Be Somebody 😎

The power of personal branding and some thoughts on the book, Celebrity Branding You.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➑️


Be Somebody.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

A lot of the talks that we have here have a lot to do with celebrity branding and content management in order to achieve that. When the best books out there on this is celebrity branding you by Nick Nanton and also J.W. Dicks and Lindsey Dicks and Greg Rollett.

Okay, these guys are a team of people. I got to see them speak speak live years back in Orlando, Florida.

It’s really good stuff. It’s kind of their bread and butter is showing you how to become a celebrity in a sense and doesn’t mean celebrity on the grand scale but celebrity within your industry celebrity within your niche.

Very important thing to do.

It doesn’t mean celebrity isn’t everybody knows who you are and everything but being somebody has some identity that people can relate with. It’s a major, major factor to overcoming competition.

And if you’re looking to overcome competition or make sure that you never have any competition, then I’m going to highly suggest you go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get it at

This is the I believe it’s the fourth way, I don’t know off the top of my head. Yes, fourth way.

The fourth way in the book, which is the fourth chapter where I cover this. I also cover another book that’s really important for you to check out on this topic, though there’s I mean, there’s lots of great books out there about it.

But these are two of my favorites that have to do with celebrity branding and how to make yourself stand out which is really the magic that will be make you Amazon proof. It’ll make it to where nobody can stop you even if your competition is

So go get a free copy of the book or you could check it out wherever books are sold, especially is even selling it. You can buy a hard bound copy or a Kindle version over there. So at

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.