Real Business is About Friendship 🤠 (trip to Mountain View Ranch in Oregon)

Yee-haw! Brian heads on down to Mountain View Ranch for a swell time hanging out at David and Beth Pruett, of’s event over the weekend!

Checkout the Pruett’s website for quality practical preparedness products! –


Real business is about friendship.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, I’m at Mountain View Ranch out in Sam’s Valley of Southern Oregon, not far from Medford area.

See in the back, you’d see the horizon, there’s a table rocks back there. And this is the part time home of David and Beth Pruett, who I’ve interviewed, you can hear multiple interviews I’ve had with them over at Off the Grid Biz Podcast,

And it’s really cool, because what they’ve developed here, what they have put on is a little artisan show with multiple vendors, many of them local, that are selling their wares.

It’s either personal, artistic stuff, antiques, a whole bunch of cool stuff. And they put this all together from scratch.

We’re here right on the tail end of COVID-19 pandemic, which is, it’s really neat to see people getting together again. And really cool.

I was asking them, you know, how did you go about putting this together?

You know, where do you find the people to come to something like this?

And it’s just in their travels, finding people online, finding people in person, getting they’re, getting their contact info, keep it in touch, and just becoming friends and then letting them know, Hey, would you be interested to doing this in the future?

And that’s what they’ve done. It’s really a great thing.

Everyone’s having a great time.

And it’s all business, but you don’t think of it as business.

If you’ve got friendship with people, yeah, money can change hands here and there but it’s not necessarily what most people consider a business.

But it is real business is all about friendship. It’s all about who you know, who you like, who you trust. It’s kind of the same things that make up our our friends, you know? So, I love the Pruitt’s I’m glad to call them friends.

Glad to be invited to something like this and you’ve got to keep your eyes open for things that you can do for your friends things that you can pass on to them.

Go check out all of their material. is their website where they sell emergency preparedness gear. Really cool stuff, go check it out.

I’ll be back here tomorrow.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at

You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Find A Great Partner 🧐😎

You may be able to build a successful small business on your own.

But..if you wanna grow further, at some point, you’ll need good people on your team to help.


Find a great partner.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, Welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

Tonight’s gonna be a quick one.

Before I start, I want to make sure and remind you, especially if this is your first time, go get your own free copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you get a free copy at, digital copy.

You can also buy a hardback one wherever books are sold. And it has a lot to do with the strategies that I teach on, it’s a quick read on how to make your business competition proof and how to get it exploding like never before.

So go check out that book.

I want to talk a little bit about finding a partner, because I forgot some great partners I work with. One of my main ones is one I talk about often Sean E. Douglas, who is a producer of this podcast, the two other podcasts that I’m currently doing, and is the behind the scenes man behind everything that I do.

And he’s got skin in the game on making sure that all this happens.

You’ve got to find somebody that has that you got to find somebody that can work with you side by side. And maybe you can do it all on your own.

But I haven’t found the person yet that can’t as great as all the business owners I’ve ever worked with. And all the executives I’ve ever worked with. As great as they were not one of them, I found that could do it all.

Now a lot of them could do a lot. And they may be able to do enough to create the company they want. Every once in awhile someone has just enough conation, in enough spots, that they can build the company they want and let it kind of run on its own.

Without a whole and they can kind of they can fly off of old marketing that they’ve been able to put out there and just kind of ride off of their name, if they’ve been able to put themselves in a position of building a good name.

I know a handful, very few people that can do that, and have done that and seem to be liking the life that they’ve created for themselves.

In general, the rest of us need help.

We need people who can do other things, I know, me, myself, I do a couple things really, really well. But none of those things relate to building the actual business, they relate to delivering great value to customers and clients.

And so one of the things I do is I come in and help produce value, I help take ideas, put them in the right order to be able to create a plan and help getting that plan executed over time.

That’s what I do.

And so if you’re looking for a partner like that, I would love to see what you’re doing and see what I can do to help you to find out more about me through my book up, anybody that I team up with, I always recommend they take a look at this.

First, they take a look at the book first and then from there. And definitely watch more of these, listen to more of these podcasts.

