How to Find Your Voice

How to find your voice.

Hi Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live what we do every day here in the same spot.

Wherever you’re watching or listening to this come back tomorrow, you’ll get another one, we’ve been doing this pretty consistently. I think I missed maybe one day in the last a hundred. And in fact, my producers just told me that that we are halfway through a full year’s worth.

So whenever a half of three 365 is, I’m not going to do the math for you. You could do it yourself, but that’s where we’re at right now.

You can go back and watch or listen to any of the old ones that we have out there. Like I said, I think I missed one day the entire time. So I think that’s pretty good. Once we get to a full year of absolutely unmissed ones, I’m sure I’ll be telling you, because somehow I’ll find out. Someone will let me know.

So today we’re going to be talking about a voice.

By the way, we’re coming to you from Grants Pass Oregon. Here in my headquarters for and we’re talking about how to find your voice.

So this was a concept that’s been around a lot of books have been written about it, articles, everything else, how to discover your voice if you’re looking to get out there and put yourself out there as a……doesn’t necessarily need to be a celebrity or an expert or anything of that sort, but put yourself out there as any form of spokesperson where you’re trying to promote something, in some way, shape or form you’re trying to promote something.

How do you find your voice?

The term voices, it’s an off the wall concept, but I think we all pretty much have an ideas is what are you all about?

What is the feel about you and who you are and the way you talk, how’s it all work?

This was a concept that I was caught up in for a while and I think most of the time it’s an illusion. It’s something that we all get caught up in as if it matters.

As if we have a say in it, as if there’s a way to really develop from the ground up, mathematically your voice, I don’t think it’s true. I think the best way to do it is just jump in there and it’s something that I’ve had to experience more and more to really know that that’s the case.

In fact, I’ve read many books. Let’s see I have an audio book out there. It was pretty good. It was called, Louder Than Words by Todd Henry.

Louder Than Words.

That’s a pretty good book on how to find your voice.

But it says the same thing that this book says. Except this book says it a lot quicker and one of its chapters. This is one of those books I love going back to Steal Like An Artist, by Austin Kleon.

This chapter two is titled, don’t wait until you know who you are to get started.

And this tends to be a thing that we use to procrastinate.

Getting moving and doing what we know we’re supposed to do is we’re waiting to try and figure out what we’re all about and what we’re actually gonna put out there.

What you have to do is just start.

You have to get moving.

You have to just do it.

This is really good.

He says, make things no thyself. If I’d wait to know who I was or what I was before I started being creative, being creative and quotes, well, I’d be sitting around trying to figure myself out instead of making things.

In my experience, it’s the act of making things and doing our work that we figure out who we are.

You’re ready start making stuff.

I just love that.

It’s a very simple, straight-forward concept.

The first time I read it, it really didn’t sink in. It’s one of those things, “okay, that’s nice.”

And you pass over it and you go back in the past year. There’s been a few changes that we’ve made.

Number one, I’ve taken my company name and changed it to everything has changed to surround that brand specifically, I have created a podcast, The Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

You can go check that out at

I’ve also started these daily talks where I’m been hashing out concepts, ideas, having conversations back and forth with you over all forms of social media, starting on Facebook and then streaming out from there.

So just about any social media you could find this on. And if you know of one that you use, that you’d love to see me on, let me know.

Drop me a line wherever you’re catching this right now.

Also, we podcast this out. The audio gets sent out via podcasts, so every single day all this stuff gets put out by our producer, Sean E. Douglas, who is the champion of our group right now. We all love Sean.

Steal Like An Artist is a great book.

This is an important concept.

Get out there and start putting your concepts out there.

I was having a discussion earlier with my friend Patrick, and he said, you know, it’d probably be a good idea if I got some of these ideas out there on more of a regular basis because his focus is going to be on writing more.

So he’s talking about putting out blog posts on a regular basis, even just short ones.

I said, great.

If that’s what you’re comfortable with, that’s what you gotta do, but you’ve got to do it and you’ve gotta do it consistently.

And that same, I encourage you, if there’s any way you possibly can get content out there, whether you’re trying to promote a concept you’re trying to promote your business, you’re trying to promote an organization. If you’re trying to stand out in any way, you need to be producing content regularly, as regular as possible, hopefully daily content.

Even if you’re able to do daily content, great.

If you can do beyond daily content, even better, if you could have multiple people in your organization putting out daily content, fabulous.

It’s all about going out there and connecting with people and don’t worry about how you’re seeing or what you’re putting out there, or what’s your voice is going to be.

That part’s not important.

It’ll develop automatically.

You just have to start moving.

You just have to get out there, start doing it.

My whole world has changed so dramatically in the last six months to a year because of this process that we’ve began here at and it continues to move, it continues to grow, it continues to evolve and it’s one of the most exciting parts of my life right now.

I think you can have an exciting life too, get out there.

Don’t stop, do something consistently.

Do it regularly and you’ll find all those little pieces that you think you need to have ahead of time.

You’ll find them, you’ll find them all along the road.

Hopefully that helps for you.

If this did help, if it’s a conversation that you’d like to have, if you’d like to go deeper into finding out what is it that’s stopping me from being able to take the steps necessary to be able to grow my business.

Go to and set up a strategy session with me.

I’d love to be able to talk with you if you qualify of course.

If you happen to be in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self reliant and you are a decision maker in your company.

Go over to

Dream biz the link is in the description.

Go check it out.

There’s a video there you can watch. I’m offering a free Dream Business Transformation to those businesses that qualify.

Hey, you have a great night and before we get back together again, just get out there and let the magic happen.