Experts Are People Too 😉

Thoughts on the importance of not getting too “caught up” with guru’s.


Experts are people too.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

One of the things that you’re seeing right now around the world is questioning and worshipping at the same time expertise in all its forms. In terms of people that have degrees, in terms of people that have specialized knowledge, in terms of just across the board, on all levels, you a lot of people say that experts cannot be questioned.

Here’s the thing we have to keep in mind, this is not a political issue. It’s used within the world of politics but there is no political party that is free of this. There is no political philosophy, there are no people within any given philosophy that is not prone to expert worship.

If there’s something built into the human psyche, that causes us to first hold a person up, and then pass off all of our reliance on that person for judgment on any given topic.

Oftentimes, we’ll let them go far beyond what we consider their specialized knowledge. Because if they’re smart, they’re they miss, they must be smart in other areas.

So we saw this, we saw this quite a lot, you know, regardless of what side that you were on, during the COVID 19 pandemic, a whole lot of this happened where you were not allowed to question, expertise on any given level.

Then so that leads a whole section of the population to I don’t know if you could call it overly question, but to become to where they automatically assume that the experts are wrong, because it seemed safer than going along with the experts being right.

Neither side I think is in the right in that I do think that proper questioning needs to happen. Now let’s pull it back into the business. That’s what I’m talking about very broadly, I want to talk about this in terms of business, the same thing is true.

Whoever you’re looking to bring on as an expert, whoever you’re looking to bring into the fold, or to trust or to hire any of those experts, they’re all people.

People make mistakes, right down to the person I haven’t met yet, that is not making mistakes.

I haven’t met one yet. That isn’t, in most cases, really good at something. Most people are good at something. Some people are outrageously good at certain things, but you go outside of that realm for them. And they could be very wrong, deadly wrong, in many cases on things.

If we don’t acknowledge that for one thing, the desire for expertise, the desire for the wizard, you know, for us having somebody that knows much more than us on any given topic. The desire for us to hand over the reins to that person that’s built into humans, but also built into humans is the reality that they’re that experts are people too, and they’re going to make mistakes, one way or another.

Now, how does that come back to you?

This comes back to a phrase that I’ve heard only uttered by Dan Kennedy, where he says…and if you’re not aware Dan Kennedy, as a marketing expert, has written a number of books, you can go and look him up. Dan Kennedy said to be the wizard, beware of the wizard.

In other words, while you need to be were the wizards out there those people who we give almost magical abilities because they’re so far beyond us in a given field, you also need to be that person because in a sense, if you are out there, putting forth a personality in your marketing.

The concept of content marketing is one of the things I love to talk about because if you’re providing any type of content, heavy, commercial, or material out there, that is also working as marketing then you really need a personality involved either a real personality or a fake character.

You need to have somebody, you need to have a personality tied to it.

That personality is going to be an expert about something, whether they like it or not, it’s going to tie back to your product or service in some way or fashion.

You have to acknowledge that for that personality to be useful, they have to be some type of expert. Now they don’t have to be a doctor in lab coats and they don’t need to, they don’t need to have any specific degree.

They just need to hold themselves as knowing something that somebody else may not know or that it’s having an experience that other people don’t have, this isn’t difficult to do, because we all have experiences that other people don’t have.

We all know something that a portion of the population doesn’t know. And doesn’t matter who you are.

It doesn’t matter if you’re working on a cattle ranch, or if you’ve worked, in the halls of Congress in Washington, DC. Everyone has special knowledge. And when you can build that into your marketing, and just acknowledge that you are a different person with a different point of view, you automatically will become the wizard.

At the same time you have to be were the wizard that’s out there in everybody else trying to get us to put trust, put automatic trust, unwavering trust and unquestioning trust in them.

Yes, there are people that know more than you.

Yes, you do need to trust them to an extent but it’s the trust but verify the concept.

Beware of wizards, beware your own desire to hand over responsibility to them. It’s difficult. It’s an interesting balancing act. But experts are people too. And I talk a lot about this in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business is not a very big book, but I’ve got a whole chapter on being somebody about how to stand out and and by using the personality within your content marketing.