See if you think we’d be a good fit personality wise. Other than that, what everything else, you need to make sure it’s covered also.

So when I say partner, I don’t necessarily mean owner in your business with you. In fact, I shy away as much as possible from, from sharing ownership of the company.

If you just you walk down a really narrow road when you do that, and you can get into a lot of trouble. Gotta be real careful about that type of thing. real careful, any of you that’s ever had any type of real partnerships knows what I mean.

But when you have somebody that’s got skin in the game, they have something that they can really gain from what you’re building.

They have your loyalty.

And from them, you’re getting high quality workmanship, you know, they’re bringing something to the table that you can’t provide.

No one else that you have on staff is is as good at providing you can do that you could put a team of people that are somewhat partners, then it will allow you to do what you need to do.

It’s a simple way of putting it it’s been said a million times over but you tonight might be the night you just need to hear it one more time.

Because it’s one of those things that I always need to hear. Because I’m always need to add more partners. And I’d love to be able to help you out with the things that I do best.

Hopefully my team can help you out with the rest of that also.

So that’s all I got for tonight. We’ll be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

They All Go Lame 😶

Brian goes over one of his favorite old sayings from marketing legend Dan Kennedy.


They all go lame.

Hi, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. I’m Brian pombo.

This is a show that we record live on a daily basis, bringing new business ideas, concepts, talk about principles, strategies and tactics in business, specifically for business owners, executives, the people that are in charge. So hopefully it’s find you good today.

This is a little lesson that I heard years ago from Dan Kennedy. And it is one of my favorites that I’m surprised I don’t think I’ve ever dedicated an entire episode to this one. But it is it was a big one for me. And it’s…we’ll see how this hit you.

So Dan is involved in race, in the race track business. And he has he’s had horses, and he’s raised himself and so forth. And he talks about this term called, they all go lame. It’s in reference to horses, they only have a certain span of life to where they’re useful on the track.

There’s a point at which they aren’t anymore, you know, age, injury, everything else that comes comes with the territory, right?

Well, he uses it in reference also to people. Because the plain fact of the matter is, especially if you’re an employer of people, or if your fear if your business is dependent on people, which most businesses are to some extent.

And the term, the idea is that they all go lame, that every person has a high point to where they’re doing really well. But there will always be a point at which they don’t perform at the same level, in that position long term.

It doesn’t mean you can’t work with them from that point on, but you can’t expect the same level of performance their entire life, it’s just not going to happen. It’s not natural, and plain fact of the matter is, that I didn’t quite get and I think it was part of my age, as being a very young and not seeing enough of life and not really having enough people around me kick the bucket is that people die, everyone dies.

It’s going to happen, eventually, you will not be able to be you will not be able to depend on anybody. Because in the end, everybody eventually kicks it. Or they go missing or they get, you know,

what’s it called, you know, lifted up to heaven, you know, and so forth. It doesn’t matter, but they’re not going to be here. They’re not you can’t depend on any human being. We’re all flawed. And we’re all we all have a body that eventually runs out on us. Right? And so that it’s just a fact, they all go lame. And we always get

amazed when someone who has done amazing things, stops doing amazing things at one point, they don’t perform whether it be an athlete, you know, your Tiger Woods, your whoever it is it any athlete, eventually, they slow down.

All athletes do that and that’s a very specific thing to think about, especially in terms of resources you think of from the physical, but it also comes from the mental, you know, any politician, any, let me think of a business leader.

An example that that Dan uses is, is Michael Eisner who ran Disney and saw the he oversaw the largest renaissance of any company of that size ever, in the history of human beings. Right. And it’s a big, pretty big feat for a CEO and eventually, you know, Chairman, CEO, and so forth.

That’s a big deal. But eventually, he went lame, eventually, whatever it was caught up, and he wasn’t able to perform at that same level when he got ousted.

Not directly, but eventually he got he got he moved on, and someone else took over. And that’s just what happens across the board. You have to this is two major pillars that I talked about.

