Expert or Aggregator? >My Dark Secret…👀

What is an expert, really?


Expert or aggregator? My dark secret.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

It’s been an ongoing debate that I hear coming up over and over again, especially from people who are professionals out there that have made a living in a particular area.

And then they go on to, you know, teach about that particular area, and carry themselves as experts as they should.

They have background in it, they have success in it, and then they go about teaching it.

This has always held up very highly and more higher above somebody that does not necessarily have the same experience.

This is a really common thing that goes back and forth and I can never quite pin down because I could always tell you that me personaly. There’s a whole lot that I talk about that I do not necessarily have direct experience with.

But the real thing that’s a problem is when people pretend to be something they’re not, when they pretend to have a whole lot of success and a whole lot of things going for them that they don’t or tend to have experiences that they’ve never had.

That’s a real problem.

That’s fraud on a certain level. You’ve got to be really, really careful those types of people, especially those that really prop themselves up, right?

Expertise, the nature of expertise is an interesting thing. Because what is an expert, who defines an expert, who qualifies an expert, doesn’t mean you have to have a degree doesn’t mean you have to have a specific experience, How much experience do you need to have?

And all those things are extremely subjective.

These ideas, they’re very subjective.

So but it’s always been something that’s kind of I’ve pondered about and never been able to quite pin down. But I’m going to give you two historical figures here from I would say the success slash self help industry, if you will.

These two examples are two people that are relatively well known by people who know their history, or are somewhat well read when it comes to success.

The first one would be Napoleon Hill, and the second one would be Earl Nightingale.

These two guys had, well, let’s talk about Napoleon Hill. First. He went and wrote, thinking grow rich and a whole lot of other books. But that was his, his magnum opus, that was the one that got him.

Absolutely famous.

To this day continues to sell millions and millions of copies of this book. And it’s one of those things.

We’ll get back to that in a second, but let’s talk about Earl Nightingale.

Earl Nightingale has a whole lot of material out there starting an entire company that not just promotes his material, but other people’s material. Nightingale Conant.

He actually passed away in 1989. His company lives on his name lives on the legends of these people live on.

What were these people actually experts in?

This is this is kind of interesting, because I’ve heard recordings from other people that discuss this in and I just recently heard an older recording from Dan Kennedy, the martyr who’s absolutely marketing expert has great background in this.

There was a time when he wasn’t, but held himself as an expert. But that’s another story.

He amazing, amazing person.

I love Dan Kennedy, we promote him a lot here. But he mentioned something about Earl Nightingale that I never really considered before.

Because I didn’t know that much about his background. Earl had a very interesting life. And he ended up in radio acting because he had a really good voice.

He ended up as a as the main character on Sky King, which was an old radio show. I’ve got my old old time radio back the replica. And I’ve talked about old time radio. In fact, I got one of the books back here and stuff like that.

One of the things I like bringing up because it’s odd and it’s unusual for people my age to talk about these things, but there was a show called Sky King, and this was a an ongoing radio show where the guy would fly around in a plane and have adventures.

Earl Nightengale played this character.

It’s a popular show for a time. It ended up becoming a TV show. And he wasn’t involved with that. But they did the radio show.

He also did a lot of other radio announcing, ended up doing in audio, for condensation of Think and Grow Rich. Which I’ll talk about in a moment but had very little involvement to my understanding in success or business-oriented things at all. Up until the point when he put out the strangest secret audio out back then in a record form. And it became this massive hit.

He ended up putting out more and more he became a sso-calledexpert with really no claim to fame, for expertise. Take that back a little bit.

A lot of his material was based off of Napoleon Hill, like I said, he read thinking Grow Rich, or read it out loud.

Think and Grow Rich, also written by a gentleman who had very little background in success whatsoever, except that he was a newspaper writer and magazine writer, and was a somewhat of a journalist and had spoken to some very famous figures in history, Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie.

He had this story of how Andrew Carnegie set him off on this mission, to speak to all these famous and not so famous people that had made a lot of money to find all the great secrets of success and put them out there in a book form someday.

He went out and did this.

What is it, it’s an app, he aggregated all this material and put it out not from him. Really having an experience that that’s not what he talks about much in the book.

If you’ve ever read Think and Grow Rich, he talks about everyone else’s experiences.

He was an aggregator, an aggregator versus an expert, although he ended up being seen as an expert in the long run. But that’s all he really did.

That’s what he’s famous for is aggregating a whole lot of information, condensing it and putting it out in a specific form. Earl Nightingale did the same thing.

