Dan Kennedy Endorses My Book? 👀

NO, Dan Kennedy didn’t endorse Brian’s book. But…Brian does highlight advice from Dan in an old Newsletter that fits with what Brian’s book is all about.


Dan Kennedy endorse my book?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let me just say, first off, that Dan did not come out and officially endorsed my book. But I wanted to bring it up because the things he’s saying he might as well be endorsing my book.

So this is the NOBS, magnetic marketing letter from October 2021.

Let’s talk about this a little bit, because starting on page nine, there’s a conversation that Dan Kennedy is having with Darin Spindler, the head of marketing over at magnetic marketing.

And they mentioned this book, The War On Small Business by Carol Roth, which I have not read, but discusses how that and Darren starts it out, as it is how Amazon has destroyed a lot of brick and mortar businesses.

Today, they announced they’re building brick and mortar department stores themselves.

They go back and forth, talking about how Amazon has done this to companies and how companies have set themselves up to make themselves into fodder for Amazon.

It’s a term that, that Dan Kennedy uses here, he actually calls that Amazon, as if it’s a verb. He says they just want to deploy and leverage all the assets they have, and every asset that they develop in every way they possibly can.

A little later on, he says, look, Amazon is very aggressive. They tell you that by their name, they’re a pretty ruthless company. They’re cash-rich, and they’re very data-rich, I have to say, for quite some time that there, if there is any real money in it, and it can be Amazon, it’s going to be Amazon.

And he goes on explaining about how so many things out there, especially commodities have been taken over by Amazon and Amazon goes in there and just strips that bear and finds a way to undercut people.

See here, a couple of other spots he’s talking about. Even in your industry, even if you’re in this industry can be Amazon, maybe you can’t.

I have a client now I talked to every month who’s in the hearing health business, and the hearing aid business is being Amazon.

I don’t mean just by Amazon, when I use that verb, I mean by Amazon or by Amazon like entities, in this case by both the whole bottom of that business gets eaten alive by being Amazon.

He talks about how the hearing aid business is being commoditized and being brought down to inexpensive have the ability to create inexpensive products by Amazon, by a Costco, and how they’re getting around that how this is one person’s get around that as he works on cochlear implant surgery.

Well, that’s not the type of thing that’s going to get Amazon because it’s so specific. It’s so high-end, people aren’t going to be shown how to do it on YouTube.

Really great stuff here from Dan Kennedy in his NOBS Magnetic Marketing Letter, which you can get by joining Magnetic Marketing.

I don’t get paid by endorsing them but it’s a great organization. And they just got acquired by Russell Brunson of ClickFunnels fame. Good stuff.

Hey, if you haven’t read my book yet, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I wrote this and I talked about Dan Kennedy and one of his books in here, at least one of his books, actually, I think I discussed two of his books in here.

But so much of what he has said over the years that inspired me to be able to see the way things that I see them and Amazon proofing your business isn’t about just proving it against Amazon, it’s making your business stand out in your industry to the point where your competitors are relevant.

So it’s making a completely competition-proof.

Go check out you go purchase a copy wherever books are sold or you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. That’s all I got for tonight.

You have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.