Business Owners: Are You A Mess?

Are you a mess?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to be discussing the concept that a lot of business owners get hit with and that’s the idea that they are an extreme mess of a person on all levels.

We’ll get into that in a second. First I wanted to remind you about

If you’re a business owner or an executive and you happen to be in the self reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self-reliant, go to link is in the description and you can find out more about it there.

There’s a quick video to watch. It’s all about a dream business transformation. Completely free. Go check it out.

So I was accused by my wife of all people and some other people that I work with during the day of basically being an unorganized mess.

This is something that has haunted me my entire life. And no matter how hard I try not to be, it seems that if I don’t have something that is habitual, if it’s not a constant, it will get dropped along the way.

If it’s something that I don’t enjoy doing and it’s something that doesn’t fit into what I’m really good at.

I wish there was a way around this. I’ve looked over and over again. I’ve read time management books, I’ve read books about organizing. I’ve tried all the different methods, very few fit and have been able to allow me to do what I need to do as a business owner and an executive at my company.

Then I came across Kathy Kolbe. Now I don’t get paid by, Kolbe, the organization or the lady.

But Kathy Kolbe started exploring deeper the concept of conation.

We’ve discussed this on earlier talks here, on the podcast and the video chats.

Conation has to do how you function as a person in terms of when you are in action mode.

So whether you are working or doing schoolwork, when you are in the mode of action, you’re a different area of your brain lights up and his act is active and it’s separate from personality, which is more an affective.

Meaning it has to do with how you deal with people and how you handle emotions and so forth.

That’s the effect of end of your personality and it’s different from the cognitive part of your brain which handles just the regular day to day thinking and memory and things of that sort knowledge.

This is the conative part of the brain. It’s a specific area and what it deals with is you, when you are in action mode, when you are willing things to occur.

She found four separate areas that people tend to be high or low in across the board.

Some people are a lot higher in one and some people are a lot lower, but it seems to all kind of fit together. So that’s, this is one of her books, Conative Connection.

This is a good primer to kind of explain this and the reason why I bring this up is because most entrepreneurs tend to have a large amount of quick start. Now it’s not true across the board, but it is very common for the, especially the the visionary person in the company to have a lot of quick start and what quick start.

It basically means that you have the instinct to set things into motion, the instinct to follow through and get everything done and get all the little pieces done and focus on all the detail.

It’s an idea based concept.

A person who is very focused on building an idea and and not necessarily taking it fully into fruition. I have a whole lot of quick start on her scale. I have an eight in quick start and it’s followed me my entire life and my whole life.

I thought there was something wrong with me.

If you feel the same way, I highly suggest looking into Kathy Kolbe’s work. She has a great podcast out there that you could look up. Just look up Kathy Kolbe, wherever you listen to podcasts.

It is called, Perfectly Obstinate People, is what it’s called, Perfectly Obstinate People.

It almost slipped my mind there for a moment, but it’s called Perfectly Obstinate People. It’s a great podcast to listen to cause she talks about all the different conations, people with different levels. There’s nothing right or wrong about any of them.

It’s just the way that our brains are functioning and they functional.

She claims that she can see the conation in a baby, in a newborn and can follow through and she’s done it with all her children and her grandchildren and has been able to watch the conative abilities all the way through.

So it’s very interesting stuff.

Don’t fret and if I could have some advice for those of you who are unorganized and who are always considered to be a mess, don’t hold it against the people around you. They just don’t understand how someone can be productive.

While at the same time piling things in a seemingly unorganized manner all over the place and having what seems to be to be a very spontaneous lifestyle.

Don’t get worked up about it.

Learn more about yourself and learn how other people function and find people to help fill in the cracks in your life. Because if you’re very high in any of these areas and means that you’re probably going to be very low in the others and you need the help of all four areas in the community of scale to be able to really produce what you want to produce in this world.

Especially if you’re a leader, especially if you’re the boss of your company.

So that’s just a quick little note from me tonight. Have a great night and we’ll see you tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.

How Your Will Can Determine Your Destiny

How your will can determine your destiny.

I am Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Once again, this is one of our Brian J. Pombo Live talks.

Today we are continuing our three part series all on the psychology of your customer’s brain and delving deep into the Cognitive.

We didn’t spend too much time on the Cognitive. Cognitive is how much they know what they know about you, what they think about you, things that they have learned about you and anything involving your product or service.

Second thing would be the Affective, which we talked about yesterday. You can go back and watch that video. And the third thing today is all about the third part of the mind called the Conative. And when we’re talking about conation, we’re talking about you’re doing an action mode. It’s a completely different part of the brain. And the real question is, how do you do an act?

How do you put out effort? How do you build? How are you creative when you’re working in any sort?

So whether it be when you were in school, how did you handle things and also at work in your current job or at your favorite job, how was it different? How does it function differently and how did you relate back with it?

It’s less of an emotional end of things and it’s more of the logic that of what drives you to do what you do. So when I’m talking about will, I’m talking about in a will in the sense of action, in the sense of effort, in the sense of building something.

