Getting To Know You, by Chris Carey 📖

The 3rd and final installment of our personality profile series, Brian talks about what might be the best book ever put together on this topic by the late Chris Carey.


Getting to Know You, by Chris Carey.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I’m going to be reviewing, Getting to Know You, by Chris Carey. The late, great Chris Carey, he put out quite a few books, this was my favorite of his.

This one came out in 2002. This is still, I believe, my original copy.

I’m surprised it doesn’t have more highlights and so forth. And I think I know why though, it’s because I really do see a worn out it is, I enjoyed this book so much that I’d really didn’t know where to start with the highlighting.

It was probably during a period of time where I wasn’t doing that much in books when it came to that. But this book, just front to back, I thought was one of the best books I’ve read on the DISC personality model.

Now, we talked for the last two episodes. So if you’re wanting to know more about the four part personality concept, the theory behind personality, you want to check out the other two videos that I put out, one on, Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer, and one positive personality profiles by Dr. Robert Rome, both really good books.

And I want to go back to Robert Rohm for a second because it will allow me to explain Chris’s book a little better. This one is positive personality profiles that he goes through.

I think he has given the easiest way for me to ever describe personalities to people, the first step is to really take it and say, you know, are you outgoing or are you reserved?

That’s the first step, are you more outgoing or more reserved?

Now, there’s a lot of us that are kind of in between, depending on where we’re around and everything else. But in your what you will consider your most natural state are in the part the when you’re being the most you are you more outgoing?

Are you more reserved?

Okay, that’s the first step.

Then you ask yourself, are you more task or are you more people oriented?

That’s the other one.

And based on how you answer that, so for example, a, an outgoing, task oriented person, if that’s your main trait, you would say that your a D on the which is Florence Littauer would refer to as a cleric.

If you’re an outgoing people oriented person, you’re an I. Okay, also known as sanguine, if you’re a reserved task person, you’re a C, or a melancholy. And if you’re a reserved people person, you’re an S, or a phlegmatic.

So that is how Robert Rome describes the DISC, it’s actually my favorite way to describe it to people, if I’m talking personalities with somebody. That’s the first thing I say, and we tend to be, we tend to at least have two strong ones on that you have a major one and a second, and a secondary one. And you can probably figure out what that is, with yourself.

For me, I’m a strange one, you don’t see this very often, but I’m a DS.

So I mainly D, I’m task oriented and and outgoing. But secondarily, I’m the exact opposite, which is people oriented and reserved. So that’s just an example.

Now what Chris does, he goes through a similar thing except instead of saying outgoing or reserved. He says fast or slow, which was a different way of looking at it what you’ll find is that in most cases, people that consider themselves it’s not it’s not a synonym, you know, these are not things that are that are that are completely related to each other but you will find that most outgoing people consider themselves fast and most reserved people conserves themselves slow so it’s kind of a play on the same thing.

I prefer reserved and and outgoing but it is a quick way to be able to see it you can actually see it fast slow he bases, I don’t know if he bases his perspective of DISC on Robert Rohms work.

I know that they I’m pretty sure they knew each other. I had a feeling that they wrote a book. I guess I should have researched this before doing the video. Either way, Chris Carey, his book is so simple and easy to read everybody that I have passed this on to either had the borrow it or I’ve actually had a handful of copies that I’ve passed out to people over the years and everyone I know that has read it has said they really enjoyed it.

Once again, it’s an interesting thing within the personality community. He comes at it from a Christian perspective, from kind of that, that background, and I don’t know why it has been such a big thing within that community within, within a religious community and people of that nature.

I mean, his foreword is by John Maxwell, if you don’t know who that is, go and look it up, because it’s, it’ll tell you something about, about the perspective here, the leadership and so forth.

But just across the board, I’ve passed this along to people who had nothing to do with religion, and they got something out of it. And it is really, the quintessential book that I found on personnel is the best one I’ve read, I haven’t read them all. I’m sure there’s better books out there. This is one that’s out of print.

Chris died many years back and I always wanted to get in touch with his family.

If you know Chris Carey’s family, or you know, the people that own the rights to his materials, I would love to find out, if they’re interested in at least getting it electronically published, if not republished altogether.

Even through self publishing, if I’d love to be able to talk to them, please pass this video on to them.

And let them know that I would really love to have this book. And it’s been one that has not just changed my life, but it’s one of those books I passed on to others, it’s changed theirs. And now that it’s difficult, relatively difficult to get, I’d like the ability to be able to get it to more people.

So that’s a great book, the subtitle, if you can’t read, it says how you can solve your people puzzles, and increase success in all your personal and professional relationships.

That’s really what it’s all about.

