Are You Speaking Your Customer’s Language? 🏖️

Do you know your customer and can you address their needs and desires?

Oh, and did you know people don’t swim on the Oregon coast? 👀

All this and more on today’s BJP Live!


Are you speaking your customers language?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I’m coming to you from the beaches of Bandon, Oregon. I’m here on the, on the little patio here, of the motel that we’ve got here just on the beach, the beach is right back there. I think because of the exposure, you can’t quite see it, we’re getting towards sundown right now.

Out here, you’ll might be able to hear cars driving by or waves or a little bit of wind here and there. But it’s a nice, relatively peaceful night.

But it reminds me my experience here reminds me a whole lot of my experiences in building campaigns and working with speaking to customers, or potential customers or clients through advertising, and through ongoing communication, via any form of marketing whatsoever.

We talked a lot about content marketing, well, sometimes content marketing isn’t just for potential customers, sometimes it’s for you know, your current customers and really be able to send them a direct message.

So this is a very interesting example.

So when I grew up, I grew up in Northern California. And the closest the closest beaches that everyone tended to go to, were right around Santa Cruz area.

There’s Capitola, and Aptose, and all these areas around there. And that tended to be a pretty good beach location that everyone would go to, especially during, you know, in the middle of the summer.

When you think of a beach in terms of Northern California beach, that was I mean pretty cold water, but great sand, and still very much worth swimming in and surfing and, and just having an all out good time, you can spend all day at the beach.

As I got older started going to more Southern California, where the where the, the waters a little warmer, you can spend a little bit more time.

Then you start going to places like Hawaii, and some of these places where the water is actually warm, where there, there’s literally warm water. And that just blows your mind if you’re not used to it.

That’s a completely different thing when you use the word beach. And Hawaiian beach is nothing like a beach in Northern California, you know, and then got a little bit older, and went to the Pacific Northwest up here in Oregon.

And you go to the beaches here and people don’t go swimming in the water up here. It’s still fabulous, it’s a great vacation, it’s a great place to go.

But it’s a completely different vacation. beach here does not mean swimming and surfing unless you can serve if you’ve got a you know, a wetsuit, and, and you’re very adventurous.

But you’re not gonna see a whole lot of surfing going on out here in general, there’s going to be a lot more people just walk in the beach, and sometimes you’re walking the beach in a sweatshirt like this, or like today, you walk around and flip flops, shorts and, and a sweatshirt on top with a beanie or something to keep it keep you warm. And so that’s that’s how we hang out and beaches in Oregon. But it’s not the same thing.

The exact same word for nearly the exact same location means at least 10 different things. Depending on where you’re at in the world. I don’t know, I haven’t even been to all the different types of beaches, I’ve seen pictures of other types that I’ve never experienced. So I can only imagine.

But you have to be very careful in trying to instill an idea, instill an emotion, instill a concept to somebody. And if you have a very limited experience in that area.

There’s nothing wrong with that, but you have to realize that someone else may be having an extremely different experience when you’re using the exact same words.

Words matter because it’s how we it’s how we initiate the communication.

There’s a whole bunch of communication beyond the words, right. So that communication I’m having with you right now is very much beyond words.

But the words matter, and they can take a person to a completely different place than you think you’re taking them too. So it’s something to really consider just the thought for the Day.

If you’re looking for some more expansive thoughts in terms of long term strategies for your business, I recommend In my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get your very own free digital copy at

We’ll be back tomorrow. By tomorrow we should be back in, back in Grants Pass Oregon, a little little further away from the coasts. But for now you have a great one. And in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Give It Your Best Shot, Tomorrow 😉

Life is short. Brian shares some thoughts, health and doing your best in the time you have, as he heads out to Bandon, Oregon with the family for Mothers Day weekend.


Give it your best shot tomorrow.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

You know, a lot of times people talk about, you know, just doing your best all the time, 100%, 110% and all that.

And really it comes. For me, it really comes down to doing your best one moment at a time. Sometimes you get down to the end of the day, and you say, I just, there’s so much more I could have done worse, or I could have done so much better.

Then in that scenario, you really have to say, okay, well, tomorrow you got to, you just got to set it in line for tomorrow and get some good sleep and get up as early as you can and try at it again.

So today, I’ll give you a little bit of background about how I how I came up with this topic. today. I’m out on the west coast of Oregon, a little town called Bandon, you can go look it up, Bandon, Oregon.

We like to come out in here, at least during the warm part of the year. This is probably a little early for that. Because it’s still a little cool out here.

But we’ll see how tomorrow goes.