All he did was take this information that he had found, wrote it he was he was he was a writer, he became a writer and rewrote this stuff, put it back out there in audio format. These guys were aggregators.

There’s lots of people that have done this through the years, right, lots of people. In fact, a whole lot of people that we would consider experts, so called experts didn’t really have much experience, but took the experiences of others, and just repurpose them, put them back out and made them digestible.

There’s a whole lot of reasons why this is useful. It’s not these guys aren’t pretenders.

They are people who were able to make it available in a way that wasn’t available for all this information has been available before. It will be available a million other ways for the rest of time.

But these people got famous for communicating in a certain way. And in building a bond with their readers, their listeners, their viewers, that’s really closer to what I have more than anything else.

A lot of people may may may think, or accuse me of being an expert or a pretend expert, but I think I’m much more of an aggregator more than anything else, is what I’ve done is I’ve found a whole lot of these things that work.

Not that I haven’t worked in these fields.

I’ve done a handful of these things myself, especially in terms of we’re talking about podcasting, a whole lot of content marketing, I have direct experience with and then there’s a whole lot of areas I don’t have any experience with.

But because I understand and understand the principles, I can relate it back, and I can tie all these things together to make them digestible for people.

So that’s just my my story. It’s a little bit of a dark secret, but it is it is what it is and maybe it makes sense to you or maybe it doesn’t go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Perfect, perfect concept of aggregation. This is what this book is about.

In fact, I talk about all these different sources that you can go look this stuff up and get a free copy

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Power Of The Mastermind 🤨

Thought from a chapter Brian recently reread from Napoleon Hill’s classic, Think and Grow Rich.


Power of the mastermind.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. I have recently been rereading, Thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

And this chapter I believe, chapter 10, that’s titled, The power of the mastermind.

It’s an interesting concept because it really comes down to the power of help from other people that have been through something similar, people who have enough experience that even if they don’t have direct experience with the problem you’re having, they may be able to give you a perspective that you would not have gotten otherwise, especially if you have more than one person at a time that you’re talking to about what you’re looking to do.

Now, if you’re working with somebody, if you’re talking to somebody, if you’re with a group of people that have experience, these are the type of things that you want to expose. Or if you’re helping somebody because this also is this goes both ways.

So you ought to try to pass on any type of help possible and you may think, Well, I haven’t been successful enough, or I haven’t done this or haven’t done that. Or I’m not as as big as these guys, you have something, you have something that someone else doesn’t have.

Even when I was just starting out with being self-employed, I had something that the person that’s never been there, that’s only ever been employed, I had something beyond what they had, even though I didn’t have everything that I had.

So I could help somebody at least get past that hurdle.

The same thing with you, wherever you’re at, try and be able to pass it on. But also when you’re looking to get help, regardless of what end you’re on it. You ought to be on both ends at the same time, you ought to be getting help and giving help. Here’s some of the questions that you’ll want to either answer or you’ll want to ask somebody.

The first question would be, What are you most grateful for right now?

Especially if you’re meeting with someone on a regular basis, you want them to be able to reflect on that straight off. Because that gets them in the frame of mind to be able to look for solutions that they’ve already have seen the solutions that have come into their life, so to speak. And so that that’s a really important one.

The next one is, What are you wanting to do now or what are you in the middle of doing now?

What are you trying to accomplish?

What obstacle are you trying to get over, right now?

What’s your focus?

Then from there, you kind of figure out what the main problem is that’s holding them back.

From there you the real question is, Who do we know that can help you get over that?

So much of it goes back to the who. Because even the mastermind principle itself, the idea that you have groups of people that you can meet with that can help you come up with ideas, that’s a whew factor.

You’re looking for people to help you through it, instead of just trying to find a specific answer to something it’s more important to find a who that can do it for you the WHO that can figure things out?

Or who that can even find the next person the next who is that who not how principle that Dan Sullivan talks about that wrote, he wrote the book on and everything else. So incredibly important, it’s, I don’t know of a better shortcut to getting where you want to go, than in knowing the right people. The who not how principle is so huge, and it really is the foundation of the concept of the mastermind.

As Napoleon Hill puts it, nowadays, people put those together in one, but he used it he he he had that split up Mastermind, meaning it’s it’s the it’s this larger mind that you’re tapping into this infinite intelligence that you’re tapping into when you have more than one person and they’ve got the right spirit, the goal, the spirit of harmony, they’ve got the right spirit behind getting together and they’re looking for answers.

They’re looking for solutions, they’re willing to talk it out.

