I’m Doing Content Marketing, Now What? 🤔

Thoughts on repurposing your content marketing.


Doing content marketing, now what?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’ve been talking about content marketing, about putting out content out into the ether, and seeing what sticks seeing what comes back.

Most of the time we’re going to be talking about how to do that online, you can do it really anywhere, any form of advertising can be content. A lot of times they, in the old days, these home advertorials, which were ad for advertising, that were also kind of had a editorial feel to them in a newspaper or a magazine.

This over and over and over again, where you start reading something, you start looking at something, then you realize, wait a second, this is an advertisement, it’s you know, and you get pulled into it.

So that’s where infomercials came from, you know, the advertisements that were done on TV late at night, so forth and you see it that line melds a whole lot online.

Because there’s really nobody regulating it, there’s really nobody paying that close attention while there are regulators but it’s not a big deal.

So that’s all content marketing, though, because you could get quality information from something that could be an ad, or it could be seen as an ad or has a small element of it.

That’s advertising or marketing.

We’ve talked about content marketing. And if you’re out there, if you’re doing it on a regular basis online is simple, because you got all these platforms that are free to publish.

It doesn’t take that much more money to pay for advertising to get it out to a larger crowd, and to get to a specific crowd. So all these things are possible with content marketing, advertising is a big piece. But I want to talk about something else a little bit different.

Today, I want to talk about information marketing. Because if you are putting out content on a regular basis, you’re creating content on a regular basis. And that content has a value unto itself. Yeah, it’s available for free online.

But that doesn’t mean it can’t be sold. There’s a lot of people that are doing podcasts and everything else putting out free content out there.

And then taking and repurposing it. Let’s say you have an audio podcast that goes out tons of audio podcasts, sell their transcripts in book format, or note book format, where they’re it’s just it’s nothing more than the written words of the words that you can get for free online.

But if you consolidate it in a certain way, it creates a new value.

I held this up in the very beginning, because this is a book by Gary Halbert, he put this out. This is called How to Make Maximum Money in Minimum Time. You can go and find a copy of this somewhere online.

And the brilliant thing about this book for one thing, if you don’t know anything about Gary Halbert was an amazing copywriter, amazing sales person in print.

And so just reading his words, give you this incredible feel for the type of writer he was and how he sucks you in and can get to a point in a very different type of way. And it’s something to study just on its own.

But if you just look at what he did, this all came just about each piece of this except for the very beginning and the very end, he kind of introduces it. And then he kind of concludes it at the end with new material.

But everything else in between are articles out of a newsletter, which he previously sold to customers, before people would get on a monthly newsletter and be able to get those in the mail and so forth, and then eventually online via email.

That’s all these are all these are articles out of his newsletters repurpose, put in a book and sold as a book.

Does the information have less value?

No, it has more value in a lot of cases, because it’s perceived value because I have an ebook form. I am getting a different value out of it than I would a newsletter. I perceive it differently and your customers will too.

The fact that you just have information products about these topics that you’re talking about on a daily or weekly basis, or what have you be a content marketing that’s valuable.

You can take these things, you’ve determined the books, you could turn them into audio packs, you could turn them into downloadables you could take things off of the free end and put it on the paid end. And even if that isn’t your main source of income, that’s not the point.

The fact that you have this information that you have out there that it’s available. It brings the value of everything else that you’re doing and promoting up whether anyone purchases it or not just you having it there gives you high authority gives you more of a background, more depth, and the ability for people to find out more about you.

Whether they do or they don’t, they respect you more. They look at you quite a bit differently. I hope I hope that makes sense to you. We’ll talk more about this as time goes on.

Because information marketing is a powerful powerful tool and content marketing, just just simple daily or weekly content marketing can create you information products very easily.

My entire book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business is nothing more than a consolidation of my daily videos all on this topic. And then took those, reworder them a little bit to fit the book style, and added a little bit more information here and there.

Other than that, that’s what this book is made up of. You can find and I mentioned it in the very beginning of the book, you can find all this information online. If you want to go search out the videos, you can go watch the videos, but that’s not the point.

The point is it has a value unto itself in book form and it’s another example of how to do this by the way you can get your own free copy at AmazonProofBook.com that’s all I got for today. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.