Putting something together, doing something when you feel like you’re at your highest in your action mode, where are you at? So this is a concept that’s been really promoted the most that

I’ve heard by a lady named Kathy Kolbe. You can find out all about her research and all about her at She has a podcast out there called Perfectly Obstinate People.

You can go and check that out wherever you listen to podcasts. That’s an interesting one. This is one of the books that I’ve read by her called Conative Connection, Acting on Instinct. This is a pretty good primer.

She has a few other books and I’ve heard other people say that those are also good for first timers when it comes to learning all about conation and her basic concept comes from four different action modes that we all have.

But there’s going to be ones that you perform better at and there’s going to be ones that you not only perform less at but you perform almost the negative end of those action modes.

So let me tell you about ’em real quick. There’s four of them. These are my a levels right here. It’s a four ,four, eight and a three. And these are four modes, I’m sure you can’t read it where you’re at, but this first one’s a fact finder, then follow through, quick start and implementer.

Those are the four modes. Let me explain to you what those are and you can kind of get a feel for which one you think you might be a little bit higher on.

Fact finder is, I’m reading this right out of the book, precise, judicious and thorough. This mode deals with detail and complexity, seeking to be both objective and appropriate. Keen at observing and gathering information. People who lead with this mode sometimes discover that information facts means more to them than to others.

Sometimes they could be too judicious, seeming overly cautious as they wait for more data. Okay, that’s the fact finder mode.

So whether you feel like you’re more that way or less, that way will determine about where you would be in that red level there.

The second modes called follow through. So think about this and whether you relate with this or whether you know someone, you work with, someone who seems a lot more this way than you are. Follow through as methodical and systematic. This mode is focused and structured and brings order and efficiency.

People who lead with this mode are meticulous at planning, programming and designing and predictably and predictability is essential to their being. Every organization needs people who lead with this strength in their operations, accounts receivable and design functions. Obviously there are times when an intense need for order can get out of hand.

That’s the follow through mode.

So people who are high in this follow through, but it’s funny the person that pops into my mind because I’m relatively low on follow through. You can see it’s a four right there. That’s relatively low. I’m thinking of a friend Joanne, who works for one of my clients, she is extremely high and follow through and she handles a lot of the bookkeeping and stuff. It’s very useful at times and other times it almost seems over the top how specific she can be about things. But that’s the follow through mode.

The third mode is quick start.

You can say I’m very high end quick-start.

This is an eight level here and that’s what I relate mostly with, with an affinity toward risk. This mode is spontaneous and intuitive, flexible and fluent with ideas.

People who lead with this mode, our deadline and crisis oriented, they need an atmosphere of challenge and change and sometimes they can be impatient. So that’s very sad. I have the most of that level.

And here’s the implementer mode. The fourth mode, these people are hands on and craft oriented. This mode brings tangible qualities to actions. People who lead with this mode have a strong sense of three dimensional form and substance and the ability to deal with the concrete. So out of these four modes, people tend to be a little bit stronger in one or two of these than others.

Every once in a while you’ll find somebody who is more in the middle of all of them. You have a little bit of all of these things and she calls that a facilitator and these are people that get along with just about anybody and they can help fill in the cracks. When they’re in different positions, either in jobs or as a business owner, they can do a little bit of everything.

And so they’re really good. If you’re a business owner and you find you don’t need a whole lot of extra people to be able to help you out, you can kind of do a little bit of everything. And so you’re very stable on your own. They tend to be more facilitators.

So how would you find out where you are on these levels? You’d go and take a test over at it’s called The Kolbe Index A. I believe that’s what it’s called. It was called that when I took it. It costs a little bit to take, I don’t know what it costs right now. At the time I did it, I think it was 50 bucks, but it is one of the most useful tests that I’ve ever taken. I’ve learned the most about me and what makes me tick.

And these are these are numbers.

The strange things about these numbers is that they don’t change heavily over time.

As long as you’re in a stable position in terms of your career, you tend to test pretty well at this. If you’re a little bit of influx and you don’t quite know where you are in the world when it comes to your business or your career, I’ve heard that your numbers can be a little bit off. But overall this is something that she claims you can actually see in a baby.

You can see in children and since I’ve been learning about this, I can see with my children where they land, at least on the high points on these things. It’s very interesting because it follows your entire life.

It’s kind of hard-wired in your brain, your Conative mode.

This can change how you handle employees. If you’re a business owner and you have employees, if you deal with coworkers, this is extremely useful. Look into the Kolbe Index and Conative.

The Conative of end of things, can really make a huge difference in your business, in your job and so forth. If you’re a business owner or an executive, and if you happen to be in the self-reliance field, you’re someone I’d like to talk to.

Go to If you found any of this interesting or any of my other talks interesting, go Watch the video there. It’s eight and a half minutes.

Give you an idea of what it would be like for us to be able sit down and talk about your business and maybe I can help take it from where it’s at, as successful as it may be, and take it to that dream business.

That perfect ideal that you’re really after in your business. So go there, check it out. Go check out Kathy Kolbe.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the learn, do, teach cycle. I’ve mentioned it in the past. I’m going to go a little bit deeper into it tomorrow.

This affects everybody and I bet it can improve you and your business, so you have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.