Don’t Be The Last Snowman ☃️

Brian shares a sad picture of a snowman in his local area of Grants Pass, Oregon


Don’t be the last snowman.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Lately, we’ve gotten quite a bit more snow than we normally get in most winters here in Grants Pass or some winters that we don’t see any other than on the surrounding hills.

But when we do get it tends to not stick around too long. But we’ve had quiet we’ve had two big, good-sized snowstorms where we had some snow that sat on the ground for a while.

I know a lot of those you who are in more snowier areas are going, Ah, I wish I had that good. But I mean, I so reason why I picked to live around this area. It’s a nice, really nice climate.

We had a situation where, during Christmas, we were out of town. And when we came back, the snow was still just starting to melt and it was kind of cool. But one thing I noticed this trend, and it was a trend that you would see the entire eventually you’d see the entire yard of somebody’s yard.

No snow except for one snowman just hanging on and I got to take a picture of this one snowman here that you can see, if you’re watching this, if you do not imagine a very pathetic looking snowman, with a baseball cap on and a stick hold partially holding him up. An even empty beer can or soda can next to him.

It’s just, it’s a sad thing. And it kind of reminded me of it as an analogy for a lot of people in business nowadays.

They will be so stubborn to stick with doing something the same way they’ve always done it.

Even though everything’s melting all around them, their entire industry is falling around them or their competitors are falling down, and they’re just gonna hang in there, they’re gonna be the last one to melt, as if there’s any good side to be in the last one to go down.

The last of the snow people, you know, snowman, snow woman, I don’t know what the official term is anymore, but let’s just say snowman for now.

It’s sad to see that and if you’re a person that’s in business, and you consider yourself kind of stubborn, you kind of have to be stubborn to get into business, to begin with.

Then if you’re gonna stick with business a long time, you can’t, you’re gonna have to be stubborn. But you got to be flexible in the areas that determine the principles of why you’re doing what you’re doing.

You know, what’s the reason behind it?

Is it just a hobby?

Now, if it’s just a hobby, I understand, okay, you’ve got money coming in somewhere else. And this is just a fun thing on the side, and you’re going to stick to your guns and be the last be the last one standing. But it’s not that useful.

For most of us, most of us get caught up in the wrong things when we’re in the Battle of business, get caught up in the wrong areas.

It’s important to catch yourself and realize that you’re really the last snowman. And what you need to do is get up and move to a colder climate, you need to get out of town right away, or you need to to change, you need to become something other than a snowman, if that makes sense.

So these are these are some of the ideas that I I talk about a lot with business owners as I as I love asking people about their stories and where they came from. And it’s a common theme to be the last one to melt and make sure that it’s not you or anybody that you know.

And if it is I recommend them check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get go purchase a copy wherever you get books, or you can go get a free copy. Free digital copy at

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one.

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.