Nothing more powerful than having that if you don’t have that you got to go out and search it. It starts with one person sometimes just starts with one person that you kind of click with, you know, if that were me, you got to get in contact with me if that’s someone else, you got to get in contact with them. You got to search them out.

A lot of my early mentors were people that didn’t know me, but I knew them and I searched them out, I went towards them.

I didn’t stalk them, I didn’t do creepy stuff but you got to go after it, you got to ask the questions, you got to search them out and do everything you can to put yourself in front of them, and see if there’s anything you can do for them.

Then in the long run, you may be able to garner some, some knowledge, and wisdom, what have you in the long run.

So hopefully that makes sense. I’m kind of talking around a very general subject. It’s a book worth reading, though it’s it’s sometimes difficult with its language in the way that Napoleon Hill puts things together.

So if you have issues with that, sometimes it’s good getting in a group.

Like I’ve mentioned before, I’m in a group where we’re, we’re reading that together and discussing what we got out of it, which is great stuff. That’s all I got for today.

Just some random thoughts regarding who not how going after got to think about who can help you versus how you need help. That’s a very important principle.

Go check out my book,9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business while it’s still available for free. You can go get a free copy at

And you’ll always be able to purchase it over at or any of the other places where books are sold. That’s all I have for tonight. Still on the road to die.

We’re in Tracy, California visiting family, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Accurate Thinking 💡 (Self Development)

Some thoughts on self development and mindset.


Accurate thinking.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live. Napoleon Hill is a very famous writer from way, way back in the day, wrote, Think and Grow Rich and a whole lot of other classic early books in the field of self-development.

One of the principles he talks about that a lot of people don’t give much attention to is the concept of accurate thinking. And the reason why I’m bringing this up is that I was having a great conversation with some folks tonight that we’re all here in Oregon, we are in the midst of the election season.

So they have the primary election, which is the early election, part of the here when candidates are running against each other in their own party.

When you have nonpartisan races, they may have large amounts of groups of people running at the same time, for example, the governor field is just covered.

I mean, I think there are 25 candidates out of the two major parties, that Republicans alone have 20 Different people running for governor that are on the ballot, okay, let alone those who didn’t make the ballot and are trying to get written in and all that stuff.

It’s pretty amazing to see all this crazy stuff happening when you look at it from a certain perspective. But one of the things that I’ve found with grassroots, I’ve worked a lot with grassroots political organizers through the years.

And one thing I’ve found is that it’s really easy to miss the forest for the trees. And here’s what I mean, it’s really easy to get caught up in the motion and the movement, and the feeling like you’re doing something or the desire to get something done to do something.

It’s not very often that people sit back and say, Okay, well, what are we actually doing?

You know, what have we actually accomplished?

What we set out to accomplish?

Do we actually are we all actually on the same team in terms of what we’re looking to accomplish and all these people I’m working with?

When you’re when you do that, it’s not just something that you do once you have to do it all the time, you have to step back and say, are we accomplishing what we want to now this is just isn’t a political thing.

This just happens to be the situation tonight but I see it all the time at business also.

This is even worse because you’re dealing with the same people who actually should know better. But when you’re in the midst of that, you know, daily hurricane, of just all the stuff you normally have to deal with, and then all the stuff that is coming up recently, and then all the stuff that’s gotten left behind, and you get mixed up and all that garbage of the day to day, when it comes to goals and priorities, and really sitting down most of us do not take the time to sit down and say okay, what did we want to do at the beginning of the month?

Where are we now and how can we change that?

So we don’t have the same thing happening next month. This is rare to happen. It’s rare that someone will take the time to do that. If they do, it’s usually mixed in with a whole bunch of emotion and a whole bunch of other garbage that doesn’t clear things up.

It just makes more tension between personalities and sexes and everything else, you know, it gets crazy. And I understand if you’re in that mess, I understand.

You got to realize that everyone’s in that mess to one extent or another. What you need is somebody on your team, or you need to be that person, you need to be able to step back and say, Okay, what, what are we actually doing here?

Where are we actually going with this?

The situation tonight, going back to that scenario. They’re doing a phone call to get get out the vote. If you think about it, a lot of times when we talk about politics, we talk about voting, it’s just assumed that you want as many people to vote as possible.

In and you just did that’s going to make everything better. If we have more people voting, then that is going to make everything better.

But when it really comes down to it, the more involved you get in in politics, what you really want is more people who are going to vote like you voting and less people voting like the other person votes, or like the people, you you don’t want voting.