We’re right on the beach and nice little motel we’ve never been here before. And we are just hanging out for Mother’s Day. So I hope you have a great Mother’s Day if you’re watching this on Mother’s Day or beyond, and I have my birthday coming up.

So I also like coming around to this area of the world during my birthday if we ever if we have time we have. So I’m here with the family.

I’m out in the car recording because everyone inside is trying to sleep so difficult thing for when I’m out of town, you end up getting a dashboard recording here. But they tonight after having a pretty decent day we had a good trip, uneventful in terms of travel, and which is good when it comes to happen a big family and then I got some Oh, relatively bad news about a family member who’s who has cancer and is having a large, essential piece of their body cut out because of it.

Now they think that they can take care of it and they think they’ll be able to extend their life longer.

But it’s nothing fun, It’s nothing you like to see. But it really comes down to from my perspective, realizing that we got a teeny tiny, short life in the great perspective of things. It really doesn’t last long.

You just got to do your best one day at a time. And it’s nighttime here. So My day starts tomorrow, I’m going to be the best person I can before I fall asleep. But everything else needs to happen tomorrow, just going to get out there and do it.

Hopefully get up, beat the family up hopefully to get get a couple things done. Before we we head out on our day adventure, hanging out at the beach and doing other things exploring what we’d like to do.

I just suggest you do the same because you don’t know how long your loved ones are going to be with you. You don’t know how long you’re going to be kicking it around. And so you just got to do your best one day at a time, always discover something new.

Be as courageous as possible.

Try new things, don’t leave any regrets as little as possible. Nothing more than that.

That’s all I got for you tonight. You have a great night we’ll be back tomorrow.

Go check out a copy of my free book over at it’s 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. All about business, nothing as heavy as we’re talking about tonight.

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Where Should I Put Out Content?
More Daily Vids➡️ –

So where should you do a video or any type of content?

Hi, this is Brian Pombo with, today coming to you live from Bandon, Oregon. See if you can see some of this behind me. We’re over on the port side near downtown. You can hear the seagulls.

This is a great example of the fact that you can do content from anywhere.

And if you’re doing live video, you can definitely do content from anywhere, checkout the lighthouse. That’s the Coquille River Lighthouse out there, gorgeous area, lots of fun hanging out with family. Hey Joe, how’s it going?

I’m out in Bandon, Oregon. We’re probably about three hours from where I live in Grant’s Pass, where we normally broadcast from. But this is just to show you if you’re doing any type of content marketing, most of the time you’re going to be doing recorded stuff.

You’re going to be writing emails. You could be doing it from anywhere. One of my heroes in the field of email marketing is Ben Settle. He used to live right here in Bandon, Oregon and he got to choose where he wanted to live and he could write his emails from anywhere.

Look at this. This is not high quality video work here or anything. I’m just trying to show you, even if you’re doing live videos, you could be doing them from wherever you’re at and if you’re doing them daily, you kind of have to do them from wherever you’re at.

So get out there, find some interesting places to go. If you’re doing them recorded, you could do them like my friend Adam The Woo and you can actually make them pretty interesting depending on where you find yourself going.

Don’t worry about the place. The place can all be part of your story. It can all be part of what you’re doing and you can add it into your message.

So today’s message is the same message we’ve been talking about. If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, go to

Go and check out the video I have there where I talk about chance to be able to talk to me about the taking your business from where it’s at to make it an absolute dream business. I’m a business strategist. That’s my job. So yeah, we’re doing them daily.

Yeah. Joe says, do them daily and get more comfortable in front of the camera and talking to other people, eccetera.

Absolutely. I mean, we’ve been doing this over two months now, almost three, and just getting more and more comfortable in front of the camera. Feeling a little bit more at ease of being able to do something from the road like this.

It’s all fun. It’s all part of the fun. Get out there and try something new. It’s all about content marketing. Just getting yourself out there, getting your message out there and doing it consistently over and over and over and over and over again.

One of the big pushers of that is Grant Cardone. Go and look at how Grant Cardone for the past, I don’t know how long he’s been online, but since 2007 at least. He has YouTube videos going all the way back to then.

Grant Cardone is a big pusher of just get out there, get more quantity. Quality will come along as you go along, but it’s never going to be perfect.

You know, right now I’m getting ready to change my shirt. I probably should’ve changed it before I did my video. My baby just spit up all over me. I have a burn on my face from when I ate something that was too hot right here on my lip. And you know, it’s never perfect. It just, it is what it is.

We’ll catch you guys tomorrow. Tomorrow we’re going to still be talking about content marketing from a little bit of a different angle and probably be back in the office. So we’ll see you then have a great one.