One, it’s the negative pillar from being relationship reliant. So I talked about being relationship Reliant. That’s what life is all about. And business is specifically all about being relationship reliant, realizing that all that matters is your relationship with those around you, with your customers, with your employees, with your vendors, with anybody that you have a business relationship, the relationship is what matters most.

And this is a thing that kills relationships because people don’t last. People don’t last mentally, physically, eventually, that it’s just not it’s nothing lasts forever when it especially when it comes to people.

So that’s a big piece of being relationship alive. But because of that, it’s also all about being reality grounded. Were my other pillars for, reality grounded is all about just seeing things for what it is.

Sometimes we can fool ourselves over and over and over again, into not paying attention to reality. The plain reality is that they all go lame. It’s a cruel way of saying it, but it’s true and it’s just part of life.

It’s not that big a deal. It’s nothing you got to get worked up over. But there are ways around it, there are strategies that you can be able to handle this. So in terms of employees, if you really want to make your company stable, start building plans to have more than one person at every position.

I know that’s mind blowing, that people can’t imagine doing that.

But as you’re growing, you need to duplicate the people that know how to do the same thing. It needs to happen because one of them, just statistically one of them is guaranteed to leave their job, get sick or die from some horrible accident, or just lose interest, and move on. Whatever it is. They all go lame.

Have these realities built into your business and you’re going to have a lot, let them you’ll always have trouble. You’ll always have stress, you’ll always have things that are unpredictable, but this is predictable.

You can build systems to deal with that predictability, which is the third pillar of being system based. So hopefully that makes sense to you.

If you would like to find out more about how to build strategies to really make your business run, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Okay, you can get a free copy of this over at We’ll be back here tomorrow night. You have a good one. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Content Marketing: Should You Curse Or Not? 👀

Should you drop the curse words or not, yup, that’s what we’re talkin’ bout on todays daily live. 🤨


Content Marketing: Should you curse or not?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I wanted to talk about this, this is one of those things that it gets discussed. And people usually have a very strong feeling one way or the other, over whether you should curse or not in your content that you’re putting out there.

Today, we talk about content marketing, it’s one of the things that I promote quite a bit.

The whole reason why I promote content marketing, what’s content marketing, it’s putting out content with the hopes of it being used as marketing. To some extent, even this show itself is content marketing.

I encourage other business owners and executives to make sure that their company is taking part in content marketing, especially with all the the relatively inexpensive, social media, relatively inexpensive online advertising that’s available right now, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be taken advantage of content marketing.

But the real question is why?

The reason why is because it’s one of the three pillars that my entire company is built on. And it’s about being relationship reliant, if you realize that all business is built off of the concept of the relationship. It’s a relationship that your company or that you as a representative of the company has, with the client, with the customer with the end person that you’re trying to get in touch with.

That’s all that matters, is that relationship, and how they relate back with you and how they believe you would relate with them. Whether you actually know them or not, doesn’t matter.

You know, Rush Limbaugh died about a month ago or so here, something like that. He had millions upon millions of listeners, I had people in my family that had listened to him, that felt that they knew who he was because they listened to him on a daily basis.

He was on, I believe, for three hours a day, Monday through Friday, for years and years and years. That builds a relationship.

Now that doesn’t mean he met any of those people. But they all felt like they knew him. That’s the relationship. That’s what comes from content marketing.

If you’re putting yourself out there, for better or worse, you know, controversial figure rush limbaugh, I’m not getting into that. All I’m saying is, that’s an example of somebody that had a relationship with his viewers, with his listeners with the people that followed him.

You can have it to the end, you don’t even need to have a back and forth relationship. It helps if there’s a back and forth, but it’s all about that.

And you say, well, what’s all this have to do with cursing? I got on here to figure out whether I should curse or not on my videos, Brian? Well, I’ll tell you what it has to do with it. Because it all comes back to that relationship. The real question is, do you think it will solidify your relationship with your clients, if you curse more, maybe it’s because you curse more in real life.

Honestly, that’s a way of being genuine. And if you wouldn’t hold it back, if you were sitting in front of them personally, you shouldn’t hold it back. When you’re doing it online.

