotes, and tries to get people to go toward.

And one of the things that he points to Trump’s ascendancy into politics, and in like I said, this was written before he was actually elected.

But the fact that he didn’t able to get so much attention, there’s a lot of examples in here about his campaign and how that propelled him forward. Like I said, you don’t have to like Trump to understand the things that allowed him to jump into the spotlight.

And one of the areas here is in the second chapter all on energy, and how he was able to use energy, especially in his television performances, and how you can use the same thing, whether you’re doing on TV, or we’re talking video marketing, as we do a lot here, even if it’s just online video marketing.

There’s the three things, three areas that Clint points to here, and I’m going to go through those real quick here with you. And he’s got a whole chapter on it.

But these three things I thought were pretty telling, and something that I think anybody can see about Donald Trump the simple concepts, but one of the things that he was pointing out that Donald Trump was pointing out, during when he was running in the primary, the first time he ran, one of the people he ran against was Jeb Bush.

Jeb Bush was the previous governor of Florida. And he called him something like low energy Jeb. Yeah, low energy, Jeb, I think is what he called him.

But he kept pointing out that he was so low energy. And he was he was very subdued in how he handles himself on camera. It’s it’s very much his style.

Trump has always pushed the opposite and not only push the opposite, but talked about how good it was to be high energy and how you need somebody in a higher office that has high energy.

So how was he able to promote that?

It’s simple. These are simple concepts, okay.

But they’re not, but they’re powerful. The first thing that he talks about here, Clint says, the simplest way that Donald Trump uses energy and displays energy in his performance is by speaking louder than one would in a regular conversation.

Now, when you’re dealing with video, you have to go a little bit beyond because there’s a there’s a, you’re not dealing. He discusses this in the in this chapter, he says you’re not dealing with the actual person, you’re dealing with a digital representation of you by the time it gets out there.

So there’s something is lost in the in the transference. It’s not like being in a personal conversation with somebody, you have to be a little bit more animated.

You have to be a little bit louder. And so loudness is the one thing that he says that really pushed down to one of the simplest things that pushed him forward. It’s the first thing. The second thing is that he spoke faster, is Donald Trump talks fast.

Now, he doesn’t always come out with the most coherent statements, but he moves so fast that people are able to move past whatever missteps he makes in his language. And go on to the next thing. So he speaks very fast and very loud.

But Third thing he does is it uses his hands a lot. He has major hand gestures. And this is a huge thing that Clint Arthur is always promoting, and training people on how to do is how to use hand gestures.

While you’re talking on video, to get more attention is something I don’t do a whole lot of. And it’s something that every time I watch Clint and hear, hear what he talks about, or see or if you see Donald Trump or anything, you’ll notice lots of hand gestures that gets people interested, excited, paying attention to what you’re talking about.

And so those are the three things that he says that raises his energy. This is according to Clint Arthur, three things that Donald Trump uses to be able to get more and more attention while on video.

Now, you can find the other the other 20 secrets in this book by Clint Arthur 21 performance secrets of Donald Trump good book.

Like I said, you don’t have to like Donald Trump to understand how he’s able to communicate in the ways that he communicates better than a lot of other people, you should learn at least how that works and see, use what you can you know, pick and choose what you can use in your own business and so forth.

This is a business channel we talk about business ideas, that’s some very simple strategies that you can incorporate into what you do.

If you’d like nine more strategies, go check out my book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. Amazon proofing is the concept of making yourself really bulletproof to all competitors, even if your competitor is So if you I highly recommend you check out my book and you can get your own free copy at

We will be back tomorrow. Come on back. We do this every night. But go check out We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.