It’s really easy to say all Well, yeah, but that’s just callus. And that’s reality. If you pay any attention to politics, you want your perspective to win over.

You no doubt have some moral background as to why your, your position is better than it deserves to win. But that’s, regardless of the facts.

Accurate thinking is, are we getting the ball and taking it across the field, and getting a touchdown with it accurate thinking is, where are we in this process?

Are we actually getting done what we want to get done?

Oftentimes, when you have a large group of really well, meaning people, they could spend a lot of time doing a lot of nothing, or even worse, doing things that take the ball the wrong way on the field, it actually hurts the purpose.

But then you also have to keep very, very broad-minded and say, okay, even if we’re losing today, and even if we’re helping to lose today, are we achieving on one level that’s going to help us win tomorrow and the day after, and next year and the year after?

So once again, that there’s this broad-mindedness to accurate thinking you have to not just take in the narrow focus of the moment, but taking the whole big picture is all part of it.

But it takes somebody making the question, there’s always going to be pushback because people don’t want to believe that they’re wasting their time, or effort.

Wasting their life energy on something, especially if they’ve been working really hard at something, if you’ve ever worked with somebody who’s worked really hard on a project, and then you realize that that project isn’t what it was supposed to be.

Or it’s going in a completely opposite direction, that person feels like Like you’ve ripped their heart out, if you have to tell them that this isn’t going to work, we have to stop doing this, you can’t keep going in this direction. It’s tough. It’s not easy. But accurate thinking doesn’t care about your feelings.

In reality, the reality is something that none of us have complete control over. We but we do have to acknowledge its existence, we have to acknowledge math, it’s there’s a certain object of mathematics.

I’m not talking about anything that has to do with, you know, racial background or anything else goes into it. There is completely objective beyond humanity, concepts of numbers, and mathematics to life.

It’s the closest thing of us trying to create a science out of reality and that reality can’t be ignored for long, or you ignore it at your own peril.

Accurate thinking must happen, if you don’t make it happen.

If you don’t allow the circumstances for it to occur, then reality will will crash down on you eventually, there’s just no way around it. So just a little tip, a reminder, hopefully, to get you moving forward more with asking the right questions against some accurate thinking.

But also, maybe introducing and inviting more people into your organization into your business into whatever it is your cause, is invite those people who have a concept of accurate thinking, none of us are perfect, we all have our subjectivity.

But the more people you can get involved that that are willing to go toward objectivity.

The closer it is, you’ll be able to reaching your goals and dreams and doing everything you want to do in life, which is, I mean, what else is there, right?

So hopefully, this is helpful. I’ve got my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I am going to be giving a little talk this weekend in Ohio, to a lot of friends and business partners and so forth. I’ll be talking about some of the principles in my book. If you want to get yourself a free copy of my book, you can go to go to

Where you can go pick up a hard bound copy. Sometimes they can they’re in the middle of reprinting or whatever but don’t worry, they go pre.

They reprint pretty fast those Amazon folks and my publisher, however they have that that relationship worked out it seems to they seem to get books faster than even I can get them.

So I’ll have some hard copies if you’re gonna be meeting me there in Cleveland, Ohio this weekend. Otherwise, we will see you tomorrow night.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

The Problem With Free Education 🏫

The difference on how we respect things that are paid for, rather than given to us for free.


The problem with free education.

H, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m not going to get political or philosophical with you on this question. But it’s an idea that can affect you and your business and how you view raising prices and things of that sort.

It came to me from reading the book Thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. And in it, he actually has a section in there. So this book goes back to it. 37 is when it was first published, and I’m reading the original version of it.

He discusses in there that there’s a reason why college education is so valued on many levels, and back then even more so than it is now.

He said that the one he can really pin it down to is that all the education up to a certain point is publicly funded, it’s free. There’s something about people that if something is free, they are not going to value it as much.

So having a high school education is not all that valuable. For one thing, it’s very common, most people have a high school education or an equivalent to it.

But also, it’s just not seen as highly recognized as a college education. And the more expensive college gets, the more valuable it is seen in many cases.

It’s kind of strange where we are at in the United States right now. Because right now you kind of have a lesser view of college education, while at the same time, they’re getting charged more and more.

So it doesn’t fit the dichotomy exactly, but if you look over time spread out over time, going back to 1937. And beyond, that, when you’ve got free education, free is not valued as much as something that’s worth more.

Now, the easier it is to get that thing, even if it’s worth more if it’s easy to get, that’s also an issue and it reduces the value of what it is.