That’s why I’m talking about personality theory is because we talk a lot here about business. And, but really, it’s the inside game.

It’s the inside game, the business owner, and the one of the main pillars of the three main pillars of is being Relationship Reliant.

If you’re going to be Relationship Reliant, you have to get better at dealing with people.

I am not a natural people person, like I said, my main quality is D, I am more task oriented. Even though I’m outgoing, I’m task oriented, I don’t see people in the way that a natural people person sees people, I see people as a function of a task, which is a weird, a weird way to talk about it.

But it’s honest and if you don’t see the world that way, it’s really tough to bend your mind to think that way. If you do think that way. It’s tough to see it from a people perspective, even though I have a secondary people oriented trait in my side.

So these are great conversations to have, I’d love to have more conversations with you in the future, about personalities, I’d love to have Dr. Rohm, or anybody else who has concerns themselves an expert on personality theory, I’d love to have them on the show.

As we’re going to be doing more interviews, I already have to that we’re going through the editing process slow because it’s the first time we’ve done video editing for this podcast.

But we’re going through the editing process, I’m going to be putting out these other interviews, I have a lot of great stuff going on tonight.

I’m recording this on, it will probably show up for you on May 7, I’m recording and it will be May 6, which is the second year anniversary of Brian J. Pombo Live, I have had such a blast making this show for two years straight.

And hopefully we’ll be able to continue it in two years ahead and be able to grow it and bring on new dimensions like these interviews and conversations that we’re gonna start having more of, hey, one of the things that was born of this podcast was my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, I talked about it in the book.

The book was designed off of nine separate episodes of this show. And it shows you how you can take one form of content and grow it into another form. If you want a copy of this, go check out

And you can get your very own free digital copy of, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business otherwise you could find it wherever books are sold, especially online.

So we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Positive Personality Profiles, by Robert Rohm 📖

2nd night in a row talking about personality profiles of people from Robert Rohm’s classic, Positive Personality Profiles.


Positive Personality Profiles, by Robert Rohm.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is the second video in a series that I’m doing on the top three books that I’ve come across dealing with the four personalities and the theory behind four personality types.

But basically a four personality quadrant, if you will.

The first one I talked about was Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer. And the only reason I mentioned that one is because it was the original book that I came in contact with, I knew a lot of people that they consider that their Bible when it came to understanding the four personalities.

This was another gentleman that that has added a whole level and is probably probably one of the leading experts out there relating to the DISC model of that referring to each personality trait as a D, I, S or C and go into the detail over what those are and what those are not.

And this is, this is one of those books that is it’s almost like a textbook.

Now Robert Rohm’s an interesting fellow, you can find out a whole lot about him just by doing a search.

He also comes at it from a from a Christian perspective, similar to Florence Littauer. So he uses a lot of analogies and references, back to the Bible, and so on, so forth.

So it is one of those things that you have to realize that going into it.

Robert Rohm is an amazing speaker, I think he is the best I’ve seen at giving live presentations, he has a basic presentation that I’ve seen him do both in person and on video a number of times, and it is one of the best.

It’s one of those that I like to show people who are just learning about the personalities, I will either show them a video or I have an audio version of the of the speech also. And he is entertaining.

He covers the whole gambit, he talks about how he came across it. In book format, this is almost more like a textbook.

I mean, he takes you from beginning to end, he covers this side of it that side of it, it’s not for me personally, it’s not the easiest read. But it is the most informative across the board and one that I go back to over and over again, when I’m looking to find out something specific about you know what personality.

We may be more interested in this or that what which which one, you know, gives off this versus that and so on so forth.

Very interesting book. Any I recommend any of Robert Rohm’s materials, he has a large, large assortment of materials, he does speech and he’s done speeches for a million and has been a consultant for a million corporations.

Definitely somebody that’s worth looking into and reading his material. And he had a way of simplifying it even more succinctly, the fourth let our dead.

So that’s why this is definitely one of my top books, when it comes to personalities. Now, if you’d, if you’d like to get a copy of one of those videos, I actually have a link for a copy.

So if I still have it at the time, you’re watching this and you’re wanting or listening to this and you’re wanting it, I’m going to flash my email address across the screen.

And if you’re listening to this, you’ll have to go to my Youtube or to one of the videos at I should say, and find my email address.

I don’t like to say it out loud or put it out there. Because I don’t want the spam robots picking it up. But if you’d like a copy of that, send me an email with the subject line Rome, and you spell that R O H M, subject line Rohm. That’s doc for Dr. Robert Rohm.

And if you send that to me, I will send you a link. And so that’s all I’ve got for today. Tomorrow. I’m going to mention the third and possibly my most favorite book when it comes to personality theory.

So we’ll get back to that tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.