You go pick up a copy of the book wherever you buy books or what have you. Or you can download a free digital copy at

That’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business gives it an That’s all I have for tonight. We’ll be back here tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Beware: Wizards, Guru’s & Influencers 🧙

Thoughts on being mindful of the good and bad of influencers in our lives.


Beware: wizards, gurus, and influencers.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I love when I kick the camera stand like then just kind of shake the camera around. That’s always nice.

Welcome back, I heard some news today that reminded me of something that I need to be reminded of from time to time, even though I talk about it a lot. There’s a line from Dan Kennedy who said, Be the wizard, beware the wizard.

And the concept is that you need to in order to make a difference in the world, you kind of have to be a leader, and you kind of have to be out there in front of it.

In that process, you are kind of putting on a show, so to speak. I mean, I’m kind of putting on a show here. I mean, in the most literal terms, I am, Brian J Pombo Live. But you do kind of have to put on a show. And it’s the things that, you know, as simple and mundane as they are to you to somebody out there, it’s magic to somebody out there the things that you know, is magic, or are magic, I should say.

And it’s like you’re a wizard.

To really make a difference in this world, you kind of have to be a wizard, you kind of have to be out there and put on the magic show. Not that you need to go out there and lie or mislead or anything of the sort. But you do have to kind of be a wizard.

But at the same time, you have to be where other wizards are because there’s an issue with all of us to a greater extent or a lesser extent, but everyone’s got it to some extent where we’re looking for people to be influenced by we’re looking to pass on our I’m not sure the word off the top of my head, our responsibility pass on our responsibility to somebody else.

When you do that, you kind of put them up on a pedestal and you turn them into a wizard. And you just figure and every time your mind says Well, that was kind of strange what that person did, or I don’t really agree with that.

That there’s another part of your mind that says yeah, but they’re the wizard, they understand something that you don’t know.

You can pass on a whole lot of key cues that are going in your head saying, This isn’t right, that isn’t right. Could pass on those you pass on all that better judgment, all that better discernment because you’ve put somebody up on a pedestal.

This can be a teacher, this can be a preacher, this could be a guru online. This could be somebody that you’re watching on YouTube or listening to on a podcast and you think, well, they’ve got to know what they’re talking about, they’re doing what they do.

It may be somebody that just wrote a book.

I mean, I went out and wrote, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. And because of that, I get a whole lot of attention, do or undo, because I went out wrote a book and other people didn’t write a book.

I get attention for having a podcast when other people could easily just as easily write a book or have a podcast. But they don’t know that it’s easy. And so it’s special.

And so I’m a wizard for doing it.

It’s not that I want to be a wizard, but it does kind of come with the territory and you do tend to attract people to a certain extent when you’re out there doing stuff.

There’s also the temptation to go along with that and take advantage of and all that too. You know, if you’re really got a following. And I imagine that’s a problem that, well, something I don’t have to worry about right now. We can say that.

But you have to be where I want to focus less on being a wizard, because that’s a lot of what I focus on.

In fact, you can get a copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, get a free copy at

And if you go and download that it tells you some ways of how to use wizardry, so to speak, to do what you need to do in order to grow your business and become competition-proof.

That’s what that book is about.

But I would like to focus more on the fact that I found out that a wizard I knew was just spinning magic tricks and was doing some rather foul things behind the scenes that would not become him.

And is not the type of thing that would follow along with everything else that this person proposes to be. And that’s pretty rough, but it’s the truth most of the time, most of the time we give people more credit than they really have do to them.

And what you really should do is pay closer attention to that inner voice that’s just telling you when and where to go and don’t get too caught up with people realize that people are going to get caught up with you along the way.

You don’t need to encourage them to, they’re going to get caught up with you if you’re out there doing anything positive. But on the same end, don’t get caught up with other people.

It’s a dangerous road to go down and it can be really bad in certain circumstances. And it could just be a distraction away from your true path,so to speak, if you’re not careful.

So just a quick reminder, something you already know. But sometimes we need to hear it from our friends. So that’s for me to you for tonight. That’s all I got.

You have a good one Thanksgivings coming up.

We’ll see it tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.