Content Marketing: What’s Stopping You?

Content Marketing: What’s stopping you?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to cover some of the areas of content marketing and really what is the main concept that stops most of us from doing it.

I know for years and years I’ve helped other people build their own content marketing empires, help set them up in podcasting, help them set up and video marketing, help them set up basically a long-term blogging careers and so forth.

One of the main issues was getting my own self there and getting to the point to where I could start doing content marketing on a regular basis.

It was coming to this one conclusion and it was even a conclusion that I had thought of for years and years but never believed it completely and never really knew where that line was drawn.

That is the conclusion that good enough is good enough.

You know, you just need to get to a point to where you aren’t wanting everything just perfect.

Like this backdrop here. I didn’t have any of this stuff set up when I first started doing videos and I slowly just kind of have put it together over time.

It’s not exactly what I wanted it to be, but at least I got something to look at that’s behind me. Before I just started, I just grabbed my phone. I don’t have a wonderful camera or anything. I don’t even have the best internet connection for a live video like this.

But I do it anyways because it good enough is good enough.

It’s more important that I start putting things out there and do it on a regular basis versus waiting. because when you wait, nothing happens.

When no content gets out, nothing occurs for you.

Unless you have a reputation that you’re trying to save, then trying to keep your reputation or it’s even created, doesn’t matter much.

Getting your business out there and in the public eye and having people talk about it or at least having yourself talk about it or make reference to it in your content marketing is what matters most.

It’s a quantity over quality, especially in the early days, don’t worry about having everything perfect.

Gary Vaynerchuk talks about this a lot. Just getting a lot of stuff out there on an ongoing basis is what matters most right now in terms of actually trying to gain some form of attention.

So for example, I had sent out a message, I’d seen a quote earlier today, and I’m going to talk about that quote tomorrow, but you can go and find it over at’s Facebook page.

I saw this quote that had been put out by a Rick Cesari.

Rick Cesari wrote this book. I spoken about this before, By Now. It’s an awesome book all about television, direct marketing.

He talks all about very specific stories in the lessons that he learned by working with, he was one of the ones in charge of setting up the George Foreman Grill in an infomercial. And Oxyclean and Sonicare and all these other famous things that the only reason why they’re famous is because he understood the process of how to go about building that.

Anyways, he had put a quote out and I shared this quote and when I shared this quote, I had some other people looking at it and enjoying it, but also Rick saw it himself, which is pretty cool. And he commented and liked like the fact that I shared it and he also liked on Facebook.

So, hi Rick. Welcome to the welcome to the gang and happy to see you here. And there’s a lot of attention out there that you could be getting from either individual people or your mass market in general if you just get out there and get moving.

I had a lot of great ideas on content marketing and really the energy that you ought to be putting towards it comes from this book.

I’ve mentioned Austin’s work before, called Show Your Work, by Austin Kleon.

In the first chapter there’s a couple of great quotes that he sourced. One is from Charlie Chaplin, it says that, all of us are amateurs, we don’t live long enough to be anything else. A lot of times we want to be seen more professional and everything else. We want everything to be just right before we start putting out content.

That isn’t necessary.

You just need to start putting out the content.

There’s another great quote from a Dan Harmon, of animation fame, Rick & Morty and so on and so forth. Find your voice shouted from the rooftops and keep doing it until the people that are looking for you find you.

Those are just a couple quotes that I think apply to this when it comes to content marketing.

It’s about getting the process going first for you. So that you can find your voice and start developing things and start developing what you know is going to be necessary to move your brand, your product, your message ahead. And doing it in social media is a great way to start because not everyone’s necessarily watching right away and it gives you a chance to kind of work out all the bugs, which we’ve talked about in the past, so don’t, don’t delay it.

I was discussing this with Sean Douglas, who we talk about all the time here, even though he’s not always on the show.

Sean is our producer of the podcast Off The Grid Biz and also of Brian J. Pombo Live here. And when we were talking back and forth, we were talking about what kind of gets us stuck in this mode, wanting to have everything perfect and it occurred to us was that school did this. That really modern day school, especially in the United States, the way it’s set up, it encourages you striving for perfection and nothing else. Anything short of 100% on a test is not good. The further away you are from it, it’s worse and worse and worse and worse.

And you say, well, yeah, but how else would you deal with something like that?

Well, when it comes to being an entrepreneur and being a business owner, the idea of trying to get 100% right off the bat just isn’t going to happen.

The whole idea, people who are rewarded the most when it comes to business are people that act the most.

It’s the doers.

It’s getting out there, putting it out there over and over and over again. Even if you fall flat on your face and if you go F, F, F, F, D-, F , D plus C -, you know, you work yourself into something, but you start from the very bottom and the only way you get out of it is through action.

And I know, I know I got caught up in college not feeling like I can really move because I knew I couldn’t. I wasn’t able to hit the level I needed to hit to pass the class or do whatever else.

I couldn’t keep my focus.

There’s a million reasons for that, but the system trains you to not want to fail. What you should want to do is you should want to fail.

You should want to get out there, you shouldn’t want to fall on your face, and now you have the ability to do it and have a whole bunch of people see you.

But honestly, right off the bat, they’re not going to. People aren’t going to see you.

So get out there, start the process, put some stuff out there.

Yeah, you may have some friends that see you.

Yeah, you may have some people that know you that will see it, but beyond that, not a whole lot of people are going to see it right off the bat.

It gives you a chance to build on content and it doesn’t matter whether it’s video like we’re doing here or audio like we take video from this and put it out via podcast or whether you’re doing any type of writing online or pictures, any type of visual art that you would put out online.

All those things are the same concept. Just do it and do it over and over and over again.

Lay it all out there, see what comes back, see what type of results you get from it.

See what people are saying and see what you think about it and where you’re taking your message, what’s the end game with it.

So that’s just a little piece on content marketing.

Good enough is good enough, get things moving.

That’s what’s most important.

When I started realizing that everything started to grow for my business. So that’s just a little tip for you.

Go and check out Especially if you are in the self-reliance field and if you’re an owner or an executive of a business that helps people to become more self reliant through your products and services, go check out There’s a quick video there.

I’m specifically looking for those people to be able to talk to. And so if you’re one of them, go check that out. It’s free. Eight and a half minutes long. Go watch it. Let me know what you think.

Hey, you have a great night.

We’re going to be back here tomorrow. So in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.