Vision Ain’t Easy 👀

Thoughts on leadership and maintaining the companies vision for the future.


Vision ain’t easy.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we have a little bit of a shaky camera situation because I’m sitting here holding it with my hand. And it’s evening time is coming over the Pombo ranch here in your at the North headquarters of

As I’m sitting here, I’m reminded that I don’t have my tripod. And I don’t have my tripod because I left it in the office, because I thought I had a video going today because I thought my other camera wasn’t working all these things string together, and you end up with these mishaps and what you end up with is a shaky video. So I apologize.

So….no, it’s just me, I’m just talking to my folks here.

My wife is interrupting because she’s not used to me recording outside in the evening. So here we are.

It’s a funny thing that I was reminded of, today, it happens quite often, if you’re the head of your business, if you’re the head of your cause, if you’re in charge in any way. And you’re kind of leading leading up on where you’re going, you’re always likely to reach resistance.

You will reach resistance with a customer base, you will reach resistance with your employees, you’ll reach resistance with your business partners, you’ll reach resistance with the public at large, with people who you may consider competitors, resistance will come all along the way.

Initially, on the inside, it tells us that the resistance means we’re going in the wrong direction, the resistance means that we need to go back to the drawing board type of thing. And it’s not necessarily true.

In fact, I think in most cases it isn’t. You have to remember that if you’re the one if you’re the vision caster, if you’re the one who has the vision of where you’re going, and you have a certain amount of energy and confidence behind that, there will always be doubt coming from all directions trying to implant itself in you.

That is the price of vision.

Vision is an idea.

You could say it’s a gift. It’s something that you have and you can’t expect everyone else to get it.

You can’t expect anyone else to understand where you’re coming from where you’re going. Especially if you have a difficult time putting it into words, or drawing it out and getting all the details just right. It’s impossible.

Trying to force it down people’s throats is the wrong idea to you can’t do that. You have to work with those who are willing to work with you. Those who who can get a slight glimpse of what you see, they’ll they’ll come along, and the ones who can’t or who lose it along the way. Let that’s okay, too.

You got to keep moving forward with what you have and what you’re confident in. Not that it’s it’s the absolute, and that that is really where you’re headed, but it will lead you to the next step.

The next level of your vision most of us, if you have an idea of where you’re going, it doesn’t necessarily come all at once it comes in batches. It comes in bits and pieces, and it slowly starts weaving itself together over time.

If this is how you see it, I’m just here to encourage you plow forward, do what you got to do keep moving in the direction that you’re being led. And don’t worry about everyone else.

Don’t hold it against them just because they can’t see it. If they were meant to see it. They would. And you’re you’re rarely going to find somebody who really gets it on a high level or on a I don’t want to say high level because I’m not putting it down.

You don’t you’ll rarely find someone who gets as full of a picture of where you’re going as you do.

You’re just not going to come across that very often. That’s the nature of the beast. I think that’s just how life is and it. It allows you that ability to be completely outside of the competitive realm and speak into the competitive realm. It’s one

The things that I, I teach in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you want to see how to break out of that competitive realm out of that mindset because that’s really what competition is. It’s a mindset.

Then get this book nine ways to Amazon proof your business you can get a free copy if you just want to download one and then check it out on your phone or tablet or wherever you read books.

You can download one at

That’s all I have for tonight. Thank you for for those of you watching, dealing with the shaky camera and the dark setting of evening time here in Southern Oregon. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Leaders Need to Be Reminders
Video #275

Why marketing is simply reminding others you exist.