Gifts for Local Business 🎁🦊 (ROE Motors & GP CarFox)

Brian shares a gift he got from GP CarFox of ROE Motors, while attending his local Grants Pass Chamber Greeters Meeting.


Gifts for local business.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I have here a gift from a local, I guess we could call her an influencer. Amy fox, GP CarFox here in Grants Pass is a bit of a local celebrity among people who know her.

She has developed kind of a persona, and I’m here to talk with you about it today.

First, I want to remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at Or you can purchase a hardcopy wherever books are sold, including

But I want to show you now what is this gift.

This is a gift that I received from attending the Chamber of Commerce meeting today. And that’s why I wanted to go over it, and haven’t even taken the ribbon off of it yet because we are going to unwrap it right here.

I want to I want to kind of break this down for you.

Now what happens it specifically at our chamber of commerce and you can I don’t old Chamber of Commerce work a little bit differently, but they tend to have a weekly or bi weekly mixer type meeting. We call ours greeters.

You go to a greeters meeting and everybody has Well, in our case, we have 30 seconds in order to give kind of an elevator pitch for our business, and a lot of them mostly people you’ve heard something from them before, but some people try and wrap in news and other things.

They’re also allowed, you’re also allowed to bring a gift every time. So to pass on to the next speaker, whoever gets their card pulled next. Now let’s take a look at this. This was a gift that I ended up with. Right take this ribbon off, let’s break this down.

So who is Amy Fox?

Amy Fox is a as a car salesperson here locally. And so she always gives away Little Hot Wheels. Cars. Here’s one here.

That’s cool. It’s a Rally Baja Crawler. Tyler is going to love that. My son is a Hot Wheels junkie, so he’s definitely going to love that.

Along with that I’m saving some of the best pieces here for last. We’ve got Baby Ruth funds eyes for people that enjoy their candies. I mean, how do you get go wrong with candy?

If you if you don’t eat candy, you can always pass it on to somebody else. So that’s I mean how you go wrong with that. That’s awesome.

Also, this is unique, the $2 bill one of these nice, fresh $2 bills, unusual because you don’t see them very often.

The famous for Jefferson being on the front, if you don’t know about $2 bills go and look it up. It’s fascinating history.

Then here’s the cool part. She’s got her card, which is very cool.

But look at this…she has her own kind of logo, Amy Fox, and she’s got the little cartoon Fox there with her phone number. She’s with ROE Motors here in Grants Pass.

She always has kind of little updates on what they’re doing locally at ROE Motors in terms of what they have available and so forth.

It’s always very interesting.

She also does a lot of social media videos on social media, which is very cool and unique for local. A lot of local businesses do not take full advantage of video. So that’s a quick tip on top of anything else and doesn’t have to be fancy video, you could just be behind the wheel, giving an update.

She’s got her own logo sticker with phone number and email address. So this works as a quasi business card, but also something that you could put up that people were saying, what is that, right?

How do you go wrong with having having your own logo that reminds people of your last name, that’s just the coolest thing of all. Hey, Amy, we’d love to have you on Grants Pass VIP, the podcast that’s all about Grants Pass and Josephine County as a whole, the movers and shakers that work here.

So if you know Amy, be sure and send this to her, make sure she sees it and Amy reached out to me and let’s let’s get you on the show because this is quality stuff.

It’s really important whether your chamber of commerce offers a gift giving a situation like this, or whether you just need to do it yourself.

If you’re if you have a local community or you have any type of community that you’re able to plug into of professionals, of potential clients, customers, patients, parishioners, what have you, it whatever you’re looking for.

You need to give out gifts in order to get attention It’s a simple concept. It’s not over the top, and people aren’t going to hate you for it.

They’ll enjoy the gift even if it’s something simple and or silly, and you can’t go wrong, you can’t go wrong with a gift. That’s just another way to be able to stand out. And the more unique your gift is, the more you stand out, the more people will think about you talk about you.

Maybe they’ll even talk about you on their video podcast. So that’s all I have for tonight, you have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.