Systemic or Systematic? 🧐

There’s a difference between these two words and Brian is here to tell you what it is. 👀


Systemic or systematic?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m a Business investor, we talk about business things here, mainly for business owners and for executives, the people who run businesses.

So I want to one of the three things that I talk about the most here on Brian J. Pombo Live, is being system based.

It’s one of my three pillars of

Being system based, is all about being really having a systematic business.

I use that word a lot. And I get corrected, like in real life when I use it.

So I went and I looked it up, so you don’t have to, alright, and just so we can get this completely out of the way. Every time I have an argument with people, I can just send them this video. It’s simple, right?

Systemic is different from systematic, you can go and look this up if you don’t believe me. But systemic basically means when something is throughout a system, it’s an adjective that describes something that is all encompassing, it is, throughout something, it is systemic.

They talk about systemic racism, and so forth. It’s everywhere, it’s throughout a particular system. That’s what systemic means.

Systematic means that something is like a system, or has the qualities of a system or is leading into a system, almost like a verb, to become more systematic at me, it’s not a verb, but kind of it’s a verb or a noun.

I mean, there’s a lot more action when I use the term systematic, that’s how I’m referring to it.

I oftentimes talk about making businesses more systematic. If you have more system, within a business, you have a better situation all around in the long run.

In the short run, you may not you may have a bad system but a bad system is better than no system because you can change out a bad system for good system, or you can make tweaks in it.

But it helps employees, it helps partners, it helps consumers, it helps everybody if it’s done right. And it’s predictable.

You have a beautiful scenario, right?

And sometimes it’s only most of the time, if a business is systematic at all, it’s only partially systematic in certain spots.

Hopefully, it’s the spots that most people can see it’s there out in the open for the consumer to see, because consumers like systematic things, they like predictability, right?

That gets brought about by being systematic but sometimes behind the scenes, there’s chaos. There’s zero system.

It doesn’t mean that everything about a business needs to be predictable, and machine like and absolutely.

That if you’ve ever seen the original metropolis, the old silent movie, I always think of that as everything is very machine like and fascistic.

I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about having everything in a predictable way that can be predictable, that you make it predictable, so that you can allow people to do what people do best in each of their positions.

In some cases, especially when you got a visionary in charge of the company, they’re all over the place, they get a million different ideas, but you have to have, and that’s good, that’s very good.

But you have to have parts of the business that have a predictable end to them. It helps everybody and that’s why I love the word systematic.

We’ll talk more about it as time goes on. If you haven’t heard our conversations before, it’s a really fun one.

It’s one of those things that is useful. It’s extremely useful makes everybody’s lives easier. So hopefully you found that interesting. We’ll be talking more about being more system based as time goes on. You can also see what I talk about, in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I only promote this book every night, it’s not like I would memorize the title of my own book.

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You get a free copy at I got a whole chapter on being systematic and there’s pretty good that if I do say so myself, so that’s all I got for tonight, you have a good one.

We’ll be back tomorrow, in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

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