On the other hand, if you would hold it back, or if you would be a little bit more careful about when you curse, then you should do that. Also, when you’re doing and if you would not curse at all, do not force doing it in order to get attention or act like you’re something you’re not.

You have to be who you are. And you have to make that as consistent as possible. And the easiest way to keep things consistent is to not lie, is to not put on a show, be yourself. If you’re yourself, people will never be disappointed when they meet you in real life.

Especially if you have the type of business where you are going to be meeting people in real life. For example, I’m a business strategist. So I put a lot of these videos out there and I am who I am in person, especially if the person knows me, I’m going to be more and more open about being the way I am with you right now.

And more and more open about what I say, you know, I don’t curse a whole lot, but that doesn’t mean that there’s necessarily anything inherently bad with cursing. If you are personally let me say who do I have heard that there was a this guy. This guy’s pretty foul mouthed. Ryan Stewman. Ryan Stewman is a brilliant marketer. I’ve got a couple of his books and let me see here.

I was just wondering if I opened up to an interesting page that that played to this. He curses like a sailor, okay, he really does, he puts it all out. But that’s who he is, you got to understand that’s who he is, if you don’t like him through his social media and through his email exchanges and his books, you’re not going to like him in real life, you’re not going to like any of the rest of the stuff he has.

So there’s no reason to try and be anyone than who he really is. That it’s a is a great example of a person that’s out there just being himself. You’ve got to be yourself for one thing, but you also have to be able to communicate properly.

And every once in a while. If you let a curse word slip, here’s the the advantage of holding back, I’ll tell you the advantage of holding back and I, I hold back because I, I hold back in real life, I don’t just let all that stuff spill out on a constant basis, because I find it ruins the effectiveness of the curse word. I like cursing, I really do.

I don’t do it often even among my best friends. Because I feel that it ruins the effectiveness of it. That if you’re going to use it, if you use it all the time, everyone becomes desensitized to it.

And I think as a society we’ve been I mean, really over the last 20 years or so we’ve been completely desensitized to cursing. And I think that ruins curse. I like that the whole point of cursing is that it has some age to it.

If you’re saying that every other word, it’s it’s not very creative. It doesn’t really keep people interested. And it can give off. Inability to communicate. If if all you have is a small vocabulary, you’re going to have a tougher time communicating with certain people.

On the other hand, if the people you’re talking to with that’s how they talk, and that’s how you talk, do it. So you see what I’m saying. It all depends. cursing is really a dependent thing. And you shouldn’t try to be someone you’re not.

At the same time, you shouldn’t just just be yourself. If you’re not communicating properly, if you’ve got to throw something in every once in a while to spice it up to get some attention to make your point clear. Do it. It’s worth it.

Hopefully that makes sense to you. If you want to find out more about content marketing and the real reasons why you would want to do content marketing, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Yeah, you go buy a copy over at or you can get your own free copy of digital copy over at We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Protecting Yourself From Distractions 👀

Staying on track with your goals.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Protecting yourself from distractions.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

It’s funny I like I like using props, they’re an easy way to be able to start communicating an issue. But I’m not gonna wear these the entire time. It’s just a prop.

The idea is protection. How do you protect yourself, these are some basically, I think these are technically painting glasses that you put on to keep stuff out of your eyes. I’ve used it for landscaping, and for shooting my gun, and so on, so forth. So there, there you have it.

It’s interesting thing about eye protection, though, it’s you don’t need it until until what happens. It’s like everything that takes eye protection, you like do I really need to wear these, especially if you’re not used to wearing glasses, if you’re not a person that wears glasses on a regular basis and it always seems like an extra thing until it’s actually needed.

And distractions are one of those things that we don’t ever really call it a distraction when it’s happening. Otherwise, it wouldn’t. If it was obvious, it was a distraction. We want to go for it but we get pulled into it. And then long after we’re mired down in it, we realize, Oh, it’s a distraction, I’m in a distraction.

So what makes a distraction, what defines a distraction?

