Make Life Easier By Combining Projects 🗑️ (Recycling Content)

Doing a daily video about content recycling, while walking down a dusty trail to get the garbage can. Life in 2021 people.


Make life easier by combining projects.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I decided today, I had a couple things to do. And I’m a little tired, as the sun’s going down out here at the Pombo family compound.

And I still needed to go grab the garbage can. It’s garbage day, and they come and take it today.

But it’s a little bit down the road to go and get it and bring it all the way back.

So I figured I’d combine it by doing my nightly video with you.

So it’s a great thing to think about combining things. The it’s really great in terms of content marketing, I’ve talked about it before, if you can find a way to take one piece of content that you’re doing, and then do duplicate it over and over again, in other formats.

Taking, let’s say, a video you do, grabbing the transcript from it, turning that into an email series, or a mini course that you can train people with.

There’s a million different ways to do the same thing with one piece of content can be multiplied a million different ways.

That’s one example.

But obviously any type of project you can find a way to combine it with something else that needs doing and still have great value still be providing great value for other people. So hopefully that makes sense. quick idea tonight.

Hey, go check out my book, 9 Ways Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

You have a great night. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Repurpose Your Content?
Video 288

Today we delve into the value of repurposing content and touch on the value of transcription at the end.