What Is Your Primary Aim? 📘 (E-Myth Revisited)

Brian talks about a section talking about primary aim in your business from Michael E. Gerber’s book, E-Myth Revisited.


What is your primary aim?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’d like to talk about business concepts. But what are business concepts, but people concepts?

So we talk a lot about, yeah, human life and psychology and everything else. And I tried to tie it back into business because I’m a business investor, always looking for new people to work with.

If you’re looking for an investor, if you’re looking for help in your business, please go look me up, I’d recommend checking out my book. First, it’ll kind of give you an idea of my philosophy where I’m coming from.

It’s called,9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get yourself a free digital copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

I’d like to welcome you back for those of you who are returning, you can you may notice a little bit of difference, a little different look, today, I’ve got a brand new phone on which I’m recording these.

And so we’ve I think we’re coming out through and 4k at least we’re recording it in that.

If you’re listening, you may not notice a difference. But if you’re viewing it, you’re probably noticing that it’s a little brighter and probably a little clearer.

Why am I bringing up primary aim?

Primary aim was a concept. It’s a it’s a term that was mentioned in this book e myth revisited. I’d like to thank my friend, my new friend, Joel Daniels for the posts the other day he had a LinkedIn discussing chapter 12, which is all about the primary aim you see how yellow these pages are, there’s an old book.

I’ve got this old copy and I love what he says about this, because this is very similar to what we were talking about before, about having dreams and so forth. Having things that you’re looking forward to that is this book, The Dream manager, we talked about that a couple episodes ago.

And this is the same concept, it’s only talking about in a slightly different way.

And I love just the first few paragraphs, actually, the first few pages of this are great, but I’ll read you a couple of the paragraphs from this first.

From the first part of this chapter, he says I doubt that by now, you’d be surprised to find out that I don’t believe your business to be the first order of business on our agenda, you are, nor will you be surprised to hear that I don’t believe your business is your life.

Though it does and can play a significant important role in your life. Your primary aim is Excuse me, I jumped ahead. But before you can determine what the role will be, you must ask yourself these questions.

What do I value the most?

What kind of life do I want?

What do I want my life to look like to feel like?

Who do I wish to be?

Your primary aim is the answer to all these questions and then he goes on and talks about different questions you can ask yourself in different ways you can identify what your primary aim is, what’s the primary aim, it’s just the idea of where you’re headed, you know, most people, and he discusses this in this chapter, that most people don’t have a conscious idea of where they’re headed.

And even though they may have something down deep, they’re not conscious about it, they’re not thinking about it, they’re not putting it out in front of themselves. And so when we do that, we tend to gear ourselves toward toward pleasure and away from pain. We take the animal route, okay.

We tend to just go where whatever feels good, as opposed to doing what we think is the right direction and things that will make a difference in our life and in the world and everything else. And obviously a person can have the wrong primary aim, they can go in the wrong direction.

But how worse off are they then if they’re just kind of floating along without any concept of where they’re going? It’s not that there isn’t time in life for that, right? There’s periods of time where you don’t necessarily need to know where you’re going where you got to find that path.

But if you’re looking for it, that’s that’s an aim in and of itself, if you’re looking to see where you want to be going, rather than just existing, because I think there’s a whole lot of people out there just existing that. I don’t know, I think their life might be a little a little better for themselves.

I think they’d enjoy life a whole lot better if they went beyond existence. So I love that. I love that concept. It’s important in business, it’s important for you to have and if you’re a business owner, if you’re out there doing stuff, you probably already kind of have a concept of this.

And it’s a reason why you’ve gone in this direction. It’s the odd direction to go in anyways.

But a lot of your employees a lot of possible business partners, of vendors, other people that you work with in business may not have a concept of the same path.

How do you know and why would you want?

Why would you want to encourage them to do it?

Because if you’ve got people around you that are all trying to make themselves better, won’t that make things better for you?

Won’t you be able to relate with him better and everything else?

I think you would and if you really want to see life get better for people. I’ve recommended to him now it’s it’s kind of tough to bring up. But here’s how you talk about ask people questions.

What are you doing?

Where are you going with life?

What’s new?

Why are you doing that?

You know, where are you headed?

What what’s been happening?

What’s been your focus lately?

You dropped out of college now what what were you going next? Where do you see yourself in the next five to 10 years?

You know, those type of questions in just everyday normal conversation. I think you’ll be surprised what you hear back from people. Just a quick tip for tonight.

Thanks again, Joel, for that for the idea. It’s really one of those things that isn’t discussed enough. And that’s all I have for tonight.

You come back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.