So a lot of people have said, Hey, why don’t we, you know, just forgive all the college debt, right? You can forgive all the college debt, what if we just made it to where the federal government pays for college, like everyone, everyone gets a four-year degree, why not just everybody gets a four-year degree.

If you do that, you would highly, highly, highly discount the value that college brings. Everyone who is getting more, you’re seeing the same situation happening in inflation. If more people have more money, what it doesn’t mean that they have more money, it they have more paper have less value.

If you take something of value, and you spread it out all over and make it common, it becomes less valuable, is psychology here. But it’s also kind of the laws of the marketplace.

So if you have any form of marketplace free marketplace whatsoever, involved at all, this is going to occur, there’s no way to create equal full equalization across the board because the value is perceived in the fact that is it is unequal. Something is valuable when it’s less common.

As soon as you make something fully common, it’s less valuable. It’s a weird thing, it’s a weird thing to think about. But when you pull it back to your business, in terms of your business, if you have a lot of something and you are giving it away, people are going to value it less than something that you have a little bit of that you’re charging more for. Right, it’s the same I could be the same item.

If I took my book and all these things don’t have to it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give things away. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t offer things for free, but you have to keep in mind what comes along with that.

So for example, I give away my book every night here when we talk, I give away my book in digital format. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get a free copy. Like I say every night, you get a free copy at You can download a free copy.

Now just because I say that many of you will never do it because it’s free because it’s easy. Because you get it right on your phone is the simplest easiest thing in the world.

You are automatically going to value it less than if I took the same book same contents everything else.

I said, I only have 100 copies of this book. And once they are out there, they’re gone, I’d have no digital copies, I have only physical copies. This is secret information, I don’t want everyone using this information, because then it will, it will make it less valuable.

What if I say I’m only putting out 100 copies, and I’m gonna see what happens, and see how people react to it.

Because of that, I have to offer a higher price on it. So it’s, it’s a $200 book, there are people that do this, you understand there are people that do it. Now you’re going to have to spend more time being specific about the value that that book provides.

But I’ve bought $200 books before I know that it can be done if the information, if the information in there can make you 1000s of dollars, what’s $200, right?

Especially when you’re talking about that money is a really easy thing to be able to see if it actually is valuable. You can see that available when people have things like guarantees and other things involved money-back guarantees that can both add to that ability, but it can also take away from the value.

Because if you’re offering money back, all of a sudden, it’s like well, that that automatically gives you the idea that there are people that are going to buy that aren’t gonna like it. It decreases value at the same time but that’s another issue.

Understand that when you the price that you put on everything. And the amount of supply that you offer of anything creates the concept of value in somebody’s mind. So you just have to think about these things when you start going into the pricing game.

So a lot of great books out there. I talk about price strategy quite a lot here. So go back and watch or listen to other episodes where we talk about pricing. But it’s really interesting stuff. It all comes down to psychology and it’s not anything I don’t think you can get around, I think it’s built into the human psyche.

So hopefully that’s helpful to you.

That’s all I have for tonight. We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Persistence: 4 Simple Steps 👣

Some words of wisdom from Napoleon Hill.


Persistence, 4 simple steps.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I want to talk about what Napoleon Hill said about persistence. Okay, this is one of my favorite sections of the old book, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.

This is one of those books, it’s not for everybody, in terms of it’s not always th easiest read. It has a very different style of language and everything else in it but it has so much good stuff.

It’s one of those that I have to have a physical copy of, there’s a lot of books, I don’t have physical copies of I’ll read things online or I’ll have an audiobook copy.

This is one that I’d like to go back to over and over again because I’m always catching new stuff. And usually, someone else tells me about it, which is a funny thing. My friend Joe had brought this up to me, Joe Melling out there.

He had brought up not to me specifically, but he was talking to a group of people about how to achieve consistency.

He didn’t talk about that a second, I’m gonna I’m going to cover what he pointed out of this book. First, I wanted to first remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at

If you go check that out, it lets me know that you’re watching and that you’re interested in the things I’m talking about.

This is all about how to overcome any competitive forces regardless of what industry you’re in. If you’re involved in business, it’s a great, great thing to check out I’d love to hear what your thoughts are on it.

As I said, you buy a copy or you can get a free copy at Now let’s talk about persistence. Sometimes the best way to understand a word is to look at its synonyms, you know the words that are like it.

