Business Is About Psychology 🧠🤔

Thoughts on Psychology, and how to communicate with your ideal prospects.


Business is about psychology.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

To come in a little closer here, we’ll talk a little bit about psychology because I think I’m going to use books as a great example of this because that’s where you can really get down deep when it comes to the psychology of business.

Because what is business other than you offering something in exchange for money in most cases, and trying to convince the other person that they need it?

What you’ve got more than they need the money that’s in their pocket, or the potential money that they had, can have in their pocket.

And so that’s psychology, that’s behavioral psychology for the most part. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re doing one on one sales, or whether you’re talking widespread marketing, or you’re talking long-term PR, it’s all the same thing.

It’s all about human psychology because our brains don’t work if they work predictably.

But not until you look back far enough, you step far enough away, then you can see the predictability of human beings that we are we’re extremely predictable, but we’re predictable and how unpredictable we are. We’re predictable in how non-logical we are and how emotional we are. That’s where our predictability comes in.

And people will talk about it enough in overall society and in business, you have to understand that at some point, or you have to have someone on your team that understands that. Otherwise, you’re always going to be shooting in the wrong place and offering stuff that people just don’t want.

For me, that all starts out in the one-on-one relationship.

So they say even about marketing, that what marketing is, is its salesmanship and print it, so to speak.

It’s salesmanship. Salesmanship in terms of a one on one relationship, except stretched out to the masses, okay, whether that be print or video or audio or what have you. So, I like going back to some of the classics. This is one of my favorites, I’m going to use books as an example because these books kind of hit on a lot of these major issues and these are all excellent books for this.

Okay, this one talks about selling it’s how I raised myself from failure to success in selling by Frank batcher. Okay, really good book.

I’ve talked about this one in the past you can see mine has a roof you see there, yellowed and drawn in and highlighted and everything I can go back at any time and flip to a random page and read something go, oh my gosh, I forgot how good this book is. Every time. Every time I come back to it, I’m gone.

Wow, so much wisdom in such a simple title and you think it’s just about sales. It’s not about sales is about humans.

This is about how to communicate with other human beings.

I don’t care whether you’re selling anything or not. This book should be required reading for everybody. Honestly, you should read it at least once. And look at how it affects your life. Because no matter what you’re doing, you need to be able to communicate with other people if you want a better life.

Now, if you’re in business, that is what you’re in, and I don’t care.

I know you think that you are in the window tinting business, or that you are in the dog food business, you’re in the people business, you’re in the communication business at all business comes back to that and someone on your team needs to understand humans.

This is a good start. Books like this have a kind of one-on-one. There are ones that deal with very broad subjects that are also psychologically related. This is one specifically it’s a psychological term, Triggers. This is Triggers is the classic by Joe Sugarman.

30 sales tools you can use to control the mind of your prospect to motivate, influence, and persuade.

Whenever you see stuff about controlling the mind. In most cases, if you’re talking about good marketers, and so forth, it’s a tongue-in-cheek concept.

And they’re playing to you they’re selling to you while they’re also talking about what they’re trying to do. So while they’re saying they’re wanting to control your mind, they’re enticing you to be interested in this because it controls the mind.

They’re not necessarily talking about controlling minds.

Now a lot of this stuff could be used for good or it can be used for evil but don’t get thrown off by a title. I know a lot of you would.

This is an excellent book and very simple.

He uses stories to talk about each of these very simple psychological triggers. And these are the reason why I put this right after the other one is because it these ideas can be used in direct sales.

And he talks about direct sales situations that he was in as a salesperson. But he’s also somebody that transitioned into the marketing era, and has done extremely well for himself, and is considered one of the sharpest people out there.

One of the reasons is this darn book, here is an excellent book. Another book I talk about all the time, and I know you’re probably sick of hearing about it, if you watch very often breakthrough advertising.

So this is a person that’s talking about sales in print. This is Eugene Schwartz. And he goes into depth on really not in terms of technique in terms of writing.

But that’s what he’s from. He’s a, you see an old typewriter on here. He’s an old writer or was a writer. And when he wrote this, he’s talking about the writing process, but he’s talking about it in the sense of how people think, and the lies we tell ourselves versus the lies that are true underneath those lies.

I mean, the truth that is true underneath those lies, scary book, very deep. Takes a lot of re-reading, I don’t know anyone that’s read this that would not want to read it again. But little by little, because it’s such a thick concept. The book is very, very heavy.

Another book, that’s a classic. And I don’t have my copy here, I’ve got another Robert Cialdini book.

But Robert Cialdini, his influence is a classic book, Dealing in Psychology.

Okay, a lot of the ideas have been spread out so often, that people miss the original purpose. And so it’s good to go back to that book because other people have taken these ideas and ran with them and created courses and everything just out of one chapter that he created, it was such a such an awesome book.

