Testimonials Are Very Important! ☺️

Brian shares a recent experience he had at his local chamber of commerce meeting.

Podcast with Candy Morasch – https://grantspassvip.com/candy-morasch-once-upon-a-horse/


Testimonials are very important.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Every night, nearly every night, I will promote my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s just because it’s the latest book I’ve come out with it is the main way in which I start a conversation with many of the people I ended up doing business with as a business investor, I am always looking for partners I’m always looking for people to team up with.

I don’t have a very clean process because depending on whether we’re actually a good fit or not whether I move forward with people. And sometimes I work on an equity deal, or sometimes I work on just a straight line, a very specific short-term deal.

But one thing is true, I always tried to recommend this book, or have people at least peruse it before we go any further with business. Because I’ve had so many great business conversations today.

I’m not even sure where to start but I want to talk a little bit about testimonials.

I’m going to tell you how they handle testimonials at my local chamber meetings. So what they’ll do is they’ll that will have a group of people and of course, we’re all meeting in person nowadays. So we had a really good-sized group of people.

And they’ll tell everybody, you can give one testimonial to one other person, all right.

And you’ll do that after they get up and give their 30-second talk.

So everyone gets 30-seconds that’s there. And they get 30-seconds to give their pitch or talk or whatever.

Then if there’s someone with a testimonial, they can talk and give a testimonial but you’re always only able to get one because they don’t have to have limited time.

So it’s kind of fun. It’s kind of cool to see. And there’s always good stuff that comes out of that. Well, I was lucky enough to have some people bring me up. I actually got to I think I got two testimonials when you’re always supposed to get one.

I ended up with two testimonials from some great people, Mr. Tom Parker and Mr. Steven Sable, I really appreciate what they said about me today.

I like to say what Candy Morasch said during her own time, she took time out of her own time to talk about a section in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business now she spoke about an area that I talked about in here regarding lumpy mail, and how to basically show up differently.

It’s in my it’s in the third chapter on being different and lumpy mail an example of that.

Now how you do that is if you’re sending a piece of mail to somebody a piece of direct mail, physical snail mail to somebody, you could send it in a regular envelope. If you just put something in there that they can feel through the envelope, they’re more likely to open the envelope.

It’s just it’s an old trick but it’s extremely useful, especially if you’re trying to get somebody’s attention. And there are other tips on how to get that type of attention.

But that very specific idea of having that piece of mail be a little bit lumpy and if you’ve ever noticed, if you get something that’s a little bit strange, even if it just has a hard surface on the inside, sometimes that will get people open and says this what was why is there cardstock in here or whatever. And people will open it I’ve talked about this a lot on my other podcasts hear regarding direct mail and so forth.

But she was so impressed with that she let everybody know at the Chamber meeting to read my book, I had multiple people come up and want a copy of it.

So it tells you about the power of a book.

It also tells you about the power of testimonial and makes a big difference I had also a number of people come and talk to me about wanting to be on my podcast which Candy was on I will include a link in the description going to take two candies interview on Grants Pass VIP which is a local podcast that I have that just concerns people within Josephine County in Oregon, United States. and

It’s a really interesting show because even if you’re from nowhere in this area, you can listen to people talk about their lives talk about their businesses talk about their projects, and their passions in life.

Candy is a great example of somebody that just has a zest for life. She’s just out there getting it brightening other people’s lives, which is it’s just the coolest thing in the world. So thank you very much candy for the testimonial thank you to everybody who has provided testimonials to me in the past I don’t use them nearly enough.

You should use them to you need to take what people say about you in print. What they, you know, what they either write about you physically or what they comment they leave on your social media.

Things that people send you maybe video getting people on video or audio saying great things about you and being able to use that and put it back out there because when people hear it from other people.

It means it makes 100 times bigger difference than If they hear it from you directly, you can say all these great wonderful things about yourself.

But unless they hear about it from somebody else, it’s unlikely to have the same impact. And if you notice, when you really hear real testimonials, not just fake ones, actors and so forth, when you hear real testimonials, it makes you stop and pay attention.

Which as the name of the game is getting people’s attention, you know, getting how to stand out that’s, that’s the subtitle of my book, How to Standout in Your Industry and Make Every Competitor Irrelevant.

You can get a free copy of my book over at, AmazonProofBook.com. If you want to hard copy, go on to Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com or all the other booksellers online, you can go and find, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.