I’m going to give you ways to be able to catch it ahead of time. One way is to get your whole team on board. I know this is a common theme that I’ve been bringing up a lot over and over again, it’s because nearly every client I have has this issue. And that’s an issue that I have myself.

If you have a team, if you have anyone that you would consider a team member.

I don’t care if you’re a solopreneur you’ve got your own business and you have a wife, or you have an assistant or anybody that you communicate with, bring them in to help keep you on track. Because it’s very common to get off track.

It’s so easy and this doesn’t matter what personality you are, it’s very easy to get off track. Certain personalities or certain people with certain combinations, sometimes we’ll get too focused in one thing.

And then that way, they will go too deep on something when they need to go a little bit wider. But that’s a distraction unto itself.

The more common distraction that you’ll see, though, is things that have nothing to do with the end goal. So if you have teammates of any type, you need to define help, or to show them what your end goal is, where you’re looking to go with something, what your main focus is, what time you’re looking to get there. And give them the power to point it out.

Without you flying off the handle to point out when you’re doing something that doesn’t appear to be towards that goal. You have to have this in place with you have it in place and you start practicing it and you start catching yourself and having them catch you and don’t be offended by it.

Even though they may not understand maybe it is towards your goal. But most of the time, it’s stuff that has nothing to do with our goals.

So yesterday’s episode we were talking about apps about building an app and how it’s very, very common for companies to go off and build an app because they think they need an app, because it’s a nice shiny object to get caught up in.

And it’s not they don’t necessarily have a reason behind it. And if there is a long term goal set by the company of any sort, it doesn’t match into it. It doesn’t tie into it, it doesn’t mean that it can’t. But it’s a tool.

It’s not the thing itself. The thing itself is something bigger. In most cases, obviously, an app may be the end goal, but that’s something different. You have to have the goal first you have to have know where you’re going have a timeline, or of some sort, it doesn’t. These things are not set in stone.

But you have to have something that is kind of in place a strategy on we’re here. We want to go there, right? And what are the steps necessary to get there. as you go along that process, you’re going to find distractions, things that pull you out over here and pull you out over here away from your line away from where you’re looking to go.

That’s a distraction is anything that pulls you away from where you know you’re supposed to be focused on. And it doesn’t mean that that distraction isn’t a bad idea. Just because it’s a shiny object.

It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. And it doesn’t mean that that, that that distraction can’t fit into your timeline. But you have to make it fit. It’s got to fit into what you’re going into where you’re going and what you’re doing. If it doesn’t, it’s a distraction.

Now, maybe you’ve got time set aside for distractions. You know, I’m not saying your whole life has to be wrapped up in this one goal.

But you have to know that it’s separate from what you’re trying to accomplish. If you know that, if you acknowledge it, if you set time aside for it and you realize that the time you’re setting aside is taken away from the time that you would have put toward the process toward that long walk to your goal, then you’re good.

That distractions not bad. But if you want to protect yourself from distractions, if you have a long running issue with falling into things that don’t take you anywhere good,then you got to get other people on board, and you got to start paying attention to it yourself.

And you can’t get caught up with…well, just because the idea came to me, it must be a good idea. It must be the right thing to do, because I came up with it.

This is very common in business owners. I know because I use one, you know, it’s very common to think that every idea you come up with is brilliant and needs to be explored.

And it just doesn’t, you’ll go nuts if you do that, and you’ll never accomplish what you know is possible in your business. That’s the whole point of having a business is to actually accomplish something to provide value, and to go somewhere with what you’re doing. So hopefully that’s helpful to you, if you’d like more ways, to be able to really get that focus down right and to take things where you want to take them you got to get your strategy in order.

I recommend my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s a whole lot about competition. But in that process of being able to eliminate competition, you’re going to find where you need to be and what you need to be doing to get what you want out of your business. That’s what my books all about. if you go there, you can get a free copy. Digital Copy, we’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Time To Fire Your Customers 🔥

R E S P E C T goes both ways. Some thoughts on why the customer isn’t always right.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Time to fire your customers.

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I don’t mean all your customers, but you do need to fire some customers more than likely.

