The Most Unbelievable Secret Experts Want Kept Hidden

Truth across the universe!

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


What is the most unbelievable secret that experts want kept hidden?

Well, we’re gonna get into it right now. Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, we are going to uncover something that if you can wrap your mind around it, it will save you a whole lot of time and money and effort. But it will also allow you to be able to look at things from a different angle, because there’s a lot of experts out there.

And if you’re an expert or someone that wants to be seen as an expert in your field, then you just need to understand this one, this one thing is going to save you a whole lot of time in thinking that you need to be original or anything else. Here’s what it basically comes down to experts when you’ve been in the field for some time.

Whether you’re some type of celebrity expert, or you’re some type of very niche expert, you deal in a very specific area. The thing that you bring people in on the way that you gain attention is oftentimes on very specific little items, very specific things that people go after. I’m thinking, this just popped in my head, a Perry Marshall wrote some great books on Google AdWords, he wrote the Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords, he wrote one on Facebook marketing, he got really into online advertising, and became famous for those books and all of the courses that he put out regarding those.

Over time, the people that do really well go beyond those specific items, the whole tactical deals that they have. And they stretch it out and into more strategy and eventually go into deep seated principles. Perry Marshall is a perfect example of that I bought a whole lot of his material over time.

Some of his stuff is extremely deep and goes really deep into principles of what I mean down into into faith and into the his perspective on the universe and physics and all this other stuff that you wouldn’t expect from somebody who’s the AdWords guru, right? But it’s there. And everybody who is an expert that goes to the next level and really makes a decent income added and is able to build out a really strong following goes from something very specific to something very, very broad and big and more principle based, something that is very truth oriented. Well, here’s the secret that’s not really the secret unto itself. The secret is, is that that real, heavy duty truth based stuff, when it’s really true. It it goes across all boards, and oftentimes they can present it as this is the truth about the health.

This is the truth about psychology, this is the truth about faith. And it doesn’t matter where you go. If you actually gain the truth in one area, you are gained the truth, a principle that can be applied to all other areas.

We really think we’ve got an entire piece of our society that to this day, it’s scary, how strong this is, how strong the scientist is, or the doctor, or the the studied person in a specific area as if they they have some magical knowledge. It’s very scary, because it puts a whole lot of us in an entire generation.

I’ve talked to a lot of people coming from the younger generations, for millennials to the Gen Zers.

There’s very much a mentality that’s been spread, that there are certain people with secret knowledge that you can’t pass possibly understand, unless you’ve gone to school and done studying and all this other stuff.

Now, I’m not saying there isn’t a whole lot that can be attained through school and studying and being very specific in your research. But the real truth behind everything is knowable by everybody.

It’s not that difficult. science itself is a great example, is one of those things that is completely not if you understand one area of science, it can be applied to all areas of science. It has reason spread throughout and truth. Whatever you define truth as truth in and of itself goes across the board.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking psychology or religion, if it’s a true thing, it’s true in all areas, in some in some way or fashion. But the real idea of experts is that, well, we’ve got a secret knowledge. So this has been done over time, whether they’re a religious expert, and they’re, they’re the expert on the Bible, and they know things that you can’t possibly know. Or they’re an expert on this or an expert on that. It’s true.

People that pay attention to it may know more, but a real good expert is a person that can get straight down and get you to the truth as quickly as possible down to the principle of what’s going on.

Because the principle is, is the thing that we all should have access to, there’s no reason why someone that doesn’t really know their stuff, that that really has a handle on it can’t make it plain and simple. So that an idiot like you and me can figure it out and you have to have to understand that going in so that you don’t think that you’re not an expert, because I guarantee you, you are an expert on something, because you just have a little bit of knowledge.

The real experts, the people that will make good money are the people that can help make that link between the everyday person, someone coming in off the street, and being able to show them the reality that’s hidden. That’s almost purposefully hidden through the secret societies and all these things.

I don’t mean conspiracy secrets sites, I mean, the actual secret societies that are out there in front of us, that all these organizations and everything else that give credentials to people, they give the appearance as if it’s, it’s this impossible knowledge that you can’t possibly wrap your mind around until you go through them. You have a way to be able to break through that.

I encourage you to do that with people allow people to see that what you do isn’t black magic. It isn’t anything. It’s probably very special and you probably have abilities and skills that you’ve worked up. I know I do. You’ve been able to work up through the years.

But the principles behind what you do are attainable. It’s understandable. And if you can explain it to people quickly and get them to that idea as quickly as possible and really get them to understand it.

Then you’re an expert, and you need to be out there and people need to hear what you’re saying. That’s what I’m all about is helping you to stand out. Okay, this is the process.

That’s what my whole books about, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s all about how to stand out apart from your competition, but standing out just the same.

Go get your own free copy at or you can just go and buy it on or anywhere else that books are sold.

We’ll be back here tomorrow, just like we are every night. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.