Circumstances Sometimes Win 😔

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Circumstances sometimes win.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live,

I’ve got a great story for you today. Today I had everything kind of lined up to get work done. And one thing after another kind of kept getting in the way, and but I got some things accomplished. And so it’s a Saturday. And for those of you who watch on regular basis, you know that I tend to use Saturday as it’s kind of a day for me just to heavily focus and get some work pounded out.

So I was doing pretty well for a while. And then we had an issue at home where the dryer broke. Now this wouldn’t be a big deal. I mean, we’re kind of close to the point to where we’re going to need a new dryer for our clothes. And so I was ready to kind of pull that trigger.

The problem is we’re backed up on our clothes, we’re in a situation where we had gone a few days without doing laundry, and we needed to do some laundry. Now, there’s a lot of different options you could take.

But I looked at the stuff that I had to do. And I said, Okay, I could carve out some time tomorrow to do some of that stuff. And I’ll have some time on Monday to be able to accomplish it. So there was nothing too pressing.

And there was a situation where I knew that if we went out and bought a dryer, that we’d probably be on a waiting list right now there’s an interesting thing if you haven’t gotten involved with appliances. Right now, during the COVID-19 crisis, we’re in October of 2020. And a lot of situations and a lot of places, it’s difficult to get certain large items that were a lot of the parts and so forth came from China.

So there’s all these issues involved, so that it’s difficult to get something that would have been pretty simple to get before. And so I knew we’d have to wait for that. I knew that if we were to have it professionally repaired, we’d have to wait for that.

So I just kind of said, Well, let me assess the situation, let me dig in, figure out what’s wrong. If it’s something simple, maybe it’s something I could figure out how to do.

I’m relatively handy when it comes to things like that. So I did that. And found out what was wrong was pretty obvious once I took the thing apart what was wrong, and what it would take to fix it.

So my wife and the kids went out and we’re looking for the parts around town to see if they can get something because it just be quicker than having to wait a few more days to get the parts and put the whole thing back together.

While they were doing that I was able to get a little bit more work done, but not much. And then when they return with the said part, so it all worked out good. And I started putting it back together, it took a little bit longer than I was hoping on and what I’d planned on. So finally got it all back together, it wasn’t functioning right. So I had to take it all apart again, figure out exactly what went wrong with me putting it back together, which it wasn’t that big of a deal was just a belt that was out of place.

And so I got it back in place, put it all back together, worked fine. Then you got the whole clean up everything, putting everything back together and making it look nice and everything else. And that took a little longer than I figured on.

The whole point is, is sometimes you know those best laid plans just don’t work out and you got to be okay. You got to be okay with circumstances winning.

Sometimes the circumstances are going to have more control over your life than you want. As long as it’s not. I mean, there’s the world, there were other options, I could have done something else. It’s not that we could have taken our laundry into town and had it cleaned professionally. It’s not that big a deal.

It was just one of those things where you got to choose your battles and choose the road that you’re going to take and see it and think or one that you think is going to work out best.

And sometimes it doesn’t work out as best as you thought it would. But sometimes you luck out. And I think I lucked out.

Circumstances kind of got control and I lost a whole lot of time and a whole lot of effort that I was going to be putting into something else. But it was okay. It all works out in the end.

You got to be willing to let circumstances when once in a while. It’s not that big of a deal. But I know as entrepreneurs as business owners, if you’re a hard driver, sometimes it’s difficult to let things happen that you didn’t plan on happening, but you got it you got to let it go.

If you get too caught up about one day’s worth of loss. Then if you get caught up on that you’re gonna die of a heart attack stroke or some some other horrible stress induced trauma. Don’t do it.

Don’t get caught up, yo let it go. Mark one in the books for a win for the other side and move on. Just a simple idea for today.

If you’d like to experience some of my more larger ideas, things that can actually change your life because they’ll have such a dramatic effect on your business. Check out nine ways to Amazon proof your business. You get a free copy over at or you could buy it wherever you buy your books, Amazon or anywhere else.

You have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.