In fact, one of the things when I come in and I end up working with companies, one of the first things we do is we identify who the best customers are. And we identify who the worst customers are.

And we do everything in our power to get rid of the worst customers. And we give them a chance we let them leave nicely, or we give them a chance to become better customers. But you can’t act like it isn’t a two way street.

I think so much of the issues now, even in society. And I don’t just mean the United States where I where I reside here, we’re here in Southern Oregon. I don’t just mean here, I mean, around the world, only, I think in in America, in North America, you United States of America, I should say.

It’s more obvious, right, it’s more clear cut, because there’s been such a huge difference between both sides, both different ways, the world has changed so much in such a short period of time, that there’s a there’s a big thing going on, and it comes back, I’m going to bring this back around to your business and your customers.

But it comes from thinking that we’re all owed something, and that our side is better than their side, you know, and oftentimes, this is this happens in business all the time. It’s, the employers owe something to the employees, the employees owe something to the employers, the the customers that very rarely do people think that the customers owe the person that is selling the item, but it’s a two way street.

If you’re selling it, you have the ability to make a price and and define the quality. And then the customer can pay that or not pay that.

But it’s a two way street, it’s not one is not better than the other one is not more powerful than the other, it takes two to make the engagement happen. And way too often, we keep acting like one side has power over the other, they only have power in the sense that they may have one side may have more power over one resource or another. But that doesn’t mean they actually have power.

Because that side wants something from the other side, and they either get it or they don’t get it. And if they don’t get it, they can go and get the same thing somewhere else. So don’t fall for it yourself as a business owner, or an executive of a business.

You should not fall for the idea that the customer because they’re our customer are somehow better than you. They’re a human being. They want something and hopefully you have something that they want, so that they’re willing to exchange their money for what you have. I know this is just basic 101 economics, but it’s the thing that most of us Miss.

And we fall for all of the jealousy and envy and all these things that occur in society nowadays, that try and pit us against each other. If you just see people for being people, regardless of all the other entanglements, all the other physical features and everything else that we get wrapped up in.

If you just see a person for being a person, and that includes seeing yourself on on a level, you don’t have to put yourself down to bring someone else up and you don’t have to put yourself down in order to make yourself feel better, right.

And I think a lot of times we get into a place where we think well because we’re privileged or because we’re this or because we’re that, that we need to hold ourselves back and push everybody else up.

Where in reality if you follow the golden rule do unto others as you would have done unto you, then everything tends to work out in the best it because it’s truly a universal concept.

So it doesn’t just mean you should be super nice to everyone and give everyone everything in hopes that they’re going to give you everything back. That’s not the idea. It’s more of be level with everybody, just be easygoing and level with everybody. Don’t be too nice and don’t be too mean.

Sometimes a little bit of tough love goes a long way. And sometimes you can you can be straightforward with someone and you’re being just as kind to them as if you were being you know, it’s that whole idea if you’ve ever known anybody had anyone close to you that was dealing with an addiction issue.

What do they call it when you, when you don’t stand up to them when you don’t show them that you disagree, and you try to comfort them in their issue. It’s called enablement. You’re enabling them to continue living wrong, to continue ruining their life and the lives of those around them. That’s not a good thing. And a lot of times, we enable, and I hate to take such an outrageous situation like addiction and tie it back.

But it’s, it’s the same, it’s the same thing in the sense that we all have our foibles. And we all have periods of time when we’re not at our best. And it’d be better if everybody was straightforward with us and didn’t give in to us.

Same thing with your customers, you can’t give in a bad attitude. You can’t give in when they’re asking for something when they’re asking for more than they paid for. You can offer them more than what they paid for.

But you can’t give him because they demand it. Okay, everyone ought to treat each other with a certain amount of humanity. And you’ve got customers that if you allow them to, they will treat you like dirt.

Not only will they treat you like dirt, they’ll treat everybody like dirt, if you put up with it. And you’re just creating, you’re creating a worse situation for you. Because you end up hating them, you end up hating your business, you end up hating hating your your co workers and everybody around you.