But influence is very good because it very much has to do with the manipulation that happens through marketing through everything else. And he gives names to these concepts. Not that you would want to use it for manipulation, but you at least need to know how people are manipulating you.

You need to know the structure of the mind that allows for these things to occur so that you communicate properly with people. And the final one is also an extremely scary book. This is the father of spin and this is Larry Tyes classic all about Edward Bernays.

And if you haven’t heard of Edward Bernays, well, you haven’t lived you’ve got to go check this book out and or look up anything on Edward Bernays brilliant, brilliant marketer, the father of PR, basically came up with the concept of public relations and made it popular made millions of dollars back in the day and changed lives way far into the future.

So many of the things we do today that don’t necessarily have a logical reason for doing them. We do them because Edward Bernays program does long go in the past very amazing book. I’ve also talked about him quite a bit too.

Anything you can find about Edward Bernays is interesting. And he is someone who tied it directly to psychology.

So his uncle, or cousin, or whatever was Sigmund Freud. And he used to use that as a kind of credit, to give himself credit, but he is actually somebody that understood the psychology of people and understood how to get around that to do what he needed to do.

Whether he was dealing in sales and marketing, or whether he was consulting with politicians. So those are just books to kind of wrap around.

And we’re talking about psychology here on a regular basis anyway, don’t discount the human mind. That’s where everything happens.

So between last night’s video on mathematics, businesses about mathematics and psychology, and you can’t get around those two things, they’re part of what we do because it’s all about communication. It’s all about counting the money. So hopefully that makes sense. We’ll be back tomorrow.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a free copy at AmazonProofBook com. And like I said, we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

Do You Use Authority To Gain Trust?

Some thoughts on Joe Sugarman’s book Triggers and gaining trust with your audience.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Do you use authority to gain trust?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I want to talk a little bit about gaining trust with your customers and how do you go about doing that?

It’s really, a huge piece of it is standing out.

And I discussed this quite a bit in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a copy, get yourself your own free copy at Or you can check it out wherever you buy books and the so called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Now, I want to talk about another book today that I referenced in my book, I referenced this concept in my book, but I really that one chapter can cover so many things about how to be unique in business. And it’s also covered in this book, Triggers, by Joseph Sugarman.

It’s great stuff that does subtitle on this is a 30 sales tools you can use to control the mind of your prospect to motivate, influence, and persuade the the title the subtitle actually is doing what it’s telling you that you’ll be able to do, it’s doing that to you, you know, it’s a really funny thing.

But it’s all about psychology and understanding that that could sound a little bit, woo scary! But really, it’s all about psychology and understanding what drives a person to trust one thing over another, which eventually ends up leading them to purchase from that company, that person.

So this is from chapter nine….this great book to go out and get by the way.

Chapter nine is called instilling authority in the men’s bathroom.

And what he talks about, he gives a handful of examples of how how he and others have been able to instill authority, how do you how do you cause yourself to have authority with in the in the eyes of prospective customers, for example, I mean, my book, I literally by writing the book makes me an author, giving me authority.

I was having this conversation with my friend Denise the other day….it is one of those things that just causes a person to have a little bit more own behind them is the fact that they wrote a book on it, the fact that they’ve written any book really makes them an authority.

But if you wrote a book on the subject, that you’re attempting to talk to people about, or sell products for, or sell services on, that makes a difference that automatically creates authority, you are an author, therefore you are an authority, people automatically make that connection in their mind.

Another way, though, is the example he gives in here is when he started the Joseph Sugarman started, JSNA. And he called it America’s largest single source of space age products. That was that was this company, that’s what they were doing.

But the wording was very specific. They weren’t the largest source of space age products. They weren’t the largest seller of space age products. Not that no, the largest single source. And he was saying that, you know, we may not have sold more space age products than Sears or Radio Shack, but we shipped the most of any single location.

And he specialized in space age products, where Radio Shack and Sears one and a half. And we’re the single source, we’re one location, it was direct, direct marketing, they were selling everything from one location. So it allowed them to be able to say that out loud, and be able to carve out a spot in the marketplace. to brag about, basically, they were able to brag in their marketing, about how they are this. And that’s what makes them different.

So my chapter, in my book is all about being different, which you can go and check that out. And it’s really important to understand the value of authority in being different in standing out is just giving you one more edge above any other possible solution that your customer may be looking for, for the same problem that your product or service fixes. So something to keep in mind.

And this is a really light touch on this. But this is a very deep subject the idea of trust, and how to take a person from where they’re at to becoming a diehard customer.

It takes a lifetime to figure this stuff out. But you got to start looking at the principles behind it and getting people on your team that can do that. This is one of the things that I provide. I only work with people that understand me know me have watched my videos, or read my book and understand where I’m coming from.

So if you’d like to find out more about me go get a copy of my book, We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.