Uninspired Content 😞

Thoughts on creating content outreach for your business when you’re uninspired.


Uninspired content.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live.

There comes a time, when you have to make content on a regular basis, you have to do it every month or every night, or every other night or something like that, you’re going to be putting content out.

That’s what content marketing is all about. It’s about consistency.

If you’re going to do that, you’re going to reach points where you’re just uninspired, the muse is not going to come to you, you just don’t have what it takes to be able to go the next step. And in those situations, I’m going to highly encourage you, if you do video, or audio, press record and start talking, just start the process, if anything, talk about the fact that you’re uninspired, but start the process and put it out there.

If you’re writing, you need to grab a pen, you need to grab a paper or you need to get your typing pad in front of you and you’ve got to type out words. Doesn’t need to be words, and anybody will see but you got to start going, start moving, and something will come to you.

Something’s coming to me now, as we’re talking about this. This is an ongoing issue that happens and when it happens you’ll start to see trends as to when it happens.

So for example, I took a few nights off of doing a video. Wasn’t because I was messing around it was because I had other business I was taking care of. And at the end just did not have it in me to take the next step to do recordings.

But by the time I got back and started moving and start doing more on a nightly basis, slowly but surely I get into the swing of things.

Every time it happens, though, every time I take a break, I have a little bit of stumbling to get started again, just being honest, just how it works. And since I’m a business investor, with really an emphasis right now on content marketing and how companies use content marketing to their benefit, because there’s such a huge opportunity I see available for most companies in order to spread their outreach.

If you’re looking to spread your outreach, you need to be in this game.

If you are in this game and you get to the point where you’re uninspired, realize it’s normal, it’s no big deal. You got to keep on going and go the next step as best you can do your best at not skipping, stick to a schedule, keep going press through it, they’re not all going to be the greatest thing you’ve ever presented.

You just got to put it out there, you got to start the process and keep it going day after day after day. This is how it’s built.

It’s not built with pure gold. It’s built with all the different coins of the realm.

And so hopefully that’s helpful to you.

I have a book if you haven’t heard if you’re new, it’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It will give you more broad ideas. These are more thought-out concepts, principles that aren’t going to go away. How I describe them, how I talk about them are a little different all the time.

But these 9 ways are ways that you can keep from your comp from your company being overcome by competition by the threat of competition or really even the idea of competition.

So go get a copy of this book. You don’t have to buy it, get a free one. Go try it out. You can get a digital copy on my website, AmazonProofBook.com. AmazonProofBook.com.

That’s all I got for tonight. I’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.