And then they go on and they continue on, you’re enabling that behavior to go on throughout their life, where it’d be better if you just say, hey, don’t do that. You want to do that you can’t do it here, you can’t act that way.

Here, you can’t treat my employees like that. You can’t treat my co workers, my partners like that. You’re not allowed to we don’t want your money here, take it elsewhere. It’s voluntary, it’s a two way street. And you need to start looking at people and not looking down at people either.

On the other end, a lot of people that get into business, they they look down on people as just, you know, another dollar bill walking through the door, you got to see him as a human being and expect them to come with their best and then you bring your best to them. I know this is really a theory, this is all over the place ethereal.

But it’s a principle that isn’t following enough and all of our lives can be so much better if we just expect the best from each other. And at the same time, we hold ourselves to a better higher standard, especially when it comes to business because business is nothing more than just people exchanging ideas, concepts, products, services back and forth, in exchange for something of greater or lesser value, equal value.

Something and that value is a very, it’s a very subjective term. But we’ll talk about that another time. This was just a general idea. I’d like to talk about this some more. Have you had the situation where you’ve had customers and clients that you absolutely hate, or that refuse to get along with you?

Time to fire them time to get rid of them. And there’s a lot more people out there that want what you have. So I’ve got other strategies all in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you go check that out at you get your own free copy. Right away.

Go download it right now. Doesn’t take me having to approve it. You can get it right in your hands. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

Have You Ever Made A Business Friend On Purpose?

Some thoughts on long-time relationships and building them to strengthen your business and life.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Have you ever made a business friend on purpose?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Tonight, I had a great experience. I’d like to thank my friend Joe, who’s also a viewer Joe Costomania and his fine family came in through town. They were heading up to Seattle, he’s from Hanford, California, they went up to Seattle and back, and they made this big long trip and they stayed here in town.

And they came out and hung out with the family for this for tonight and brought food and everything. So it was great. I’ve known Joe, since we were in the third grade, okay.

And is he has always been there. I mean, like always, like we didn’t even, we weren’t even like best friends right off the bat, it was just one of these things where we had known each other through grade school.

I moved away for two years, but then came back. But we knew each other through grade school, we got to know each other better and better year after year, we knew each other, we went to the same high school.

So we knew each other all throughout high school and hung out quite a bit. And then afterwards, even after high school, we spent a lot of time together. It was one of these things where we never quite lost track that every couple of years we’d we’d go we’d go quite a while without talking to each other.

But other than that we’ve always kept track of each other. And it’s just been one of those things that’s just endured. And it’s never been one of these things that has been forced, or, you know, there was never a need for it. It was just a friendship that happened. Most friendships happened by accident. And that’s what reminded me about what I want to talk about today.

Because I have a question for you.

And it’s a very interesting question, Have you ever seeked out a relationship to have with someone a business based relationship on purpose?

Have you ever done that?

All the best things happen by accident?

We know that but have you ever tried to do it on purpose?

Have you ever seeked someone out either as a mentor, or a guide, or an advisor, or somebody that you can work with directly, possibly a partner, somebody that you can discuss things, but you went out of your way to get in touch with them and befriend them, and attempt to basically bring them into your circle?

And kind of insert yourself into their circle in a sense?

Have you ever done that and how did it turn out?

I’d love to find out from the people that have done that or if you haven’t done that, why haven’t you done that?

Have you ever considered it?

Do you think that it’s fake?

Do you consider that kind of networking and kind of pushing yourself on people?

I’m curious what you think, especially if you’re not wanting someone from a person other than advice, if you’re wanting to be friends, for a business relationship, or at least for conversation?

Have you done that?

Leave a comment down below because I’d love to hear more about that I have seeked people out specifically on business issues, and they ended up having a long term friendship out of it. And now in my current field, as a business strategist, I work directly with people and that’s kind of what I do is I become people’s friends, in a sense. And then we take it from there and help untie the ideas that they have in order to create better businesses.