So I love going to and typing in words and just see it. So persistence, these are words that have a similar meaning. Endurance, grit, perseverance, stamina, tenacity, own good action words, you know, constancy doggedness, follow through into indefatigably indefatigability, I’ve never I never know quite how to say that word.

It’s not used as often pluck in resolution. Those are the words for persistence. Get up and go get them to type of word, which is it’s a fine word. But there are other ways I like thinking about this.

One of the words I tend to use more often is consistent, versus persistent. And so I was looking up, I would say, what was the what’s the difference between these words?

This is pretty interesting. I found a little graphic that says, consistent versus persistent. Consistent. Well, let’s talk about persistent first persistent means continuing to do something, despite difficulties and challenges, which is good as you know, can I kind of get you going implies challenges, opposition, and difficulties.

It the connotations, connotations, like unrelenting, determined and resolute, okay, that’s what it’s giving off. It’s very much at persistence, very much an action word, you know, I, I picture up, you know, the guy with a sword going up against a, you know, Dragon or going up against the thorny bush or whatever, I think you know, that the prince in Sleeping Beauty that at the end was just going all again, is just as persistent.

Persistent, consistent has other connotations and I think it applies to most people most of the time if you can find a way to build a habit out of it.

Consistent means behaving or acting the same way or doing something the same way over time. You think, Okay, well, how is that different versus well, it it also implies evenness and steadiness. If you think of the word consistency.

It has a smooth feel, it’s, it’s about not making waves. It’s about not putting on a big fight. It’s about just being consistent doing it over and over and over.

It’s a little more boring, but it I think it tells different tale connotations, like steady, reliable, and stable. Okay.

So I, I tend to use consistency more often because I, I think that if you’re going to build a habit, if it takes too much willpower, it If you’ve got to, you know, pull it out from the depths of underneath you, then it won’t last, you know, you only got so much of that stuff.

But if you can make a steady drip, drip, drip, drip, that type of consistency, it tends to work well. But the same thing is true regardless of both of those actions. It’s it’s more of them.

There are more nuances to what’s going on in here. But this is really good that this is what Napoleon Hill says about persistence. This is in that and this is, by the way, this is the old 1937 version of the book, you get this unedited copy.

Most of the versions out there are edited and have been changed through the years both while he was alive and think after that this is one because it’s just the straight, the straight thing that he first put out, so I like, like hitting this one up. This is chapter nine, I think, yeah, chapter nine on persistence.

In this particular copy, this is page 240.

And it says, there are four simple steps which lead to the habit of persistence, they call for no great amount of intelligence, no particular amount of education and, but little effort, but little time or effort.

The necessary steps are okay ready to go. Number one definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment. Okay, so having a definite purpose back by burning desire, it’s got to be something that really gets you going, right?

That’s the first thing and that’s the thing a lot of people focus on, especially if they’re new to building a business or whatever else, they got that desire, you know, the dream and all that stuff. And that’s very important.

These other pieces, I think, get left out along the way.

Number two, is a definite plan expressed in continuous action.

Do you have a plan that is continuous?

Right, get into that consistent thing?

Do you have a plan that’s that is expressed and continuous action?

Are you going to be acting on a plan?

Do you have a plan that you’re going you can act on regularly, right?

Number three, a mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances. That’s a tough one. Okay.

That takes a little bit something extra, what I found is that, if you have if you can get away from any type of negative media, whether that be news or anything that turns you off, that turns on your negativity, if you get away from that, that’s a big thing.

If you have replacement media, all the better, you know, whether it be audiobooks or speech or speeches on tape, or that nowadays that webinars and everything else, that you can listen to things off of YouTube.

There’s so much out there that you can get including this show itself, okay, this is a form of positive help for you.

Just being able to just weed that stuff out, bring the other stuff in, that helps keep you keep you’re focused. That’s the third thing because here’s the fourth thing. And and this, this one, I think is ignored the most. I honestly do. I don’t think people understand this power. I really, it did not hit me.

As hard as it should have until just this past year. This is why I’m going through this. This was this was a quote I rediscovered this last year, because of my friend Joe. He says number four a friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose.

A friendly alliance with one or more persons having one or two or more people, that concept of accountability is huge.

It’s something that we oftentimes ignore. But it’s so huge to get something persistent, at least in the beginning, building up the habit of persistence, the habit, it takes time.

Like I said, it’s easier to talk about or think about in terms of consistency. Do that. That’s the four things. I’m going to talk a little bit more about this in the future. So stay tuned, be sure and subscribe, follow where or what have you wherever you’re at. You can always go check. Check out past episodes over at

That’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.