If that’s something you’re looking for, you want to find out more about you’re welcome to get a copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at

It’s this book right here and you can go Go get yourself a free copy. It’s a short book, you can go check that out, gives you a little bit of information, and gives you an idea of where I’m coming from. And even if you don’t work with someone like me, I encourage you to go and find somebody that can help you untie all these ideas in your mind. And stop being a self milking cow as Dean Jackson calls it. Which I’ve done a video about.

You can go check that out over at Go check out the self milking cow video. Really interesting stuff from Dean Jackson, who’s a who’s a great marketing mind out there. Anyways, we’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

Untapped Genius 🧠

Interesting look at reconnecting with old friends and finding value for business relations.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Untapped genius.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I was having a phone call with an old friend today. Not an old person, it’s just a friend that I haven’t spoken to in years, honestly. And we’re just catching up. And it’s amazing how I’m really surrounded by brilliant people.

I always forget that there’s just a phone call away there just a text message or a connection on social media. This was sparked by the fact that I’m starting once again, to kind of reach out to old peeps to people who I haven’t spoken to in a long time just to reconnect in social media, social media, I think gives us the false impression that we’re keeping in touch with people.

In some cases, it’s true. In some cases, you’re seeing their family, they’re seeing your family, you’re commenting on each other’s things, I think that’s keeping in touch to an extent.

But most of the people who you’re friends with on Facebook, or you’re connected with on LinkedIn, or you’re following on Instagram, most of them you’re not seeing hardly any of their stuff, because of how the algorithms run.

They don’t show you everybody, none of the social networks do by my knowledge. And it’s a shame that there’s so many people, they get lost in the rubble.

I wanted to do this, I’ve done this every couple years, I’ll go back to it. And I’m so happy when I do is I just write a list of all the people who I haven’t talked to for quite a while, people who may be I want to, I want to be in business with or people that I want to just talk to and people who I’ve communicated with in the past and just want to find out what they’re where they’re at what they’re doing.

There’s a lot of people nowadays that are shirking many forms of social social media, they’re not doing any of that stuff. And what they do do they do on a very limited basis.

These are people in younger ages to assistant just, this isn’t just people 70s and older.

There’s a lot of people that have nothing to do with social media or do it very little. And here’s why I bring this up. Here’s what it has to do with you.

If you’re thinking that you need help in your business, if you’re thinking that you need to be able to have either either people that you could depend on and talk to, and have just a friendly ear, someone that you could just gab with a little bit.

Think about all the people that you’ve lost contact with, and find a way to reach out to them find a way to track them down social media is a great way to at least start the conversation.

But I try and get it over to phone or a zoom call, you know the something with video.

I tried to do that. And I’m so happy when I do because it puts me back in the frame of mind of what they’re looking for out of life.

So if I come across something I can help them out. And at the same time, if I find that they’re looking for something that corresponds with what I’m doing, I can help them out.

But also, if I come across something where I need help, and I know they have a background, then I could take advantage of that too.

I mean, that’s what being friends and associates are all about this is it’s not just we’re friends just because we met somewhere. And that’s I mean, that’s nice. But it’s also Hey, if we can help each other out somewhere down the road, why not?

You’re surrounded by untapped genius. It’s all around you.

There’s the there’s the people that you know your neighbors and people around you and people that you work next to that you’ve never reached out naturally said hi to do it.

Ask some questions, get to know people stretch out just a little bit. Most of us are not all that comfortable with doing that. If you are great, do more of it. But spend more time most people that are comfortable with it.

They tend to be easily distracted to the next person, spend some time with people and get to know who they are, what they’re about where they’re going in life. And you never know when something like that can can wind up being an amazing serendipity.

I think it’s the word in your life. So hopefully that’s helpful to you. It’s kind of a random thought. But if you’re if you happen to watch these and we haven’t talked for a long time, reach out to me because you can wait for me to get a hold of you but I got a long list and I take my time I only call you know just a person or two a day.

So reach out to me. I’d love to talk with you and do the same for yourself.

I think you’ll see you’ll be amazed at what you what you dig up. You have a great night. Hey, check out my book. Oh, it’s not up. There it is right here my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Go check it out you get a free copy of it’s great if you own a business. If you’re looking to take it to the next level, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.